Acknowledgment of offence would condone the act, but an offender extenuating himself on the plea of the legitimacy of intermarriage, puts himself outside of that agreement which is essential to a walking together in the Word of Christ. (from a letter written by John Thomas to Robert Roberts and published in The Christadelphian magazine, February 1866).
It is good and wholesome to "contend earnestly for the faith, once for all delivered to the saints," as in past years you have against the Laodiceans; such a contention as this will never divide a healthy body.
In this, there is an exhibition of humble submission on the part of the offender which is a guarantee of the genuineness of his sorrow; and on the part of the ecclesia, an effective washing of their hands of all complicity with his transgression. Many are unaware of the history of Christadelphia.
Though we believe it is wise and prudent to take the utmost care in making this decision.
You are all of one faith, one hope, one Lord, one baptism, one body. Noah's, we may be sure, was a trying situation, and especially so when we look at the length of time he was upon the scene. Some do find a way, but it will quite probably not be that easy for you or for him.
The Holy and the Just One was not exempted from this necessity; for "he learned obedience by the things which he suffered;" and when perfected, in ascending to the Father's nature, he was promoted to the command of angels and the world. The ecclesial Guide gives sound scriptural advice as follows -. It professes great zeal for the purity of the ecclesia, and would purge out everything that offends its sensitive imagination.
I say, than an idolator; for Paul commanded his brethren and sisters, if married to such an one, not to seek divorce, but to remain peacefully "in the same calling wherein they were called;" or "if bound to a wife, not to seek to be loosed;" for their remaining together legitimized their children, and, consequently, their own union, (1 Cor., 6:14 ; ) and might result in saving the worshipper of idols, or the Jew, as the case might be.
And, as a counter act, marriages in the faith are announced from the table on, Sunday morning, as an expression of approval by the ecclesia of the principle on which they, have taken place. Whatever is submitted to the congregation, let it be through the counsel of wise men in Christ you may appoint, and let them submit nothing they do not thoroughly understand, and upon which they are not unanimous.
It was a strict injunction to Israel not to marry the heathen on either side of the house.
We believe that fellowship separation from any teaching which contradicts clear scripture is a commandment.
Our personal individual relationship with our heavenly Father and his Son in belief and obedience. Do you not know, beloved brethren, that this is your mission, if accepted as the called, and faithful, and chosen?
Their purpose may be to better understand them and to know how to relate to them.
He asks them to reckon that they do not belong to the people around, and forbids them to be united with them, saying "What fellowship hath light with darkness? When can they return?
They are interested in how it may affect them and it is only fair that this is clarified clearly, particularly if marriage is a possible consideration. Well, if by "civil" we understand relating to citizens and the state, it is civil; and, if by "religious," that which is ecclesiastical, it is religious also; for both the State and "the Church," as they call the names and denominations of the apostasy, regulate and dissolve it at their pleasure. Such a union could hardly be termed that of Christ and Belial; for, surely, Christ could not be in the man who would permit such a yoke to come upon his neck.
Human nature is the devil, the flesh of sin, in which dwells no good thing; and its propensities and lusts are always ready for mischief.
If withdrawal does occur - how is the ecclesia going to resolve the matter if the brother or sister presses to come back? It may also prove to be emotionally painful for the person they date if they feel compelled to end the relationship later as a result. They will have a sense of unease and may very likely be under peer pressure too. Some are babes, others are young and strong men; others, wise fathers, who are not only strong, but sagacious in counsel. The greatest of care needs to be taken to avoid respect of persons. The purpose was the prevention of unneccessary division over the issue. WE have allowed that precious truth to be corrupted by false teachings and the commandments of men. There are certain things that must be left to the Lord's own adjudication when he comes; as it is written, "He that judgeth is the Lord.
Though Paul here was arguing against fornication, his remarks have application to union with those who, not being his, belong to the harlot community.
Here is an opportunity for an ecclesia to win over the unbeliever through good works.
Only when this has failed are we at liberty to withdraw. The commandment of the law on which the interdict is founded is itself eloquent of the meaning: "Thou shalt not plough (or put in one yoke) a horse and an ass together." Is not this enough?
What responsibilties (if any) do we have towards other fellowships?
Expulsion means thrusting out, which is a different thing, and implies and generates the arrogant attitude of ecclesiastical excommunication. C H R I S T A D E L P H I A N R E S E A R C H, An exhaustive and authoritative investigation into the Christadelphians with links from their own sources as well as insights from former.
Some are for taking no notice: others for withdrawing from the fellowship of the offender.
They would generally not be supportive of having flings, but believe in establishing long-term relationships, although for someone who has not committed as a Christadelphian there is more latitude.
There must be some middle ground in such a case, and it is doubtless to be found in the, practice of the London brethren.
