This is where things get very muddy and dependent on project requirements. As for why MVVM in general does not allow such references, the goal is hypothetically to make both the View and the ViewModel easier to test and write. Once unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public My goal in this article is to explain why the Model-View-ViewModel architectural pattern presents a very awkward separation of concerns in some situations with regard to the presentation logic of a GUI architecture. You usually request a ViewModel for the first time when the system calls an activity objects onCreate() method. I am not saying that filling View classes with logic such as: is always a bad thing, but classes which are tightly coupled to the platform (like Fragments) are difficult to test, and classes with logic in them are the most important classes to test!In a word, it is a failure to apply what I consider to be the golden principle of any good architecture: Separation of concerns. Most importantly, in this architecture, the children don't have the direct reference to the parent, they only have the reference by observables. I'm not sure other Android developers agree with me.

We will explore two variants of MVVM (there is not just one way to do it), and the reasons why you may prefer one variant over another, based on project requirements. You can replace by viewModels with by ActivityViewModels if you want your ViewModel to survive in different fragments within the same activity.

Why, you may ask? Create package - main inside the ui package, Create package - view inside the main package, Move the MainActivity to the view package, Create package - viewmodel inside the main package. Navigate to the app > res > layout > activity_main.xml and add the below code to that file. When using the ViewModel class from Architecture Components (which is designed to have its instance persist longer than the Fragment/Activity lifecycle when appropriate), referencing a View is asking for SERIOUS MEMORY LEAKS. Simple Rule: Dont let your android classes handle everything. When the activity or fragment is created, ViewModelProvider is smart enough to figure out to reuse the first created ViewModel instance. Apart from using the name ViewModel (which itself is confusing if the class is full of logic), the one iron-clad rule of MVVM architecture is that you may never reference a View, from ViewModel.

Below is the code for the activity_main.xml file. Talk is cheap, and I strongly advise you to try and learn these things in the code so that you do not need to rely on people like me to tell you what to do. To help re-enforce and clarify the information provided in the previous chapter, this chapter will step through the creation of an example app project that makes use of the ViewModel component. If ViewModel doesn't change (which is likely true), using val Kotlin variable is a better option here. To use val variable, you use by lazy property initialization.

In truth, we could get more specific about small differences even within these two approaches. There are drawbacks being discussed over the internet, but I do not fully understand this part yet. Now, create a Kotlin class ViewModelFactory inside the base package and add the following code. With the MainFragment class file loaded into the code editor, modify the onActivityCreated() method to obtain and store references to the three view objects as follows: In the chapter entitled Creating an Example Java Android App in Android Studio, the onClick property of the Button widget was used to designate the method to be called when the button is clicked by the user. A-143, 9th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. Android architecture components hold some classes to manage UI components and Data persistence. Tweet a thanks, Learn to code for free. DEV Community A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers.

), so I think it is time to look at some code: While this is a very simplified example, the point is that the only thing which this particular ViewModel exposes publicly (other than the handleEvent function), is a simple Note object: With this particular approach, the ViewModel is well and truly decoupled from not just a particular View, but also the details, and by extension, presentation logic of any particular View. Understand the differences, make you a better programmer. We also have thousands of freeCodeCamp study groups around the world. To create your custom ViewModel factory, you can inherit from ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory. I Amit Shekhar, writing this article to share my knowledge on MVVM Architecture. This is declared as a sub-class of the ViewModel Android architecture component class and is ready to be modified to store the data model for the app: The next step is to design the layout of the fragment. As our activity destroyed our activity data has also vanished. freeCodeCamp's open source curriculum has helped more than 40,000 people get jobs as developers. When called, the method is passed a reference to the current Fragment or Activity and returns a ViewModelProvider instance as follows: Once the ViewModelProvider instance has been created, the get() method can be called on that instance passing through the class of specific ViewModel that is required. The point of this article was to look at two different approaches which a developer can take in terms of constructing a MVVM style GUI architecture on the Android Platform (with some carry over to other platforms). The best architecture (or at least a good choice) for a given application depends strongly on the requirements at hand. The fun thing about programming is there are many ways to do the same thing. generate link and share the link here. Add the following dependencies in your app level build.gradle. It automatically figures out that for you. This will generate an Android Studio project structured to conform to the architectural guidelines. Now just click on the button 3 to 4 times you will see the incremented number on the screen. Android Shared Element Transition Animation. Now, create a Kotlin file User inside the model package. Sometimes not having fine-grained control over your Views (which is a consequence of prioritizing re-usability of ViewModels), actually kind of sucks. ViewModel objects are automatically retained during configuration changes we will see that in the below example. Made with love and Ruby on Rails. How to open dialer in Android through Intent? In Martin Fowlers naming conventions, this is known as Passive View/Screen.

