", "We have computers "die" all the time and without carbonite (or a similar service) we would be in danger of losing years worth of work. Your Source for Actian Zen and PSQL Database Products, Services and Training Since 1997.
Local "QuickCache" functionality can reduce data transfer requirements and increase speed, too, and the "Roamsmart" feature allows you to disable the backup process while roaming on mobile networks, avoiding the dreaded "sticker shock" of wireless overage fees. Thanks so much for leaving us a positive and detailed review! Global de-duplication ensures that you're not paying to have hundreds of copies of the same files stored in the repository. So those are the two main reasons. Check out these short videos covering: Do you already know what you need and just want pricing for Carbonite Endpoint? Carbonite Endpoint can be deployed with a local repository in your own, private, local data center, in your private cloud, or in the public cloud. This hybrid solution provides a policy-driven backup solution for the wide variety of endpoint devices in a typical corporate environment, including Windows 7/8/10 and Mac OSX computers, iOS-based devices like iPads and iPhones, and Android-based tablets and smartphones. Being able to pay ahead has been great. Companies can no longer insist on locked-down, in-office, desktop computers and force all data to be stored on production servers. Industry-leading data protection system which helps businesses of all sizes through data encryption, compliance, file management and cloud backup. Qumulo is the leading file data platform for data management Ninja Data Protection is a secure & reliable backup solution for all Windows endpoint giving you granular control over backup targets. IDrive protects all your PCs, Macs, mobile devices and servers into one cloud backup account. Cove Data Protection offers backup, disaster recovery, and archiving. Get our Carbonite Endpoint data sheet here. It does have one limitation, which is it's per computer, whereas other solutions you can back up more computers with a single account. Reliable Software that provides piece of mind, 249,576 Files Are Safe from Natural Diaster. Here are some products we think might be a good fit based on what people like you viewed. Be an Informed Buyer: Understanding the True Cost of Business Software. So basically if you're considering it, go for it, it's easy to install and easy to use. Get our Carbonite Endpoint data sheet here. ", "Coming off of the trial and into production it seemed that policy settings where missed.". This trend presents two major challenges to businesses today: If your job depends on protecting this data, you're probably not sleeping very well at night, knowing that data could be lost or compromised at any time of the day or night. Marketing and Advertising, 1-10 employees, Used the software for: Less than 6 months. Thank you so much for leaving us some actionable feedback. Automatic backup, with award winning support makes data protection seamless. More commonly, companies are providing company laptops to allow their workforce to be productive from anywhere in the world. However, you can request a price quote right now with our Product Configurator: Complete the form at the end to get your configuration reviewed and have a formal quote sent to you. The mobile workforce, portable office, working from home, and bring-your-own-device (BYOD) strategies have completely changed the business computing landscape over the past few years. Due to the complexity of the pricing model, we do not offer this product on our web storefront. See the Carbonite General Terms of Service. You can also request a free trial now. As devices get more powerful and smaller, some companies are even forgoing the company laptop and cellphone, instead allowing the employee or contractor to use his or her own hardware solutions through a BYOD policy. It gives great peace of mind and is very affordable.
", "The backup runs frequently and slows the computer down, restoring files after a computer crashes is a huge pain, and accessing the vault can be confusing. Michael S.: Hi, my name is Michael, I'm a director of research, I would give Carbonite a five out of five. Basically you download it, install it like any other program. From the central management console, you can deploy and manage the solution, monitor backup events, and view audit trails and alerts. So there are two main reasons that I chose Carbonite. Are you ready to find out more? Of course, your data is always protected by 256-bit AES encryption, both at-rest and in-flight. Protect against accidental deletion, theft, hardware failure, and data corruption. ", "The few times that I have had to restore a file or several files were just a minor inconvenience compare to recreating the information from scratch. Comet is a fast, secure all-in-one backup platform for IT professionals. Rubrik simplifies backup and recovery across hybrid cloud environments. Appreciate you taking the time to be thorough and honest with us! The price varies from $59 per computer per yer to $599 per year. Get more details from the Carbonite web site. As you can imagine, something THIS powerful and flexible also comes with a fair bit of complexity in pricing, but we're happy to work with you to provide a detailed quote for this solution. I considered two main other options, I considered iDrive, as well as Google Drive Backup and Sync, but Carbonite turned out to be much better than both of those options. Glad you're seeing the benefit of our product! If managing backups is just one of your countless responsibilities in IT, then consider Unitrends Backup for all-in-one ease-of-use. Start running backups and restores in less than 15 minutes! ", "Carbonite makes keeping a record of your valuable information extremely easy and reliable.
