Congratulations to the 2022recipients of the DTA! Nominations are due the first Friday of February. Letters from colleagues whohave direct knowledge of the candidate's teaching abilities and achievements. More information about the nominees and the award can be found here, Multiscale Analysis of Materials & Structures (MAMS) laboratory, Dept. Members of the Selection Committee are permitted to read the files for that nomination yearafter the Deans from their respective faculties have reviewed the files. Based on consideration of dossiers, and criteria listed below a formal recommendation is made to the Vice Chancellor. During her time at UW Tacoma Sellmaier has created and implemented new coursework at both the undergraduate and graduate level in the field of disability studies.
Exemplifies openness to a broad range of ethical and intellectual inquiry; Has led students to academic and personal success; Inspires and cultivates excellence in the achievements of all students; Serves as a model of inspired and challenging teaching; Stimulates and supports active and continuous learning. Accessibility and Accommodations Statement. Claudia Sellmaier, Ph.D.

For more information about each of these award programs, visit ourExternal Teaching Awardspage. CTEs face-to-faceworkshops typically involve a mix of presentation and discussion-based activities, and we encourage a scent-free environment. Supportive letters from a number of peopleare more indicative of the nominee's favourable and lasting influence than a single letter with hundreds of signatures appended. Thank you for your nominations; the 2023 award cycle will begin in Autumn 2022. The award is open to all those who teach students in the University of Waterloo and its federated and affiliated colleges. It'simportant that evidence be collected from as. Each year, the Selection Committee reviews many nominations and a number of excellent candidates must be passed over simply because the awards are limited to four per year. Learn more about eligibility, criteria, and how to submit a nomination. Visit our list of DTA Recipients. They are presented here as suggestions if these types of resources are available to you. THANK YOU, Contact: Senate Office Assistant: April, Senate of Academic Staff President: Erin McArthur ( Dr. Holly Attenborough, associate professor of mathematics at UW-Platteville, was recently honored with the 2021 Distinguished Teaching Award from the Wisconsin Section of the Mathematical Association of America. Quality of nominations is more important than quantity.
The DTA selection committee, appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, is chaired by a previous DTA recipient and includes at least three faculty members, a current student representative and an alumni representative. You should also feel free to submit other materials that are not included on this list. The Distinguished Teaching Award was establishedin 1995 and recognizes a University of Washington Tacoma faculty member. Attenborough also helped develop a new first-year mathematics seminar, to be taught for the first time in fall of 2021. The Committee, appointed by Senate, consists of three undergraduate students (nominated by Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association), two graduate students (nominated by the Graduate Student Association), one representative from the Alumni Association, four members of Faculty, and the Provost as chair. The four recipients are announced at Senate by the Associate Vice-President, Academic in April. The committee follows a process. Dr. Sellmaier incorporates high-impact practices such as service learning and independent mentored projects in her teaching. At least five should be from present or former students. Senate meetings will be held virtually for the Fall 2021 & Spring 2022 semesters. Over the next month, committee members review all nomination files for that year that contain 10 or more nomination letters. Evidence of major contribution to curriculum development.
Upon receipt of additional supporting material, Attenborough will become the Wisconsin Section nominee for the MAA's Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. Self-nominations are not accepted. Want to learn about how to write a strong letter of nomination? This award is the highest teaching distinction an instructor can receive at the University of Washington. Sellmaier regularly receives strong course evaluations from her student who report feeling respected, included, supported and encouraged to try new things.
