The lineup features a nice mix of artists including The Calling, an emo and pop punk DJ Emo Night Brooklyn, Kalamazoo-based indie rocker Michigander, Baysik featuring Brendan Bayliss and Ryan Stasik of Umphreys McGee, and more. Check out our photo gallery of last years show here!NOW WHAT: Ticket are $15 adults, $10 seniors 62+ and $10 for children 12 & under! Each night will end with a laser light show at 9:00pm!
For 2022, though, although there are some outdoor eventswhich well cover shortlyCAS is mostly indoors once more.
Belmont-Sheffield Music Festival @ Sheffield from Belmont to Roscoe St. Festival Mole de Mayo 2022 @ Pilsen on 18th Street Between Ashland & Blue Island, Chicago Japan Film Collective Film Festival @ Their Websites Streaming Platform, Skyline Sessions @ Navy Pier: Wave Wall Staircase, Pier Dance @ Polk Bros Performance Lawn City Stage (Navy Pier), Do Division Street Fest @ Division, between Damen & Leavitt, Lincoln Park Greek Fest @ St George Greek Orthodox Church, 75th Annual 57th Street Art Fair @ 57th & Hyde Park, Tuesdays on the Terrace @ Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, FIESTAS PATRONALES Puertorriqueas 2022 @ Humboldt Park, Chicago Blues Festival @ Jay Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park. NOW WHAT: Entry is free!
This fantastic fest will allow you to celebrate Greek traditions with authentic food, great modern and traditional Greek music, a beautiful craft fair, and dancing performances from some incredible dance troupes! Chicago Is A Drag Festival @ Cheetah Gym Parking, 5248 N. Clark St., 4:00pm - 10:00pm, 21+ WHAT: The wait is over, the Chicago Is A Drag Festival is back SO WHAT: After their sold out debut in 2019 followed be a digital edition in 2020, Chicago Is A Drag Festival returns for an in person, outdoor event to celebrate Pride month!
NOW WHAT: Just head over, bring some cash for some dogs, and, Tuesdays on the Terrace @ Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, 220 E Chicago Ave., 5:30PM WHAT: Enjoy an evening of free music on the MCAs Anne and John Kern Terrace Garden SO WHAT: This annual summer performance series, hosted by Al Carter-Bey from WDCB 90.9 FM highlights artists from Chicagos internationally renowned jazz community. No Content May Be Reproduced Without Express Written Permission From Third Coast Review.
NOW WHAT: Check out all the details at their event page! Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19), the details of the event are subject to change. NOW WHAT:, Festival Mole de Mayo 2022 @ Pilsen on 18th Street Between Ashland & Blue Island, Friday & Saturday Noon 10:00pm, Sunday Noon 9:00pm, All Ages WHAT: Mole, a staple of Mexican dishes, is delicious. However, considering its now back in its usual February timeslot, thats arguably for the better, given Chi-towns usual weather.
ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;'block';'px';'px';'px';'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true});var asau='1416811848';var cid='9092483271';var pid='ca-pub-1592383647630474';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-thirdcoastreview_com-box-1-0_2';var ffid=1;var alS=1000%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';if(typeof window.adsenseNoUnit=='undefined'){ins.dataset.adSlot=asau;} Live music acts include Ovef Ow, The Tombalands, and more! Enjoying Third Coast Review news and reviews?
Through these films, they hope to connect Japanese and American cultures, ChiTown Movies @ Pilsen Neighborhood, 2343 S. Throop St, Various Times, All Ages WHAT: An old school experience for the modern age SO WHAT: Take a trip back in time and head out to a drive-in movie with ChiTown Movies.

Chicago Japan Film Collective Film Festival @ Gene Siskel Film Center & Their Websites Streaming Platform. The 2022 Chicago Auto Show is open to the public from February 12-21, 2022, following the First Look for Charity on the 11th. Only this time, its indoors. Navy Pier Pride @ Navy Pier, 600 E Grand Ave, Noon 10:25, All Ages WHAT: Celebrate Pride weekend at the pier! Nearly every slice of the hip hop genre is represented, so dont miss out on this incredible festival! NOW WHAT: It's free!

The wonderful festival features two live music stages, a family stage, and a wide variety of local vendors and food!

