It covers parts of five provinces of Iran from east to west including: NorthKhorasanProvince,GolestanProvince (entirely southern and southwestern areas as well as parts of the eastern regions of theGorganplain,MazandaranProvince,GilanProvince andArdabilProvince. The most characteristic and specific relic tree species of the Hyrcanian forests, Parrotia persica, is entirely missing in the Colchis. Other factors include uncontrolled grazing domestic livestock and illegal constructions.
Conservation efforts have focused on empowering local communities, and embracing positive eco-tourism. The ecosystem of this park includes 1350 species of plants and 302 species of animals, which is extraordinary in its kind.
Collectively, biosphere reserves form a World Networkthat facilitates exchanges of information, and experiences.
The area of these 40 million year old forests is 55,100 square km with 2 million hectares in Iran and 20,000 hectares in Azerbaijan. What you could do if WHC refuses to inscribe one of your proposed sites? State party's description of 'masterpieces of nature creative genius in the form of this ancient forest' make me only laugh.
Jiroft Civilization: one of the oldest in the world, Persian Garden: Iranian invention of chaharbagh. Alpine tundra and meadows occur at the highest elevations. The most conspicuous living fossils include tree species like the Persian Ironwood (Parrotia persica), a monotypic endemic tree genus, Caucasian Wingnut (Pterocarya fraxinifolia) and Caucasian Elm (Zelkova carpinifolia). 7 Votes One of the options is to add several similar, mediocre sites and propose it under different name and slightly different criteria. As the main climatic barrier and watershed between the Caspian Sea and the arid Irano-Turanian Plateau, the steep ridges of the Talish and Alborz mountain systems serve as an insuperable barrier of moist air accumulated above the Caspian Sea.
- a fascicle of Flora Iranica: Flora des iranischen Hochlandes und der umrahmenden Gebirge; Persien, Afghanistan, Teile von West-Pakistan, Nord-Iraq, Azerbaidjan, Turkmenistan (Translation: 'Flora Iranica: Flora of the Iranian Highlands and the adjoining mountain ranges; Iran, Afghanistan, parts of Western Pakistan, Northern Iraq, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan'). The Caspian tiger was a Panthera tigris tigris species, which lived in a vast area from eastern Turkey, the Caucasus around the Caspian Sea through Central Asia to northern Afghanistan and in western China. Rehabilitation of degraded forest, and a reduction of primary forest utilization are priorities.
Although Iran is a poor country in terms of vegetation, we still witness a huge decline in the Hyrcanianeco-region each year.
Hyrcanian forest ecosystems are home to 296 bird species and 98 mammal species.
Carnivores are threatened by retaliatory killing, whilst ungulates are killed for pleasure, meat, or revenge due to crop damage. The protection level indicates the percentage of the GSN goal that is currently protected on a scale of 0-10. We had to retreat and go back to Alabad-e Katul.

Annual rainfall ranges from 900mm (35in) in the east to 1,600mm (63in) in the west, making the forests much lusher than the desert, semi-desert, and steppe regions which it borders. The publication of the Tentative Lists does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the World Heritage Committee or of the World Heritage Centre or of the Secretariat of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its boundaries.
The nomination dossier of the inscribed Hyrcanian Forests property contains a detailed comparative analysis, which remains fully applicable to the proposed transnational serial extension.
Because of the uninterrupted and ongoing evolution, the floristic biodiversity of the Hyrcanian region is highly remarkable for a temperate forest ecosystem at the global level with over 3,200 vascular plants documented.
Unfortunately, almost half of these forests are now deforested, and only 10.3% of them is heavily protected.
horzontalis) and Chinese Arborvitae (Platycladus orientalis). 15 locations, The site has
Take advantage of the search to browse through the World Heritage Centre information.
The Hyrcanian forests are one of the worlds most important habitats for the endangered Persian leopard, and 20 individuals are thought to inhabit Golestan National Park. Both the scale of the overall forest ecosystem and the intactness of representations along enormous altitudinal and longitudinal gradients are unmatched. Caucasian zelkova and Caucasian wingnut are examples of post-glacial relict trees: though glaciations eradicated these species across much of their former ranges, these forests offered a sanctuary where small populations have survived to this day. The proposed transnational serial extension is based on criteria (ix) and (x).