Honours and awards for teaching, for example from student societies or professional organizations. The Selection Committee meets in mid-February to review the DTA criteria and process. These awards include: the 3M Teaching Fellowships,the OCUFA Teaching Awards, the D2LInnovation Award in Teaching and Learning, the Alan Blizzard Award,and the Reimagine Education Awards. Marco is nominated for the UW Distinguished Teaching Award! No. Criteria have been developed to help identify exceptionally meritorious teaching. For support in nominating an instructor for an external award, contact Alisa Sivak, Communications Associate, CTE. Nominations submitted to the Seattle DTA site will not be forwarded to UW Bothell. Our active work toward reconciliation takes place across our campuses through research, learning, teaching, and community building, and is centralized within our Office of Indigenous Relations. Sept. 23, 2021Oct. Membership is normally for two years, with half the membership changing annually. Information and nomination instructions for the Distinguished Teaching Award, Senate Office Information 2021-2022: (Staff Shared Governance Groups), The office hours will be held back in person for 2021-2022. Members of the University community are urged to renominate candidates who have not won an award in previous years and who continue to show excellence in teaching performance. Wewelcome accompanying assistants, interpreters, and note-takers. Fax: 519 888 9806 The following is a list of items that are often included in successful nomination letters. Recipients are chosen based on a variety of criteria includinga mastery of their subject matter, integration of scholarship into teaching, inspiring excellence in students, and innovations in course and curriculum design. Attenborough has been a member of the Mathematics Department for nine years, during which she has taught 15 different courses, ranging from Math Explorations for non-science majors to Abstract Algebra for math majors. However, in March 1988 Senate approved a fourth award for: Non-regular faculty members (i.e. The main criterion of the Distinguished Teacher Award is a record ofexcellent teachingover an extended periodat Waterloo, usually at least five years. CTEs online workshops are delivered through either WebEx,Microsoft Teams, or Bongo with the audio component available either as captioning or a transcript. The DTA is awarded to up to four instructors annually at the April meeting of Senate. 24, 2022March 10, 2022March 31, 2022April 14, 2022April 28, 2022May 12, 2022, Erin McArthur, President (2021-2022)UWO Libraries - Polk Library (920) 424-1361, Ane Carriveau, President-Elect (2021-2022)UWO Libraries - Fox Cities (920) 832-2675, April Dutscheck, Senate Office University AssociateSenate OfficeDempsey Hall, Room 205 (920) 424-2102. School of Social Work & Criminal Justice. Winning nominees must display extraordinary success in teaching mathematics. part-time faculty, full and part-time staff, and faculty members holding adjunct appointments). 1900 Commerce Street, Tacoma, WA 98402-3100, UW Climate Survey Reports and Implementation Plans, UW Climate Survey Response and Implementation, Weichao Yuwen, Committee Chair, Assistant Professor, Aaron Hastings, Associate Teaching Professor, Morgan Heinz, Assistant Teaching Professor, Jutta Heller, Associate Teaching Professor, Monika Sobolewska, Associate Teaching Professor. Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM), Distinguished Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities Award, Undergraduate Academic Advising Leadership Council, Campus-wide Initiative Project for Marginalized Faculty, Diversity in the Context of Faculty Searches, Faculty Compensation (Buyout, Overload, Cancellation, etc), Community-Based Learning and Research: Student Resources.
The Distinguished Teaching Award (DTA) is presented each year to a UW Bothell faculty member in recognition of teaching that richly exemplifies the high standards at the heart of the academic mission of the University of Washington Bothell. Please note that some accommodations may require time to arrange. Assistant Professor 18, 2021Dec. Each committee member selects five worthy nominationsfor consideration, and the committee makes their final decision in March. Nominations for the 2022Distinguished Teaching Award are closed.
Evidence of successful innovation in teaching or publications or presentations on teaching and learning may support a nomination, but it is also clear that excellence in teaching does not necessarily require either. Recipients are announced at the April meeting of the University Senate. CTEs online workshops are delivered through either WebEx,Microsoft Teams, or Bongo with the audio component available either as captioning or a transcript. Attenborough is the 25th recipient in the 30-year history of the award, and the fourth from UW-Platteville. Dr. Attenborough continues a long legacy of excellence in teaching mathematics on the UW-Platteville campus, and I am very pleased to congratulate her on this recognition from the MAA Wisconsin Section.. The purpose of the Edward M. Penson Distinguished Teaching Award is to emphasize the Universitys commitment to teaching excellence and to stress the importance of teaching to the University. Location: Meetings will be held virtually for Fall 2021 & Spring 2022 semesters. The University of Waterloo is committed to achieving barrier-free accessibility for persons with disabilities who are visiting, studying, or working at Waterloo. UW System Board of Regents Academic Staff Excellence Awards, Leadership, Literacy and Social Foundations. Applying effective and timely ways of assessing student learning to improve instruction as well as learning; Being an accessible and effective mentor outside the classroom; Challenging and expanding traditional ways of knowing; Development of innovative teaching methods; Demonstrating leadership in curriculum development within the teacher's own course offerings and at the program and cross-program levels; Finding ways of enriching clinical experiences; Incorporating current scholarship into course content; Integration of multiple disciplines into one's teaching; Offering independent studies and internships that consistently stimulate, inspire, and move beyond conventional expectations. If you have questions concerning access, such as parking, building layouts, or obtaining