We were blown away by the creativity at our 2021 Box Fort camp! Camp is designed for ages 5-11, WITH A COUNSELOR IN TRAINER DESINGATION FOR CAMPERS AGES 12-16. document for our current procedures and policies. July 25-29 [Waitlist]. Join us on Friday at 3pm for an animal meet and greet! Riding on Ben our Draft horse Big Ben, care of saddles and bridles, basic horse health. We LOVE our miniature animal friends at The Maker Farm from our small goats and sheep to our herd of miniature horses, great things come in small packages! Archery! The Joy Squad is exactly that the random joys of kids, animals and food!! In this camp, makers and bakers will create dog treats, horse treats and of course, baked goods for people to eat! In this camp, kids will learn riding and horsemanship skills AND get to play games with their horses! They will also create polymer clay jewelry to sell at our Thursday markets at The Fitz and at The Farm. 65 Hillside Rd Counselor in Training (CIT) is for rising 9th graders. Sit a Buck! Gilchrist Farm is located at 30116 Bouquet Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91390. In this camp, kids bring in or send files of favorite pictures of their Summer of 2022 from backyard barbecues to family vacations, summer camps and days at the beach! Makers and Bakers: Literary Baking! Junior Makers and Bakers at The Fitz for ages 4-6$135 limit 20. Soap and candle making, leather working, rag doll making, and wood working. We saddle up early so that we can ride and hike and garden before the summer heat fills the air. Our Dabbler camps also include built-in creative play time. We will relax our safety policies only if regional health and safety milestones are met. Half Day Dabblers: Outerspace! Our young makers will create forts, houses, ships and more from cardboard, duct tape (A LOT of duct tape!) Water play, obstacle course, snow cones and more. In this Maker and Baker session, our inspiration is BOOKS!
at The Fitz for Grades K-4 $280 limit 20. This week, children will each receive a plain bookshelf and will create a doll family and appliances and furniture from recyclables such as yogurt cups, butter boxes and more.

Half Day Dabblers: Mythology (9-noon) at The Fitz for Grades K-4 Mythology $175 limit 10, Yeehaw! In this week, kids will learn basic baking skills and will be given baking challenges in teams such as who can make the candy-craziest cupcake or the most amazing gingerbread house!
Get out the poodle skirts, Cabbage Patch kids and hair spray! This year, kids will once again use the sewing machines, Cricuts and even design t-shirts and more! Join us on Friday at 3pm for a Little Women picnic in the garden!
Location Plus, campers will have unique access to the inside workings of our historic 424-acre dairy farm including our Civil War era barns, endless pastures, magnificent greenhouse, and dairy processing area. Wear water play clothes under riding clothes if possible to limit changing. 10% off if signing up for more than one session. It is Old-Fashioned Week at The Maker Farm! Dabblers Play Camp: Animal Rescuer Week at The Fitz for Grades K-6 Animal Rescuer Week $250 limit 30. . Kids will make homemade pizza, bread and butter and COOKIES! Special focus on skills for your own horse or continuing with riding lessons. Animalia: I Left My Heart in the Barnyard, Sr at The Bancroft Farm for Grades 3-6 $375 limit 10, Make It for The Market at The Fitz for Grades K-2 and 3-7$350 limit 30. Join us on Friday for an old-fashioned corn roast in our firepit and a horse exposition at 3pm. Dabblers Play Camp: Dangerous Creatures at The Fitz for Grades K-6 $200 limit 30. Horse Lovers Camp- Show Horse week on Friday! Do you have a young farmer who loves nature, the dirt, growing things and animals?