One-eighth of the plant species, one-third of the bird species and more than fifty percent of the countrys mammal species live in the park. Also known as the Caspian tiger, the Mazandaran tiger or the Hyrcanian tiger was actually one of the largest feline on earth.
[4], The Hyrcanian forests are thought to have served as a refugium for certain species during changing climatic conditions.
Imagine a world where nature & humanity coexist and thrive.
Many people stopped on the way just in the side of the road to feed the boars (hate that).
The property covers most ecological and biological features values of the Hyrcanian region, thereby displaying key environmental processes illustrating the genesis of these forests, including succession, evolution and speciation. Despite this, a third of the Hyrcanian forests have been cleared since 1950, mostly for commercial timber, animal husbandry, and agriculture; tea and vegetables are amongst the major products harvested.
The diversity and endemism of the species make the Caspian Hyrcanian forests a priority and unique feature for species conservation.
Hyrcanian forests often have different vegetation depending on the altitude (sea level, low altitudes mountain foot, high mountains, and very high places). We managed to visit only one of them Abr Forest, a nice and quick detour on our way back from Gonbad-e Qabus to Tehran.
Beech, Oak, Maple, Elm, Alder, European Ash, European Hornbeam, Yew, Lindens, Parrotia persica, Caucasian wingnut, Lilac, Date-plum, Fig and Box-trees are more abundant than others.
There are also 150 native plants including trees and shrub plants such asbuxesandbeechtrees.
Biodiversity Of The Hyrcanian Forests. Upper mountain and subalpine zones are characterized by Caucasian Oak, Oriental Hornbeam, shrublands and steppes. The forest region is recognized as a Tertiary floristic center, representing a vast natural museum featuring numerous endemic and relic species.
The Masooleh, Ghaleh Roodkhan and Astara forest watersheds are in Gilan province) and Ardabil Province. The remaining large mammals include the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus tulliana), lynx (Lynx lynx), brown bear (Ursus arctos), wild boar (Sus scrofa), wolf (Canis lupus), golden jackal (Canis aureus), jungle cat (Felis chaus), Caucasian badger (Meles canescens), and Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). A main feature of the region is the lack of conifers; only relics of coniferous species are present, which include European yew (Taxus baccata), Junipers (Juniperus spp. From theHyrcaniaancient region in the Republic ofAzerbaijantoAstara, the border Iranaian city there are spectacular old forests that enjoy temperate climate of the region.
Its component parts contain exceptional broad-leaved forests with a history dating back 25 -50 million years ago, when such forests covered most of the Northern Temperate Region.
Ratnayake, Creative Commons. The area is restricted to the border river Aras in the north and the mountain areas in the east, west and south, and is connected to Kiyamaki Protected Area, Arasbaran Biosphere reserve. The tree types in the lowland area also differ from the trees in the high slopes and areas. 8 connections. At higher elevations to the south, the ecoregion grades into the Elburz Range forest steppe. The presence of the rare bird endemic species such as Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi (Near Threat species in IUCN category) led to the designation as a protected area in 2011.
I visited 2 parts of this nomination in January 2019. The component parts of the inscribed property are functionally linked through the shared evolutionary history of the Hyrcanian mixed forest ecoregion and there are no major barriers to the ecological connectivity in higher elevations of the Hyrcanian forest region. However, the latter differ substantially in terms of species composition and structure. In fact, these forests are the border between the semi-arid areas of Semnan province and the Hyrcanian rainforests in Golestan province, where the sky and the earth are intertwined as one can see an ocean of clouds.
The most famous of these trees are Beech, Oak, Alder, Elm, European Ash, Box-tree, etc. I highly doubt this is worthy of the title world heritage.
Both the inscribed component parts and the ones additionally proposed through a transnational serial extension therefore represent the most intact representations of the various forest sub-types of the vast forest region. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); IRANSAFAR TOURS is an Iranian tour operator and travel agency with 25 years of experience with tourism in Iran. These huge ancient forest areas retreated during Quaternary glaciations and later, during milder climate periods, expanded again from these refugia. The One Earth Newsletter showcases innovative projects from around the world led by individuals and community organizations who are making the vision of a green, resilient future a reality. Solanaceae.
Due to this isolation, the serial property hosts many relict, endangered, and regionally and locally endemic species of flora, contributing to the high ecological value of the property and the Hyrcanian region in general.