SO WHAT:Bloomsday celebratesthe day in the life of Leopold Bloom covered in the novel. Summer Fireworks @ Navy Pier, 600 E. Grand Avenue, 9:00pm - 9:10pm WHAT: Enjoy the spectacle of fireworks all summer long SO WHAT: Take a trip to Navy Pier and check out their dazzling display of fireworks!. Dance your weekend away with the likes of J Balvin, Ozuna, El Alfa, Wisin & Yandel and many more! The redesigned 2022 Toyota Tundra is getting a dedicated off-road course, too. Two acts will perform on each evening, so you can expect an eclectic variety of music every night of this series. Sign up for our email newsletter rounding up the best arts and culture of the week or get an email about each new post. Proof of COVID-19 vaccine will not be required for admission. There will also be a curated a list of bands and musicians (including the biggest names in Chicago house music) performing on two stages and a DJ stage to entertain guests on their culinary trip down Randolph. ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;'block';'px';'px';'px';'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true});.box-1-multi-170{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none;line-height:0;margin-bottom:3px!important;margin-left:0!important;margin-right:0!important;margin-top:3px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:300px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}.
The Lyrical Lemonade Summer Smash @ Douglass Park, The Billboardby WBEZs Natalie Y. Moore @ Abbott Hall at Northwestern University, Chicago Michelada Fest 2022 @ Harrison Park, Chicago Is A Drag Festival @ Cheetah Gym Parking, Logan Square Arts Festival 2022 @ Logan Square Park, Chicago Food Truck Festival @ 2300 S Indiana Ave, Pride in the Park @ Butler Field, Grant Park, Chicago Vinyl Connection 009: Northside @ Emporium Arcade Bar Logan Square, Chosen Few Picnic & House Music Festival 2022 @ Jackson Park, Dialogs: Haymarket Books Launches Maya Marshalls, Preview: Lets Get Physical at the9thAnnual Physical Theater Festival July 16-24, Review: Chicago Activist Jahmal Coles Origin Story and Impact Chronicled in, Review: The Handcuffs Release the Best Album of Their Career (So Far) With, Review: New Conductor, Different Program, No Problem for Grant Park Orchestra, Your Chicago Curated Weekend: 6/23 and Beyond.
This is a rare perfomance as it has been 20 years since The Strokes vistied the Metro stage!, Gold Coast Art Fair @ Butler Field in Grant Park, S Lake Shore Dr & E Monroe St , 10:00am 5:00pm WHAT: 64th year of Gold Coast Art Fair SO WHAT: Head out to Butler Field in Grant Park to see the work of over 200 juried artists from across the country.
The show information, hours, admission pricing, location, directions, parking, public transportation etc, is present in the show website below, under Event related information section. Head over to this fantastic event with a lineup over 40 of star studded kings, queens, and queer performers from Chicago and beyond! SO WHAT: The Chicago Blues Festival is back with three days of amazing Blues musicians at Jay Priztker Pavilion and the North/South Chase Promandes and various satellite offerings. Login.
NOW WHAT: It's free! Through these films, they hope to connect Japanese and American cultures and create mutual understanding and respect., Belmont-Sheffield Music Festival @ Sheffield from Belmont to Roscoe St., 3200 N. Sheffield Avenue, Saturday and Sunday 11:00am 10:00pm, all ages WHAT: The annual Belmont-Sheffield Music Festival! The event includes selections from "Dubliners Sung" by J.B. Parish and other musicians, an album in progress that sets Joyce's short stories to Celtic-flavored song and verse. Technically, Bentley calls it a concept, even though its already in production. NOW WHAT: Tickets are $10 for this, Chicago Pride Fest @ Northalsted on Halsted Street from Addison to Grace St., 11:00am 10:00pm, All Ages WHAT: The official Chicago Pride Fest SO WHAT: No one celebrates Pride better than Northalsted! Playwright Jeff Helgeson hosts and directs. Masks are required for all attendees age 2 and over, except when eating and drinking.
As always, the art on display looks amazing and the music lineup looks great with impressive acts including Late Nite Laundry, Combo Chimbita, Man Man, Sarah, River North Live @ River Park at theMART, 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Friday 5:00pm -10:00pm, Saturday 4:00pm - 8:00pm, WHAT: The first-ever River North Live Music Festival SO WHAT: River North Live is a new music festival offering up some great food and incredible music; all against the back drop of the riverfront.