In this week, kids will play good old-fashioned neighborhood games, create obstacle courses and enjoy creative play in Pepperells Big Backyard and on the playground. Email registration to: denise@myfarmcamps.com. Not faraway in nearby New York State, Almanzo Wilder was born and raised on a horse farm with his siblings. July 18-22 [Waitlist] Half Day Dabblers: The Books of Dav Piley (9-noon) at The Fitz for Grades K-4 $175 limit 10, Yeehaw! Back by popular demand, our Play Camps focus on a new theme each week, but also allow room for creative play on The Fitzs large playground and in the Big Backyard. We are located on 26 acres on the top of Flint Hill in beautiful Lehigh County. In this camp, kids will learn about a different decade each day from its music and movies to its fashion and current events! All campers need to wear closed toed shoes, a sun hat, sun screen and bring a refillable water bottle and lunch or pizza order. . They are dangerous in the water and tend to get lost easily. This week, the infinite wonder of OUTERSPACE is our theme! Kids will even do a photo shoot on the playground and create a photo booth for silly pics to add to their collection! at The Fitz for Grades 2-6 $365 limit 20. One of our FAVORITE camps is back! Side Note:PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR DOG TO THE FARM* We have dogs on the farm, whose purpose is to protect the farm from other animals. Animalia: Colonial Farm at The Bancroft Farm for Grades K-6 $375 limit16. All items will be meat and nutfree. Families are asked to join us on Friday afternoon at 3pm for a rodeo. Animalia: Magical Minis at The Bancroft Farm for Grades K-5 $300 Limit 16.
Makers and Bakers will spend half of their day in the kitchen and half learning about Italian arts and crafts. Projects: making a water cistern, work the garden plot, make jam from seasonal fruit. We recommend that each child bring sunscreen, bug spray, a water bottle, weather appropriate clothing, extra clothing, a towel, and extra shoes. Horse Camp at The Bancroft Farm for Grades K-2 and 3-6 $450. We strive to make summer camp on our working farm as accessible, safe, and inclusive as possible. Your child should be dressed appropriately for the weather and environment. Throughout the camp day, we offer lots of choices and often split up into smaller groups based on interest or ages. We work with the wool from our sheep each week learning how to clean, card and spin the wool into yarn! What a week of learning and creating! Run. Each day has a different theme: Horses and their care, Goats/Cows-Dairy and Cheesemaking, Garden and woods, Chickens-housing, feeding and care/eggs. Your child will engage in one craft daily. Kids will spend half of their day in the kitchen baking Parisian treats and half creating a miniature Paris Caf complete with dolls, clay food, tables and more! Dabblers Play Camp: Outerspace! We have SHADE, misters, and so much to do. You can get details about MINI CAMP for our youngest campers HERE. Led by Maker Gail Flannery (our dollhouse guru!). Visiting the barns & pastures to better appreciate the "home" of each animal. In many cases we are able to make modifications or adjustments to our program and are open to feedback or ideas. The best part of this camp is that they take their newfound crafting and engineering skills with them- these are perfect skills for rainy days. Campers are asked to bring their own camera (IPAD, Smartphone or digital camera) for use. Families are asked to join us on Friday for a pony parade with our horses dressed for our fairytale riders! For Grades 3-6 $350 limit 20. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Museum admission is included in the camp fee. In the afternoons we offer our new program called O.W. Makers and Bakers: Cookie Monstah! 10819 Carnation-Duvall Rd NE, Carnation, WA 98014, All sessions include an exclusive 2022 camp t-shirt, nature journal,farm-fresh snacks,and craftsto take home, Envision young citizens of the Earth, deepening their understanding and respect for their food, the land it grows on, and all of the creatures, big and small, that help nourish thriving ecosystems. The Fabulous Filmmaker at The Fitz for Grades 5-9 $375 limit 10. This week, kids will learn about the history of this marvelous breed, learn about Justin Morgan and read Justin Morgan Had a Horse by Marguerite Henry.