Bearing in mind the wise counsel in the 'Ecclesial Guide' not to withdraw from a person who marries an unbeliever (if they admit the wrong)how much more is it the case that withdrawal is inappropriate when the marriage is in the Lord - but involves a different fellowship!
Would he not be more unequally yoked if united to one who had by immersion been placed, technically, "in the Lord;" but whose walk was like too many females amongst us, characterized by the outward adornment of the toilet, the bedizening of their persons with jewellery, the fashionable putting on of apparel, backbiting, evil gossip, and so forth, to the neglect of the adornment of "the hidden man of the heart," in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which, in the sight of the Deity, is of great price? Noah's times were times in which violence filled the earth, and in which the wickedness of man was great, and the thoughts and intents of his heart wholly evil; for all flesh had corrupted the way of God, to an extent that rendered them only fit (in the divine estimation) for capture and destruction.
The obviousness and simplicity of the Truth - Elpis, A Declaration of the Truth Revealed in the Bible, MAN CREATED IN THE SIMILITUDE OF THE DEITY. They are not to be countenanced for even one hour after the apostolic example (Gal 2.5).
Is there one law for sisters and another for brethren?
We pass a resolution of disapproval and send it to the brother or sister concerned. Paul exhorts you to "mark them who cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine " he taught .
It erects a barrier and inflicts a stain not easily removed. Only in a truly pioneer fellowship is it possible to experience true unity.
9:9 ). Do Christadelphians understand what mainstream Christianity believes, or do they misrepresent their teachings?
It is scarcely conceivable, in view of this, that a man or woman who have surrendered themselves to Christ, could faithfully or harmlessly make themselves one with a stranger, whose tastes, affections, and schemes of life, must necessarily be alien to those of a faithful son or daughter of the Almighty.
I have had a few contacts from people who are in relationships with Christadelphians, but who are not Christadelphians themselves. Do not be exacting in such cases.
He wants to come back, but you want to humble him, and make him confess formally before the body what all know he admits.
Dare any of you work confusion among the friends of unadulterated truth in view of this fact?
A bedrock to our daily lives amplifying and instructing us in divine principles and the Christ-like mind. The friends of Christ are not allowed, in the present state, to employ coercive measures, in any form.
And, as a counter act, marriages in the faith are announced from the table on Sunday morning, as an expression of approval by the ecclesia of the principle on which they have taken place.
It is admitted that the widow of 1 Cor.
It also serves, in a large ecclesia, as an introduction to all, instead of spreading gradually in a private manner.".
There are men of corrupt minds, seducing spirits, perverters of the gospel who are to be shunned.
This area may be explored in more depth at a later stage.
6:14 ). It comes together also in obedience to Him, to keep the ordinances delivered "by the apostles;" not to debate and strive, and talk vanity, which tends only to vexation of spirit.
In cases of doubt their understanding should be examined with a view to correcting any fatal errors or deficiences; re-immersion (baptism) rendered once/if they are of sound mind concerning the One Faith. The question which divides them is, doubtless, an important one. Sixthly , choose a council of the wisest men among you, and let them be your Witenagemote. That is those individuals who whilst not Christadelphians themselves are dating Christadelphians.
Did you ever hear of a ship going to sea, and making a successful voyage without captain, pilot, mates, &c, in which all the crew were captains and pilots, and each one did what was right in his own eyes?
But what is to be done in the case of an unmarried brother or sister who violates the apostolic law by marrying one not a believer (by which, of course, we are to understand, an obedient believer-one baptized into the faith of the gospel)?
A principle in 1 Cor 7 which extends to the ecclesia..''For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband? But, I suppose, the real question is, was marriage originally a divine or merely a human institution? He has sacrificed his power to perform his duty by marrying an unbeliever. Non Christadelphians Dating Christadelphians.
In these things, it is said, you agree, why then do you allow doubtful questions to divide you? As time proceeds they become emotionally involved, but they can find they hit emotional barriers which are hard to overcome.
"Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them the members of "those that are not Christ's?"
Without it we were dead in sins and condemned to go the way of all flesh without hope. They forbid two contemporary wives, allow divorce on unscriptural grounds, and tolerate the "social evil" to any extent without punishment.
Paul says, "It is the transgression of law;" but it is also written, that "where there is no law there is no transgression." "-(1 Cor., 14:20 .).
What a precious gift - do we appreciate it fully? The common-sense of the thing is self-manifest, provided the status of a believer is Scripturally recognised. Are any of your number possessed of the old demon of Puritanism, that would not permit a woman to kiss her child on "the sabbath day," because it broke the sabbath, and savored of the flesh? The difficulty of course is that to move forward to marriage a Christadelphian has to engage in some pretty severe mental gymnastics which can only easily be allayed if their non Christadelphian date is converted. The enemy is too ready to make use of such a misfortune for malicious purposes. It is in this context he makes his remarks.
