I have done nothing but play Rusty Lake today because I miss those games and can't wait for the new one. Prompt List. They eat, they sleep, and speak at times, but are strongly disposed towards violence and can even seem like wild animals. , , , , Rusty Lake: Roots. The White Door told us the story of Robert Hill, who is a confirmed corrupted soul, detailing the events of his involvement with the mysterious death of the woman. Beams of light coming out of a corrupted soul is generally connotative with the soul being destroyed/purified. Planning to update the guide after the new Cube Escape game is released!Thanks for your support. This is important when we examine what happens in the White Door. Welcome to Rusty Lake. Avatars or images are being used under Fair Use, in order to identify the profile only, containing just the face or object, and lower resolution than original work. Which is why I propose that: Mr. Boar, Mr. The story of Rusty Lake and Cube Escape series with suggestions of playing. In the timeline, the first instance of a corrupted soul that we see is Caroline Eilander. As a corrupted soul, her memories were split apart into ten black cubes that contained the elements for the elixir of life, which she bestowed upon Jakob to aide in his path to enlightenment. Mr. Owl was created when the elements were gathered as the cubes and when Caroline Eilander merged with Jakob, creating an entirely new being with (suspected) unlimited immortality and wisdom. So while her mind may have become broken, and the soul itself split off as its own entity, her body still had anomalous effects on it. For this to be one of the lives of Elizabeth Eilander, Id actually wager it to not be such a bad guess. Next update may come after the true ending of Rusty Lake series. Maybe Laura died because of her fate:according to a secret hint by Rose Vanderboom in Roots,one of the Roots' 16 achievements,saying that her daughter(referring to Laura) will return to Rusty Lake. Corrupted souls are not so much asghosts are they like the limbo between death and rebirth, a concept that is repeatedly echoed throughout the series. Introduce yourself to new clients with Pitch. What am I? @nowherecrafter Thanks for the advice!It helps A LOT. * The woman in blue is playing a role, much like how Pheasant did in the Hotel. They cannot distinguish between imagination and reality, are supernaturally aggressive and malicious, have scattered and unreliable memories of all their past lives at once, and DO subsist off of a carnivorous diet, primarily that which of animals (or people) that are still alive. Lupin stole a prize trip to Rusty Lake, nothing can go wrong can it? But Lupin is also still on the brain so CROSSOVER TIME AGAIN :D, i like extremely plot relevant important main characters yes. I am truly lazy so next update may come after the true ending of Cube Escape series.Thank you for reading till here.Your support means everything. , .
I am the manifestation of the many years of tragedy and pain suffered by a man but no matter how many connections there are between me and that man, we are completely seperate beings. In the Blue Cube timeline of Dales birthday, Mr. Rabbit is shot and, as he is absorbed by the tree, beams of light shoot out of his body. This art is part of a series of 4 artworks based on the Rusty Lake game universe. He is definitely opposed to Laura there and moreover in 1 of true endings he gets the golden cube before his new elevator ride just like during The Cave. It is only as Corrupted Souls do their past lives merge with each other, and their memories and perception of reality becoming confused and erratic. #wacky waving inflatable arm flailing corrupted soul!! Rusty Lake I demand an answer The black cat that spends all morning looking out the windows before he wanders off each afternoon is not Michael. Attending the last school year in senior high and may not have enough time to work on the guide.Gratitude to everyone who has given me support.Your support really means a lot to me.The next update may be coming in a year or two. Now speaking about Paradox, It obviously happends in Dale's mind. But they are like cocoons for the cycle of rebirth. The angel that floats above the house, observing my every move, is not Adam. Moth and a corrupted soul who fell victim to her curiosity, Hello everyone, Id like to introduce you all to my religion. The Rusty Lake universe tells the story of those affected by the titular location that transcends several generations, with THESE bad boys as malevolent, ghostly apparitions that give you just generally a hard time. I've known about the existence of corrupted souls since I was a teenager, but since then I had always assumed being corrupted was simply a state of being. The Story of Rusty Lake (W.I.P. Join the community. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. Their containment in the hotel effectively served as a stasis chamber, keeping them in their corrupted state to prolong the cycle of rebirth until theyre needed. , Steam. )(Updated till Paradise). @nowherecrafter Thanks a lot!Sorry for replying so late.School work took me so much time that I had to be away from Steam.I'll correct it right away! I will be glad to your likes and comments! These are the more concrete parallels and conclusions we can come to, with the relationship between Mr. Deers corrupted soul and Albert Vanderboom being one which I wont go into depth: but there could be implication that Albert had also been trying to recreate the elixir, same as his father did, and maybe had a lost soul influencing him after 1894. I think the fact that the Corrupted Soul of Mr. #im trying not to draw leggy fish doing jojo poses, #forgot to post this yesterday. #anyways this timeline/AU would be A Mess, #bc i know magpient would Not let it slide. Learn UI Design Basics and Figma Fundamentals Level up your skills with our interactive courses and workshops, Icons, Illustrations, Patterns, Textures, Procreate, Affinity, Photoshop, InDesign. Which MBTI personality type best fits?
