In response,Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has said that the attacks are war crimes.
Plus occasional updates. U autu smo se malo ugrejali, a u Stajicevu nas je saekala Ivana YU5INA i topao aj i rakija . When Haredi men recently attacked American Jews celebrating a Bar Mitzvah at the egalitarian section of the Western Wall, there was little outrage in Israel. "That's why it's essential to record them in accurate detail so we can plan urgent interventions that will stabilise the structures" and preserve their memory, she explains. It's genocide towards Ukrainian people and genocide towards Ukrainian culture," she says. The Times of Israel Community is excited to present our new virtual cooking series, BTeavon, where world renowned chefs show you how to make classic and modern Israeli dishes. You will shortly receive a welcome email so please check your inbox. Israeli cooking is taking the world by storm. Thank you, David Horovitz, Founding Editor of The Times of Israel.

PARIS, France UN experts have confirmed the full or partial destruction of 152 cultural and historic heritage sites in Ukraine since Russia invaded the country, its cultural agency said Thursday.
Sent every Tuesday and containing a selection of the most important news highlights. Since the invasion began, numerous architects, designers and cultural organisations have shown solidarity with Ukraine. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Then we'll change location and go round the whole building, outside and inside. kad sledeci put krenete u lov lepa reportaza!! Nakon Daniela, svraamo po Boru YU7LB, ali i Ivanu YU5INA koja e nas saekati u Stajievu (za nju su to nepojmljive gluposti, juriti po pusto-poljini neto, to ni-emu-ne-slui :). "We've got the actual missile-damaged building and an exact replica of how it used to look.". For more details, please see our privacy notice. "Recording the destruction will also assist in criminal proceedings. Yet dozens of sites have been damaged since the start of the Russian invasion on February 24, with three-quarters of those locations in the eastern regions of Kharkiv and Donetsk as well as near the capital Kyiv, UNESCO said in its update. Israeli army reveals worst-kept secret; polls favor Ben Gvir, 2021 The Times of Israel , All Rights Reserved, Sand bags protect the Monument to Princess Olga, St. Andrew the Apostle and the educators Cyril and Methodius in Kyiv, June 16, 2022. Krenuli smo polako u potragu, koristei google mape sa oznaenim pin-om gde je sonda zadnji put imala relaciju predaje (negde na 70m visine), a Baofengovi su nam sluili za kontrolu, koristei ih na nain kako rade goniometristi. He plants his laser scanner, a sort of tripod with a pivoting head, in a strategic corner of the severely damaged building. These repeated attacks on Ukrainian cultural sites must stop. Some critics suggest it is futile to document historic buildings in such meticulous detail while the war is still raging and people are dying every day. If culture had developed well, people probably wouldn't be dying and there wouldn't be a war," she said. Were really pleased that youve read X Times of Israel articles in the past month. I ran workshops in 18 different schools, and the shocking misbehavior I witnessed left me crying on the floor. Sonda se nalazila nekih 2 kilometra od glavnog puta, ili smo preko panjaka, i poljskih puteva. Usput smo se javili ekipi iz kluba koji su u toplini sobica pratili prenos potrage, bodrili nas, a Daniel YU7TDA, Nea YU7SMN i Sinia YU5MMA, nam davali jo neke informacije i teta je to i oni nisu bili tu jer je potraga krenula prilino optimistino dok je ne naemo ne vraamo se. The Docomomo team member believes that "at least 30 listed heritage sites have been destroyed or seriously damaged" in the city. "UNESCO is gravely concerned with the damages incurred by the city of Kharkiv, UNESCO Creative City for Music," said the organisation in a statement.