Though we might refuse to break bread with some on account of our fellowship decisions, we do well to do what is in our power in offering temporal and spiritual solicitudes beyond our family connections and local ecclesia/ fellowship. To make it work will require huge sensitivity, huge love and patience and it may require an ability to accept taboo areas which can never be discussed.
New men are not all of equal stature, equal age, equal intelligence, equal wisdom, equal faith.
Now, if this woman is a worlding-a woman who loves the present world, a woman who has no faith in God, no knowledge of His law, no interest in His purpose, and no idea of consecrating her life to God, where is the man?
If he discovers an error in his premises, must he for ever hold to it for the sake of consistency? Your contentions and divisions bring reproach upon the truth, you ought to throw all your energy into this for its support; and not waste time and power in vain strife by which you crucify it, and put it to an open shame, and make yourselves a by-word in the lips of hypocrites and sinners. Her act would prove that she loved Belial, or wickedness, better than Christ, or the righteousness of God. How are they to 'repent'?
Some unbelievers will be amiable and well-disposed mitigating the harm. In the letter before me, I am asked if marriage is a civil or a religious institution? We have refrained from having anything published, as we hoped a union might be effected, but the breach widens. The suggestion is childish. This all was Belial, or wickedness, which was domesticated in all the families of the Greeks and Latins. This was never its purpose.
Then we learned, for the first time, how many were being led astray by the teaching. We must be careful not to be high-minded. He has violated every principle of the calling to which the Gospel has called him in making himself one with the world in the person of his wife.
Must they separate from their spouse?
Read an online book detailing why a top Christadelphian author and speaker found he could no longer believe what he himself taught. In such a state of the case, it is disloyalty to trifle with the subject in the way referred to in the foregoing communication.
Do what is right; be valiant for the Truth; teach it without compromise, and all lovers of the Truth will approve you.
We sympathise utterly with the brethren who refuse to be compromised in the corruption that appears to be setting in.- ED .
Some are for taking no notice: others for withdrawing from the fellowship of the offender.
We could not be a party to it.
This itself is sin.
The brethren who are with me greet you. Withdrawal means that those withdrawing do modestly and sorrowfully step aside from the offender for fear of implication in his offence.
We do not condone the toleration of unscriptural teaching in the ecclesias. Personal examination of motive is of paramount importance at such times. Despite all these obstacles marriages by Christadelphians to non-Christadelphians do occur even without their partners being converted, although that severely decreases the odds of success. We may, therefore, easily follow him in drawing an interdict of alliance between believer and unbeliever in all matters of fellow-workmanship, and therefore in marriage, which is the highest co-operation of all. The disciplinary position for Christadelphians who marry outside can be found within the Christadelphian Ecclesial Guide, no 45: But what is to be done in the case of an unmarried brother or sister who violates the, apostolic law by marrying one not a believer (by which, of course, we are to understand, an, obedient believerone baptized into the faith of the gospel)? The execution of the judgment written is a prerogative in reserve for such only as come through the present probation, with divine approval.
. They are now in him and part of his body. On Friday, there was a meeting of the official brethren in brother Mitchell's house, to talk over various matters affecting the welfare of the truth.
Common sense should determine the question.
Bro Roberts makes the following pertinent observation ''The Doctor's letter on the subject ( Ambassador , 1866, page 91) is good, but requires a little qualification on one or two points.
Paul deduces liberty of maintenance for preachers from the command not to muzzle the ox ( 1 Cor.
Now, if there is a relation of life to which these considerations apply with more force than others, it is to marriage: for in marriage a man gives himself to the perpetual companionship of the woman he marries, and undertakes a perpetual duty of friendship, and subjects himself to her perpetual influence. Remember your own sins and have mercy. The passage in 2 Cor., 6:14 , "Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers," does not seem to refer directly to marriage.
By this means they become our constant and reliable friend and guide.
If it does not occur there is a very strong chance they will not commit to marriage.
Should an ecclesiawithdraw fellowship from a member who gets married to someone in a different Christadelphian fellowship? I claim the right of exercising this privilege, as well as my contemporaries; and I require of them that they should do to me as once they loudly required others to do to them, (written by John Thomas, the founder of the Christadelphians, when he was against creeds in, The Apostolic Advocate magazine, August 1836).
It seems that in Corinth they had done this. Those things which ye have both learned, received, heard and may see of Paul's example as exhibited in his writings, do, and the God of peace will be with you, and supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. The convenient way, no doubt, is to be friends with it; to unite with it, to recognise no hindrances, and to run with it in all its ways: but how is such a way to be reconciled with the precepts which tell us we are not to be of it: not to make friends with it: not to be yoked with it? There should be a stringent refusal to hear an evil report concerning anyone until the reporter has taken the Scriptural course. Yet, they are very conscientious, admire his character greatly, and are as correct in their deportment, socially, as the most enlightened saint.