Because another notable thing about Elizabeth is that she was blind, and not once was the Lady in Blue ever shown to open her eyes.
To learn more about INFP and its traits click here. Now the REALLady of the Lake is Caroline Eilander, as seen in painting depictions, so its important to recognize that this is a *stage production. (Which, mind you, two years later after the corrupted souls were released did he murder and torture his family outright.)
#could they figure out the lakes secrets? It repeats the events happening around Dale during The Cave. The Elixir of Life alone is not enough to reach enlightenment, one must also embrace a corrupted soul, or well, *literally* merge with a corrupted soul. When they broke out, some of them stayed at the lake as corrupted souls stalking for potential victims, while some split off and left the lake, still corrupted, but in a differentstate, a different life. So basically what Im saying is: corrupted souls are not so much assouls but as the physical embodiment of the inbetween of life and death, in which the lake serves as a sort ofwomb for. The body dies, the soul is carried over. Dribbble is the worlds leading community for creatives to share, grow, and get hired. It is confirmed there that we play as Laura in The Lake. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. But the body isnt goneits replaced. He may have been a potential candidate for enlightenment before his brain was collected for Williams rebirth, maybe even becoming a corrupted soul himself. And the website might contain content from public resources like Wikipedia, IMDB or Lastfm. They can be killed and resurrected, are intelligent but only sometimes sapient, and the perception of how they physically manifest can depend on the level of corruption at which they are at. just haunt this mf for the rest of her afterlife, #mx moth/drika is constantly on the run from a very pissed off corrupted soul with a steel pipe and thirst for revenge, #another weekly episode of content you guys did not follow me for, #I feel like I haven't done traditional inking in *years*. I see my memories captured in little cubes , VIRUS BY PRIEST FITS SO WELL WITH THE RUSTY LAKE GAMES GOD I WISH I COULD ANIMATE. Personality type for Corrupted Soul from Rusty Lake and what is the personality traits. And as hard as it will be for me to accept, I am not Miles Verdeeld. During the last plague in Rusty Lake: Paradise, Jakob is burned alive, but achieves enlightenment. , , . Steam , Valve Corporation. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience.
