(To peal off small ones is very time-consuming). Winning Words stickers are a small, fun way to brighten a student's day. Each pack of stickers includes 6 sheets of 12 die-cut stickers for a total of 72 stickers.
Make sure to view Carson-Dellosas other Aim High products to create a cohesive classroom theme. If the subtotal is greater than $1,000, please e-mail. This is Rainbow Resource Centers promise to you: We will not sell, rent, or give your personal information to any other organization. dojo.topic.subscribe("Quantity_Changed", function(catEntryQuantityObject) {
: All rights reserved. Education happens everywhere, and Carson Dellosa strives to provide the tools needed to inspire learning everywhere it happens. The maximum number of products that can be compared is 4. Michaels and the Michaels logo and other trademarks and logos used on this site are owned or licensed by Michaels Stores, Inc. All rights reserved. Winning Words stickers are a small, fun way to brighten a student's day. Click OK to extend your time for an additional 0 minutes. Il ne reste plus que 10exemplaire(s) en stock. "catentry_id" : "3074457345617070702", Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Habituellement expdi sous 6 10 jours.
NO monthly membership fees. Muy bonitas y de buena calidad, el producto que esperaba por el costo. The Galaxy sticker pack features assorted star designs with marbled blue backgrounds, gold borders, and speckled star designs. Great deal all around. By submitting a question, you agree to our. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 3ans.
As a teacher, it is sometimes hard to find a package of stickers that contain larger stickers. Si vous acceptez, nous utiliserons galement des cookies complmentaires votre exprience d'achat dans les boutiques Amazon, comme dcrit dans notre Avis sur les cookies.
Orders placed by 11:00 AM Central Time using second day or next day will ship the same day. All credit card and check information is automatically deleted off of our systems once payment has been received. The item you've selected was not added to your cart. These are not tiny stickers, they are a nice size! : dojo.connect(dojo.byId("_3074457345618329065ShoppingList_0"),"onmouseover", function(){ This 72 sticker pack contains 6 sheets of 12 colorful die-cut stickers. You may return the item to a Michaels store (excluding Michaels Pro Returns) or by mail. Don't forget to browse coordinating accents to complement your Galaxy theme. $4.99 eval("shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065.deleteItemFromCart();"); Free shipping calculation is based on the subtotals of eligible items, after any additional discounts are applied. Quill Lincolnshire, Inc. 2022, All Rights Reserved. These motivational stickers can be used in the classroom or at home to create projects, assignments or to reward students for their hard work. Expdi et vendu par ErgodeBooks Ships From USA. "Attributes" : { "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/wcsstore/SSICatalogAssetStore/2003918_A_ecommthumbnail.jpg" 2022 School Specialty, LLC. Nous utilisons des cookies et des outils similaires qui sont ncessaires pour vous permettre d'effectuer des achats, pour amliorer vos expriences d'achat et fournir nos services, comme dtaill dans notre Avis sur les cookies. Each sticker pack includes 6 sheets that feature inspirational quotes such as "PASSPORT TO ADVENTURE", "ENJOY THE JOURNEY", "WANDER & WONDER", "SPREAD YOUR WINGS", and more. , Fabricant Supershapes Stickers Variety Pack, 2500 Ct, Kind Vibes : Doodle Hearts Shape Stickers, 72/Pk, School Fun Sparkle Stickers & Reg ; Variety Pack, 648 Ct. Carson-Dellosa's versatile shape stickers are perfect for motivation and decorationyou can add them to homework assignments to reward students or place them on bulletin board displays for a pop of color. shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065.exceptionFlag = true; document.getElementById('_3074457345618329065ShoppingListLink_0').focus(); });
Powered by Shopify, Carson Dellosa Motivational Stickers, 120 Pack, Choose Theme.
This item cannot ship to a P.O. Curbside Pickup Now Available, Click Here to Learn More! Nous ne partageons pas les dtails de votre carte de crdit avec les vendeurs tiers, et nous ne vendons pas vos donnes personnelles autrui. "MediaFullImage" : { View our shipping destinations and policies. "MediaItem" : { shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065 = new ShoppingListJS({storeId: '10801',catalogId: '10101',langId: '-1'}, {id: '3074457345617070702',name: 'Carson Dellosa Celebrate Learning Motivational Stickers, 72 Pieces', image: 'https://images.schoolspecialty.com/images/2003918_A_ecommfullsize.jpg', type: 'ItemBean', components: {}, skus: []}, {}, "shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065"); , Date de mise en ligne sur Amazon.fr Aim High motivational stickers inspire good behavior and hard work with positive messages.Encourage students to be their best with Aim High Motivators. Copyright 2022 Knowledge Tree , All Rights Reserved. ], [ You may initiate a return for unused items within 30 days, if the items are in original packaging with all original materials included with the shipment. Cliquez sur Personnaliser les cookies pour refuser ces cookies, faire des choix plus dtaills ou en savoir plus. Recognize a job well done with fun, inspirational stickers for students! Carson Dellosa Education Galaxy Sticker Pack, 12 Packs of 72, https://www.michaels.com/carson-dellosa-education-galaxy-sticker-pack-12-packs-of-72/D223354S.html. All classroom stickers are acid-free and lignin-free. , Information indisponible sur les pices dtaches. This Web site is intended only for use by U.S. residents. Les avis clients, y compris le nombre dtoiles du produit, aident les clients en savoir plus sur le produit et dcider s'il leur convient. Items Shipped Within the Contiguous 48 United States, *Note: Individually negotiated shipping policies will override the standard shipping policy. CARSON-DELLOSA School Days: Kid-Drawn Motivational Stickers 630, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"https://ir.ebaystatic.com/cr/v/c1/thirtysevens.jpg","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. View Full Shipping Policy and Pricing , If your Michaels.com purchase does not meet your satisfaction, you may return it within two months (60 days) of purchase. dojo.topic.subscribe("ShoppingListItem_Added", function() { Great stickers for my ESL classes! eval("shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065.updateShoppingListAndAddItem(serviceResponse);"); Very Cool!
