Students should follow guidance from contact tracers or Student Health Services on where to isolate. Students may also choose to quarantine in their permanent residence. Small Business Administration Disaster Assistance - The SBA provides low-interest disaster loans to help businesses and homeowners recover from declared disasters. Hebrew Free Loan Association of Pittsburgh Coronavirus Financial Bridge Loan Programprovides interest-free loans on a nonsectarian basis for up to $5,000 to local residents who are facing financial challenges caused by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak. If you do not develop symptoms, quarantine for 5 days after your last contact with a person with COVID-19 and wear a face covering in all settings for an additional 5 days. - Welcoming Pittsburgh Secures $500,000 Grant for COVID-19 Cash Assistance Program to Serve Vulnerable Immigrant Communities, Rouverture des Terrains de Jeux et Autres Installations des Parcs Municipaux - Playgrounds and Other Amenities to Reopen in City Parks, La ville de Pittsburgh met en place un gel des embauches - City of Pittsburgh Implements Hiring Freeze, La municipalit de Pittsburgh analyse les activits estivales - City of Pittsburgh Analyzing Summertime Activities, Le personnel municipal reprendra le travail en extrieur vendredi - Outdoor Work by City Personnel to Resume Friday, Le maire Peduto demande la mise en place doptions dachat en ligne pour le programme SNAP en raison de la pandmie de COVID-19 - Mayor Peduto Calls for Online SNAP Purchasing Options Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, Le maire William Peduto annonce un financement COVID-19 pour les rsidents et les petites entreprises - Mayor William Peduto Announces COVID-19 Funding for Residents and Small Businesses, La ville de Pittsburgh annonce des directives de jardinage pour les jardins communautaires et les sites Adopt-A-Lot pendant lpidmie de COVID-19 - City of Pittsburgh Announces Gardening Guidelines for Community Gardens and Adopt-A-Lot Sites During COVID-19, La municipalit publie des conseils en prvision de la reprise des activits de construction vendredi - City Issues Guidance in Advance of Construction Activity Resuming Friday, Le maire Peduto adresse un courrier la Maison Blanche sur le soutien fdral aux villes luttant contre la pandmie - Mayor Peduto Issues Letter to White House on Federal Support for Cities Fighting Pandemic, Le maire William Peduto sadresse aux habitants de Pittsburgh au sujet de la pandmie de COVID-19 - Mayor William Peduto Addresses Pittsburgh on COVID-19 Pandemic, La ville de Pittsburgh annonce davantage de mesures de distanciation sociale City of Pittsburgh Announces More Social Distancing Restrictions, Dclaration de la commission des relations humaines sur les discriminations visant les populations dorigine asiatique - Commission on Human Relations Statement on Discrimination Targeting Asian Populations, Communiqu concernant les employs des services environnementaux et le COVID-19 - Statement on Environmental Services Workers and COVID-19, La municipalit modifie le calendrier de distribution des repas aux coliers - City Amends Schoolchildren Meal Distribution Schedule, Pittsburgh repousse la date limite de paiement de limpt sur le revenu en rponse COVID-19 - Pittsburgh Extends Income Tax Payment Deadline in Response to COVID-19, $500,000 COVID-19 - Welcoming Pittsburgh Secures $500,000 Grant for COVID-19 Cash Assistance Program to Serve Vulnerable Immigrant Communities, - Playgrounds and Other Amenities to Reopen in City Parks, - City of Pittsburgh Implements Hiring Freeze, - City of Pittsburgh Analyzing Summertime Activities, : - Outdoor Work by City Personnel to Resume Friday, COVID-19 SNAP - Mayor Peduto Calls for Online SNAP Purchasing Options Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, (William Peduto) - COVID-19 - Mayor William Peduto Announces COVID-19 Funding for Residents and Small Businesses, COVID-19 -- (Adopt-A-Lot) - City of Pittsburgh Announces Gardening Guidelines for Community Gardens and Adopt-A-Lot Sites During COVID-19, - City Issues Guidance in Advance of Construction Activity Resuming Friday, Peduto - Mayor Peduto Issues Letter to White House on Federal Support for Cities Fighting Pandemic, COVID-19 William Peduto Pittsburgh - Mayor William Peduto Addresses Pittsburgh on COVID-19 Pandemic, - City of Pittsburgh Announces More Social