Youth Pastors & Youth Leaders join us for a weekend designed specifically for you! Would you like to receive professional, confidential counseling? DOWNLOAD YOUTH CONVENTION PROMO HERE. The Arizona Youth Leaders Summit is the best environmentfor spiritual formation and leadership development among a like-minded community of youth leaders around the state. the link found at the bottom of every email. Featuring SEU Worship, Allen Griffin, Terry ParkmanArizona Youth Convention is a two-day conference for students, uniting together for a genuine encounter with God that propels us with agreater passion for the local church, community outreach, and global initiatives. Every year, we plan a special experience to bless our Arizona ministers kids with a retreat planned just for them. SUBSCRIBERS MUST BE AT LEAST THIRTEEN (13) YEARS OLD OR OLDER. It does not include meals or lodging. Springfield, MO 65802. We are 100% pro-missions ministry that supports AG missionaries all over the world. SPDYM is the Youth Ministry/Department of the Southern Pacific District, a non-profit Assemblies of God District headquartered in La Puente, California. Have a question or comment for one of our leaders or ministries? This is one event that we come to you! Equipping students to have Jesus centered conversations with their friends and to see their school as a MISSION FIELD.
Please visit our page or Call CounselCare at 1.800.979.2270, Home | Privacy Policy | NTD Staff Resources | Give. Hear from a couple of District Youth Directors as they share a word that God has placed on their heart for Arizona. We want to hear from you! This year we will have North Texas District Youth Director Spencer Speed as our guest speaker. Dive go deeper in the word of God and learn from our top professors. Traditionally, we do this retreat on Labor Day weekend, but this year we are able to create a safe environment at our Granite Hills Campground, July 23-25. Are you a North Texas Assemblies of God minister or family member? 1995-2022 BY THE GENERAL COUNCIL OF THE ASSEMBLIES OF GOD, P: 417.862.2781
Assemblies of God
Churches are asked to pick up the expense for their adult chaperones.TICKET INCLUDES:Tickets include all services, sessions and evening activities. You dont want to miss this! You can use the following information to contact us if you wanna join us or anything need to communicate. Join us on January 13 & 14 at Granite Hills Retreat & Conference center with special guest Jacob Jester. LEADER NOTE:Tickets are required for all students, pastors and leaders. Join us on February 29th as we have a glimpse into missions together and prepare our AIM teams to GO! LOCATION: Granite Hills Retreat & Conference Center. No exceptions! Emails are serviced by Constant Contact.
Join us as our Leadership Team travels to several different churches near to you to host a Regional Tour Youth Service. National Office is hosting its first ever Next Gen Conference on March 14th - March 16th at Faith Assembly in Orlando, Florida. In partnership with local churches, businesses, civic organizations, and government agencies, Convoy strategically offers help and hope to communities around the world.
Join us as our Leadership Team travels to several different churches near to you to host a Regional Tour Youth Service. It is valid for all Network events for two years. If you want to help those who are in need click on the below and learn about you can make a difference. Our annual convention (NDYC) brings together students and leaders from across North Dakota for a powerful weekend of experiencing God - along with a whole lot of crazy fun! Sign up for our monthly leadership email!
(See our
Church staff kids, missionary kids, etc. You can also expect all the things students have come to know and love about youth camp with additional opportunities for students to learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus. My Northtexas is available to all of our district minister's to give, edit your profile, and checkout district archives. To learn more on how to get involve click on this button below.
It does not include meals or lodging. This year we will be heading to California! Granite Hills Retreat & Conference Center. To resource youth ministries in the local church by providing life-changing events and programs that help build relationships and bring renewal to leaders.
This event is for all ministers kids, ages 12-18 (or recent graduates) around the state. This is one event that we come to you! This event is for all ministers kids, ages 12-18 (or recent graduates) around the state. Not Afraid (feat. NEED HELP WITH PROMO? Our young adult ministry is a fast growing ministry by is composed of college and career, single and married young adults under 35 years of age. Join us as we dive deeper into learning and growing to minister to this generation.
This day will highlight our Navajo Nation and El Salvador trips this summer. You dont want to miss this!February 15th: TempeFebruary 16th: KingmanFebruary 17th: FlagstaffFebruary 18th: CottonwoodFebruary 19th: SurpriseFebruary 20th: Tucson. It is $25 per person which will be received during registration. Please download the OMN app for updated info during the event. This years convention will challenge and equip them to pursue Gods will for their lives. FOR YOUTH CONVENTION UPDATES FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAMIt's been 2 years since we've had Youth Convention and Town & Country is not the same! We have guest speakers Micah Mac, Terry Parkman and 29:11 Worship joining us, you dont want to miss it! From the crossroads of America in Springfield, Missouri, Convoy of Hope sends truckloads of food and relief supplies from its World Distribution Center to cities and rural towns. WHO:This event is specifically for youth (grades 6-12) and their adult youth leaders/sponsors.
