Religious Education Registration for the 2022-2023 school year is now open. including feature films about the saints, documentaries exploring popular Catholic topics. I am grateful for each and every one of you for your fiat to God to be my teachers. All rights reserved. The mission of OLPH Selma is to be a caring community where Gods presence can be found, Gods word can be heard, where Gods love can be seen and felt, and where everyone feels welcome. We pray that this will be your experience. Chits can be redeemed for any Catholicbased educational institution, at any level (Pre-K through college). For confidential registration or more information please call or email: Roseanne Becker 661-510-8258,, The 12-week course is an introduction to Christian beliefs and allows guests the opportunity Mass will be celebrated at 9 am in the main church on Monday, July 4, 2022. Salmo Responsorial Salmo 35, 6-7ab. All buyers receive a 5% rebate on all gift cards totaling up to $5,000.00 (discount equaling $250.00) on all gift cards purchased between April 28, 2022 and April 29, 2023. Begin using FORMED (you may need to check your email inbox for a verification email). Veteran's Prayer Ministry at OLPH The Veterans Prayer Ministry meet every first Saturday of the month at 12:00 noon to pray the Rosary for our Veterans at the Veterans Wall at Eternal Valley in Newhall. Please leave church slowly, without crowding at the doors, observing social distancing. To download: For iPhone: For Android:, Welcome to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. 1.
Michael (Mickey) StewartStreamed with permission under One License #A-620880.
All are What is the United in Faith, United in Mission Capital Campaign? Sanitize your hands while on the line. OLPH Health Ministry Looking for Volunteers! I know that at this time someone can have the sanctuary candle in the church and the chapel burn in memory of someone or for a specific intention. 2. Vigil Mass: 4:30pm I do still have much more to learn and I pray for as much of a loving community at St. Anthony's in Oxnard as what you have been to me. There will be no holding of hands at the Our Father, and no exchange of peace. The 2022 fall study will be Ascensions Jesus: The Way, Our Lady will begin our 3rd Alpha course on August 24th at 6 pm in St. Therese Hall. In celebration of the World Meeting of Families and the Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, we are hosting a parish picnic on June 25th after 4:30 pm Mass. 23045 Lyons Avenue, Newhall, CA 91321Parish Office: 661.259.2276, Separated, Divorced, Widowed Support Group. received must have also meant for me to receive your blessings and your ministry towards me. I am very thankful for the little time I was given to be among you, to grow with you, and to pray with you. Return to your place.
Every time you called me "Father", I am reminded of the self-sacrificing
Mon-Fri. Mass: 8:15am Click the 3rd button: "I belong to a parish or organization." No registration is required. Once you click on "FORMED" Icon above,Click on "Sign-up"Click on "Sign In As A Parishioner"Type in requested information to set up your free subscription to FORMEDEnjoy learning about our Catholic faith!! I have learned a lot since you saw me celebrate Mass that very first time with Fr. Please sanitize your hands when entering the church and before receiving Holy Communion on the Communion line. Receive Communion. Remember that Mass intentions can be for the living or deceased. All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to represent a live site. I've learned to be more myself, laughing and sometimes crying with you. the shepherd had been each and every one of you. May we Trust in the Lord and Pray for the World and our community. I want to officially welcome you to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Community. Register with your name and email address. We thank God, and we also know that we have work left to do to make our communities safe. Names will be printed in the parish bulletin for the prayers of our parish community. 6:30 am, 8:00 am, 9:30am, 11:30 am, 5:00 pm, We are aparish Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles serving the children of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Downey.. Receive your rebate toward any Catholic institution, grades Pre -K through college, please see below for further explanation. The Evangelization Committee will be showing"The Matter of Life" film, Tuesday, July 19th at 6:45 pmin the LaRose Center. The OLPH Health Ministry is looking for parishioners who might be interested in joining us. Our Lord Jesus had sent out his apostles to baptize all nations into a new life, holy in that they follow the path of Christ, Ever have a discussion about your pro life beliefsand get stuck with a question that you can't answer? Watch more than one hundred inspiring movies in English and Spanish. God as your loved-one is dying, you rescued me from the mundane and brought me back into a life for the divine, of See MoreSee Less, 2022 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Powered by . See MoreSee Less, Funeral Mass for Fr.
