Only one account setup fee of $50 will be charged. Our mission to provide clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy is about more than our bottom line. Business Development I honor those who came before me, my MENTORS.
Appleton, WI 54911-8703, Phone: (920) 733-3136 Who We Represent Q. Boilermakers Local # 107 Q. A. Authorization forms must be filled out by the contractor and given to the collector/clinic each time drug testing is performed. For independent contractors working on non-nuclear plant sites, Drug and Alcohol Testing must be done by Alere Toxicology Services. Plant security/ plant management may deny documentation used to provide proof of SSN if they feel document is not valid (ex. Pay monthly dues (non-members and retirees must pay a service fee for any month in which they work four or more days). I am constantly learning and sharing that knowledge. If the MRO's review of the non-negative test, results in a positive confirmation, the worker will be removed from site and barred from Southern Company property. Q. for newsletter & email updates. Strict adherence to the designated clearance/lockout tagout procedure is a condition of employment for everyone working on plant equipment at Southern Company generation facilities. Hobart apprentices below are the links for the Ivy Tech Classes for Fall 2022: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGLGNa5XrueeaAUyhsQ4DD8zx68c2xaDwGbZjKtlLdpTwXUQ/viewform?usp=sf_link, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScg9om00KFGv27i4podSd_unaDQcrBkh_td7oLOLIPhpUxJNQ/viewform?usp=sf_link, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeAnmbn466BapFzguMtY_EkwUF9QIIDTLrX6dSIAaZmsRXyUw/viewform?usp=sf_link, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyy9pra5-ydXnRxXQ4o0FYB-kvidR6v2rgc0cVegX_3y5ZYQ/viewform?usp=sf_link, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVOd-3GxlfHI76CJAYF9M_9XhaLwgyLAk1YbvEZb9jLETZyw/viewform?usp=sf_link. International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, NONDISCRIMINATORY REFERRAL AMENDMENT CLARIFICATION. How often do drug tests have to be renewed? A. A.Alere will provide you with a list of collectors that can be used for testing at the plant site, as well as a list of clinics for testing away from the plant site. The contractor should discuss testing arrangements and testing methods with their plant contact and then proceed to set up an account with the designated Provider. NOTE: You should discuss testing arrangements with your contact at the plant. database. Phone: (262) 754-3167 | Fax: (262) 754-3198 International Brotherhood Of Boilermakers, Building Trades National Medical Screening Program. So you may hear our members refer to themselves as blacksmiths, forgers, ship builders, cement workers, stove workers, metal polishers, or numerous other job descriptions. Boilermakers perform erection, repair and maintenance of hydroelectric, fossil and nuclear power plants, oil refineries, chemical plants, paper mills and steel mills. Updates and additional content will be coming soon. A. Access to Yale's database will be granted through Yale. Q. The level of testing required for contract workers will be communicated to you by your plant contact and/or the Supply Chain Management organization. I will give quality work for quality pay. I am always working safely and demand the same from those around me. Have a current (within 12 months) M.O.S.T. Your responseis needed so a final decision can be made. You must bring copies of the following documents or your application will be rejected, those documents are your birth certificate, High School Diploma or GED, social security card and drivers license. A list of approved collectors/ clinics will also be provided. training through M.O.S.T. If a full SSN is not provided, a test will not be performed and site entry should not be allowed. I am a guardian of craftsmanship and the Union way of life. The Transportation Worker Identification Credential, also known as TWIC, is required by the Maritime Transportation Security Act for workers who need access to secure areas of the nations maritime facilities and vessels. Please begin by reading "Letter from Regional Federal Credit Union" in the Downloads section below. Contractors using union Ironworkers should contact the IMPACT Program Administrator at 1-800-985-0200 to order supplies and to obtain test results. If a contractor employee does not dispute the information found, but wants to work for us in spite of that, their employer (contractor supervision) should contact Operations Compliance. Weighted Average Hour-Ahead Transaction Prices, Constructive Regulation and Public Policy, Risk I Drug Screen and Background Investigation Toolkit, Contractor Fitness-for-Duty Prescription Letter, Lockout Tagout Procedure Awareness Training. This list is also on Alere's database, which you will be given access to when you setup your account. A worker's full social security number is required for drug testing and background investigations. The IMPACT program will purchase quick test kits and chain of custody forms from Alere and forward those to contractors utilizing union Ironworkers. Members of Our Union When you are working outside of the locals jurisdiction you remain on the out-of-work list and those days do not count. Through our PGA TOUR partnership, over $40 million has been donated in our communities to fund education, wellness programs & neighborhood revitalization. I honor their struggle to provide me with a Union OPPORTUNITY. For telehealth benefits to be payable under the Plan, you must use the Plans exclusive in-network provider, MD Live. Kansas City KS 66101 If you quit or are terminated, you will be removed from the out of work list and not be able to get on it for at least 21 days. A. TWIC Card Information Contractors can refer to their contracts or contract administrator with questions regarding required safety training. At Southern Company, our total rewards play an important part in who we are as a company and how we attract, engage and retain the best talent. Q. Please click the link for more information. The benefits of being affiliated with one are outstanding. Some plants do testing at the plant site; some plants prefer for you to use the nearby clinic.
