Add a language in team-managed service projects, Edit language translations in team-managed service projects, Stop supporting a language in team-managed service projects, Keep languages up to date in team-managed service projects, Visualize trends with reports in team-managed projects. Move a request to another service project, Use advanced search with Jira Query Language (JQL), Advanced search reference - JQL functions, Advanced search reference - JQL operators, Use basic search and filters to find requests and issues, Construct cron expressions for a filter subscription, Overview of Jira Cloud keyboard shortcuts, Get to know asset and service management with Insight. For more information about setting application access, seeManaging user access to JIRA applications.

What are the advantages of sharing custom fields? What are the different workflow rule types? Should I merge Opsgenie with Jira Service Management? Learn about ITSM and the strategic approach to designing, delivering, managing, and improving the way businesses use IT. Approvals in company and team-managed service projects, Migrate between team-managed and company-managed projects, Get the team-managed Jira Service Management experience, Create, edit, and delete team-managed service projects, Set up request types in team-managed projects, Set up an online portal in team-managed projects, Set up portal access in team-managed projects, Customize the portal in your team-managed projects, Customize your help center in team-managed service projects, Add announcements to your portal or help center, Group request types in the portal in team-managed projects, Let agents add announcements in team-managed projects, Set who has permission to send requests to your portal, Receive requests from emails in team-managed projects, Add request participants by email in team-managed projects, Add a custom email account in team-managed projects, Manage domains and email addresses on your blocklist, Customize request fields in team-managed service projects, Available custom fields for team-managed service projects, Add or remove people from your team-managed service project, Manage how people access your team-managed service project, Overview of permissions in team-managed service projects, Add and remove customers in your service project, What are customers and organizations in your service project, Add a customer to a team-managed service project, Remove a customer from a team-managed service project, Manage how work flows in your team-managed service project, Create, edit, and delete statuses in team-managed projects, Manage workflow rules in team-managed service projects, Manage transitions in team-managed service projects, Available workflow rules in team-managed service projects. How do date and time formats work in the issue view? How are request types used in my service project? Configure columns and statuses in your team-managed project, Assign statuses and edit columns in a team-managed project, Manage columns and statuses in team-managed projects, View and understand insights in team-managed projects, Understand insights on the backlog in team-managed projects, Understand insights on the board in a team-managed project, Common Jira Software configurations for Advanced Roadmaps, Change your Advanced Roadmaps plan settings, How Advanced Roadmaps shows issues on your timeline.

How is a service catalogue used in my IT service project? Add links to external resources in your portal, Customize the field layout of your issue view, About the issue view in Jira Service Management, Add, edit, or remove field tabs from an issue type, Configure the request form and issue view for a request type, Triage customer requests for your agents with queues, Add a new custom field to a service project, Add a conditional field to a service project, Request approval from approvers associated with a service. What workflow helps service project agents resolve bugs? Board permissionscan be divided into two parts board administration permissions and board usage permissions. Follow proven patterns for setting up Jira Service Management for IT and software development teams. Who does the Automatic assignee option assign an issue to? Help customers as a service project agent. Migrate between team-managed and company-managed projects, Configure how your board estimates and tracks work. How does the role of admins change in team-managed projects? What are Time estimates (days, hours, minutes)? What are capacity and velocity in Advanced Roadmaps?
Email process for POP, IMAP, cloud, and other email types, Change how emails are processed across service projects, Test your custom email channel connection, Change how you process emails in global mail settings, About email logs in Jira Service Management, Allow external emails to be added as comments on issues, Disable all email requests to the email channel, Hide email signatures from the issue view and portals, Manage DMARC authentication for incoming emails, Switch your Microsoft and Google email accounts to OAuth, View the email processing and connectivity logs. Similar permission to creating a Version. Learn more about the best practices when collaborating with teams in other Jira products. What are SLAs and how do I view them in my service project? What are default reports in team-managed projects? Board usage permissions are derived from project permissions. How do customers send requests to your service project? They usually belong to internal teams in your organization and they occasionally assist agents with customer requests by making internal comments. Jira Service Management has various user types and roles based on a combination of licensing, global permissions and project permissions. What are dependencies in Advanced Roadmaps? Permissions are different from application access, which is controlled by groups that have Use access for an application. What is the ITIL problem management process?

What are the different workflow rule types? How can I add and manage internal stakeholders? What service request workflows come with my service project? Can I use custom fields to track progress of my project? How do date and time formats work in the issue view? Use Jira Cloud on Apple and Android devices, Use Jira Cloud with other Atlassian products, Integrate Jira Cloud with Microsoft Teams, Start a new software project for your team, Learn how company-managed and team-managed projects differ. What are customer permission settings for email requests? Since group membership can only be edited by users with the Administer Jiraglobal permission, project administrators may prefer to assign users, rather than groups, to their project roles. Organize your request types into portal groups, Involve the people who use your service project, Add your customers so they can raise requests, Add your service project agents to work on requests, Visualize trends in your service project with reports, Create a custom report for your service project, Permissions for your service project and Jira site, How customer access settings impact project permissions, Change access settings for your customers, Set up your service projects to meet compliance needs. Add reports to a dashboard in team-managed service projects, Delete a report in team-managed service projects, Collect CSAT metrics in team-managed service projects, Turn on customer feedback in team-managed service projects, Visualize customer feedback in team-managed projects, Use service level agreements in team-managed projects, Create a new SLA calendar in team-managed service projects, Create and edit SLAs in team-managed service projects, Learn about the IT service management template, Test, explore and learn with your sample space. Use the change calendar to manage change requests. You'll see all the people and groups associated with each project role. Use the old issue view to resolve customer requests, See who's involved in an issue in the old issue view, Take action on an issue from the old issue view, Add request participants from the old issue view, See the details of an issue using the old issue view, Talk to customers or team members from the old issue view, Move an issue through its workflow from the old issue view, Approve or decline an issue from the old issue view, Sort an issue's activity in the old issue view, View, sort, and edit issue activity in the old issue view, Manage your incoming requests with queues, Add comments to multiple requests at the same time, Assign multiple requests at the same time, Delete multiple requests at the same time, Transition multiple requests at the same time, Write and share effective knowledge base articles, Add a knowledge base article to multiple categories, Feature knowledge base articles in your help center, Search for a knowledge base article from the issue view, Share knowledge base articles with customers. How issue and request types differ in team-managed projects. Learn the Jira fundamentals powering Jira Service Management. This page contains instructions for managing membership ofexisting project roles. Best practices for teams using Jira Service Management. Use the issue view in team-managed service projects, Link issues, pages, and app content from the issue view, Watch and share issues from the issue view, Move an issue through its workflow from the issue view, Talk to the customer or team members from the issue view, Best practices for IT teams using Jira Service Management. Board usage permissions are derived from project permissions. Project Admin permission, or Jira Admin permission, A project administrator is a user with the, A board administrator is a user that has been added to the, Creating a project (where a board is created for the project by default), Setting up Jira Software for the first time (where you're prompted to create a project, which also creates a board for the project), Copying a board (the copied board will be shared with the same users as the original board). Make an issue type compatible with an ITSM work category, Manage your request types and ITSM categories, Using work categories in IT service management projects. What are compatible and incompatible issue types? Jira products share a set of core capabilities that you'll want to understand to get the most out of Jira Service Management. What are external sprints in Advanced Roadmaps? Your first stop for learning how to get started with Jira Service Management. Create a custom report in team-managed service projects, Edit a custom report in team-managed service projects, Export reports in team-managed service projects.