Our most popular newsletter, formerly known as Dezeen Weekly. nekih 300 metara od ground zero take, vetar ga je prilino nosio Doli smo do lokacije i uz pomo baterija i bliceva sa telefona pretraivali teren. Vrlo uznemireni to nam je lovina na dohvat ruke, ali u ve mrklom mraku i uz pomo baterije nita nismo videli u okolini, a onda se deava prevrat: BIP TTGO dekoduje signal i daje nam tanu lokaciju sonde. Ukraine has demanded that Russia be expelled from UNESCO, and the agency has indefinitely postponed a meeting to discuss the status of World Heritage Sites that Russia was to host this month in the city of Kazan. Ko je rekao da je Baofeng drlog ureaj? Ve prekrivena snegom (vetar je naneo na sondu snega, taman toliko da je ne vidis, a GPS antena je trala kao neka travka), bez TTGO-a ga ne bi nali to je sigurno, kanapom od nekoliko metara je bila vezana za ostatke balona. It is located right next to the imposing headquarters of the Ukrainian secret services, which is being targeted by the Russians and has been hit on numerous occasions. We'll get 10 million points from this location. France 24 is not responsible for the content of external websites. Cultural heritage, in all its forms, should not be targeted under any circumstances, UNESCOS director-general Audrey Azoulay said in a statement. Ponovo smo se vratili na mesto sa google mape i pretraivalil teren. In response, numerous major architecture studios, including UK studios Zaha Hadid Architects and Foster + Partners, and Dutch studio MVRDV, have withdrawn from working in Russia. That could help us work out if anything has moved, which is important for safety purposes, and see what can be restored and what can't. Incorrect password. In a post written from the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, an unnamed member of international conservation group Docomomo explained how the city's buildings were being destroyed as Russian troops occupy the city. Designers have created illustrations to show solidarity with the country. Bravo drustvo, bas ste me razveselili, mogli bi da napravite malu yagicu ili oblong za ovu freqv. "At least 30 listed heritage sites have been destroyed or seriously damaged". U nedelju 23. januar 2022. u neka doba posle ruka na viber mi stie poruka da je meteoroloki balon sa sondom pao negde u ataru kod Perleza po reima Bore YU7LB panjak gde prelaze krave kod Perleza. Danielov Power Bank je odmah otkazao, sreom poneli smo moj, koji mi je za neki rodjendan poklonio Bora YU7LB, koji je bio vrlo kvalitetan itaj: teak, i odlino je radio i napajao TTGO. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Click the link in that email to complete registration so you can comment. What changed? But actually, obviously, its all about Iran, Israeli govt said satisfied with reporter, TV networks apologies over Mecca trip, Israeli TV network scolded by Saudis, Israelis for defying Mecca ban on non-Muslims, Fires torch Europe: Continent set for record forest loss as heat fuels flames, Wildfires in Spain, France, Portugal burn 1.3 million acres, more than in all of 2021, as brutal heatwave kills hundreds and experts warn worst is yet to come, As Europe swelters, Israeli heat to ease slightly in coming days but future bleak, Record temperatures across US as relentless heat wave engulfs the nation.

Podcast: Law prof. looks at Roe vs. Wade and womans right to choose in Israel, Podcast: Author Faye Kellerman talks books, crime and characters, Modernas new variant-busting COVID vaccine starting trial in Israel, COVID czar cautiously optimistic sixth wave will recede soon, UK study: Omicron subvariant 4 times more resistant to vaccines, US gets new, more conventional COVID vaccine as Novavax is cleared for adults, Fist-bumping Biden isnt reducing COVID risk in Israel by avoiding handshakes, Health Ministry Coronavirus homepage (English), UK spy chief doubts Iran supreme leader will back nuclear deal, Police begin evacuating illegal West Bank outposts set up by radical settler group, Fresh off announcing political comeback, Galon eyes Meretz-Labor merger, The quirky, improbable, infuriating and uplifting, Aliens? It was designed by Serhiy Tymoshenko, the father of the "modern Ukrainian" style of architecture of the early 20th-century, and is one of the country's first reinforced concrete structures. This week we revealed the UK's best homes. Kada smo stigli do mesta zloina koje je pokazano na Google mapi kao mesto zadnjeg signala sonde, Baofengovi su jasno uli signal, a TTGO nita. Why isnt the progressive US Jewish organization applauding? "This enables us to map out the building for the future. The redbrick fire station and its watchtower, built in 1887, are a monument to Kharkiv's industrial revolution. They include museums and monuments, churches and other religious buildings, libraries and other exceptional buildings, UNESCO said in an update of its efforts to assist Ukraine authorities in documenting the damage. Your email address will not be published. We have a new, improved comments system. A billion points in all," he explains. New explosions and blast waves, inclement weather, construction work and site visits will all contribute to hastening the destruction of these already weakened buildings, Kuplytska says. Durand steps over a jumbled pile of beams and crunches over the rubble that was once Kharkiv's 19th-century fire station. Plus occasional updates on Dezeens services and breaking news. (Ludovic Marin, Pool via AP). 2022 Copyright France 24 - All rights reserved. News about our Dezeen Awards programme, including entry deadlines and announcements. Postmortem IDF IVF doesnt really create orphans. Naysayers decry using the sperm of a fallen soldier in the hope of a child or grandchild, but who are they to deny a family its next generation?! "Culture is the basis of everything.