We believe in the importance of protecting critical infrastructure and Americas way of life. Sign-up A different Southern Company/ Alere authorization form and chain of custody form will be used for these tests. How do I know which collectors/clinics to use for drug testing? Dues must be kept current or a reinstatement fee of $500.00 applies if you become delinquent. Yes. Lamination of such cards renders them invalid. Forgot Your Attached you can find the letter regarding the BoilermakersEvent Survey and the link for your response. The MRO's confirmation of prescription medication does not relieve contract management of their responsibility to provide "Contractor Fitness-for-Duty Prescription Letter". For Contractors working in and around Switchyards, they are responsible for communicating the designated Southern Company Generation Switchyard Access Awareness Training to their employees. Contact Yale at 1-800-536-5772 ext. Access to the Alere's database will be granted through Alere Toxicology. Please make sure the form includes the correct facility number and plant site location. Ironworker IMPACT program pays for drug testing of union Ironworkers under the Southern Company/ Alere testing program requirements. Results reporting will also be available through MOST. The DOL recently posted these online security tips and we wanted to share them with you to help keep you safe while online. Please take a moment to complete the questions below. Q. Southern Company commits to promote an actively anti-racist culture and to ensure that all groups are well-represented, included and fairly treated within all levels of the organization. A second opinion can help you make an informed, confident decision about your medical care. I am a guest at job sites and conduct myself accordingly. The Transparency in Coverage rule requires insurers and plans to create online consumer tools that include personalized information regarding members cost-sharing responsibilities for covered items and services. Q. All donors must provide their full Social Security Number in order to take a drug screen. Southern Company reserves the right to conduct audits at any time during the term of the Contract to determine Contractor's compliance with this process. E-mail: busrep1@newbt.org, Top 10 Reasons why you need a union where you work, CarePlus Dental Plans is Dental Associates, Northeast WI Building & Construction Trades Council, Have no fear of heights (200 1000 above the ground), Possess a valid drivers license and provide own transportation, Applicants that have a welding certification will have a priority over applicants without, 6,000 hours on-the-job training, self-study and classroom training. Subcontractors need their own account with Alere to ensure accuracy in billing and reporting. Documentation used to evaluate contract employees ability to safely perform his/her duties while taking prescription medication shall be readily available at the site until the completion of work. Contractor must have a renewal drug screen every 12 months. Upon completion of a job or leaving the locals jurisdiction, members must notify the Union Hall of availability for work. Their skills include boiler manufacturing and fabricating, steel plate and structural steel fabrication, pressure vessel and tank fabrication, highway construction equipment manufacturing, oil field equipment manufacturing and other metal fabrication. Metal or plastic reproductions of Social Security cards are not acceptable. Weve made our name as a leading producer of clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy, and we approach each day as a vital step in building the future of energy. Contractor and site-specific drug tests are often a requirement of employment and must be complied with. Contractors utilizing union Ironworkers must contact IMPACT to make arrangements to receive supplies. They are responsible for communicating the designated Southern Companyhot work trainingto their employees. Building the future of energy is a big mission, and were honored to take it on. We value your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.

Contractors shall follow the generation hot work procedure. This helps with billing, reporting, and tracking. This training defines the process for safe access into generating plant switchyards and substations located on a Generation site. Contract workers attempting to access Southern Company Generation facilities must show, at a minimum, 2 forms of identification and must be positively identified in order to access the facility. All Background Investigations must be done by Yale Associates, Inc. These procedures provide a system of accountability for non-plant personnel and maintains communications between working parties.
All Rights Reserved, Contractor/Plant/Boilermaker Contact Info. Have you ever wondered if unions were for you? A. The applicable Clearance Procedure or Lockout Tagout Procedure will be communicated to contractors during the pre-bid and/or plant safety orientation. Risk I Drug Screen and Background Investigation Toolkit for Southern Company Generation Contractors provides the contact information for the Providers and basic program information. so it will be included in the M.O.S.T. Southern Company has developed this process to ensure a safe work environment for construction, maintenance, and other contracts where the safety of our employees, the public or our facilities may be at risk. An additional resource,Lockout Tagout Training Video, has also been developed for use by contractors. Observer exceptions shall be granted by Operations Compliance. I am a skilled craftsperson and a member of a team. How do I get access to Alere database to view drug tests? A. Website: http://boilermakers107.com/, Blane Tom, Business Manager Southern Companys electric operating company Georgia Power is currently building the first new nuclear units in the United States in the last three decades. Contractors utilizing union boilermakers should contact MOST in Kansas City at 913-281-5036 to order supplies and to obtain access to get the results on-line. The Southern Company contract administrator will provide additional details. Q. If we attempt contact three consecutive times without reaching you, a written notice will be mailed to your last address with notification that youve been removed from the out of work list. 4807. I serve my family, my crew, my local, my Union and my employer. Contractor management shall provide Southern Company plant representative with the "Contractor Fitness-for-Duty Prescription Letter", at receipt of Non-Negative drug test result. Contractors utilizing union boilermakers must contact MOST to make arrangements to receive supplies. Thank you. A. Map, International Brotherhood of Boilermakers. Login? When you get ten days, you come off the list.
