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Also, If youTurn in Notarized Forms on or Before May 1 AND Attend Parent/Student Meeting on May 1: Meals Up & Back will be included. 4 0 obj
b.E-UO\:;!*p=/Ckr>i&bZAY"iG=XlX}SxNt5k{Vf`L6M$Guz61'0fB,1f\>' POPULAR PAGES SHAPE Ministry Opportunities, Sermon Archive Ropes Track (includes zip lines, climbing wall, and ropes course), ,wy~CP+|b6w
Af]8lYeTmzy5RR-/G$VAey7oGMu]#|+n$Ngmo/6N_c_Dj0fe%b;Mm/q}. &.!3"l*DyBRC7t(Js{+%DLF- ]R/h:P%2E)v 1BH+( i]F. You can pay for remainder of camp online or through the offering. Sports Ministry, Contact Us, Watch a Service Live: Sundays @ 9 and 10:30am. 7:30 PM Bible Study Groups -8#txP$U
olW4UQ ?mV"4iw6g-%U._|8|Tmu5 oy*oi6$V=%FE)]Hbj%2u'xG?Qy_E167S1&]PVRXb T4HUW?89krUw Y}}wRM@\ Rc*CPvlMUa>EzH".prL+ 5 0 obj How to Grow in your Faith, Students also participate in Track Times. Be sure to Check out last years pics of CAMP on our Students FaceBook Page. Ropes Track (includes zip lines, climbing wall, and ropes course). << /Filter /FlateDecode /S 48 /Length 70 >> *Required deposit will increase to $150 for late registrations (this includes the non-refundable deposit and cancellation fee. << /Type /XRef /Length 64 /Filter /FlateDecode /DecodeParms << /Columns 4 /Predictor 12 >> /W [ 1 2 1 ] /Index [ 4 26 ] /Info 17 0 R /Root 6 0 R /Size 30 /Prev 27442 /ID [<3e491ab1b180bbd49ac882fed49b1c26><3e491ab1b180bbd49ac882fed49b1c26>] >> What to Expect When you Visit 7 0 obj endstream
Service Times Sport Track (includes battleball, flag football, and softball), @ We are planning to charter a bus to camp. Creative Painting, x]Su u} P ?PY)uSpx_T:/Apwu>O?/|!p'~~r>z0 |O!ew)q?NVmSRw.R=po!RW']^;O\-O`vk'),c~Fg}>TZ>eFc)[sV6JT-OYLZ'1+XXNI^C*2jcDO_;#.(kSOG3zFZ !ieaI << /Pages 23 0 R /Type /Catalog >> Our Beliefs <>
endstream Click Here for Online Payment Portal. >ay/r.1!Dd|usK@G{~|{$jn6='x>3'CBA{r0d)Q
Frisbee Track (includes disc golf, ultimate frisbee, and misc. 6:30 PM Opening Celebration 4 0 obj stream For Girls Only, 3 0 obj Active Track (includes basketball, soccer, and volleyball),
Adventure Track (includes kayaking, paintball, and laser tag), Children Spiritual Gifts, Track Times are created to give students the opportunity to participate in something with which they are familiar, or try something new! ?DkEoeTl1 H_k.J ~`AkuBVb?%v. .fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1 .nav-tabs li a.tab-link{border-top-color:#f1f2f2;background-color:#f1f2f2;}.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1 .nav-tabs{background-color:#ffffff;}.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1 .nav-tabs li.active a.tab-link,.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1 .nav-tabs li.active a.tab-link:hover,.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1 .nav-tabs li.active a.tab-link:focus{border-right-color:#ffffff;}.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1.classic .nav-tabs > li.active .tab-link, .fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1.classic .nav-tabs > li.active .tab-link:hover { border-color: #8fcd10;}.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1 .nav-tabs li.active a.tab-link,.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1 .nav-tabs li.active a.tab-link:hover,.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1 .nav-tabs li.active a.tab-link:focus{background-color:#ffffff;}.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1 .nav-tabs li a:hover{background-color:#ffffff;border-top-color:#ffffff;}.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1 .tab-pane{background-color:#ffffff;}.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1 .nav,.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1 .nav-tabs,.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-1 .tab-content .tab-pane{border-color:#e2e2e2;}First DayOther DaysLast DayFirst Day1:00 4:00 PM Registration <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 17 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> (You can still register, but spots are limited and not guaranteed.)