Distancing Restrictions, - Commission on Human Relations Statement on Discrimination Targeting Asian Populations, COVID-19 - Statement on Environmental Services Workers and COVID-19, - City Amends Schoolchildren Meal Distribution Schedule, COVID-19 - Pittsburgh Extends Income Tax Payment Deadline in Response to COVID-19, URA / ()/ - URA Partners with City and Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh to Provide Short Term Rent/Mortgage/Utility Financial Assistance to City Residents, COVID-19 2 - City of Pittsburgh Moves to Level 2 Emergency Operations in Response to COVID-19, , 20 - City to Distribute Meals to Registered Seniors Starting Friday, March 20, - Four Centers to Offer Meals for City Schoolchildren, - City Bans Gatherings of 50 or More People, Additional Translated Information from the Bhutanese Community Association of Pittsburgh's Facebook Page (the City of Pittsburgh is not responsible for content on this page), Mpango wa Welcoming Pittsburgh umepokea $500,000 kufadhili Programu ya Msaada wa Kifedha kwa Wakazi Wahamiaji wenye mahitaji mbali mbali ili kuwasaida kujikimu dhidi ya athari za janga la COVID-19 - Welcoming Pittsburgh Secures $500,000 Grant for COVID-19 Cash Assistance Program to Serve Vulnerable Immigrant Communities, Viwanja vya michezo na Vistawishi vingine kufunguliwa tena katika Bustani za jiji - Playgrounds and Other Amenities to Reopen in City Parks, Hotuba ya Meya William Peduto kwa jiji la Pittsburgh kuhusu janga la COVID_19 - Mayor William Peduto Addresses Pittsburgh on COVID-19 Pandemic, Mji wa Pittsburgh umetangaza vikwazo zaidi katika kujitenga kijamii City of Pittsburgh Announces More Social Distancing Restrictions, Taarifa kutoka kwa Tume ya mahusiano ya binadamu kuhusu ubaguzi wa Asia - Commission on Human Relations Statement on Discrimination Targeting Asian Populations, Taarifa juu ya wafanyakazi wa huduma za mazingira na virusi vya COVID 19 - Statement on Environmental Services Workers and COVID-19, Mji warekebisha ratiba ya usambazaji wa chakula kwa watoto wa shule - City Amends Schoolchildren Meal Distribution Schedule, Pittsburgh yaongeza muda wa kwa siku ya mwisho ya malipo ya kodi ya mapato katika kukabiliana na janga la virusi vya COVID-19 - Pittsburgh Extends Income Tax Payment Deadline in Response to COVID-19, URA inashirikiana na City and Urban League ya Pittsburgh kutoa msaada wa fedha wa muda mfupi wa kodi/mkopo wa /matumizi ya nyumbani kwa wakazi wa mji - URA Partners with City and Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh to Provide Short Term Rent/Mortgage/Utility Financial Assistance to City Residents, Mji wa Pittsburgh umesonga kwa kiwango cha 2 cha shughuli za dharura katika kushughulikia janga la COVID_19 - City of Pittsburgh Moves to Level 2 Emergency Operations in Response to COVID-19, Mji wa Pittsburgh kusambaza chakula kwa wazee waliojiandikisha kuanza Ijumaa, Machi 20 - City to Distribute Meals to Registered Seniors Starting Friday, March 20, Vituo vinne kutoa chakula kwa ajili ya watoto wa shule za jiji - Four Centers to Offer Meals for City Schoolchildren, Mji wa Pittsburgh Umepiga marufuku mikusanyiko yote ya watu zaidi ya 50 - City of Pittsburgh Bans Gatherings of More Than 50 People, Mji wa Pittsburgh umetangaza mabadiliko ya uendeshaji kutokana na athari ya virusi vya COVID-19 - The City of Pittsburgh Announces Operational Changes due to COVID-19, Meya William Peduto ametangaza hali ya dharura kutokana na virusi vya COVID-19 - Mayor William Peduto Declares State of Emergency Due to COVID-19. They are not endorsed or sponsored by the City of Pittsburgh. It can help reduce your risk of unknowingly spreading the virus to your friends, family, and larger community. In some cases, students may quarantine elsewhere if quarantining in their residence hall is not advised. Press Releases Please enable scripts and reload this page. Travelers should still practice appropriate public health measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 such as masking, physical distancing, and hand hygiene. Faculty and staff should consult with their physician or health care practitioner regarding where to isolate. Travel: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers from the CDC, Questions? queridos debido al COVID-19 1-800-985-5990, Resolve Crisis Network 24-Hour Help1-888-7-YOU-CAN (796-8226), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Disaster Distress Hotline 1-800-985-5990, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255. OneStopPGH, Boards, Authorities, Commissions