Families are invited to join the baking crew on Friday at 3 for a literary treat! TLHF is not responsible for any misplaced items. Animalia, Jr: Who is the GOAT? Back by popular demand, our Play Camps focus on a new theme each week, but also allow room for creative play on The Fitzs large playground and in the Big Backyard. Then, there is Miss Emily- who literally IS a creative farmer mixing the arts, history, games and more with her love of agriculture. Shavertown, PA 18708 Crocs and flip flops will not be allowed. Balance is due two weeks prior to start of camp week. Claymation at The Fitz for Grades 3-6 $375 limit 20. The game and art projects are process-based. They will wallpaper the walls and even make carpets for the floor.
This week, kids will create art projects and games with medieval life as the centerpiece AND they will take a field trip to The Worcester Art Museum which is home to the Higgins Armory Collection on Thursday. Egg and Spoon! Join us for a cookie on the playground on Friday at 3pm. Makers and Bakers: Party Animals! Register online or upload and send in application, CIT (counselor-in-training- 14-15yr old) and JR COUNSELOR- 16 yr old. Join us at 3pm on Friday for a Box Fort tour! Weaving and other crafts are new to our program. Travel to Paris to learn Parisian baking! Put the time aside to come and see what your campers learned! Mounted Archery is always a camper favorite! Join us on Friday at 3pm to see how they have transformed our camp classrooms into Hogwarts! In this week, kids will collaborate to write, storyboard and film a short movie. Box Fort Challenge at The Fitz for Grades K-7 $350 limit 20.
Learn more >>. Our Play Camp series is a camp with built-in creative play time and is process-based. If you have any questions regarding specific camps and programming, please feel free to email Christine Lutters, Assistant Camp Director, at, If you have any questions regarding the application process, login information or using our CampBrain registration system, or financial assistance, please email Delant Keys, Registration Administrator, at. (9-noon) at The Fitz for Grades K-4 $175, Equus Senior Horse Camp at The Bancroft Farm for Grades 6-10 $450 limit 16. at The Fitz for Grades K-3 limit 20 $350. (Operation Wellness) as well as the fun experiences hosted by our Joy Squad. In this camp, young artists will create an art museum of artistic masterpieces created from clay, acrylic, watercolor and more with animals as the main theme. Learn how to groom, tack up, and ride horses or enhance your current riding expertise by trying something new. Holding chicks, brushing pigs, learning about life on the farm, trying out new adventures! READ BELOW FOR CIT AND UNPLUGGED INFO AND FOR A LIST OF OUR OFFERINGS. Learn about our recent fire and how you can help! Time is divided between gardening, animal care and handling and forestry projects. Farm Camp- Explore the world of farming in and around 1930's.
Animalia: All Are Welcome Here at The Bancroft Farm for Grades K-3 $375 limit 10. Learn to ride horses or advance your current riding skills. In this camp, kids will enjoy playing with animal-themed playsets (we LOVE Schleich! Back by popular demand, our Play Camps focus on a new theme each week, but also allow room for creative play on The Fitzs large playground and in the Big Backyard. Email: denise@myfarmcamps.com Venmo. Summer Camps Birthday Parties Riding Lessons Special Events. Riders will trail ride, learn to drive the carts, work in the ring and do a specialized horse workshop with a local riding professional. Grab your overalls! We have created a new series of farming camps with a focus on flowers, vegetables and animals. We will do our best to prepare for your animals visit and accommodate your needs for a service animal. All sessions include an exclusive 2022 camp t-shirt, nature journal,farm-fresh snacks,and craftsto take home. This camp is for the independent senior horseman with riding experience. Parents are encouraged to pack healthy snack.
Oooh la la! NOTE: some 7 year olds choose this track so this year we will be offering a 7 year old small group as well. Snacks if preferred, we will be serving watermelon and popcorn! Join us on Friday at 3pm on the playground for a tasty, buttery treat! Balance due two weeks before camp starts.
Before Care is available for all half-day morning camps and After Care is available for all half-day afternoon camps. Rosie the Riveter at The Fitz for Grades K-2and 3-6 $350 limit 24. Lunch or lunch order for pizza ($7/Little Ceasars pizza cheese/pepperoni, juice, carrots or apples). We have an excellent line up for the upcoming summer season!!! Build It!