endobj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 5325 >> Apologetics, tw/,y?#QSuo^m_?iou)8"NPv85-8B\lS>_5 ;*L;fNDuoY We will be leaving on Monday, June 6 2021 around 3:30am. =SNiM2uea lHs}`0.X1w{oI 10:45 AM Churches Depart 0..%o8T/VF/oF7yq#i?WiOxJ%6%U\Z3?5 8:45 AM Recreation 6NOt1/#Sc~bn ?pId^G_OiA&,= IuBihSd@>?OCk7_7~JFnSY(?O A~ly@?O$P:*NMy\|_Jt,oCXB9Yj5S6?UTMl`BDq-03$eNb 2fHRx R$c ;OUka$H!)'5xyH1\ty-9G%`ihQPk#c[U/!YI+Db4i]z>$#d(@3AL*(kO2Q7VveL ]S|`$H >"`R*A c4z2-lTFo-Po6 G,,&jR- 11:00 PM In Rooms (Note: This will be 11:30 PM on last night of camp.). <> From Hiking, Kayaking, Ropes Course and Laser Tag, to basketball, octoball and football, to leadership, missions, and spiritual growth, this camp has it all. stream Active Track (includes basketball, soccer, and volleyball). At Centrifuge, students are divided into groups for recreation and Bible study based on age ranges by grade completed. 11:30 PM Lights Out <> xc```? fb`2Yc`0Ho QH9(aas{ stream We offer creative, active, performance, and classroom-based activities during these times, and each track is led by a member of the FUGE staff. :QS1rWa|8=v-)h$C=%%lB\RUZ&(!= P5G+-W\]\ :Y/LS$9#SUjwCQsyw1E 8diOq1yA2iv 7!=OhL v\Hu'IBc( ck (Sg Z5. BZj0~Z-RZ~1q4c;N0c4dg}ZT_\tHH ,dva~0SArlF[] The camp is located at the Ridgecrest Conference Center in Ridgecrest, NC. ;ZRuFOF%vG7MEkt ]%=N}Z0Ek@P Zm/c4StM=AsQle>0 *q24_Cra+o@/TSg `y(3Q8U~?[e}MN/L_A#"M>C]3? *An additional $75 cancellation fee is due if cancelled on or after May 1. 'k8\xIY,>.x7O:>y 7C4cXHqF}@@x8z>>S wG
1 0 obj _gW Also, If youTurn in Notarized Forms on or Before May 1 AND Attend Parent/Student Meeting on May 1: Meals Up & Back will be included. JFIF C Interpretive Sign, Parents what you try all year long to accomplish, many times is accomplished in just one week of camp! Each activity serves a specific purpose and is debriefed so students can make application in their lives. 2 0 obj 6uw 41E\D(s=eSM kheWGD/\UKuSJ8x@ hK04\U\o[Ekk\'a Lfh(93cN )yP8$k,4=jxo_\\|> E'2"HHTO~VOHw * '.F7S#^oO_ *!#Yp6Pj%R`=gH.BPdlMmb|w05DaRn5x .,50qG2nNrtW{0+" GUvo)G;:2p ^l|8bU5x`7 3=fg)bw-iYPw~h5gd=axglS*.J}hsksV6'*W'* 5+kQPOP..2F Rec Track (includes kickball, gagaball, and mini golf). %PDF-1.7 10:15 PM Hang Time 6 0 obj _]}9iVoFf*B*bWm %6|1djp> ,\dF3|'ERdUE!me6p!d Y* 9 0 obj 11:00 PM In Rooms endobj Recreation is facilitated within Bible study groups by a member of our trained FUGE camp staff, who also leads the Bible study. You can pay deposit online here at our secure online payment portal.
11:30 PM Lights Out 2:30 PM Track B Directions to LifeWay IYYINm+;yHw62)`]dw>G>-:C)k0B[si'}xJY590o7}ZE?Glz6ACppw; Q5'Q:!+"C#98MF^Q:`JlO#G)0>2y+]J3sXYi=0k'GFfVR &=f:\c3CD63=6*#teE [:EIyy.U60gdd>p>*@>F,F\qPbX(h4|?QjR8[`>P>2LkOKq9A{Pq]1NmNfF.MK z4?s+Pg+9OlDjUP43jx?iuhSu/dW"G;Y.+Q\JX4T4OCN L2]_S|[z,F}^P@VyR[ Y`0}6D;``%rJe&0gi$RS >9,~#5eYgHz$:cS,y+")i G The cost of FUGE Camp is $425 until January 7. endobj 11:00 PM In Rooms (Note: This will be 11:30 PM on last night of camp.) endobj %PDF-1.5 % Click Here for Online Payment Portal. Students are divided into tracks based on a list of activities they indicate during the registration process. Current cost of camp is $475, FINE PRINT:*A $75 non-refundable deposit is included in your required registration payment to hold your spot(s). Common Track Choices Each Year (Summer Choices available April 2022): You can pay for remainder of camp online or through the offering. %
Missions, ?_?|o]2BO/m`1A&knzh#ZY,,09!r8dzD4 The cost will increase to $450 on January 8 and to $475 on March 1.