You may also wish to get tested on day 5, but it is not required. Faculty and staff should quarantine in their permanent residence. You are unvaccinated or have not completed a primary vaccine series. People with symptoms of COVID-19, including people who are awaiting test results or have not been tested. If your symptoms are not resolving,wait until you are fever-free for 24 hours and other symptoms are improving beforeendingisolation.
Search for the resources your need near you with 412 Food Rescue's Single Stop. Steel Smiling: Bridges the gap between community members and mental health support through education, advocacy and awareness. U.S. Center for Disease Control & Prevention. COVID-19 Standards & Guidelines
If you develop symptoms, call student health service or MyHealth @ Work at 412-647-4949, get tested and isolate until you receive the results.
Families for Depression Awareness: helps families recognize and cope with depression and bipolar disorder to get people well and prevent suicides. Building a Healthy and Resilient Community. Activity and Learning Sites *Some of these sites require memberships, but have waived membership fees through the end of the school year. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. It does not use GPS, location services or any movement or geographical information. Pennsylvania Housing Fairness Agency provides assistance for homeowners and renters to access assistance through the CARES Act, Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh COVID-19 Resources, Pennsylvania Utility Commission Tips for Financially Stressed Households, Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas Landlord-Tenant FAQ Related to COVID-19 Orders, Urban Redevelopment Authority and Commercial Real Estate Development Association Pittsburgh Chapter's Strategies for Commercial Property Owners & Tenants to Avoid Rent Disputes, Red Cross Virtual Family Assistance Center for City Clerk's Office See the recommendations for the Public in this. If you were asymptomatic or your symptoms are resolving, you may leave isolation after 5 days but must continue to wear a face covering in all settings for an additional 5 days. The app's features include an interactive COVID-19 symptom check-in, alerts for potential exposures to the virus, updates on the latest public health data about COVID-19 in PA and public health guidance for what to do if you have a potential exposure to COVID-19. Public Safety, City-County Building, 414 Grant St, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Keep up to date with news, live videos and frequent updates from local agencies and organizationson social media. Students living off campus will typically quarantine in their off-campus housing. Better Help: Making professional counseling accessible, affordable, convenient - so anyone who struggles with lifes challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere. Isolation-Spanish, Dr. Denise A. Johnson, Acting Secretary of Health and Physician General. Report a COVID-Related Concern, Pitt-Bradford Information on public health best practices to share with your neighbors. For directions on how to isolate, read the CDC guidelines on isolation. Pitt-Titusville . Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones to COVID-19; Centro Virtual de Asistencia a la Familia de la Cruz Roja City Council Tax Info Isolation is used to separate people with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 from those without COVID-19. As of March 1, 2021 the Order of the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health for Mitigation Relating To Travel is no longer in effect. You should wear a face covering in all settings for 10 days. Persad Center: A human service organization whose mission is to improve the well-being of the LGBTQ communities and the HIV/AIDS communities. Public Safety Statement on Covid-19 Spread, Pittsburgh Public Safety Enhances COVID-19 Precautions to Protect Personnel, Pittsburgh Police and Global Links Bring the, Need a Mask, Take a Mask Initiative to a Close, Update on Refuse and Recycling Service Disruptions and Front Line Staff COVID-19 Reports, City Updates Meal Distribution Numbers for Children and Seniors, EMS Encourage Safe Swimming and Distribute Free Life Vests to Youth, City of Pittsburgh