Under simulated enemy fire, heavy weight modestly slowed reaction times, increasing exposure and reducing the ability to move quickly away from enemy contact. More body armor is not always better. This story was a collaborative project done in conjunction with The Seattle Times. This lack of definitive Army testing linking load and combat effectiveness continues to provide the illusion that carrying heavy weight is cost-free, which perpetuates a lack of action in solving the problem. Data is from 2003, but weight of armor has increased since then. From the Persian Gulf War to the Afghanistan War, for example, armor areal density decreased by 24 percent, or roughly only a 2.4 percent improvement per year.76 Material improvements that have occurred since 2001 have been largely invested in better protection, rather than reduced weight. Jon H. Arguello The long-term consequences limit recruitment and shorten careers. Roman legionnaires carried almost 60 pounds.8 The British fighting in the American Revolutionary War carried 80 pounds. Increased susceptibility to enemy fire was demonstrated to be a function of the load carried.46 The time required to determine and acquire a target increased under heavy loads from just over 3 seconds to more than 3.5 seconds in some configurations, as accuracy decreased.47 Further, soldiers on a 20-kilometer march reported increased fatigue under heavier loads and decreased alertness corresponding to the increased weight (assessed at 75 pounds, 105 pounds, and 135 pounds).48, Under heavier loads, soldiers reach exhaustion faster, unless they move slower. Keeping the load close to your body and higher up will help your posture which will be better for your body overall.
To anyone who’s been deployed, it’s obvious that a soldier’s gear needs to be lightened up. All Rights Reserved. Data on servicemember injuries from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan led researchers from the Naval Health Research Center to conclude that excessive loads may have exacerbated injuries.49 Soldiers as young as 25 have retired due to degenerative arthritis from heavy loads.50 Almost one-third of medical evacuations from the battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2004 to 2007 were due to spinal, connective tissue, or musculoskeletal injuries, twice those from combat injuries. Armor areal density (pounds per square foot) is shown for a constant level of protection over time. Mark Harrison/The Seattle Times Army doctrine teaches that commanders should take into account the mission, enemy, troops, terrain, and time (METT-T) when planning operations. Army leaders are justifiably concerned that that if they made a reasonable choice to balance the level of protection against the tradeoff in additional weight and mobility and a soldier was injured or killed as a result, their decision would be second-guessed by DoD superiors and Congressional leadership. Twenty-five years old, he has debilitating pain from a form of degenerative arthritis and bone spurs. At 110 pounds, troops move less than 10 miles in an eight-hour period,30 half the expected march rate. Near-term prospects for technological improvements that would fundamentally change the weight-mobility tradeoff are slim.

Prior to joining CNAS, Paul Scharre is the Vice President and Director of Studies at CNAS. This ultimately means more air in your tank and an increased energy reserve to help your team. "You're jumping out.
And without a baseline, trying to figure out how to lighten the load is going to be a wasted exercise, he said. It was a decently sunny and comfortably cool day with trees along the edges of the flat trail providing a good degree of shade. Dismounted soldiers face a similar challenge. Soldiers have long carried heavy burdens into war, but todays soldiers carry an unprecedented amount of weight. Army field manual FM 21-18, Procedures and Techniques of Foot Marches, encourages soldiers to carry heavier loads in training than combat in order to increase strength and improve maneuver on the battlefield.27 Further, it advises that each additional 10 pounds of weight lengthens obstacle course completion time by 10-15 percent, and every 10 pounds over a 40-pound threshold decreases distance marched over six hours by 2 kilometers.28 FM 21-18 details that an eighthour march should cover 32 kilometers (almost 20 miles) at 4 kilometers per hour.29 An unpublished Army study demonstrates this is possible with a 30-pound load, but with a 70-pound load, marching progresses only 15 miles in eight hours. It is not possible to perfectly simulate a combat environment and the requisite stress during testing for a completely realistic assessment. The design of my ALICE pack, being a more than 50-years old, had its limitations. Dont be afraid to tighten your shoulder straps. Copyright 2022 US Patriot Tactical. Optimize body armor requirements for the actual threat environment and not over-design body armor to protect against unrealistic combinations of threats, adding unnecessary weight. In another study with weights below 35 pounds, body armor specifically caused reduced pulmonary function.39 Some of the negative effects can be addressed through training respiratory muscles. So are advances in electronics and other high-tech areas that will let engineers miniaturize equipment such as radios, and develop dual-use gear, like helmets with built-in night vision gear. The overall time to complete a five-target task extended by up to 0.7 seconds, from 6.3 without body armor to 7 seconds when wearing standard fit body armor.3 Together, these studies show that dynamic marksmanship, where the ability to stop and acquire a target is critical, is compromised by heavy weight and bulky loads. In addition, the groups that rucked at least one session a week, compared to twice a month, experienced greater improvement.