We will create a farm fairy garden and each child will create their own fairy garden to take home at the end of the week.
Plus, goat lovers will create artistic goat masterpieces! In this camp, young photographers will learn photography skills and put them to work with our farms animals and architecture as inspiration. . Animalia: Beauty Barn at The Bancroft Farm for Grades K-6 $375 limit 16. In the camp, kids will spend time with our goat friends, do barn chores and build a goat play structure with hammers, nails, drills and screwdrivers! In the Garden: Much Ado About Nothing Theater Camp at The Bancroft Farm for Grades 3-6 $385 limit 20. In this camp, kids will learn the stories of our rescue horses and raise money to donate to a local horse rescue at our Make it for the Market week. In the case of heat advisories and/or storms, we keep the campers inside the Education Center and do indoor activities until it is safe to go outside. What grows in the garden? Horse Lovers Camp- horse handling skills. If your child requires an epi-pen or inhalers, please bring these items to camp each day and your childs counselor will be able to assist you. Adventure. Kids will each receive their own teepee to paint with symbols, create a firepit, garden, and even play Native American games. Well, this may be true, but all farmers have to be CREATIVE! Animalia, Sr: Who is the GOAT? End the week with a super fun horse show (with ribbons and prizes). Ample group games, free play, snacks and stories round out the day. Thank you for helping all children to experience the joys of summer on the Farm. We also have camp cameras to use. Our camps are designed to meet the developmental needs of each age group. The game and art projects are process-based. Registration now OPEN! . Farm Barn (side lawn): Located in the lawn on the North side of the Farm Barn. Since the farm is also a Registered a Certified Raw Milk Goat Dairy, the campers will be involved with the daily feeding and care of our dairy herd. Our farm has become a haven for Morgan and Standardbred (half Morgan!) Half Day Dabblers: Summer Scrapbook (9-noon) at The Fitz for Grades K-4 $175 limit 10, emilyonbancroftst@gmail.com (interim address), 12 Bancroft Street in Pepperell, MA 01463978.995.7002. You guessed it, this week our inspiration is baking for a PARTY! Camp continues, rain or shine. Half Day Dabblers: Dangerous Creatures (9-noon) at The Fitz for Grades K-4 $145 limit 10, My Morgan and Me Horse Camp at The Bancroft Farm for Grades 3-6 $450.
Please register for 2022 summer camp -Either scan and email the forms or please send all registrations and payment to: 5220 Loma Linda Lane Charlotte NC 28270 Camp will be held at: 12381 Downs Road, Pineville, NC new mailing address is 5220 Loma Linda Lane Charlotte 28270 if mailing registration. Well meet the farmers, animals, and get to know our meadows, fields, pastures, pond, dairy, farmyard, and gardens as we deepen our relationships with the food and natural systems of our farm community. As the goal of our camp is to teach children in a safe environment, we reserve the right to cancel summer camp for any child who is unable to follow safety rules. Each day, kids dive into games and art projects based upon the Harry Potter Book Series. Envision young citizens of the Earth, deepening their understanding and respect for their food, the land it grows on, and all of the creatures, big and small, that help nourish thriving ecosystems. Join us for our first ever full-on SCIENCE camp! All of our camps strive to encourage youth voice, nurture curiosity, and strengthen the connection between children, our food systems, and the natural world. Who lives in the Woods??? Kids will also have a Rosie photoshoot! From birthday cakes and cupcakes to fondant and even fondue, our makers and bakers will be expert party planners after this week!