Financial Empowerment Center Helps 557 Local Residents Save Over $319,000 and Reduce Debt by More than $223,000, Milling and Paving Continuing Across Pittsburgh Next Week, West Ohio Street Bridge Reconstruction Project To Begin, Citiparks Offers Six Week Take Home Literacy and Math Camp, Playgrounds and Other Amenities to Reopen in City Parks, Four Farmers' Markets Operated by City of Pittsburgh to Open in June, City of Pittsburgh Gathering Community Input for 2021 Capital Budget Virtually, More Meals Distributed to Children and Seniors This Week, City Planning Virtual Board and Commission Meetings Begin in June, City of Pittsburgh Offers More Online Permitting Options, DOMI Issues Report on Use of Streets and Mobility to Aid Community During Pandemic, City and Partners Distribute More than 33,000 Meals Since Start of Pandemic, City Announces Changes to Summer Activities During COVID-19 Pandemic, City of Pittsburgh Updates Budget Impacts from Pandemic, PLI Continues to Issue Construction Permits During Pandemic, Statement by Mayor William Peduto on Pittsburgh Entering Yellow Phase of COVID-19 Response, REMINDER: Curbside Yard Waste Pickup Rescheduled for Saturday, May 16, City of Pittsburgh Implements Hiring Freeze, City Releases Latest Food Distribution Totals, City of Pittsburgh Analyzing Summertime Activities, Outdoor Work by City Personnel to Resume Friday, Mayor William Peduto Announces COVID-19 Funding for Residents and Small Businesses, City Issues Guidance in Advance of Construction Activity Resuming Friday, Latest City of Pittsburgh Food Distribution Data, Landslide Remediation to Resume in Swisshelm Park and Allentown, Citiparks Recruiting Lifeguards in Anticipation of the 2020 Summer Swimming Season, City of Pittsburgh Distributes More Meals to Children and Seniors, Mayor William Peduto Addresses Pittsburgh on COVID-19 Pandemic, Environmental Services Worker Dies from Complications from COVID-19, City and Partners Distribute 4,600 Meals to Children and Seniors, Refuse Collection Continues on Good Friday; Springtime Yard Debris Pickup Cancelled, City Meal Distribution Sites Amend Schedule for Week of April 6, 2020, City of Pittsburgh Meal Distributions Grow, Street Sweeping Postponed Due to COVID-19, City of Pittsburgh Announces More Social Distancing Restrictions, Pittsburgh Extends Income Tax Payment Deadline in Response to COVID-19, Statement on Environmental Services Workers and COVID-19, City Amends Schoolchildren Meal Distribution Schedule, City to Distribute Meals to Registered Seniors Starting Friday, March 20, City of Pittsburgh Moves to Level 2 Emergency Operations in Response to COVID-19, Access to City-County Building Limited Due to COVID-19, City of Pittsburgh Announces Operational Changes Due to COVID-19, Mayor William Peduto Declares State of Emergency Due to COVID-19, City of Pittsburgh Updates Preventive Measures Regarding COVID-19, Mayor Peduto Proposes COVID-19 Sick Leave, Peduto Administration Introduces $3 Million in New COVID-19 Aid For City Residents, Mayor William Peduto Proposes 2021 Operating and Capital Budgets, City to Receive Nearly 500,000 Masks from Ford Motor Company, City Joins Mayors for Guaranteed Income, a Groundbreaking Initiative of a Dozen Cities to Offer Direct Payments to Those in Poverty Impacted by Pandemic, Welcoming Pittsburgh Secures $500,000 Grant for COVID-19 Cash Assistance Program to Serve Vulnerable Immigrant Communities, Mayor William Peduto to Speak to International Session on Post-Pandemic Economic and Climate Recovery, City Files Legal Brief in Support of Eviction Protections by Governor and Attorney General, Mayor Peduto Honors Public Works Week in the City of Pittsburgh, Reminder: City of Pittsburgh Milling and Paving Begins Monday, Mayor Peduto Thanks Public Safety Personnel and Honors EMS Assistant Chief Mark Pinchalk, Mayor Peduto Calls for Online SNAP Purchasing Options Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, City of Pittsburgh Announces Gardening Guidelines for Community Gardens and Adopt-A-Lot Sites During COVID-19, Mayor Peduto Joins Officials from United Kingdom and Sweden to Prepare for Post-Pandemic Economy, Mayor Peduto Issues Letter to White House on Federal Support for Cities Fighting Pandemic, Help the Helpers: City of Pittsburgh, UPMC, Steelers and Penguins Encourage the Community to Keep Helping and Look for New Ways to Help, Pittsburgh Financial Empowerment Center