RELATED: Checkeditout Brought Racing, RWB, and Classic Porsche Style to Chicago. Single day tickets start at $50 and three day passes start at $100! SO WHAT: On Judy Garlands 99th birthday last year, the undeniable legend Rufus Wainwright performed a streamed concert of Rufus does Judy at Capitol Studios, which tackled the songs off tha amazing live album Judy at Carnegie Hall.
Its open on public days from 10 am 10 pm, except on the 21st, when it closes at 8 pm. And to be fair, large car shows like the one in Chicago are great ways for normal consumers to scope out new vehicles without a sales rep hassling them. SO WHAT: Old Town Art Fair brings over 200 nationally acclaimed artists together for a wonderful market in the charming Old Town Triangle Historic District. Check out full details at their website! However, designated areas will be set up for the consumption of food and beverage and proof of COVID-19 vaccine will be required for entry into those areas.
NOW WHAT: Admission is free with event reservation here! Head over to their website for updates on the performance schedule! Chicago Japan Film Collective Film Festival @ Gene Siskel Film Center (164 N State St) & Their Websites streaming platform, the comfiest movie watching spot in your home, various times WHAT: The opportunity to discover some of the best contemporaryJapanese indie cinema SO WHAT: The Chicago Japanese Film Collective festival is back and this time with a mixed in-person and virtual fest!
Two awards will be up for grabs: Mole de Mayos Best Mole Award & Peoples Choice Award. SO WHAT: Begyle Brewing and Dovetail Brewery are teaming up again for two days of amazing beer, live music, the finest food trucks this city has to offer!
So is Stellantis indoor track, which gives people a chance to experience what its like to launch a Dodge muscle car, among other things.
There will also be plenty of art demonstrations, art talks, live music, delicious food and drinks, and more throughout the fair! In addition to all the great artists selling their work, youll have a chance to experience a Garden Walk, Live Music, Food Court and Childrens Corner! The lineup includes The Chainsmokers, Alesso, Rebecca Black, Saucy Santana and so many more!
SO WHAT: The Logan Square circle will once again be welcoming the best live music, art, crafts, comedy, kids activities, and more for the Logan Square Arts Festival!
Chicago Pride Fest @ Halsted St. and Waveland Ave.
SO WHAT: Mole De Mayo is an excellent three-day event showcasing the wonderful dishmole and pitting local chefs and restaurants against one another to find out whose version of the Mexican staple is best. Other highlights include the myriad of neighborhood restaurants, excellent live music, and kids art activities so everyone has something fun to do at this fest! Between North Ave. and Division, 1400 N Wells Street, Saturday 10:00am - 10:00pm, Sunday 10:00am 9:00pm, all ages WHAT: The 47th year of this beautiful arts festival! Maifest Chicago benefits a number of German organizations including the DANK HAUS, The Rheinischer Verein, St. Hubertus Jagd Club,the American Aid Society, the Donauschwaben Youth Group,Edelweiss Trachten Verein, DLustigen Holzhacker Buam, Egerlander Dance Group, and others., Pier Dance @ Polk Bros Performance Lawn City Stage (Navy Pier), 600 E. Grand Avenue, 6:00pm - 7:30pm, All Ages WHAT: Learn to dance in a beautiful outdoor stage SO WHAT: Navy Pier will be giving guests a little help on the dance floor this year with a series of free dance lessons on the Polk Bros Performance Lawn City Stage.
Ever since the pandemic started and shut down traditional movie screening, a few pop up drive-ins have arrived and ChiTown Movies has persevered, offering up modern movies in this retro setting.
Sueos: El Festival Latino @ Grant Park,337 E Randolph St, Noon - 10:00pm, 18+ WHAT: The brand new Latin Music festival Sueos ! Ticket are $15 adults, $10 seniors 62+ and $10 for children 12 & under! Headliners Lil Uzi Vert, Post Malone, and Playboy Carti are top-notch and the undercard features the likes of Rico Nasty, Ski Mask the Slump. SO WHAT: Some of Chicagolands favorite hot dog spots will compete for who has the best dog at the inaugural Windy City Hot Dog Fest!