In many ways the difficulties they face are the same difficulties all those who have family or friends face. If she married such a believer, would Paul have turned her over to cursing, and have ordered a majority of babes in Christ, under a threat of his displeasure, to turn her out of the ecclesia?

The matter of difference is what is known as "the marriage question.". 7:39 ); and to the same effect are the words, "be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers" ( 2 Cor.
It also serves, in a large ecclesia, as an introduction to all, instead of, spreading gradually in a private manner., (the word alien was a word historically used to describe a non-Christadelphian.). Despite this belief, however, lots of Christadelphians do enter into relationships with non-Christadelphians and sometimes it leads to marriage. A brother's part (if the case be serious enough to speak of at all), is to be silent to all but the brother himself: first, go himself and discuss the matter between the two alone.
Amen . There are diversities among you as in all other congregations; and, as a general rule, the babes are greatly in the majority. Technical Advisor - Lavernock Enterprises. This is not to be supposed.
Some who come to this site will have family or friends who are Christadelphians whilst not being Christadelphians themselves. . vii.
And, as Paul prescribed no punishment, I see no reason why you should be more stringent than the apostle. He has wilfully sinned to satisfy natural inclinations knowing that the situation can be allayed by a formal recognition of sin later.
How Can I Communicate with Him?
It is the closest union that can subsist between two human beings, so close as to justify the ancient, short, well-worn, but pithy, description of the two so united -"one flesh."
If he defend his act as a Scriptural one, and contend for indiscriminate right of marriage on the part of believers with unbelievers, there would doubtless be no alternative but withdrawal, for we may not make ourselves responsible (by fellowship) for doctrines or maxims that are in opposition to the law of God.
The sheep - innocent, sweet disposition, harmless, given to ruminating on the word, and sure footed in walking after the Lord's commandments as a rule of life. 6:14-19 ). 39).
One of the things that led to this state of universal corruption was the intermarriages that took place between the "sons of God," as we may suppose in the line of Enoch, and the "daughters of men," apparently in the line of Cain. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you?
Therefore in these things be without carefulness, that you may please the Lord. 15-17) is doubtless applicable to sin in general.
It is also a struggle those who are already married face if one partner shows an interest in being a Christadelphian, particularly if they subsequently decide to convert. No group exists that we are aware of that can stand in unity with Bro Thomas.
Two creatures of unequal step cannot work advantageously together. But to carry out this gospel liberty would place a man or woman as a criminal at the bar of Gentile justice and law.
An evil report obstructs the cause of the truth. Paul delivers a judgment which he thinks would be approved by the Deity; and no doubt it would. Meanwhile, we are allowed to use the defensive weapon of non-association where there is non-compliance with the precepts of Christ.
It has nothing to do with judicial action.
A safe course in these perilous times to encourage and instruct believers to continue on the strait and narrow way.
Rather let me change every day, till I get right at last.
There must be some middle ground in such a case, and it is doubtless to be found in the practice of the London brethren .
He, therefore, not only demands their heart and service and praise, but He objects to their giving these to any other. Whilst the Christadelphian entering into a relationship believes it is a sin and knows to marry would place him in a disciplinary position, often those they date do not know the difficulties involved, particularly if they come from a Christian background which is less exclusive than the Christadelphians. If then ye be this temple. By no means.
It is no answer to cite the marriage of Joseph with the daughter of an Egyptian priest: or of Moses with an Ethiopian woman, or any similar case, because we do not know enough of such cases to know whether they were not outside the prohibition by reason of special mental qualification.
If the brother or sister offending is callous and indifferent on the subject, there is only one course, and that is, the public repudiation of their company.
11:18 )-"every man," whose hidden things and heart-counsels when brought to light will be accounted worthy much of praise.
This leaven worked in the ecclesia for about two years at the end of which a brother, formerly a presiding brother, married an alien. They were 'marrying and giving in marriage.'
I beseech you, brethren, one and all, change your course and "be of the same mind in the Lord" which is much more important for you, than disputing about marrying in the Lord;" for this I say brethren, the time is short ; it remaineth that both they who have wives be as though they had none; and they who weep as though they wept not; and they who rejoice as though they rejoiceth not; they who buy as though they possessed not; and they who use this world as not using in excess; for the fashion of this world passeth away."
"I wish you would publish something that would tend to strengthen the faith of weak ones on this subject, and to counteract the wave of disobedience that will surely follow in the wake of what has been published by the Advocate in January and the teaching of prominent brethren here.".
For the sake of ease of writing, HE will refer to the Christadelphian and SHE to the non-Christadelphian in this article and incidentally marriages out of the faith are more commonly this way round.
It takes patience and labour and love to build, and help and nurture.
But, is there no moral difference between Paul's infidels or unbelievers, and the mis believers of our day?