is Open for Free One-on-One Financial Counseling by Phone or Video, Commission on Human Relations Statement on Discrimination Targeting Asian Populations, Mayor William Peduto Calls for Support for Workers and Small Businesses, URA Partners with City and Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh to Provide Short Term Rent/Mortgage/Utility Financial Assistance to City Residents, City of Pittsburgh Bans All Gatherings of More Than 50 People, Allegheny County Announces First Two Positive Cases of COVID-19, Pennsylvania American Water Company Provides Customers Coronavirus Updates, PWSA Extends, Expands Shut Off Moratorium in Response to COVID 19, URA Offering Resources to Small Businesses Potentially Impacted by COVID-19. Tonight, the City-County Building is illuminated in a standard colorful roatation with no affilation. While we are striving to keep this website up to date, for any official guidance from the federal, state or local government please visit their websites directly. Contract Bids It is completely anonymous. Website Release Notes 7 Cups connects you to caring listeners for free emotional support. The app is designed to ensure privacy of the user. Pitt-Johnstown The CDC recommends a minimum 10-day isolation for individuals with severe COVID-19 illness or those with a weakened immune system. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is offering modified services. Most students living on campus will quarantine within their residence hall room or suite. Alliance for Technology Refurbishing and Reuse: Find a nonprofit that refurbishes computer equipment for redistribution. Open Gov Portal Individual and couples therapy options available, any time, anywhere. RESOLVE exists to provide supportive communities for you. COVID Alert PA is a free and voluntary mobile app developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health in partnership with NearForm, University of Pennsylvania, and MIT Lincoln Laboratory using Appleand Google'sExposure Notification System. The City of Pittsburgh is continuously operating throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic. You may also wish to get tested on day 5, but it is not required. City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety, City of Pittsburgh Mayor's Office @theNextPgh, City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety @PghPublicSafety, Allegheny County Health Department @HealthAllegheny, City Directory Trevor Project: Leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25. COVID Alert PAworks in Pennsylvania, and when you travel to other locations in the United States including: States piloting an exposure notification app with a limited population include: Getting timely alerts can help you get advice on how to help yourself and protect others as well as determine when to get testing. If you are prescribed Paxlovid and become symptomatic again after completing the medication, you should re-start a 5-day isolation and continue masking everywhere for 10 days. The content on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This new benefit will connect eligible households to jobs, critical healthcare services and virtual classrooms. Pittsburgh Financial Empowerment Center Free One-on-One Financial Counseling for Area Residents Over 18, Financial Empowerment Center's COVID-19 Financial Resources Available to Allegheny County Residents, Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office COVID-19 Rights and Resources Page, Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office COVID-19 Unemployment Rights & Resources Guide, State Unemployment Compensation: Information for Pennsylvania Employees Impacted by COVID-19, U.S. Conference of Mayors: How the COVID-19 Federal Stimulus Bills Directly Affect Working Families, CARES Act for Gig Workers and Others Who Work for Themselves, Emergency Fund for Tipped and Service Workers, Red Cross Virtual Family Assistance Center for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones to COVID-19; Centro Virtual de Asistencia a la Familia de la Cruz Roja para aquellas personas que han perdido a seres queridos debido al COVID-19 1-800-985-5990. If you come into close contact with someone with COVID-19, you should quarantine if you are in one of the following groups: You do NOT need to quarantine if you have received all CDC recommended vaccine doses, including boosters and additional primary shots for some immunocompromised people. Pennsylvania's Early Learning Resource Center Region 5 provides a single point-of-contact for families & early learning service providers in Allegheny County. details about ending isolation for your specific circumstances, CDC recommended vaccine doses, including boosters, Building access restrictions removal July 1, Allegheny County COVID Level High to Medium, Message from President Gregerson regarding optional face coverings on campus. Mayor's Office Day 0 is your first day of symptoms or the date you took the COVID-19 test.