NEW 988 SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE LAUNCHED NATIONWIDE, Site The benefits of being affiliated with one are outstanding. If a specimen is not provided in 3 hours, it will be considered a refusal to test, which will be treated as a positive. Members of the Shipbuilding and Marine Division are employed at private marine construction and repair facilities, and naval shipyards and piers. Were committed to supporting and improving our communities and environment. My company works at multiple Southern Company plants, how many accounts do I need with Alere? The contractor is responsible for communicating the designated Southern Company GenerationClearance Procedure Awareness TrainingorLockout Tagout Procedure Awareness Trainingto their employees. Effective as of 07/01/2022, you have direct access to a Cleveland Clinic expert physician for second opinions. Retain insurance when changing contractors following outages, Build retirements that follow them from job-to-job. 2022 Ten days can be acquired in any combination such as ten jobs for one day each, one job for ten days, etc. International Brotherhood of Boilermakers. Southern Company continues to prioritize the delivery of clean, safe, Once you reconfirm availability, you will go back on the bottom of the list. Welcome to the new website for the Boilermakers National Funds. Do contract workers have to provide their full social security number for drug testing and background investigations?

If you think you have what it takes to be affiliated with the top trade in North America, please take a minute to register below. Alcohol testing is only required under suspicion, post-accident or reasonable cause situations. All donors are required to show valid photo identification to the collector before a test will be performed. I serve a Brotherhood whose EXCEPTIONAL legacy spans over 130 years. Most of our departmental offices are located at headquarters: 753 State Avenue Q. Monthly dues are $43.00 as of January, 2013. Were always looking ahead, and our innovations in the industryfrom new nuclear to deployment of electric transportation and renewables help brighten the lives and businesses of millions of customers nationwide. Results will only be available through IMPACT. Safety is a core value throughout the Southern Company system. MOST has a unique account/facility number that will be used on the chain of custody forms for billing. Who should the contractor contact if they want to dispute the validity of the information found on a background investigation? Were recognized as a leader in our space for the strides we make in advancing sustainable energy. Unionized workers earn about 27 percent more in, than non-union workers, are nearly twice as likely to have an employer-paid, as non-union workers and are more likely to be covered by an employer-sponsored. As of July 16, people having mental health-related distress can call or text the easy-to-remember, 3-digit number, 988, to access the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. If you leave the jurisdiction of the local for work or are going to be unavailable for employment for any reason, you must notify the Union Hall to get flagged so we are not trying to contact you for employment opportunities. You will then be placed at the bottom of the list when you reconfirm availability. A.Yale will handle dispute resolutions. "always protecting our Boilermaker family", Watch this video to learn about our Boilermaker History. (913) 371-2640, NEWBCTC Southern Company has eliminated the requirement for Generation contractors to complete PowerSafe Training. Our bond is stronger than the welds we produce, we make safety on every job site a priority and our environment of training and excellence makes us the most specialized of all trades. While Atlanta is our home, we bring energy to homes and businesses across the country. https://www.tsa.gov/for-industry/twic This helps with billing, reporting, and tracking.
The Providers will set up the account and give the contractor access to the database to view results. Background checks, if required, must be renewed every 7 years. If a contractor works at multiple SoCo plants, how many accounts do they need with Alere? 2828 N. Ballard Rd. Our values set us apart, and they make us who we are. The MOST program will purchase quick test kits and chain of custody forms from Alere and forward those to contractors utilizing union boilermakers. Report to work when they accept a job and complete the job. Keep their contact information current. The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers is a diverse union representing workers throughout the United States and Canada in industrial construction, repair, and maintenance; manufacturing; shipbuilding and marine repair; railroads; mining and quarrying; cement kilns; and related industries. Boilermakers Video -For 125 years, Boilermakers have contributed significantly to the economies, the social infrastructure and the military readiness of both the United States and Canada. Forgot Your All insurance, annuity, and pension information is available by calling Boilermaker customer care at 866-342-6555 or 800-242-5444 or visiting www.bnf-kc.com. Drug tests have to be renewed every 12 months. Fax: (866) 257-3160, Ted Gumieny Southern Company. The applications will be offered from 7:00 am to 8:00 am only located at: 3185 Gateway Road, Suite 200