And CAS 2022 should be no exception. Chicago Michelada Fest @ Harrison Park, 1824 S Wood St, All ages WHAT: A tasty fest in Harrison Park SO WHAT: The Chicago Michelada Fest is a beer, food, music, and cultural celebration. ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;'block';'px';'px';'px';'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true});var asau='1416811848';var cid='9092483271';var pid='ca-pub-1592383647630474';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-thirdcoastreview_com-box-1-0_3';var ffid=1;var alS=1000%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';if(typeof window.adsenseNoUnit=='undefined'){ins.dataset.adSlot=asau;} There is a suggested donation of $5 which goes to The Friendship Center and their mission of fostering hope and dignity through access to food, vital resources, and critical social services in. Well it's time for another one!
The event schedule is still TBA, but head over to their event page for updates!
NOW WHAT: Tickets start at $10 per day, $20 for the, Twilight Tunes @ Brookfield Zoo, 8400 W 31st St, 6:00pm - 9:30pm WHAT: Music and animals SO WHAT: Twilight Tunes, Brookfield Zoo's summer concert series will be taking over the ground on Fridays and Saturdays in July! Although sitting in static seats is cool, big car shows like the Chicago Auto Show often offer more dynamic experiences. Support Third Coast Review and our coverage of Chicago arts and culture by making a small monthlypledge on Patreonor by making adonation on PayPal.var asau='1416811848';var cid='9092483271';var pid='ca-pub-1592383647630474';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-thirdcoastreview_com-box-1-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1000%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';if(typeof window.adsenseNoUnit=='undefined'){ins.dataset.adSlot=asau;} However, if you bring three cans of food on the 16th, 17, or 18th, you get a $5 discount. For one, Ford is bringing back the Bronco off-road course, complete with the 38 Bronco Mountain climb.
Photo by: CarniFest Online All Rights Reserved, North America, bordering both the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean, between Canada and Mexico, Do Division Street Fest & Sidewalk Sale in Chicago 2023, Copyright 2009 - 2022 "Carnifest Online" - All rights reserved, Our website uses cookies in order to give you a better user experience, by continuing to use our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our, McDowell Mountain Music Festival (M3F Fest) 2023, Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival 2023. SO WHAT: Sueos is the perfect festival for latin music fans!
Below is a quick schedule of the weekend but you can head over to their, Chicago Blues Festival @ Various Locations, Jay Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park 201 E. Randolph St. (all weekend), 333 W Wacker Dr (Thursday & Friday), 5720 W Chicago Ave (Saturday)Noon 9:00pm, All Ages WHAT: Celebrate the Chicago born Blues tradition!
ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;'block';'px';'px';'px';'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true});var asau='1416811848';var cid='9092483271';var pid='ca-pub-1592383647630474';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-thirdcoastreview_com-box-1-0_1';var ffid=1;var alS=1000%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';if(typeof window.adsenseNoUnit=='undefined'){ins.dataset.adSlot=asau;} June, FIESTAS PATRONALES Puertorriqueas 2022 @ Humboldt Park, 2800 W. Division & Mozart, Friday 4:00pm - 10:00pm, Saturday & Sunday Noon - 10:00pm, All Ages WHAT: A Humboldt Park Tradition celebrating Puerto Rican culture SO WHAT: Experience a taste of Puerto Rican culture at this fantastic festival! Each show features dramatic and popular music soundtracks with some special occasion soundtracks sprinkled throughout the season.
Masks and proof, Logan Square Arts Festival 2022 @ Logan Square Park, 3150 W Logan Blvd, Friday 5:00pm 10:00pm, Saturday & Sunday Noon 10:00pm, All Ages WHAT: Art and music in the heart of Logan Square at the intersection of Milwaukee and Kedzie avenues and Logan Boulevard.
Every Car Enthusiast Should Go to a Live Mecum Car Auction, Checkeditout Brought Racing, RWB, and Classic Porsche Style to Chicago, 8 Car Shows to Visit if You Love Everything Automotive, The Chicago Auto Show is back in its historical timeslot and open to the public from February 12-21, 2022, Besides sitting in 2022-model-year vehicles, attendees will also be able to get passenger-seat ride-alongs on several indoor courses, as well as test-drive new models outdoors.