You may unsubscribe via For any questions or concerns email:, Using the contact form to send us email at below. Students will hear dynamic preaching from renownedspeakers, innovativemusicby SEU Worship, and experience a life-giving community with new friends from around the state. Here is some additional information about the retreat: Dates: September 3-5, 2022Ages: 12-18 (or recent graduates)Location: Phoenix, AZ. Church staff kids, missionary kids, etc. Regional and Sectional leaders form the SPDYM administrative leadership team and facilitate communication and ministry networking within each region/section. There will be moments of team training, testimonies from former AIM trips, and hearing from missionaries! are all welcome! Convoy trucks travel coast to coast, delivering goods used for events and disaster responses. We engage in the mission of God when we love Christ, serve others, and proclaim the gospel. If you discover offensive or inaccurate material on your visit today, or if you have suggestions for improving this site, please contact us so we can address the issue. Learn more about our fastest growing ministry at SPD. SPDYM, is partnering up with Speed the Light who is currently helping Convoy of Hope who is a faith-based, nonprofit organization with a driving passion to feed the world through childrens feeding initiatives, community outreach, and disaster response. Here is some additional information about the retreat:Dates: July 23-25, 2020Cost: $50 (register by July 16th)Ages: 12-18 (or recent graduates)Location: Granite Hills Retreat & Conference Center. Inspiring students to develop a relationship with God through worship, prayer, and discipleship. We have an amazing schedule set up for the weekend, so you don't want to miss it!
BE A VENDOR OR SPONSOR AT YOUTH CONVENTION. In partnership with local churches, businesses, civic organizations, and government agencies, Convoy strategically offers help and hope to communities around the world. Encouraging students to discover, develop, and deploy the ministry gifts He has placed IN them. All rights reserved. Homosexuality, Marriage, and Sexual Identity. Full list of speakers being released at Youth Convention! 1445 N. Boonville Ave. $50 deposit due November 30th for the $225 rate a person$60 deposit due February 1st for the $235 rate a person$70 deposit due April 1st for the $245 rate a person$80 deposit due May 1st for the $255 rate a person, Non - Evaluating Performances DUE March 25th**evaluations will be completed for those categories on April 1st, Evaluating Performances are in person on April 10th**evaluations will be completed for those categories on April 10th. are all welcome! E: [emailprotected] With well over 12,000 youth and over 300 youth workers in our District, SPDYM serves the local churches and youth leaders through organized geographical regions and sections for proficiency in communication and resource distribution. We have updated our Privacy Policy to provide you a better online experience.
Youth Pastors & Youth Leaders join us for a weekend designed specifically for you!
All adults must complete a background check. Non - Evaluating Performances DUE March 24th**evaluations will be completed for those categories on March 31st, Evaluating Performances are in person on April 9th**evaluations will be completed for those categories on April 9th. Join us on January 14 & 15 at Granite Hills Retreat & Conference center with special guest Jacob Jester. Every year, we plan a special experience to bless our Arizona ministers kids with a retreat planned just for them. * Schedule is subject to change.
Every year, we plan a special experience to bless our Arizona ministers kids with a retreat planned just for them. You can expect guest speakers, break out sessions, worship, and time to gather and create relationships with other campus missionaries. Our Theme this year is Good News! Naomi Raine & Mav City Gospel Choir).
This event is for all ministers kids, ages 12-18 (or recent graduates) around the state. SPDYM oversees 300 local church youth ministries all across Southern California, Nevada, and Hawaii, largely composed of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation Hispanic/Latino American youth.