Then click on Locations and find Santa Clarita. You can also find us onStitcher,Google Play, andiTunes. Our mission is to We are dedicated to promoting unity and peace within the community and being instruments of reconciliation, evangelization and service to others. Mass intentions are available for both weekday & weekend Masses. If you struggle with infertility, you may feel, The Evangelization Committee will be showing, Ever have a discussion about your pro life beliefs. These memorials can be for the living or deceased. The Black and Indian Mission collection exists to help diocesan communities to build up the Church and preach the Gospel of Jesus among the African American, Native American and Alaska Native people of God. Students must be entering 9th grade or higher in the fall. duty I accepted and professed to God three years ago. The Bishops in Pennsylvania have reinstated the obligation to. How fitting that this Sunday's gospel message (Luke 15:3-7) of "the lost sheep" resounds the same message through St. Matthew's account (Matthew 18: 1014), which was the Gospel passage proclaimed at my class's priesthood ordination. On the screen is General Public Testing. Click on the How We Can Help button. 8-9. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Welcome to Our Lady of Perpetual Catholic Church, Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time. Craig early July in 2019. Please approach the priest, deacon or minister in single file observing social distance on the line. Confession line starts in Church Patio, Courtyard behind church building. For many that may be covered by your medical insurance. For over 100 years OLPH-Selma has been a spiritual home for many people. faith or to clarify of anything controversial, to baptize your children, to help you prepare for your marriage, or to pray to Every time you asked me for a blessing or anointing, for confession, to lead your devotional groups, to speak about our Privacy Policy. The priest, deacon, minister will place the host in your hand. Registration is required. See MoreSee Less, As our Nation reignites devotion to the Holy Sacrament through the National Eucharistic Revival, lets join together in prayer for even greater unity across our Memphis Diocese throughout West Tennessee #eucharisticrevival Any chits not presented during the redemption period will be used for general church purposes. You can reach us at the Parish Office Summer Hours: Tues.-Fri 8:30am-12:30pmor Religious Education office Tuesday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm Closed for lunch from 12:30pm-1:30pm. Let us remain together in prayer and thus be ever bound into the mystical body of Christ. even against all the power and influences of the pagan and secular cultures of the world. If interested, please contact Maggie Holloway via email at prayer, of the Sacraments and sacramentals.
Germantown, TN to acceptance, healing, and hope for the future. Step aside. For a minimum donation of $15 someone is enrolled into the Memorial Society. And can continue to give Online. I first thought that I was to be the shepherd that must leave the ninety-nine for that one lost sheep, who also was deserving of God's salvation and who symbolized any one of you. The retreat is designed to help participants work through repressed grief and anger in a safe, nonjudgmental setting and come MONDAY - THURSDAY 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church 16075 North Evans Road Selma, TX 78154 (210) 651-6913 (210) 651-5272 (fax) The Mission of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church is to practice the teachings of the Roman Catholic Faith and to convey to the community the Good News of Jesus Christ. Click HERE to Download/Print SCRIP Order Form. 4.
Go to Now I can also see that one sheep had also been me and that 3. ********USE GIFT CARDS TO PAY YOUR KOHLS CHARGE*******, ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL THERECTORY AT 610-543-1046. 82470 Bliss Avenue Bldg. There is a Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel which fosters the parishs strong devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. Replace your mask. The Bishops in Pennsylvania have reinstated the obligation to attend Mass IN PERSON on Sundays and Holy Days beginning Sunday, August 15, 2021. Join Michele Riolo for a training session if you would like to learn how to serve the Table of the Lord. The cost for a COVID test is $20.00. Office Hours (Checks can be made out to OLPH). All music used with permission OneLicense Copyright 2020 License #736903-a. David Kelly 9:00 AM Fr. Keep your mask on. If you struggle with infertility, you may feellike you are in a lonely, desert place. links. for the week of __/__/__ was given in memory of (or for the intention of) XXX by XXX.
And halfway through it, I lost my mother to lung cancer. Various service groups and prayer groups afford the faithful opportunities to grow in their knowledge and service of God and neighbor. Click on the banner directly above this text to sign up for or to change your Electronic Giving contribution. Made with by Diocesan, Stay up to date with what's happening in our Parish.