If you're considering Carbonite I just basically recommend that you go for it, it is the best option out there. Thank you for the feedback and the review! Learn more about pricing. ", "Overall we have been pleased with using Carbonite. But in my opinion, Carbonite is the highest quality solution, it's worth that little bit of extra cost that you might pay for it. Our team will also train customer administrators on creating backup policies, deploying the software to endpoints, and integration with Active Directory for easy management of users. They have a little green dot that appears is in the bottom right of a folder and/or file icon, and that allows you to visually see right away if it's been backed up, giving you a peace of mind about that, whereas other solutions you have to click around and make sure in their software that it's backed up. Restore data following a ransomware attack without paying ransom and retain business data to meet compliance requirements. There is only one little thing you have to do which is give permission on your computer to all the files, and especially on a Mac there's a little process you have to go through, but they made that very easy for people to follow, so it wasn't really an issue. Customer receives licensing rights to protect devices up to 1000 devices for 24 months, and can renew after service expires. If a device gets misplaced, you can use Location Tracking to quickly reunite it with its owner, and remotely wipe the device on-demand or through a time-based policy, keeping confidential data away from prying eyes.
So that's one thing. Contact Goldstar Software directly, and we will review your specific needs and see if this solution is right for you. Deployment options abound, too. Enter Carbonite Endpoint. Carbonite offers Home, Home & Office and Business solutions. For more reviews like this click below. And then the other was that when you go to their online interface to access the files that have been backed up, it's much easier in Carbonite to navigate that site and to get to the files you need, and when you do want to download something, you're allowed to do that for up to 10 gigabyte files or folders, whereas other solutions, especially iDrive, I found that you couldn't do such large files or folders, and it was harder to actually achieve that, it wasn't as easy to use. Or, just give us a call and we can get you exact pricing and get you started right away! https://store-images.s-microsoft.com/image/apps.6822.08d05476-a2e4-4006-ba18-7e746bd19641.0384cbfa-8695-43ec-845f-1ac26260fbaa.c8982f16-3d6b-4216-bacf-88a4c5f22cc3, Service offered in the following state/province of United States, https://store-images.s-microsoft.com/image/apps.64222.08d05476-a2e4-4006-ba18-7e746bd19641.0384cbfa-8695-43ec-845f-1ac26260fbaa.d8a5ad80-45c6-4663-be01-d29fb194a167, /staticstorage/7f247a48/assets/videoOverlay_7299e00c2e43a32cf9fa.png. Features are displayed in alphabetical order. One of them is that Carbonite allows you to see very easily which files have been backed up, at least on a Windows machine. Onboarding and getting the app ready to use was very easy for all the team members who use it. See the Carbonite General Terms of Service. Get more details from the Carbonite web site. Eliminate legacy complexity by consolidating disparate hardware "Overall I have loved Carbonite. We need to know the following in order to build a quote: Not sure if this is the right solution for you? Carbonite Professional Services will deploy our PaaS offering onto a customer's Azure EA which enables the ability to backup endpoints to Azure. Deployment of Carbonite Endpoint Protection service onto a customer's Azure Enterprise Agreement with the ability to backup 1000 endpoints. ", "We love that we can count on Carbonite to have our files/data backed up when we need it. And, if legal needs dictate, you can put a "legal hold" on a device, retaining the exact state of the data set at the time of the request.