Tickets will be available to purchase. Your students are not next, they are NOW. This year we will have Eric Hoffman our STL Director from the National Office as our guest speaker. Equipping missionaries by challenging students to GIVE & GO by faith, that ALL may come to Christ. Youth Convention is a two - day conference on October 22 -23, 2021. If you want to help those who are in need click on the below and learn about you can make a difference. Youth Convention is our favorite weekend of the year! $60 deposit due January 4th (Earlybird)$70 deposit due March 17th (Regular)$80 deposit due April 21st (Last Chance), Camp 1: May 29 - June 1st (Allen Griffin)Camp 2: June 1st - June 4th (Matt Harder)Camp 3: June 5th - June 8th (Jonathan Rivera)Camp 4: June 8th - June 11th (Joseph Kellogg)Camp 5: June 12th - June 15th (Terry Parkman)Camp 6: June 15th - June 18th (Jacob Jester), LOCATION: Desert Springs Church, Chandler. 5745 Inland Shores Way NKeizer, OR 97303503.393.4411. Each year, over 65,000 junior and senior high school students begin preparing their entries for the district and National Fine Arts Festivals. $50 early bird ticket // $65 after Oct 14. F: 417.862.1693 For more than 40 years, we have been growing leaders and equipping students as we celebrate the cultural diversity among our churches across Arizona. Thank you! 2022 North Texas District of the Assemblies of God. When we encounter Jesus through our obedience to the Spirits leading, we are empowered to demonstrate the gospel. Tickets include all services, sessions and evening activities. National Youth Ministries This website is intended to encourage and support North Texas families, churches and ministry leaders. Youth Convention is a two - day conference on October 21 -22, 2021.
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Join our efforts by sponsoring a project or a missions trip. MAY 6-7, 2022 | TOWN & COUNTRY, SAN DIEGO, CA, Youth Convention Pricing: Pre-Registration: $29 Ends May 1st | On-Site Registration $39, Town & Country Room Pricing: Estimated cost: $275 (2beds - 4 person room) Parking: $10, *Hotel Booking Deadline is April 1st *IMPORTANT please thoroughly read hotel booking pages *During booking any names can be used when entering additional guest names, YOUTH CONVENTION SCHEDULEFRIDAY | 3PM Registration Opens| 7PM-9PM Service | 10PM-11:30PM After Party | SATURDAY | 10AM-12PM Service| 12PM-5PM Free Time | 5PM-7PM Ending Service. Springfield, Missouri, 65802, United States, permission to email you. Students may enter as many as 80+ categories offered in 9main divisions: Art, Communication, Dance, Drama, Enterprise,Exhibition, Instrumental, Vocal, and Writing. January 27th: Flowing Wells Church - Tucson, February 25th: Hope City Church - KingmanFebruary 26th: 29:11 Church - Tempe, March 24th: Northland Christian - FlagstaffMarch 25th: Lifepointe Church - Prescott ValleyMarch 26th: Harvest Church - Glendale. We strive to be a Spirit-filled multi-cultural community committed to empowering youth to fulfill the great commission.
Both in which are minister together a our various types of ministry programs. Sign up today and take and earn your ministerial credentials with SPD in less then one year. Church staff kids, missionary kids, etc. We believe that we are better together in the sole purpose of seeing Jesus known in every nation! Download church/leader packet for more info. LOCATION: Granite Hills Retreat & Conference Center - Prescott, AZ. Our Theme this year is Fearless! Make sure you follow us on Instagram as we will be posting videos guiding you through all the new changes. We have guest speakers Manny Arango, Chris Estrada and River Valley Worship joining us, you dont want to miss it! Youth Alive One Day is a one day missions conference to equip students to evangelize in their schools. Fine Arts Festival is a discipleship tool of AG Youth Ministries designed to help studentsdiscover, develop and deploytheir ministry gifts. We encourage Youth Pastors to bring their spouse (if married), leadership team, and candidates for youth leadership for a weekend of celebration, ministry, prayer, vision casting, and practical team building. Our identity is informed by the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. Over 300 young ministers are quickly joining a movement that is reshaping our district. for details.) are all welcome! Join our summer internship program and gain leadership experience while serving and ministering to our students during all summer program events. Arizona Youth Camp is all about students encountering God together. Gods plans and purposes for them are not tomorrow, or next year, they are today. We'll give you practical leadership training and the best youth ministry resources. Since 1971, our Youth Ministry department has served local church leaders in Southern California, Nevada, and Hawaii to equip and empower them for effective youth ministry through a variety of camps, retreats and conferences, seminars, and workshops on leadership, discipleship, and evangelism.
Partnering and Empowering Church Leaders For Effective Student Ministry. There will be moments of team training, testimonies from former AIM trips, and hearing from missionaries! Our student ministry is comprised of Middle schoolers and High Schoolers. Hear from a couple of District Youth Directors as they share a word that God has placed on their heart for Arizona. By submitting this form, you are granting: Assemblies of God Youth Ministries, 1445 Boonville Ave, Join us on February 27th as we have a glimpse into missions together and prepare our AIM teams to GO!