The method will then need to call the ViewModels getResult() method and display the converted value on the TextView widget. On the form factors screen, enable the Phone and Tablet option and set the minimum SDK setting to API 26: Android 8.0 (Oreo) before proceeding to the Activity selection screen. The example project also demonstrated the use of ViewModels to separate data handling from user interface related code. A new instance of ViewModel or AndroidViewModel is created again. To overcome this problem we use ViewModels which holds the data even after configuration changes like the rotation of the screen. I mean that it breaks down into (at least) two different approaches which have very distinct appearances, benefits, and consequences. I am not advocating one approach over another, but rather encouraging you to be flexible in your approach, based on the requirements at hand. This page was last modified on 11 January 2019, at 18:27. Since LiveData is not yet being used in the project, it will also be necessary to get the latest result value from the ViewModel each time the Fragment is created. Step 1: Create a Kotlin class file MainActivityViewModel.kt. Refer to this article: How to Create Classes in Android Studio? Now, create a class ApiHelper inside the api package and add the following code. [Updated - July 15, 2022]: I managed to try hilt to inject the dependencies ito view model. It will become hidden in your post, but will still be visible via the comment's permalink. Remaining in the file, implement these requirements as follows in the onActivityCreated() method: With this phase of the project development completed, build and run the app on the simulator or a physical device, enter a dollar value and click on the Convert button.

As you have probably noticed, we are probably not going to be re-using this ViewModel anywhere else. The delegated block gets executed when the variable is first accessed. How to build a simple Calculator app using Android Studio? All Rights Reserved. Writing code in comment? Get access to ad-free content, doubt assistance and more! Go to the MainActivity.ktfile and refer to the following code. I made this mistake because I did not understand the reason of usingViewModelProvider to create ViewModel. In the above image when our activity created, the system calls the onCreate() after that onStart() then onResume() but when we rotate the screen our activity is destroyed and after rotation again system calls onCreate() and other functions one after another. The code to do this can be added to the onActivityCreated() method of the file as follows: With the listener added, any code placed within the onClick() method will be called whenever the button is clicked by the user. Convert View Model to Use Hilt Dependency Injection, My Most Used Android Studio Shortcut Keys, Free and Useful Tools for Android Development and Blogging. Once suspended, vtsen will not be able to comment or publish posts until their suspension is removed. The converted amount should appear on the TextView indicating that the UI controller and ViewModel re-structuring appears to be working as expected. In this tutorial, first, we are going to learn about the MVVM architecture in Android, and then we will build a project with MVVM architecture. The above image is showing the ViewModel scope, even with any configuration changes the data is persistent. Drag a Number (Decimal) view from the palette and position it above the existing TextView. Updated on Jul 16 That would basically just be MVP + memory leaks (assuming you are still using ViewModel from AAC). With that being said, one cannot simply add a reference back in to the ViewModel in order to regain this fine-grained control over the View. By not referencing a specific View.

So it may not work in the activity class. We are naming that as Resource. Below is the code for the MainActivity.ktfile. However, another elegant way is to use by viewModels or by activityViewModels.

The first step in this exercise is to create the new project. It can't be used to replace by activityViewModels because the created ViewModelwon't be shared across different fragments. As we have done some simplifications in this project for the Beginners level, so, we can improve this project to go to the Advanced level, a few of the things which we can improve are as follows: If you are preparing for your next Android Interview, Join our Android Professional Course to learn the latest in Android and land a job at top tech companies. Here, we are going to set up the Android Project.