Contact Us. $1.00, Creative Teaching Press Bright Smiles Hot Spot Stickers (CTP7177). Nous nous efforons de protger votre scurit et votre vie prive. dojo.connect(dojo.byId("_3074457345618329065addToShoppingListDropdown"),"onmouseover", function(){ All content on this site is available, via phone, Monday to Friday from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM CST or Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM CST at https://www.officedepot.com/images/us/od/, 20% off your qualifying reg.
}); Please refine your selection. Nous n'avons aucune recommandation pour le moment. Eco-Friendly Cleaning & Facility Supplies, Family Engagement Educational Games & Puzzles, Teacher Favorites School & Office Supplies, Teacher Favorites Physical Education & Sport, Teacher Favorites Cleaning & Facility Supplies, Do Not Sell My Personal Information - CA Resident Only. See Full Details, Items Shipped to Hawaii, Alaska and International. : eval("shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065.setCatEntryAttributes(catEntryAttributes);"); . This item may be subject to additional processing days. Notre systme de paiement scuris chiffre vos donnes lors de la transmission. All rights reserved. If you Buy It Now, you'll only be purchasing this item. }, Idal pour appuyez ou de distinctions, ces autocollants muraux motivantes 2,5x 2,5cm comme 120pour l'emballage et sont dpourvus de acides et lignine.
Pour calculer le nombre global dtoiles et la ventilation en pourcentage par toile, nous n'utilisons pas une simple moyenne. } Get Best Deal. Pour ajouter les amliorations suivantes votre achat, choisissez un autre vendeur. It is great to have these available at a great price! keep up to date with latest styles, trends and sale. Can be used for decoration, goodie bags and enhancing assignments in the classroom.
Most products may be shipped via standard ground (delivered in 3-5 business days), second day or next day. Shipping and handling charges are 15% of the subtotal of the items, after any discounts are applied, with a $99 minimum charge. $2.40 Sold as 12 packs for a total of 864 stickers. Merci dessayer nouveau. Stack coupons to get free gifts & extra discounts! Carson-Dellosa Winning words motivational stickers for all grades are acid and lignin free. Each pack includes 72 kids stickers. Each motivational sticker features a positive message such as: Outstanding Dazzling On Target Wow Awesome PerfectThis pack contains 6 sheets of 12 die-cut stickers for a total of 72 stickers.Add motivational stickers to completed assignments to reward a job well done! Carson-Dellosa Winning Words Motivational Stickers, Teacher Created Resources Positive Words Stickers, Pack of 120 (TCR5206), Carson-Dellosa Celebrate Learning Motivational Stickers, 72/Pack (168254), Eureka Motivational Theme Sticker, Peanuts, 120/Pack (EU-655055), Teacher Created Resources Chevron Stickers, Assorted Colors, Approx 1" each, 120 count (TCR5532), Carson Dellosa Education One World, 72 Motivators Motivational Stickers (168296), Carson-Dellosa Positive Words Motivational Stickers, Pack of 120 (CD-0625), Carson-Dellosa Positive Words Motivational Stickers, Teacher Created Resources Chalkboard Brights Stickers, Pack of 120 (TCR5618), Carson-Dellosa Colorful Owl Motivator Stickers, Teacher Created Resources Watercolor Words to Inspire Planner Stickers, Pack of 120 (TCR8193), Carson-Dellosa Ladybugs Shape Stickers, Pack of 72 (CD-168028), Eureka Theme Sticker, Peanuts Spring, 120/Pack, Creative Teaching Press Emoji Fun Rewards Stickers, 75 ct. (CTP4143), Eureka Scented Sticker, Jelly Beans, 80/Pack (EU-650915), Carson-Dellosa Butterflies Shape Stickers, Carson-Dellosa Apples Shape Stickers, 72 Stickers Per Pack. If you experience any accessibility issues, please contact us. dojo.topic.subscribe("DefiningAttributes_Resolved", function(catEntryId, productId) { } We are currently taking orders for supply packs. Most have a few large stickers, and underneath there are just little stickers. : Aim High Motivators Motivational Stickers. Carson Dellosa Celebrate Learning Motivational Stickers feature positive messages such as, "I am a Problem Solver" and "I Make Good Choices".