Learn how your comment data is processed. naknadno smo saznali od Sinie YU5MMA da TTGO ima antenu koja ne rezonuje na tim frekvencija i da je bilo dovoljno da postavimo na njega Baofeng antenu i odmah bi TTGO uo sondu i dekodirao. To comment, simply register or sign in. Sent every Thursday and featuring a selection of the best reader comments and most talked-about stories.

At the end of the day, Durand assembles all the data on a computer "like the pieces of a jigsaw" to digitally reconstruct the building. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of every newsletter. From the beginning, Israels important religious Zionist rabbis grounded equal rights for the Arab minority in Jewish law. The result is a perfect reproduction, accurate to within five millimetres (a fraction of an inch) that can be rotated in any direction or sliced into sections. Religious Zionism was once all for minority rights in Israel. Israeli gaming startup Edge allows fans to play highlights alongside their heroes, Man dies after falling off breakwater in Ashdod, Israeli killed while jumping with wingsuit in Italian Alps, BBC apologizes to former royal nanny for false claims of affair with Charles, Trees dedicated to Holocaust victims chopped down at Buchenwald camp, Peering back in time, Webb telescope may have found most distant known galaxy, Biden tests positive for COVID-19, a week after visiting Israel on Mideast tour, Ukraine, Russia to sign elusive grain deal in Turkey on Friday, IDF soldier indicted for stealing Palestinians phone, cash during West Bank raid, Belarus leader blames West for Putins invasion of Ukraine, but says war must end, Senior IDF officer killed in traffic accident, Dozens of Jewish graves vandalized at 600-year-old Turkish cemetery, Iran charges 20 over building collapse that killed 43, Kids who slap, exhausted teachers: The Israeli school system is broken. The current iteration of the economics faculty was built in Soviet times. Their victims should not have to fear running into them while visiting Israel, The James Webb Telescope looks at the universe through the eyes of God, I dont know what to make of the fact that I was forged in starlight, that every bit of me has existed and will exist for all time, but I am filled with wonder, J Streets reaction to Lapid as prime minister: Crickets. As Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine, which began on 24 February, UNESCO also demanded the "immediate cessation of attacks on civilian facilities, such as schools, universities, memorial sites, cultural and communication infrastructures". Pylyptshuk, who also sits on the commission on damaged historical sites, has sent most of her museum collections to western Ukraine to protect them from damage -- and from looting, should Russian troops overrun Kharkiv. Usput smo naravno i Bora i ja upali kroz led u vodu i malko smoili noge ja malo vie jer sam imao obine patike, no, hladnou nisam osjeao vjerovatno zbog visokog adrenalina. Conservation group Docomomo and UNESCO have said they are "deeply concerned" about the destruction of heritage buildings in Kharkivfollowing the invasion byRussia. "For example, the famous Derzhprom. Vetar je bio zapadni i bilo je logino da je vetar sondu odneo istonije od mesta na mapi, ali kako glup(v)i TTGO nita nije dekodirao probali smo da idemo malo severozapadno, kako su nam govorili Baofengovi. Samo sam napisao poruku ta se eka? i ekipa je ve bila spremna za pokret. It is here the best objects of interwar modernism [are located]," the post said. Please try again or choose an option below. But Tetyana Pylyptshuk, the director of the Kharkiv literary museum, begs to disagree. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) also expressed its concern over the destruction in Kharkiv, which is a UNESCO Creative City for Music. If only the US Supreme Court knew, Not everyone deserves to return: The case of Baruch Lanner, Sex criminals, even those who have served their time, must not see Israel as a safe harbor. Teren nam je iao na ruku, lako smo hodali, ali nas je brinulo to TTGO uopte ne dekodira nita, a Baofengovi lude od signala sonde. Notre-Dame visitor centre set to be built in underground car "Marcus Fairs was undoubtedly one of the design world's Visit our comments page | Read our So now we have a request.

