Judge Bernadette Romano Clark (in red), Supreme Court Justice in the Fifth Judicial District, attends the 70th annual spaghetti supper on Election Day, Nov. 5, 2019. He wore a big chef's hat for the annual Election Day spaghetti supper.
E2-@a-! Because April 13 (4/13) is the date Bishop Mike appointed me pastor of these two parishes and what set us on this path of collaboration. Copyright 2022 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. Syracuse Common Councilor Joe Driscoll attends the 70th annual spaghetti supper at Our Lady of Pompei Church on Election Day, Nov. 5, 2019. Preorders can be placed by calling (315) 422-8548 or (315) 422-7163. All meals come with spaghetti, meatballs, salad, bread, and dessert.
Our Lady of Pompei church isn't letting the pandemic stop them from keeping a Syracuse tradition alive. (
Visit Website Former state assemblyman Joe Nicoletti volunteers at the 70th annual spaghetti supper on Election Day, Nov. 5, 2019. Website by Syracuse Design Group. (Katrina Tulloch), Volunteers scoop pasta at the 70th annual spaghetti supper at Our Lady of Pompeii Church in Syracuse, N.Y. on Election Day, Nov. 5, 2019. "It's important to our parish, who has been part of this tradition for 72nd years. As with the daily Mass schedule a few months ago, any Mass intentions that are affected will receive a phone call and can be rescheduled as a second intention for a Mass on the same day. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. 5DjU^}5 Twitter She attends the 70th annual spaghetti supper at Our Lady of Pompei Church in Syracuse, N.Y. on Election Day, Nov. 5, 2019 with her family. 35th Senate District. Irvington, Calling All Crooners: Search Underway For 'Yonkers Idol', Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade To Return 'Live' This Year, COVID-19: Hudson Valley Hosts Fireworks Show As NY Celebrates R, Latest Nutritional Insights: Fighting COVID Through Nutrition &, Empress EMS Offers Advice On How To Handle A Stroke. A COVID-safe drive-thru even was sold out by Sunday, and between 2,200 and 2,500 customers took home plates of the church's pasta, salad, Italian bread, and desserts. Dave on YouTube.
Peter Caruso proudly volunteers at the 70th annual spaghetti supper on Election Day, Nov. 5, 2019. Syracuse, N.Y. 13208-2620, T: (315) 422-7163 Thank you for your faith. Find a Parish hb```g``ZP ",@|PW9g;},H)bqfm>\ F` Rev. hWkOH+qWRi[ hbbd```b``6@$}*"Y&eg/Z0,LHuQEVKAdH\:m DS?_00120H?G Yk As I have said in the past, these changes are unavoidable and, inevitably, we will all feel a temporary sense of sadness, anger, or frustration as the celebrations we have become accustomed to will change. Onondaga County District Attorney candidate Chuck Keller attends the 70th annual spaghetti supper at Our Lady of Pompei Church in Syracuse, N.Y. on Election Day, Nov. 5, 2019. 1998 - 2022 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Syracuse 3rd District Democratic candidate Chol Majok spends his Election Day in hopes of becoming the first refugee to hold elected office in the city, November 5, 2019. Sign up for our email newsletter and learn about upcoming events and promotions. Why 4:13? It's a beloved Election Day tradition. mRrI&b` { 2 (!rJj~zd ~(xdci)(:fO~j`+D7y#l!i$^qv/hY6nRuG (Katrina Tulloch), Onondaga County Comptroller Matt Beadnell attends the 70th annual spaghetti supper at Our Lady of Pompeii Church in Syracuse, N.Y. on Election Day, Nov. 5, 2019. Learn More. 2022, Charter Communications, all rights reserved. %PDF-1.7 % This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. (Mike Greenlar), New York State Senator Bob Antonacci attends the 70th annual spaghetti supper at Our Lady of Pompeii Church in Syracuse, N.Y. on Nov. 5, 2019.
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Our Lady of Pompeii Church is at18 Bellewood Ave., HUo6WbG"u0V,0AmX;wwMEF{G(C=*CLgbK&_Bc|seIf/VVS\ #y" eA%e&mt }>_)vd>67*aYm.Rlt%Tfnt|3,L46rZgsf5j4fizlB;c$}X5Rg4i]{hdup>LT
Chol Majok and his wife Abiei Gai bring children Akau and Yar with them to the polling place to vote at Corcoran High School. As you know, among the six parishes in our family, we have been tasked to reduce our weekend Mass times down from 23 to 12. Peter Contact Info & Staff, Our Lady of Pompei 73rd Election Day Spaghetti Supper, Vienna Boys Choir to perform at our Lady of Pompei/St Peter. The first being the introduction of a new weekend Mass schedule. On Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019, hundreds of people passed through the basement cafeteria at Our Lady of Pompei church on Syracuses North Side for the 70th annual spaghetti supper. Peter, Church of Our Lady of Pompei/St. Church of Our Lady of Pompei/St.