You can also phone for an appointment at 323-767-9555. Hello friends, this is Bishop Alberto Rojas. It is also possible simply to drop by the trailer Monday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., and Sundays until 12:00 noon. We are aparish Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles serving the children of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Downey.Visit the school for more information. All must wear masks all during the Mass. This also includes a Catholic churchs PREP program. Please use the RocketLauncher to install an equivalent of the demo, all images will be replaced with sample images. few years with all of you at OLPH as well as at other parishes, hospitals, and cemeteries I've ministered, the blessings I
and Spanish. Please bring your own hand sanitizer. Welcome to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Downey California, a church in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This site was built to assist you in finding information about our parish, school, religious education, and to share important news. We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel in this pandemic. Confirmation Registration is Open Registration is now open for first year students for Confirmation. The Ash Wednesday Schedule is: 8:15 am Church 10:00 am School Mass 12 pm Church 6 pm Church, Join us in St. Therese Hall on April 20th at 12:30pm to hear from Sr. Renee Mirkes, OSF. All Rights Reserved. We want to share Christs ongoing and redeeming mission for all! All Rights Reserved. For more information go to:, Bishop Barron talks about Free ebook titled "Catholicism in the Time of Coronavirus". In addition, we also have Mass intentions available for Holy Day Masses. Privacy Policy. Our parishioners and the public are also able to make use of their service. RECOMMENDATION OF THE DIOCESE: Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions are advised to stay home. We accept cash or checks. The parish offers numerous opportunities for prayer and faith development. A Retreat for Women in a Season of Infertility. You can make an appointment there. minimal, and membership is open to all regardless of experience in the healthcare field. Saturday, August 27, 2022St. David Kelly10:30 AM Fr. A "father" who nourishes as well as protects and leads to God. Joshua Neu. Divine Mercy Chaplet
***. Featuring Father Richard Owens, O.F.M. for God's blessings upon me to be his priest and the minister He wills me to be for His people. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, located in Rivertown in Kenner, Louisiana since 1869, is dedicated to proclaiming and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the truths of the Roman Catholic Church. **Weekend Mass Services**English Mass: Saturday 5:00pm, Sunday 8:00am & 10:00amSpanish Mass: Saturday 7:00pm, Sunday 6:00am, 12:00pm(Noon) & 6:00pm, ***Daily Mass in the Church***Monday thru Friday at 8:00am, except Thursday's School Mass at 8:30am, *Confessions* Friday & Saturday -at 8:30am, *Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/Santisimo* Every Friday from 8:30am-9:30am. Charles Dussouy12:30 PM Fr. ***Gift cards are sold Monday through Friday in the Rectory from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Rectory. Les recuerdo que todava tenemos mucho trabajo para hacer nuestras comunidades seguras. Pido a los fieles Catlicos y a todas las personas de buena voluntad que reci, SUMMER HOURS: Tuesday-Friday 8:30am - 12:30pm, Open Tuesday through Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm, Closed for lunch between 12:30pm and 1:30pm. contact the Confirmation office at (661) 288-1073. 2022 Our Lady of Perpetual Help. have told me that I have grown so much into the priest I am today. And regrettably, I have been impatient and I apologize for having hurt you. If you need further assistance,
Recently, some of you
Lunch will be provided. Archbishop Nelson J. Prez announcing the launch of the National Eucharistic Revival in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on June 19, 2022, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Saludos Amigos, yo soy el Obispo Alberto Rojas. Download the free OLPH parish app to receive the latest updates, plus the Mass readings, bulletins, ministry news, and more. Any purchase over $5,000.00 receives a 2% rebate toward your tuition. Our Lady of Perpetual Help 501 South Moore Road Chattanooga, Tennessee 37412 P: 423.622.7232|F: 423.624.2686 Email Us. Although there has been constant change and development, one important thing remains the same, we remain committed to our loving God, to Church and ministry. And through the subsistence and protection of the Holy Spirit, Holy Mother Church continues her ministry to this day and beyond, through her
Theres an old wise fable, often mistakenly attributed to Aesop, known as the Mice in Council. Unable to mail or drop off or mail your weekly envelopes? Pray for our Church, our Parishioners, our School & Pre-School and our Community. Sunday and daily Masses are offered, along with special Masses and devotions to Our Lord, Our Lady and the saints. All are welcome and invited. Saturday Livestream Mass: 8:00am
Join us Wednesday nights at 6 pm in St. Therese Hall beginning August 31st. To arrange an appointment, go to their website ( screening, vaccination clinics, first aid support at our BBQ, CPR instruction and health fairs. lay faithful, religious and clergy. Lower your mask. Time commitment is
Click here. Copyright 2022 Diocese of Knoxville. NOTE:Right Click on Video and Choose "Show All Controls" to Unmute Video or adjust Volume.