One of them is volunteer French engineer Emmanuel Durand, a specialist in 3D data acquisition, who is assisting a bevy of architects, engineers, historic building experts and a museum director to record buildings in Kyiv, Lviv, Chernigiv and Kharkiv. Most are in the dense historic city centre, on which Russian airstrikes are concentrated, according to architect Kateryna Kuplytska, a member of the body documenting damaged heritage sites. But for now, the seven World Heritage Sites in Ukraine have not been affected, such as the Saint Sophia Cathedral and monastic buildings of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra in the capital. After two days at the fire station, Durand moves on to the economics faculty at the Karazin National University in Kharkiv. They wouldnt know their own camp now, Our campers have suffered loss, but when we cloak their sadness in kindness, we help them tell their stories, on the kids own terms, which makes them bearable, How I learned to stop kvetching and love the Yiddish revival, The language has always been a harsh reminder of the cruel twists of Jewish history; then I saw the young adults who were not mourning, but dancing in the aisles, Biden leaves Palestinians and Israelis without hope for peace, The president did nothing to counter the perception of the US as Israels partner in its occupation of Palestinian lands, Why dont Jews take an eye for an eye, and why is the rebellious child not stoned to death? We will only use your email address to send you the newsletters you have requested. Unlike other news outlets, we havent put up a paywall. The content you requested does not exist or is not available anymore. RIBA reveals UK's three best affordable housing schemes, RIBA reveals 2022 Stirling Prize shortlist, "This is the craziest thing I've ever heard," says commenter, Frank Gehry "never considered himself a deconstructivist". "For example, yesterday a monument of neoclassicism, the Assumption Cathedral, and the object of 1914 the Palace of Labor, were vastly bombed," it continued. Na putu za Farkadin smo parkirali auto i krenuli u lov, naoruani TTGO-om i Baofeng-ovima. Buildings of numerous architectural styles are being destroyed, damaged, or are under threat, including the constructivist Derzhprom complex. Drugari, imam jednu kartu vika za @BalCC0n #balccon2k19. But as the journalism we do is costly, we invite readers for whom The Times of Israel has become important to help support our work by joining The Times of Israel Community. Vrlo interesantna disciplina teta to toga nema vie da se angauju novi lanovi. Tlo je bilo smrznuto, preko njega oko par cm snega, vetar je bio slab, ali na temperaturi od minus i neto i mali povetarac ledi ruke. comments policy, Ukraine invasion leading to "barbaric destruction of architectural heritage", a post written from the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has said that the attacks are war crimes, created illustrations to show solidarity with the country. In Kharkiv alone, around 500 buildings are listed as being of historic architectural significance. It's also useful from a historical point of view," he says. Ako je neko zainteresovan moe me kontaktirati ovde. Hamas-Fatah reconciliation attempts are DOA, The recent Abbas-Haniyeh handshake signifies the desperate state of both Palestinian factions as well as of their Algerian hosts, Praying for your team to win? uvek je dobro da ide vie ljudi jer vie ljudi bolje vidi i razmilja, obui se i obuti u skladu sa uslovima na terenu i vremenskim prilikama, poneti sve izviake stvari, baterije za osvetljenje, kompas, GPS i ostalo, nikad se ne zna ta e zatrebati mada i mobilni telefon menja dosta tih stvari. UNESCO has warned that Russian troops or officials found guilty of knowingly destroying Ukraine heritage sites could be prosecuted under international law. "Kharkiv was called the capital of Ukrainian constructivism. Poto sam bio u klubu i neto radio na 14mhz, tu i tamo sam proitao poruke, ali u fragmentima, pa mi nije bilo jasno da li se neto stvarno desilo ili su krenula neka objanjenja, tipa emu slui igla i konac i kako se koristi (radio amateri su vrlo specifini tipovi i kada u neto upru ne odustaju od objanjavanja). Baofengovi su ludili od signala, u jednom momentu sam spustio Baofeng