DEV Community 2016 - 2022. Show your love by sharing this blog with your fellow developers. Add the following in the AndroidManifest.xml: Now, build the project and run the app on the device. In the layout folder, update the activity_main.xml with the following code: Add item_layout.xml in the layout folder and add the following code: Create package - adapter inside the main package. Select the Start a new Android Studio project quick start option from the welcome screen and, within the resulting new project dialog, enter ViewModelDemo into the Application name field and as the Company Domain setting before clicking on the Next button. Now just try to rotate your emulator or device. ViewModel is part of the android architecture component. The provider will then either create a new instance of that ViewModel class, or return an existing instance: Edit the file and verify that Android Studio has already included this step within the onActivityCreated() method (albeit performing the operation in a single line of code for brevity): With access to the model view, code can now be added to the Fragment to begin working with the data model. A ViewModelProvider instance is created via a call to the ViewModelProviders.of() method from within the Fragment. The ViewModel class is designed to store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle-conscious way. Now, the first area of confusion can arise from this word reference, which I will restate using several different levels of jargon: Now, on the Android platform, the reason for this rule is not simply that breaking it is bad because someone who seems to know about software architecture told you it is bad. You are reading a sample chapter from the Android Studio 3.2 Edition of this book. It saves my time to figure out how to pass data to different fragments. You can make a tax-deductible donation here. Repeat this test now with the ViewModelDemo app and note that the current euro value is retained after the rotation. We will cover the following in this tutorial: MVVM architecture is a Model-View-ViewModel architecture that removes the tight coupling between each component. Examples can be found here. But make no mistake that plenty of cash cow applications have been written by people who do not have the faintest clue about what that means. This is because the ViewModel remained in memory as the Fragment was destroyed and recreated and code was added to the onActivityCreated() method to update the TextView with the result data value from the ViewModel each time the Fragment re-started. We will create that in the utils package. Try this out otherwise use the normal way like findViewById(). Set up a new project with Kotlin and other dependencies required. Within the Project tool window, locate the file, double-click on it to load it into the code editor and modify the class so that it reads as follows: The class declares variables to store the current dollar string value and the converted amount together with getter and setter methods to provide access to those data values. This chapter will implement the same currency converter app, this time using the ViewModel component and following the Google app architecture guidelines to avoid Activity lifecycle complications. The ViewModel exists from when you first request a ViewModel until the activity is finished and destroyed. Our package in the project will look like below: We need the enum to represent the UI State. So, the image credit goes to the writer of that blog. While this is an improvement on the original AndroidSample app, there is much more that can be achieved to simplify the project by making use of LiveData and data binding, both of which are the topics of the next chapter. Here is the example: Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. Jetpack essentially defines a set of recommendations describing how an Android app project should be structured while providing a set of libraries and components that make it easier to conform with these guidelines with the goal of developing reliable apps with less coding and fewer errors.

ViewModel classes are used to store the data even the configuration changes like rotating screen.

Unfortunately, some of you have likely been mislead into thinking that there is only one way to do MVVM. This works only if you don't rotate your phone. So thats it, this is the basic of ViewModel there are many other advanced things of view model we will cover later. Finally, the chapter showed how the ViewModel approach avoids some of the problems of handling Fragment and Activity lifecycles. As this is for beginners, I have done some simplifications. In the chapter entitled Creating an Example Java Android App in Android Studio, a project named AndroidSample was created in which all of the code for the app was bundled into the main Activity class file.

If you're not familiar Kotlin, you can go through some quick examples here first to understand some important concepts such as "Delegation". Android | How to send data from one activity to second activity.

Handle all the API errors at a single place in a better way. At this point, the layout should resemble that illustrated in Figure 32-4: Click on the Infer constraints button (Figure 32-5) to add any missing layout constraints: Finally, click on the warning icon in the top right-hand corner of the layout editor and convert the hardcoded strings to resources. The key components of the project are as follows: The first point to note is that the user interface of the main activity has been structured so as to allow a single activity to act as a container for all of the screens that will eventually be needed for the completed app. To get around this limitation, we will need to add some code to the Fragment class to set up an onClick listener on the button. Drag a Button widget onto the layout so that it is positioned below the TextView, double-click on it to edit the text and change it to read Convert. With the view selected in the layout refer to the Attributes tool window and change the id to dollarText.

If you read this far, tweet to the author to show them you care. I also use AndroidViewModel by default instead of ViewModel because I usually need to access string resources and system services from the Application context. When the original AndroidSample app was run, rotating the device caused the value displayed on the resultText TextView widget to be lost. The following code is awesome! With the user interface layout completed, the data model for the app needs to be created within the view model. Also, I usually use by activityViewModels instead of by viewModels which allows me to share data across different fragments.

Set up UI layer, build and run the project.