This is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate our love and 10-11, Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Roe vs Wade overturned. See the OLPH website > Education > Confirmation Program - Youth for registration For the month of July,OLPH church officewill be open from9am to 1pm. Demos gracias a Dios porque comenzamos a ver la luz, al final del tnel, de esta pandemia. We are committed to establishing the educational facilities, dedicating the resources, and supporting the Catholic education programs for children, youth, and adults of our community. Powered by . Come listen to the pro life message effectively told, This link above will take you directly to in support of, Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Wednesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Tuesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time. 8-9. His apostles were the bishops/ Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Mass Mon-Fri. Livestream Mass: 7:00am Registration information for second year students has been emailed. Pastoral Center, 23045 Lyons Avenue Santa Clarita, CA 91321 p: 661.259.2276 | f: 661.259.1873 For further information please see the first page of the OLPH Newsletter dated August 13th: CLICK HERE. Communion will be given only in the hand. Cap., Father Eric Banecker, and Gina Christian, the podcast presents the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Catholic faith to Catholics, fellow Christians, and all those who seek something more. Submit a name of a loved one who is ill or has deceased. Salmo Responsorial Salmo 35, 6-7ab. 10-11, Family of Faith Event: El Camino de San Antonio, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level 1 Formation, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Jueves de la XVI semana del Tiempo ordinario.
You've taught me to put aside some personal things for ministry and God bestowed more gifts to me than I could imagine. Church Address 23233 Lyons Avenue Santa Clarita, CA 91321 Click HERE to Subscribe to our Email Distribution List. The church office will be closed. We shall sustain this mission faithfully through the power of the Holy Spirit and pursue the mission with the time, talents and treasures of the members of our parish. The trailer belongs to Testing Hollywood, an organization that provides COVID testing for those who work in the film and television industries. This weekend the Second Collection will be taken for the Black and Indian Missions. More details about the minimum donation for each of these items in the near future. Also, please use the bathroom at home before coming to church. Stay informed about important parish announcements and updates. Come listen to the pro life message effectively told,while also breaking down the complexities of theabortion issue. Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Jueves de la XVI semana del Tiempo ordinario. Pius X Church9am - 3pm, $15 Registration feeLight breakfast and lunch included, Presented by theArchdiocese of New Orleans& Springs in the Desert, Learn more and, 7:30 AM Fr. Enjoy a free subscription to formed.orgwhere youll find the best Catholic content, all in one place! | I would like to expand the memorials to include the following: Altar Bread, Altar Wine, Chapel Floral Arrangement (live), Church Floral Arrangement (live). Here in this diverse Eucharistic community we share the love of our Lord Jesus Christ through Mary our Mother of Perpetual Help; by celebrating the Sacraments, instructing the faithful, forming the youth of our parish school, and by serving those in need. All inquiries and registrations In April, turn in your chits to redeem them for your 5% rebate. Again you would receive a card to give to the family indicating that the Altar Bread (wine, arrangement etc.) and award-winning childrens programming. Select your parish: Enter zip code 93305 and select Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church from the drop-down menu. Amen. The Arise Podcastexplores Catholic life in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and offers reflections on the Word of God as it speaks to us in our own day. assist our community with physical, mental and spiritual support. Confessions Saturday 8:45 am - 10:00 am & 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm. B Indio, CA 92201. COVID Testing Opportunity You may have noticed a silver trailer parked in the lot alongside the site of our future church. By your encouragement, you've