skoro do zemlje i on je uo signal sonde, to je znailo da je tu jako blizu. Root cause of Australias pink sky a bit more dope, Foreigner to perform in Israel for fourth time, Jewish Broadway star opens for MLB all-star game, Drag queen trapped in Dead Sea sinkhole, barely escapes, For 1 night, Jaffa bureaucracy gives way to performances and art, Former Islamic State stronghold in Syria hosts Jackie Chan film set, Israel to host Messi and PSG for French soccer league curtain-raiser, Israeli pop star shows fist-bumping Biden how to avoid physical contact, Bidens team lands at Ben Gurion to find no way of getting off, Major League baseballers Max Fried, Joc Pederson named to All-Star line-up, All the Jewish nominees at this years Emmy Awards, Shira Haas to play detective in new Netflix murder mystery, Rescued sea turtles released back into the wild, Hold your hummus: Global chickpea supply could drop 20% this year. U toj igri svetlosti i senki svaka travka je delovala kao neto to traimo i u jednom momentu Darko vie: da li je ovo sonda?. News from Dezeen Events Guide, a listings guide covering the leading design-related events taking place around the world. Zoz and @WillCaruana at #BalCCon #BalCCon2k19 #hacking #community #NoviSad, This year we have #BalCCon badge "do it yourself" thaks to Zoz #BalCCon #badge #hacking #community #NoviSad. "UNESCO underlines the obligations of international humanitarian law, notably the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols, to refrain from inflicting damage to cultural property, and condemns all attacks and damage to cultural heritage in all its forms in Ukraine," said the organisation. Meutim, oni nemaju usmerene antene i lako moe da te prevari neka refleksija, mada na toj pusto-poljini nema nita od ega bi se talas odbijao. Audience ratings certified by ACPM/OJD. Plus occasional updates. Onako kako sam i mislio neto istonije tj. Kharkiv (Ukraine) (AFP) Many of Ukraine's historic monuments have been destroyed in the three months since Russia invaded, but cultural experts are working to conserve their memory using cutting-edge technology and 3D scans. Podigao sam nivo skvela na 7 i kada vie nije bilo signala shvatio sam da smo ga preskoili. Poklonio bih je nekom studentu ili nezaposlenom kolegi. The city in eastern Ukraine has been heavily bombarded by Russian troops, with buildings including an opera house, concert hall and government offices reportedly hit by shells. We see serious damage to heritage across the whole country. Prilikom povratka i padom adrenalina, poeo sam oseati hladnou, temperatura je pala dodatno, a vetar je duvao sa severa ovaj put. 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police request to extend detention denied, Pool sinkhole victim named, as police grill owner over suspected safety failures, Man found dead after being swept into sinkhole that opened up in private pool, Far from front lines, Vinnytsia still in shock a week after deadly Russian strike, Cruise missile attack leaves 25 dead, including 3 children, in a city that is only beginning to comprehend the tragedy, Ukraine farmers hope UN-brokered deal will free grain for export, Ukrainian professionals turn to Israel for help in treating mental trauma, A history of treating victims of wars and the Holocaust has provided Israelis with extensive experience in handling psychological suffering, School in east Ukraine hit by Russian strike, bodies found, Exhibit explores shift of paisley prints from Persian palaces to psychedelic symbol, Paisley, A Princely Pattern, an exhibit at Jerusalems Museum of Islamic Art, displays history of the bohemian design, Police remove all settler activists from illegal outpost, ending massive campaign, After thousands of settler activists sought to establish seven outposts in the West Bank, police evacuate all the encampments within a day, EU sounds alarm over Israels continuously increasing settlement expansion, 5 arrested in clashes as cops try to block settlers from building West Bank outposts, Bereaved families, rivals tear into Netanyahu for ducking blame over Meron disaster, Lawmakers express disgust after ex-PM says he wasnt aware of safety concerns at annual Lag BOmer event before 2021 deadly crush and cant be responsible for what he doesnt know, Testifying at