In order to truly optimize soldier load and performance, there must be a concerted effort to understand and advertise the human performance implications of heavy loads. Soldiers march less distance in the same time under increased weight. This report, the fourth in the Super Soldiers series, examines the heavy burden of dismounted ground combat troops. The consequences of supporting heavy weight while moving result in diminished cognition, responsiveness, and decision-making. 2. Soldiers and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan routinely carry between 60 and 100 pounds of gear including body armor, weapons and batteries. Combat load carried by position. Tailored body armor would also reduce unnecessary bulk and increase soldier mobility and responsiveness in dynamic engagements.80. It is important to start slow to assess where you are. Muscle strain is usually a short-term condition that has always been prevalent among soldiers. FM 21-18 observes: [T]he primary consideration is not how much a soldier can carry, but how much he can carry without impaired combat effectiveness mentally or physically. While the Army conducts regular human performance studies, they are not used to conclusively determine the effects of heavy loads on operational performance. First, I did research online which provided me a variety of information some that worked for me and some that didnt. We completed the 10.8 miles, over the course of three hours on the Katy trail from Green Ridge to Sedalia, Missouri. Just remember, if it is a new activity, take it slow and listen to your body. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan who retired with musculoskeletal conditions grew tenfold between 2003 and 2009. For heavier loads, hip belts will allow the weight to not only fit more comfortably on your body, but it will also disperse the weight of the load. For example, wearing heavy body armor may not be operationally practical on a long-range multi-day patrol in mountainous terrain, such as in Afghanistan. Depending on the pack, its contents can be arranged vertically to make it more comfortable. Heavy weight decreases tactical capability, especially when combined with fatigue and the physical effects of combat stress.26 Army doctrine reflects an understanding of the negative effect weight has on agility and physical performance. Individually tailored body armor options are available for law enforcement, for example. Extra weight may in fact lead to engagements that otherwise could be avoided through mobility.5 Further, unlike ground vehicles that do not tire over a mission, soldiers fatigue. "You can't concentrate on anything but that because it hurts that bad.". Fighting load consists of the equipment (weapon, ammunition, helmet, body armor, water, etc.) Courtesy of U.S. Army Spc. However, it also comes with a heavy burden. U.S. economic prosperity and national security is at risk due to a dependency on the resiliency, diversity, and security of global supply chains. By Approach load consists of the fighting load plus a rucksack carried during a march, which would contain additional water, ammunition, food, and other supplies for the duration of the mission.19, The Marine Corps includes performance measures in their load definitions. ), Next Generation National Security Fellows, The Shawn Brimley Next Generation National Security Leaders Fellowship, Joseph S. Nye, Jr. National Security Internship and Mentoring Program, 2022 CNAS National Security Conference: Security in the Balance, To Robot or Not to Robot? and, recently, in female-specific body armor to conform to different body types of male and female soldiers. Here are some other tips to consider to help avoid injury: Its pretty intuitive to assume that physical endurance will take a hit when moving with weight, but what does the science say?