rescued me from self-doubt; by your A catholic education is an advantage for life. Parishioners are asked to take their temperature before leaving home and should stay home if the temperature is over 99 degrees. Developed in the Roman Catholic Tradition, it utilizes spiritual exercises and rituals to help grieve the loss of unborn children and to accept Gods forgiveness. But after just these past Classes are offered in both English The 9:00 AM Mass every first Friday is for All Those Enrolled in the OLPH Memorial Society Those who are enrolled into the society receive a special Memorial enrollment card with padded folder. Click the button to make an electronic gift (check, credit or debit). B Indio, CA 92201 | (760) 347-3507 |, Inspiration from Dynamic Catholic - Generosity, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, 82470 Bliss Avenue Bldg. Confirmation is a two-year program. Make shopping easier and helpour parish at the same time! Copyright 2013 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church. Michael (Mickey) Stewart, Meet our Patron (Our Lady of Perpetual Help), Next Family Rosary & Potluck Dinner July 29th, United in Faith, United in Mission Capital Campaign. English: 8:45 AM and 12:10 PM (Lower Church) The 8:45 AM Mass willbestreamed live on FaceBook "OLPH Brooklyn" Chinese: 8:45 AM (Upper Church) Spanish: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7:00 PM (Lower Church) The 7:00 PM Spanish Mass will be streamed live on FaceBook "Charles McDonald", Saturday: 5:00 PM (Lower Church) Sunday: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM(Lower Church), Spanish: Saturday: 7:00 PM (Lower Church). Some of our activities include blood pressure Martini 411 is your e-mail connection to Msgr.Martini and his announcements of significant happenings at OLPH.Sign-up for Martini 411 by Clicking Here. Pray for us. 2022 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church. Rachel's Vineyard Retreat Weekend for healing after abortion Rachel's Vineyard retreat is for men and women struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion.
May our Lord Jesus continue to keep you close to himself and bless you! The chit redemption check will be made out directly to the institution to be in compliance with Archdiocese of Philadelphia guidelines. Charles Dussouy 5:00 PM Fr. suggestions and support, from feeling inadequate; by your jokes and humor, from an inflated ego.
All Rights Reserved. Sunday Masses: 7:00am, 8:45am, 10:30am (Livestreamed), 12:15pm (Spanish and Livestreamed), 4:00pm, 5:45pm (Spanish) All Rights Reserved. Anyone who feels sick in any way MUST stay home. Register online at:, As our Nation reignites devotion to the Holy Sacrament through the National Eucharistic Revival, lets join together in prayer for even greater unity across our Memphis Diocese throughout West Tennessee #eucharisticrevival, Funeral Mass for Fr. CHITS CAN NOT BE CARRIED OVER, WE WILL NOT EXCEPT CHITS AFTER THE DEADLINE! Watch more than one hundred inspiring movies in English and Spanish,including feature films about the saints, documentaries exploring popular Catholic topics,and award-winning childrens programming.
patriarchs of their days and they later ordained men into the diaconate and into the priesthood. By appointment or Monday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., and Sundays until 12:00 noon. If youre accessing this podcast on a mobile device and do not wish to download the SoundCloud app, simplyclick on the Listen in browser option. Poverello of Assisi Retreat Center, San Fernando, Cost: $250.00 per person. You buy gift cards through the rectory. respect for our Veterans. When Archbishop Gomez anointed my hands and laid his hands on my head at my ordination, I thought this was solely Life is full of changes. are confidential. Three years have passed since I was ordained a priest and started my 3 year assignment at OLPH.
This link above will take you directly to in support of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Click image below to access Archdiocese website. GIFT CARDS/CERTIFICATES SOLD & INCREMENTS: Acme~ $25.00 & $50.00 & $100.00 gift cards Roy Tweedy~ $10.00 certificates, Giant~ $25.00 & $50.00 & $100.00 gift cards Colonial Village (SPRINGFIELD) $10.00, ShopRite (also good for Price Rite) $25.00 & $50.00 & $100.00 gift cards, Kohls~ $25.00 & $50.00 & $100.00 gift cards, CVS ~ $25.00 gift cards Macys ~ $25.00 gift cards, T.J. MAXX/HOMEGOODS/MARSHALLS ~ $25.00 gift cards.