For questions about the lighting at the City-County Building, please reach out to the Office of the Mayor. PA Department of Child Development & Early Learning's Best Practices for Child Care Programs Operating During COVID-19. It will never collect, transmit or store personal information. Community Development Block Grant Program, Comprehensive Municipal Pension Trust Fund, Click Here for Vaccination Informationfrom the Allegheny County Health Department, Click Here for Statewide Vaccination Information, Protective Mitigation Efforts fromthe Governor of Pennsylvania and Secretary of Pennsylvania Department of Health, Carnegie Mellon University Risk-Based Decision Support Tool, Mobile App to Help Neighbors Without Homes, Hebrew Free Loan Association of Pittsburgh Coronavirus Financial Bridge Loan Program. ReGain: Relationship counseling. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)'s Emergeny Broadband Benefit is a program to help households struggling to pay for internet service during the pandemic. Order of the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health Directing Public Health Safety Measures for Businesses Permitted to Maintain In-person Operations, Small Business Administration COVID-19 Resources, PA Dept of Economic and Community Development Resource Guide, URA COVID-19 Small Business Assistance Program, Urban Redevelopment Authority of City of Pittsburgh COVID-19 Resources, Survey for Hospitality Businesses Affected by COVID-19, Riverside Center for Innovation COVID-19 Small Business Resources, PA Chamber Chamber of Business and Industry Resources for Coronavirus, PA Chamber Chamber of Business and Industry - COVID-19 FAQ for Employers, Independent Contractor/Self-Employed Guide to CARES Act Relief - U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Endowment for the Arts: COVID-19 Resources for Artists and Arts Organizations, Inc. - Free Tools, Resources, and Financial Help offered by companies to Small Businesses. 4200 Fifth Avenue Online Shelter Permit Dog Licenses HUD-Recommended COVID-19 National Locator Tool for Low-Cost Internet Services Offers. If you require community resources, please call the Allegheny County and United Way of Southwest PA's COVID-19 Hotline at 1-888-856-2774 or 211. Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide: Reduce the number of youth suicides and attempted suicides by encouraging public awareness through the development and promotion of educational training programs, Information on the City of Pittsburgh ordinance requiring businesses to offer COVID-19 Emergency Sick Leave. People with symptoms should isolate even if they do not know if they have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Many of our administrative offices are currently working from home. Keystone State. Controller's Office If you have more questions about quarantine and isolation, pleasecontact the COVID-19 Medical Response Office The date of exposure is considered day 0. Federal Communications Commission Keep Americans Connected Website that includes a list of telecommunications companies that have pledged to not terminate contracts for inability to pay bills during COVID-19 crisis, waive late fees and open its WiFi hotspots to any American who needs them. Provide high-quality supports and protections to vulnerable Pennsylvanians. Quarantine is a strategy used to prevent transmission of COVID-19 by keeping people who have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 apart from others. If you DO repeat anantigen test at day 5 and it is positive, you should extend your isolation period to total a full 10 days of isolation. People who have a positive test for COVID-19, regardless of whether or not they have symptoms. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Policies Resources here may redirect to websites that require payment. Pennie is Pennsylvania's health insurance marketplace for uninsured and underinsured individuals and families. Learn how to report a positive COVID-19 case to the University. COVID-19 - Mayor William Peduto Declares State of Emergency Due to COVID-19, La Iniciativa Welcoming Pittsburgh Ha Asegurado una Subvencin de $ 500,000 para el Programa de Asistencia con Efectivo COVID-19 para Servir a las Comunidades de Inmigrantes Vulnerables - Welcoming Pittsburgh Secures $500,000 Grant for COVID-19 Cash Assistance Program to Serve Vulnerable Immigrant Communities, Se Reabrirn los Campos de Juego y otras Comodidades en los Parques de la Ciudad - Playgrounds and Other Amenities to Reopen in City Parks, La Ciudad de Pittsburgh Implementa una Congelacin en las Contrataciones - City of Pittsburgh Implements Hiring Freeze, La Ciudad de Pittsburgh Analiza las Actividades de Verano - City of Pittsburgh Analyzing Summertime Activities, El Viernes se Reanudar el Trabajo al Aire Libre por Parte del Personal de la Ciudad - Outdoor Work by City Personnel to Resume Friday, El Alcalde Peduto Pide Opciones de Compra de SNAP en lnea Debido a la Pandemia del COVID-19 - Mayor Peduto Calls for Online SNAP Purchasing Options Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, El Alcalde William Peduto Anuncia Fondos del COVID-19 para Residentes y Pequeos Negocios - Mayor William Peduto Announces COVID-19 Funding for Residents and Small Businesses, La Ciudad de Pittsburgh Anuncia Pautas para el Cultivo en los Jardines Comunitarios y en las Sedes de Adoptar-Un-Lote Durante el COVID-19 - City of Pittsburgh Announces Gardening Guidelines for Community Gardens and Adopt-A-Lot Sites During COVID-19, La Ciudad Emite recomendaciones Antes de que la Actividad de la Construccin se Reanude el Viernes - City Issues Guidance in Advance of Construction Activity Resuming Friday, El Alcalde Peduto Enva una Carta a la Casa Blanca acerca del Apoyo Federal a las Ciudades que estn Luchando contra la Pandemia - Mayor Peduto Issues Letter to White House on Federal Support for Cities Fighting Pandemic, El alcalde William Peduto se dirige a Pittsburgh con relacin a la pandemia de COVID-19 - Mayor William Peduto Addresses Pittsburgh on COVID-19 Pandemic, La Ciudad de Pittsburgh anuncia ms restricciones de distanciamiento social City of Pittsburgh Announces More Social Distancing Restrictions, Declaracin de la comisin de relaciones humanas acerca de la discriminacin contra la poblacin asitica - Commission on Human Relations Statement on Discrimination Targeting Asian Populations, Declaracin acerca de los trabajadores de servicios ambientales y COVID-19 - Statement on Environmental Services Workers and COVID-19, La Ciudad enmienda el horario de distribucin de comidas de escolares - City Amends Schoolchildren Meal Distribution Schedule, Pittsburgh extiende la fecha lmite para el pago del impuesto sobre la renta en respuesta a COVID-19 - Pittsburgh Extends Income Tax Payment Deadline in Response to COVID-19, URA se asocia con la Liga Urbana del rea metropolitana de Pittsburgh para proporcionar asistencia financiera a corto plazo de alquiler / hipoteca / servicios pblicos a los residentes de la ciudad - URA Partners with City and Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh to Pro, vide Short Term Rent/Mortgage/Utility Financial Assistance to City Residents, La ciudad de Pittsburgh pasa al nivel 2 de operaciones de emergencia en respuesta a COVID-19 - City of Pittsburgh Moves to Level 2 Emergency Operations in Response to COVID-19, La Ciudad va a distribuir comidas a personas mayores registradas a partir del viernes 20 de marzo - City to Distribute Meals to Registered Seniors Starting Friday, March 20, Cuatro centros para ofrecer comidas a nios escolares de la ciudad - Four Centers to Offer Meals for City Schoolchildren, Ciudad de Pittsburgh prohbe todas las reuniones de ms de 50 personas - City of Pittsburgh Bans Gatherings of More than 50 People, La ciudad de Pittsburgh anuncia los cambios operacionales a causa de COVID-19 - The City of Pittsburgh Announces Operational Changes due to COVID-19, El alcalde William Peduto declara Estado de Emergencia debido a COVID-19 - Mayor William Peduto Declares a State of Emergency Due to COVID-19, Welcoming Pittsburgh reoit une subvention de 500000 $ pour le programme daide financire en espces li la pandmie de Covid-19 et destin aux communauts immigres vulnrables.