`Y[}&jq*Lmehfp\3L^/6hB hpvxEF&at!~k@UWUQ&"PixMD>N|30bU] FV%yVg"+:$y8Qf}:VCuYv$zX6}yZ"`-goxhptKqQ8EV{i/:!! Xu. stream The Man Track x]oGnC/@OOw`g9d?P|H&g! xcbdg`b`8 $>XF@q2 @B,8L ?S 9:30 PM Church Group Time Drama, Guitar, ), For any questions, please email michelle@chetscreek.com, 4420 Hodges Blvd.Jacksonville, FL 32224(904) 223-5954, 422 New Berlin Rd.Jacksonville, FL 32218(904) 223-5954, 6625 Terry Rd.Jacksonville, FL 32216(904) 223-5954, 105 Greenleaf Dr.Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32081(904) 223-5954, About UsOur Team BeliefsBaptism Give Leader Login Plan My Visit, Required deposit will increase to $150 for late registrations (this includes the non-refundable deposit and cancellation fee. Rec Track (includes kickball, gagaball, and mini golf), Backpacking, endstream 8:00 PM Church Group Time Students sx@1Lk9c?]=gQ Ir?k!Cr&6+9,!VV5NW(1EOnup-I:l~=6%M9t rBhaQ] %rz7$#tj!'{+}l'LR|[JM|>D/s9ZGVnn*9-"1EUEN1 ~Q>.5Zp93&%B].g't:8$]Yq]Y5Jl,R3js+xepUL5BO'\ 0X/Ei/sCNizc\2[L t$f[=n$oCE8Z-od.tYnszbtz 9:45 AM Closing Celebration 5:00 PM Dinner <>/Metadata 362 0 R/ViewerPreferences 363 0 R>> @%*i-$s0"QE~v(3 W|:oL..78ie}Pd?/C3(~^Lb|qs8d^xF{qeA|IR:"Rq ,w&[DJ'\TJ~lh{oX [I9{_1CFnXqroUIU2N|Pw 9upP0"~ _ahs endobj ",#(7),01444'9=82. Our Staff We will be returning on Saturday, June 11 around 10pm. As a parent and student this camp is worth every penny it costs. Ridgecrest Conference Center provides students with a secure 1300 acre camp experience like no other. endobj 3:20 PM Hang Time endobj 1:20 PM Track A Sport Track (includes battleball, flag football, and softball). endobj Christian Leadership, Lifestyle Evangelism, 8:00 AM Quiet Time/Bible Study Total Cost of Camp which includes 5 nights lodging, Camp Fee, Camp T-Shirt & Travel to & from Camp is $485. stream Hiking, Your student is put into an environment that has been tried and tested for generations to promote spiritual growth. *Register by January 31 to guarantee your spot(s) for camp. Last Day7:00 AM Breakfast Table Games, 6[/ _qWV> ZvJ4gtI]xQY"} my={&iwHuUoPLXD5c^g/;4}WgguLGj%P,W#xSt\ @Crhkp m5hW ]jk>;@}=tU(.dZef7$| a Cry{]m(+p|9.j|w^!'#f))%D [ Worship Leadership, 5c m6cLJRm^TV|gl|C0Vvo;cU^pu Please go tofugecamps.comfor more info orwatch last years camp video here! 8 0 obj 5:00 PM Dinner 2:20 PM Track Rally
CLASS 101, 201, 301, 401 We will be returning for the 7th year to Centrifuge Camp just outside of Asheville, NC. Crafts, Creative Movement, Common Track Choices Each Year (Summer Choices available April 2022): $.' Frisbee Track (includes disc golf, ultimate frisbee, and misc. Give Online f`_{DNnm\]r|! endobj ugX(0YVA( ?w^9 R}otLEq 1%)XaFz9pw^= ~"dz-e f !$>K=F&vM(WbO"!_=> u-bxhIH-_.[Sl Frisbee games), Other Days7:00 AM Breakfast 1:10 PM Track Rally Percussion, h ^t\736MHt#W0; *&=VD}xEu;32lB6t"HC*Hel b?W85N>TQ#^ 9:15 PM Church Group Rally Frisbee games). ). XX$0l';AN&NdKw4w4MJH_z 9:45 PM Night Life << /Annots [ 22 0 R ] /Contents 9 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 23 0 R /Resources << /ExtGState << /G3 18 0 R >> /Font << /F4 19 0 R /F5 20 0 R /F6 21 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] >> /StructParents 0 /Type /Page >> 6:30 PM Worship 10:30 AM Quiet Time/Bible Study Baptism **ALL FORMS AND FINAL BALANCE DUE ON JUNE 12,2022**, FUGE CAMP registration will close on May 1,2022.To Register, a $75 payment is required. H ATI)I5y'2z %bOg=mU]qY#Hpmk+V@\!TaV%MpgY>>Q0I9`3~=}ti##zE;P"on+ 8:00 AM Morning Celebration 1w FUGE Camp 2022 is for Middle & High School students from all campuses of Chets Creek Church. 12:00 PM Lunch FAQ's: Frequently Asked Quesstions After May 1, money is non-transferable.