workshop content in alternative formats, or wish to request accommodations for our programming, please let us know by emailing, > > > Undergraduate degree-level expectations, Student Led Individually Created Courses (SLICCs), Certificates in University Language Teaching, Effective Letters for Teaching Award Nominations, Amit & Meena Chakma Awards for Exceptional Teaching by a Student, Centre for Extended Learning Online Teaching Awards, evidence of intellectual vigour and communication skills in the interpretation and presentation of subject matter, evidence of educational impact beyond the classroom, the instructors human quality and concern for and sensitivity to the needs of students, a clear indication that the nominee has a favourable and lasting influence on students, and, where relevant, on colleagues, Ensure that the instructor hasn't already received a DTA by visiting our. 9, 2021, Spring 2022 (virtual)Jan. 13, 2022Feb. Attenborough was honored at the Wisconsin Sections Annual Meeting, which took place virtually on April 23. Attenborough understands the importance of building positive connections with the students to build rapport, said Dr. Timothy Deis, professor of mathematics. student projects or theses submitted for publication, prizes and honours awarded to students, examples of excellent student work). At most, one award is given per year. Marco to attend the ACMA Aerospace Thermoplastic Composites Collaborative Strategic Roadmapping Session, Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for autoimmune diseases. No. 4, 2021Nov. She is passionate about mathematics and passionate about student learning. Examples include, but are not limited to: Please note, the DTA nomination process for the Seattle and Tacoma campuses are both separate and different, with earlier closing dates. The Wisconsin Section Distinguished Teaching Award was established in 1991 to emphasize the high importance that colleges and universities in Wisconsin place on teaching mathematics. of Aeronautics & Astronautics, University of Washington, Guggenheim Hall, 3940 Benton Ln NE, Seattle, WA 98195, United States, Call: +1 (206) 543 2170 Email: Yes. The DTA isnot limited to faculty members it's open to all those who teach students at the University of Waterloo. 21, 2021Nov. Dr. These records are maintained in the strictest confidence by the Centre for Teaching Excellence. The University of Waterloo acknowledges that much of our work takes place on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. Each year, the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh recognizes the contributions of its faculty and instructional academic staff members with the Edward M. Penson Distinguished Teaching Award. Additionally, the recipient is traditionally the speaker at UW Bothells Convocation in September. ReadEffective Letters for Teaching Award Nominations. It takes only one nomination letter from a student in the current year to make a file of accumulated past support admissible, and new and additional evidence is always desirable. Such teaching: These criteria are met in a variety of ways. CTEs face-to-faceworkshops typically involve a mix of presentation and discussion-based activities, and we encourage a scent-free environment. From 1989 to 2005, one of the four annual awards was set aside for "non-regular" instructors, but in 2005 Senate passed a motion stating "that the categories of Distinguished Teacher Award - DTA, DTA [Non regular] - be removed, and that up to 4 awards be made each year to Distinguished Teachers.". Our institution is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land promised to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River. Undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, faculty, or colleagues may submit nominations. Recipients are to be chosen from among nominees by a Selection Committee of faculty and students. She is a phenomenal lecturer, but she also is truly gifted at creating in-class activities and outside projects to help students explore and interact with the material, said Dr. Daniel Wackwitz, assistant professor of mathematics. Evidence of success of former students that can be traced back to the influence of the candidate (e.g. Deadline:4:30pmon thefirst Friday in February. It also recognizes stellar contributions to teaching, learning, and discovery in and beyond the classroom. This nomination acknowledges the commitment to providing students with excellent instruction. It is no surprise to me that Dr. Attenborough has been recognized with this award, said Dr. Molly Gribb, dean of the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science. The nominees teaching approaches, special strengths, teaching innovations, and impact on student learning and developmentwith evidence of the nominee's success in promoting better student learning. In short: after reviewing the nomination letters, the committee invites some or all nominees to submit a complete dossier of supporting materials. If you have questions concerning access, such as parking, building layouts, or obtaining workshop content in alternative formats, or wish to request accommodations for our programming, please let us know by emailing Want to know who received a DTA in the past? The University plans to honour three Distinguished Teachers each year. presenting seminars on teaching, acting as a mentor to new faculty, organizing workshops for teaching assistants). The University of Waterloo is committed to achieving barrier-free accessibility for persons with disabilities who are visiting, studying, or working at Waterloo. If you have questions about the DTA, please contact Trevor Holmes atCTE. The DTA awards were approved by Senate on December 15, 1975, with the following explanatory statement: "The Distinguished Teacher Award has been set up by the Senate of the University of Waterloo in recognition of the great importance of excellence in teaching at all levels in the University. Copyright 1995-2022 University of Wisconsin-Platteville and The Board of Regents - University of Wisconsin System, Written by Dr. Benjamin V.C. ", Until 1988 three awards were made each year (except for 1983 when four DTAs were awarded because the committee felt unable to differentiate between the top candidates). Renominations submitted by the same person, for the same instructor, are not recommended unless there is considerable new evidence.