Meron probe, Netanyahu denies responsibility for deadly disaster, Commission set to tell police brass they will be held responsible for Meron disaster, High Court okays revoking terrorists citizenship, but says some must get residency, Perpetrators who have no other citizenship must be granted all state benefits except for the right to vote, judges rule, in caveat that angers interior minister, After 16 years, Israel arrests Fatah-linked terrorist for killing of IDF soldier, 12 arrested in West Bank operation, violent clashes reported in Ramallah, Jenin, Gantz: We can leverage the Abraham Accords to strengthen the Palestinian Authority, Defense minister says he backs 2-entity solution, refraining from using the term state; says Israel has participated in 10 multinational military exercises since 2020 deals, IDF launches major engineering drive to strengthen defenses along West Bank barrier, After almost two decades, IDF finally admits to using armed drones in airstrikes, Lapid: Extremist Netanyahu and Ben Gvir dragging us in dangerous directions, Ahead of elections, caretaker PM says right-wing rivals are divisive and anti-democratic, calls on moderates to reject their vision of Israel, Lapid: Elections not a choice between me and Netanyahu, but between future and past, What the Saudis think about when they think about peace with Israel, Their newly opened airspace has nothing to do with Israel, they say, and normalization cant happen until theres a Palestinian state. Israel finally has a moderate centrist at the helm who supports the two-state solution. Sunce je ve bilo na zalazu i sve je delovalo kao da hodamo po mesecu, nepregledna ravnica sa naim izduenim senkama i u polu-mraku smo traili neto to ne znamo ni kako izgleda :)))), ali na livadi na kojoj nema ba nita, ne bi trebalo mnogo traiti neto to tu, prirodno ne pripada :), medjutim tu smo se prevarili. She estimates that over a hundred of them have been hit already. :), odmah je na toj frekvenciji uo sondu kako emituje, dok visoka tehnologija TTGO, uopte nije uoila nikakav signal. "This is not only a humanitarian catastrophe, not only a war crime, but also the barbaric destruction of architectural heritage of Ukrainian cities, our memory and culture," the Docomomo post said. Pozdrav Laci YU7CD. Saznali smo da je ova sonda putena iz Segedina. Why is that? And while Russian troops have loosened their noose around Ukraine's second city, shells still rain down with regular monotony. Already a member? Her agency has been helping Ukraine authorities to mark landmarks with the distinctive blue shield, meaning they are protected under the 1954 Hague convention on culture in armed conflicts, of which both Russia and Ukraine are signatories. Daily updates on the latest design and architecture vacancies advertised on Dezeen Jobs. "The scanner records 500,000 points per second. Durand's gadget records the building from all angles. Please use the following structure:, Send me The Times of Israel Daily Edition. Something must be done now! "Today, everyone realises this. For as little as $6 a month you can help support our quality journalism while enjoying The Times of Israel AD-FREE, as well as accessing exclusive content available only to Times of Israel Community members. Plus occasional updates on Dezeens services and breaking news. France 24 - International breaking news, top stories and headlines, Badly damaged historic buildings are mapped in detail so emergency work to stabilise the structure can take place. Nadamo se jo dobrih vetrova na nau stranu . We will never give your details to anyone else without your consent. Napokon kad sam malo pomnije proitao poruke, shvatim da se neto stvarno deava i da je objekat pao blizu naeg QTH. Thats why we started the Times of Israel ten years ago - to provide discerning readers like you with must-read coverage of Israel and the Jewish world. Copyright 2022 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes, Aktivnosti: Polaganje ispita za amaterskog radio operatora, Aktivnosti: poseta i prezentacija aktivnosti Radio kluba Zrenjanin u koli Petar Petrovi Njego, traili smo belu kutijicu, sa belim kanapom i skoro belim balonom na sneno-belom snegu , uvek nositi sa sobom dodatni power bank za TTGO ili za mobilni telefon, ali i baterije za Baofeng.