Peter in Syracuse. Dobbs Ferry. (Katrina Tulloch), Fred McManus shakes hands with Chol Majok outside the polling place at Corcoran High School. This years dinner will be drive up and delivery only. 464 0 obj <> endobj (Katrina Tulloch). All proceeds from the event go towards funding the church's catholic school. I can't wait to see what God has in store for all of us. Our Catholic Faith: Know It, Live It, Share It, Home
F: (315) 422-7164, Email Onondaga County District Attorney candidate Chuck Keller and his wife, lawyer Christina El Bayadi, attended the 70th annual spaghetti supper at Our Lady of Pompei Church in Syracuse, N.Y. on Election Day, Nov. 5, 2019. (Katrina Tulloch), Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick chats with TV anchor Rod Wood at the 70th annual spaghetti supper at Our Lady of Pompei Church in Syracuse, N.Y. on Election Day, Nov. 5, 2019. Should I get my COVID booster now or wait? The cost for the dinner is $13 per person. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. !Vz{up:wn_6q+9XF Jay Subedi, running for the Common Councils 1st District seat,attends the 70th annual spaghetti supper at Our Lady of Pompeii Church on Election Day, Nov. 5, 2019. SYRACUSE, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) Its time for the 72nd Annual Our Lady of Pompei Election Day Spaghetti Supper. qeL Syracuse City Auditor MartyMasterpole attends the 70th annual spaghetti supper at Our Lady of Pompei Church on Election Day, Nov. 5, 2019. And it's important for the community. (Katrina Tulloch), Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon attends the 70th annual spaghetti supper at Our Lady of Pompei Church on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019. I would like to invite you to pray together intentionally for the collaborative efforts of Our Lady of Pompeii and St Teresa of Calcutta Parishes. Amp customers should check for duplicate charges, Oswego County man arrested in deadly incident, Big crowd at NBT Bank Thursday to see Jacob deGrom, Social media account review with concealed weapon, NASA unveils breathtaking images from new telescope. 301 Ash Street President Pro Tempore and Majority Leader, ( S1h.ns~g8Z,xySw0mrQbF%2j>\i1iF>l\2;9e|UrDv>2,d}8lSdq/hPLHsi(2QON;}.fX,~G&ZiX.{-F==!I~+!\v|]K4=-W$o>]eA*ejXu5qpMr=Iummdm+!X"#bN3/l928kK`'j" C=I8-JG!^p jyk{:K+OU~? (dh[I| ykf$qZ/S.x`Lh='MUQ_E::`ozzLM vEC\J/MUu_-gvu]D@EI1+ j/ i*+E-#kG_U/ And even while the meal is tasty, organizers say it's about more than just food. Single meals are $10, half trays that feed 6 people are $50, and full trays that feed 15 are $100. He is running for the position of Onondaga County comptroller. DOBBS FERRY, N.Y. -- Our Lady of Pompeii Churchwill host its annual spaghetti dinner on Sunday, Oct. 26, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. endstream endobj startxref The event runs on November 2 from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. or until supplies are sold out at the Cathedral Academy at Pompei School Cafeteria, 915 N. McBride Street. Preorders will be directed to a pick up door at the school where people will be directing traffic. (Katrina Tulloch). D, IP, WF ) 488 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<384557A2A48A7B1CF04FDB3F24F2889E><6C42BE473494994995B04C6DCE9FCB33>]/Index[464 42]/Info 463 0 R/Length 121/Prev 1535805/Root 465 0 R/Size 506/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Facebook (Katrina Tulloch), Julie Cerio(center) is running for Supreme CourtJudgein NYs 5th District. I beg you to offer that all up to the Lord, to ask Him to bring peace to your heart and the hearts of all those in the diocese of Buffalo who are journeying together into this Renewal. It's important to our wonderful children and our school, as it's one of our major fundraisers," said Lucy Paris, development director of the church and school. He is running for the position of New York State Supreme Court Judge. Hastings & (Katrina Tulloch). We invite you to stay up to date on news and happenings within the Diocese.We respect your time and privacy, your information will never be shared. All rights reserved (About Us). The church held its 72nd annual Election Day spaghetti feast over the weekend, but with a twist.