Create package - base inside the ui package. My personal opinion is that it is worth it to apply separation of concerns to a very high degree. Secondly, understand that preferences aside, different styles will tend to emphasize different benefits in exchange for different deficits. When a project is created using the Fragment + ViewModel template, the structure of the project differs in a number of ways from the Basic Activity used when the AndroidSample project was created. An activity must extend the ViewModel class to create a view model: class MainActivityViewModel : ViewModel() {.

Go to the MainActivity.ktfile and update the following code. Associating the Fragment with the View Model, Creating an Example Java Android App in Android Studio,, Modern Android App Architecture with Jetpack. Now, create a class MainRepository inside the repository package and add the following code. While the app was running, we experienced first-hand the kind of problems that occur when developing apps in this way when the data displayed on a TextView widget was lost during a device rotation. Purchase the fully updated Android Studio Chipmunk Edition of this publication in eBook ($29.99) or Print ($46.99) format, Android Studio Chipmunk Essentials - Java Edition Print and eBook (PDF) editions contain 94 chapters and over 800 pages. Clearly, there needs to be some way for the fragment to obtain a reference to the ViewModel in order to be able to access the model and observe data changes. Hopefully this is not news to you at this point. Others may also point out that it promotes reusability of ViewModels, but this is exactly where things break down with this pattern. How to add opt-in compiler argument in build.gradle. A Fragment or Activity maintains references to the ViewModels on which it relies for data using an instance of the ViewModelProvider class. Below is the code for the MainActivity.ktfile. Should the View observe a field for every individual widget/control it possesses, or should it observe one field which publishes a single. This example will be further enhanced in the next chapter with the inclusion of LiveData and data binding support. In any case, the approach we will discuss next, while having its own side effects, once again removes the presentation logic from the View. The class will also need references to the three views in the user interface layout to react to button clicks, extract the current dollar value and to display the converted currency amount. For example, using Bundleto share data between fragments. The fragment class now needs to be updated to react to button clicks and to interact with the data values stored in the ViewModel. [Updated - Oct 30, 2021]: In fact, we can just implement the ViewModelProvider.Factoryinterface for both MyViewModelFactory and MyAndroidViewModelFactory. Now, in this section, we will set up the data layer. I use the last method by default because I usually have custom constructor parameters in my ViewModel. For the project, we are going to follow a beginner version of MVVM. Let me know your thoughts. It is quite likely that the most common question I am asked during my live Sunday Q&A sessions, is something like: Whenever I am asked this question, I am quick emphasize the idea that no single GUI architecture works great in all situations. The chapter outlined the structure of the Fragment + ViewModel project template and explained the concept of basing an app on a single Activity using Fragments to present different screens within a single Activity layout. There are few ways to create ViewModel and AndroidViewModel. The dollar string value is converted to a floating point number, multiplied by a fictitious exchange rate and the resulting euro value stored in the result variable.

To use this Property Delegation, the following dependency needs to be added to the build.gradle (module-level). To make me even less enthusiastic about applying the previous approach indiscriminately, I find that I often do not need to reuse a ViewModel. Our mission: to help people learn to code for free.

As far as I can tell, most people who implement MVVM make it a goal to promote re-usability of ViewModels, so that they may be reused for n number of different Views (many-to-one ratio). Check if Email Address is Valid or not in Java, Java Concurrency yield(), sleep() and join() Methods,,,, Helps in data management during configuration changes. Originally published at, Kotlin examples to show different ViewModel and AndroidViewModel implementations. Let us consider these two approaches, and when you may wish to prefer one over the other. We need a utility class that will be responsible to communicate the current state of Network Call to the UI Layer. Small modifications are required if you copy and paste them into your activity class.

This article was originally published at on Sept 18, 2021. Android Passing Data between Fragments, 15. The getResult() method, on the other hand, simply returns the current value assigned to the result variable. They can still re-publish the post if they are not suspended. The code looks a lot cleaner than lateinit var solution. This defeats the purpose of ViewModel architecture. The main user interface layout for the activity is contained within the app -> res -> layout -> main_activity.xml file and provides an empty container space in the form of a FrameLayout (highlighted in Figure 32-2) in which screen content will appear: The FrameLayout container is just a placeholder which will be replaced at runtime by the content of the first screen that is to appear when the app launches. The system may call onCreate() several times throughout the life of an activity, such as when a device screen is rotated. The code examples here are used in fragment class.