Maybe Dale's involvement was planned:according to another letter hidden behind an old photo on the wall in Cube Escape:The Mill,saying that he might be the one who could stop the endless killing of the corrupted souls that were still wandering around the lake. Updated until Rusty Lake: Paradise. Deer looking a lot like the silhouette of Albert was intentional in that way. It would be natural to assume for her daughter to inherit her legacy, even only as a pretender. #if he did this to turn Harvey into 100% a bird, #I mean here he was supposedly trying to help Harvey escape the corrupted souls, #i wonder if any of the gang would become corrupted souls. Hello,this is my first guide here on steam.I got to know the series several months ago and I found it so amazing that I decided to make this guide. Into Rusty Lake/Cube Escape? In Cube Escape:the Cave,the book you find in the cave can show you something about Roots(the family tree),how William became Laura,how Laura and Dale created the golden cube,the meanings of the cubes and even how the ending will be like.Showed in the following pics. , Espaol Latinoamrica ( ), PortugusBrasil(), http://rusty-lake.wikia.com/wiki/File:Chronology-2.png. || kanny's art/fandom/whatever i like blog || he/him, they/them || || white || status: hgurgh || PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY ART. . Which brings me to theLady of the Lake theorized to be Ms. Pheasant. Fanart of my favourite escape game series @rustylakecom, why did NOBODY steal that insta post over here i'm losing my mind at this, is it just me or do corrupted souls speak with a french accent, HES ALSO T-POSING IN THE SECRET CUTSCENE IN CE: BIRTHDAY. She was able to send down a plague as a corrupted soul, speak, and disappear and re-appear at will. Shes seen here in both a corrupted and non-corrupted state, which I dont feel so much as to be a literal representation of her so much as how she perceives herself, or perceived through the lenses of the memories. This is how CE:The Lake and Harveys Box ended right? 2022, The user generated content, where applicable is licensed under Creative Commons License. Mr. Rabbit had tried to re-enter society as a corrupted soul, remembering the past life of David Eilander, but based off of what happens to Bob in a similar fashion as a corrupted soul, reality is distorted and Eilander is too unstable, resulting in the massacre of Dale Vandermeers family in order to retrieve The Pistol. still working on todays, #thats one of the only times you will see bertie happy, #Just have a chonk of writing I wanted to do this morning, #trying a new shading thechniqueactually takes less time and looks cooler. A living person *can* be corrupted with enough exposure to black cubes being forcibly extracted, but its a typically longer and riskier process. However, if I am not Miles, then who am I? Caroline Eilander had died prior to the events of Rusty Lake: Paradise, and was studying how to acquire the elixir of life in secret before her death. Let's make some memories. But moreso than Bobs story, we actually started getting some more insight in what Corrupted Souls actually ARE which Im gonna try to rationalize to the best of my abilitylets go. , . #so Im making it clear now remember the mystery alchemist who turned magnolia into ms magpie? Speaking about main characters in every single Cube Escape, there was posted a timeline with surely indicated characters u play as. What do you think the souls do at the bottom of the lake then they arent walking creepily? Honestly, it looks like some kind of coma. I also want to thank, [Blue letters for the ones with several chapters], Character in the first person(related information), Jakob Eilander(Trying to find the truth of his mother's death), William Vanderboom(Using his family's sacrifices to get into the afterlife), Laura Vanderboom(Travelling back to change her past after her corruption), Harvey(After escaping from the hotel and becoming Laura's pet,being sent to Rusty Lake), Dale Vandermeer(As a detective investigating Laura's death), Mr.Crow(Extracting Laura's memories but extracted the painful memories by mistake), Dale(At the age of 9)(Travelling to the past after Case 23), Mr.Crow(Preparing for Dale's journey ahead and the completion of the full elixir,gathering the memories in the great depths of the lake), [And here's an order suggested by the developers themselves:]. (I edited a man with teeth everywhere on his body, made him black and drew glowing cartoon eyes with drawcast), Its great but can you send proof of your work so I can feature it. Have just finished all contents of paradox.The additions will be made gradually.Thanks everyone! . , . This corrupted soul is still a PERSON, and in likely a similar state to how Bob was after he shot himself in the White Door(no memory of her past life and just generally being confused) and was taken in by the theatre as a performer to be kept close to the lake and still get to use her memories. . Now that I have had the corruption overtake my body, making me one of these creatures, I have come to realize that it is not a state of being, rather it is a being. But as stated, he doesnt die, hes merely in a new state and returned to the lake. What is the personality type of Corrupted Soul? Take the gang and put them in the cuuuuuuuubes! Her animal symbolism is the owl, which is shared by both her son Jakob and by Dale Vandermeer, and is typically representative of being theruler of the Lake.. These pistols seem not to *kill* so much as, change your state of being. Art based on the "Rusty Lake" game series. I guess, that Paradox is happening between 2 Dale's elevator rides. Deer, Ms. Pheasant, Mrs. Pigeon, and Mr. Rabbit *are* definitely reincarnations of the Eilander family, theyre very deliberately NOT the Eilanders when they are alive. When her bones are recovered during the ninth plague, they are ground intomagical powder. *How* this happens at first seems vague, but by the end, and by what the game often instructs us to do, it becomes clear. Remember - Likes are nice but REBLOGS are BETTER , found family trope but theyre all a mess, or: the franchise where i got to shove all my favorite design elements and justify it with its a weird game, In another universe, the mysterious Mx.