Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Truman, H. S. Address Before a Joint Session of Congress, March 12 1947 (Transcript) [Online]. Ul>(q[FMLJJJP[ZZ2-F!%%54@i}@Z 0000012825 00000 n
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Read about the US's early attempts to contain communism through economic and military aid. It was an important example of the overt use of economic power in foreign policy (Burk 2001: 268). - https://youtu.be/6YEE8BgzBIMFive files are included in the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan Pack.- PowerPoint presentation- Corresponding notes in Microsoft Word and PDF- Corresponding cloze worksheets in Microsoft Word and PDFObjective: To examine the causes of the Cold War.Topics Covered:Soviet occupation of Eastern EuropeIron curtainTruman DoctrineMarshall PlanGerman occupation zonesFormation of East G. 18 slides and an abridged version of the Marshall Plan speech will stimulate thinking with art, audio, visuals, a map, primary documents and questions.

Marsh, S. and Mackenstein, H. (2005). Moscow and the Marshall Plan: Politics, Ideology and the Onset of the Cold War, 1947, Europe-Asia Studies, 46(8), pp. ! This product is designed to assist the students to understand 4 US Cold War Policies: Truman Doctrine, Containment, Marshall Plan and Domino Theory. 0000001768 00000 n
The Marshall Plan: Filling in Some of the Blanks, Contemporary European History, 10(2), pp. Of course the mirror opposite can be said as Stalins position did the same within his own bloc albeit on different terms. PK ! Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. This lesson discusses NATO, Warsaw Pact, the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, as well as primary source analysis of the Iron Curtain. Upon analysing this theory, Robert Frazier concludes that it is doubtful Bevin was engaged in an underhand plot and the decision to withdraw from Greece was a simple decision made through extenuating and valid circumstances, mainly due to a lack of financial and political will to remain supporting Greece (Frazier 1984: 715-727). endstream
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How to Get HIPP with the Source: The Sources of Soviet Conduct, Foreign Affairs, 25(3), pp. %PDF-1.4 Will save you SO MUCH TIME! 0000004071 00000 n
A two lesson enquiry with exam, The Cold War Begins - 28.1 Cornell Notes - The Cold War, The Cold War Begins - 28.1 Lesson - The Cold War, Cold War: The Cold War in Europe, China and Korea, AP Cold War: The Cold War in Europe, China and Korea, ENL History - Cold War Intro and Containment (English and Spanish), IB History - Origins of the Cold War Unit Plan (Complete Unit Plan), Cold War Vocabulary Research Project Activity PowerPoint Google Slides. %
He is the author of Foundations of International Relations (Bloomsbury 2022), International Relations (2017), International Relations Theory (2017) and US Arms Policies Towards the Shahs Iran (Routledge, 2014). << >> Any Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials.

The learning targets for this DBQ are: 1. to explain why the "free world" was afraid of communism , 2. to describe the purpose of the Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine, 3. to explain why the Eisenhower administration feared the domino effect.Students review a key excerpt from the Communist Manifesto to determine why capitalist democracies were so afraid of a communist revolution. 0000010890 00000 n
Students will hear Truman's speech regarding the Truman Doctrine and read an abridged version of Marshall's speech outlining the Marshall Plan, and answer close reading questions.

7 questions. European Integration 1950-2003: Superstate or New Market Economy?, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. According to this doctrine, capitalism was approaching a crisis which would cut off the flow of America aid leaving Europe ultimately in the hands of the Communists. 0000001207 00000 n
amount, in any currency, is appreciated. Bevin and the Truman Doctrine The Historical Journal, 27(3), pp. XD3&11J0c`ed:t^ '"_a`QW3E(0k$:v3=
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Congress was hostile to further bilateral aid packages to European nations and there was already an accepted inevitability within American statesmen that the division of Europe was inevitable. 0000041527 00000 n
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Much has been written of the initial American offer of this aid to all of Europe (excluding Spain), including nations aligned or under the influence of the Soviet Union, and to the Soviet Union itself, which was included in the plan as both an aid recipient and an aid provider which Stalin rejected. Your donations allow us to invest in new open access titles and pay our The product includes a four readings with questions for each reading. (1994). 0000056621 00000 n
Revisionist historians see the Marshall Plan as an extension of the Truman doctrines design to create political and economic buffers to contain the Soviet Union. Additionally the belligerence of Stalin gave America a degree of influence it would not have otherwise had in Europe, helping to transform American power into a position of dominance over the West (Cox 1990: 31). 0000003660 00000 n
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endobj They were merely reactions to the already constituted structure of the post-war system, not determining factors of the formation of the new structure. He warned that the Soviet Union was committed to destroying capitalism, and that it could not coexist with capitalist nations (Kennan 1947: 572).
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Europes East and West developed two distinct economic systems that were basically incompatible with each other. Richard Freeland elaborates noting that the aid package was deliberately designed so that it would be rejected by Stalin due to its requirement of multilateral economic policies which the Stalin had frequently and consistently rejected in the past as incompatible with the Soviet economy (Cromwell 1979: 424). It was institutionalised in minds by 1947, and in reality in 1950 during the Korean war. It is unclear whether that offer was sincere or not. /Type /Catalog With the Marshall Plan being accepted by some and rejected by others, it is also safe to say that this fate was also accepted within Europe. There is no doubt that the Marshall Plan solidified this line of reasoning, and it is worth noting again the sense of inevitability in the division of Europe as both the Soviet and the American thought processes were at least in part converging on this division before the fact of its final existence. 1371-1386. 4 0 obj Allies no longer being allies after the defeat of the Axis in the Second World War, the ideological struggle, the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, the Iron Curtain. 0000032565 00000 n
This powerpoint is best used in special education classes or with students who are low readers. trailer
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/ColorSpace /DeviceGray /Filter [ /FlateDecode /DCTDecode ] /Length 84464 >> Containment and the Primacy of Diplomacy: George Kennans Views, 1947-1948, International Security, 11(1), pp. This left an important strategically placed state susceptible to political upheaval and communist takeover.
In this sense, pushing for integration in Europe albeit something that was only really intergovernmental cooperation at this early stage in reality enabled America to remake the battered and bruised old world in the new world image of a successful and stable economic order (Marsh 2005: 6-7). support open access publishing. hz\:3Xq ;3^b&[]e{cg{cKQD!*x&Fi}bn}. 481-504. Topics include iron curtain, Truman Doctrine, containment, Marshall Plan, Berlin Blockade, and Berlin Airlift.