Children 2 and under are free, no ticket purchase isnecessary, unless they require a VIP seat. Doors open one hour prior to the show for the Kids Fun Zone. On April 23rd, 70 circus loving youth came together to attend the Regional AYCOFest hosted by the Philadelphia School of Circus Arts.
We sell primary, discount and resale tickets, all 100% guaranteed prices may be above face value. The classes I decided to take were Intro to Spanish Web, Intro to German Wheel, Partner Acro, and Duo Silks.

The Refer Your Friends 10% Discount Code EXPIRES AFTER 72 HOURS; Discount code will NOT be honored after expiration.
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Please enjoy following review by Jocelyn!

Venue and Talent are subject to change without notice andare not grounds for a refund. Arrive early for the best seats. Please note: This site is independently owned and operated and in no way affiliated to any venue or production company, Your independent guide to the best shows in Philadelphia. Contact us for more info. Check out these upcoming shows and events at Circus Campus! Including all schools, day care centers, and local businesses and area merchants. (LogOut/ One of the Hup Squad team was there to represent, learn, and perform. We sell primary, discount and resale tickets which may be priced above or below face value. All tickets 100% guaranteed, some are resale, prices may be above face value. Philadelphia, PA - 4:30PM - 05/28/2022 - Saturday, May 28th, 2022 @ 4:30pm EST | Philadelphia, PA. By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies.
On-site Parking is around the back of the building. See them all, RT @TheatreExile: Hear ye, hear ye!
Change). **Ticket prices are subject to change on show day I want email news and updates for events in my area! 3 tickets to redeem throughout All rights reserved. Come hungry cause theres plenty of food. Free Kid Tickets are valid for children ages3-13. In the words of Walt Disney I want families to have as much fun as they do at the circus. Anything promised by the promoter that is unfulfilled is not guaranteed bythe seller and is not grounds for a refund. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. We are located at 6452 Greene Street, Philadelphia PA 19119. If your event is postponed,we will contact you with the new date and time. We're an independent show guide not a venue or show. If your event is cancelled, we will refund the amount you paid for your tickets (minus order processing,service and delivery fees) using the same payment method used for purchase. You can always zip us an email, or just give us a call at 215.849.1991.
It's probably obvious, but we need to let you know that we use cookies to enable us to run this website and for it to actually work! Only one free kid ticket per paid adult, you will not be refundedif you purchase a kids ticket and obtain a free kids ticket afterwards. We sell primary, discount and resale tickets, all 100% guaranteed and they may be priced above or below face value. Were always looking for talented coaches! Details of how we do it, Hello! *First 100 Adult Tickets sold online are only $14.50 at
We are an independent show guide not a venue or show.
Not to mention how supportive the audience and other circus schools were during my performance. The Free Kids Ticket must be presented at the box office day of show in order for the child to get in for free. We are an independent show guide not a venue or show. Established in 2003, Theatreland offers the largest individual collection of websites providing complete, impartial guides to all the theatrical, musical and performance arts events and venues in the world's greatest theatre cities, from New York's Broadway to London's West End and from the showrooms of Las Vegas to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. Children under 2 are free unless they require a seat. AYCO fest was quite an enjoyable experience overall, and the teachers, classes, and all of the kind people made it that much better!
You can find lots more detail in our. If you want to see her strong, beautiful, bendy, performance, you can catch it by clicking HERE. The Worlds Largest Circus Under The Biggest Big Top On Earth! Upon availability Free Kids Tickets can be upgraded to VIP at the door (charges do apply). We are an independent show guide not a venue or show. RT @PhilaParkandRec: Pool pop-up happening tonight! Turn onto Cliveden Street and follow it around to the back!
Weve made it a real affordable family event with the cooperation of participating retail outlets said Niles Garden, producer of Garden Brothers Circus. All Event personnel have the right to refuse entry to anyticket holder for any reason at their discretion. (LogOut/ Online and Phone Sales End at10:30AMon Show Day.