Ages 7-11
Farm Animals- how they live and what they eat. Do you have a history lover who loves dragons, knights and castles? Animals, gardening and farm life are the perfect antidote for the plugged-in tech life of todays teens and tweens. Kids will also learn hot gluing skills and will add lots of embellishments such as feather boas, large eyes, jewels and more to create memorable characters. Dabblers Play Camp: Summer Scrapbook at The Fitz for Grades K-6 $250 limit 20. THE TOTAL PRICE OF CAMP FOR 2022 IS $375 PER CAMPER, PER WEEK. Junior Cowboy Camp at The Bancroft Farm for Grades K-3 $450 limit 16. Wild at HeART: Animals in Art at The Fitz for Grades K-3$280 limit 20. $25.00 Shopping Coupon at the Farm Store for referral who signs up. O.W. A summer outdoors, playing, laughing, learning, and getting messy, can motivate kidsto engage with their environment in new waysunplugging from technology and connecting with the wisdom of nature. Shelburne Farms is committed to ensuring that finances are not a barrier to children experiencing our summer youth programs. Hopefully you can come to some of our Mini-Camps the 1st Saturday of each month! Kids will also enjoy nature-based activities such as bird, wildflower and native plant journaling.
They will also build survival huts and create a new civilization on a new planet! Keyhole! Kids will also dive into farm chores, create farm games, make fun animal crafts and enjoy summertime on an old farm. ), create puppets and even play instruments. It is very easy to lose your heart to our Maker donkeys, alpacas, sheep, hens, bunnies and goats! Please do not hesitate to contact me! This involves our camper with all aspects of the summer season on the farm. Makers and Bakers: The Great Fitz-ish Bakeoff! One of our missions at The Maker Farm is to rescue animals and give them a loving home. . Dabblers Play Camp: Fun and Games at The Fitz for Grades K-6 $250 limit 30. Our goal during camp is to have fun while increasing awareness of how we are all interconnected, highlighting the cause and effect of our actions, including positive and negative consequences as it relates to the environment, our health, and each other. All campers, but especially our older campers, engage with the farmers and gardeners and learn basic outdoor skills, such as building their own fire and preparing farm-fresh food. We can put you on a waiting list. Please register soon, this will fill up fast! Brave adventurers will find their special place outside and take onnewchallenges as they explorethelesser-knowncorners of Oxbow. Join us for our family horse demonstration on Friday at 3pm. We feel it is essential for all campers to be immersed in real farm experiences that engage campers in the daily cycles and rhythm of farm happenings and foster the development of a supportive community. at The Fitz for Grades 2-6 $360 limit 10. In this week, kids will enjoy special animal guests. Immersed in the daily cycles of our farm community, campers experience the stories of the Land as they play, explore, and discover the wonders of the natural world. Sunscreen (in a ziplock type bag with child's name). Week ONE (July 5-8, 4 day camp week)9am-3pm, Fairytail Fillies Horse Camp at The Bancroft Farm for Grades K-4 $360 limit 16.
Pizza! They will also eat earlier and enjoy snack time so that they can run hard all day until 230pm! They will also create party decorations and paint party animal portraits! In this camp, kids will spend A LOT of time playing with and observing our friendly animals in their barnyards, have group discussions about the behaviors they see and create their own storybooks telling a story about the funny friendships and acts of kindness they witness. Half Day Dabblers: Animal Rescuer Week (9-noon) at The Fitz for Grades K-4 $175 limit 10, Old-Fashioned Kid Horse Camp at The Bancroft Farm for Grades K-6 $450 limit 16. Chandeliers, fireplaces, curtains . Join us on Friday for a corn roast in our firepit at 3pm. 10:00-12:00 (Snacks) Goat milking, small animal adventures, egg gathering, animal care and fun with animals! Makers: Emily Piper and Staff, Makers and Bakers: The Italian Chef for Grades 3-6 $350 limit 20. Kids will create outdoor games and art projects based upon famous myths. Additional outfit should also be provided. Animal Art from Around the World at The Fitz for Grades K-3 $350 limit 20. This week, we celebrate our American AND Native American heritage.