If the server parameter file is lost, connect to the target (and catalog if used) and then run SET DBID.

The search continues up to MAXDAYS days (default of 7, maximum of 366) prior to the current or SET UNTIL day. RMAN continously searches for prior usable backups until it has exhaused all possibilities. Specify UNTIL or TAG options of RESTORE to restore older versions of the server parameter file. If you specify SKIP FOREVER TABLESPACE, then RMAN specifies the DROP option of ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE OFFLINE when taking the datafiles that belong to the tablespace offline before the restore. RMAN begins the search on the current day or on the day specified with the SET UNTIL.
If you use the FROM BACKUPSET clause, then channels for the appropriate type of storage devices must be allocated for the backup sets that need to be restored.
If you are restoring the server parameter file and the control file in a disaster recovery situation, you cannot run RESTORE CONTROLFILE FROM AUTOBACKUP, mount this control file, and then run RESTORE SPFILE without the FROM AUTOBACKUP clause.
PREVIEW to identify backups RMAN needs for a RESTORE operation that are stored on media that requires retrieval. For example, if you made some backups of a datafile to DISK channels and others to sbt channels, and only a DISK channel is allocated for the RESTORE command, RMAN will not restore backups that were created on sbt channels. RMAN chooses which backups to restore based on the criteria that you specify. To restore to a new location, run SET NEWNAME commands to rename the datafiles and SWITCH commands to make them the current database files. Overrides the default selection of the most recent backups or file copy available. PREVIEW RECALL automatically requests the retrieval of the remotely stored backup media. Restores all datafiles in the specified tablespaces. Restores only to filename. For example, if needed backups are only available on tape, and no SBT channels have been allocated, then RMAN cannot find a candidate backup set to restore, and the RESTORE command fails. No catalog, target started in NOMOUNT state. For example, if channel 1 connected to instance 1 can read log 1000 from its tape drive, but channel 2 connected to instance 2 cannot read the same log from its tape drive, then channel 1 restores the log. Some media managers maintain information about whether the media containing specific backups is stored remotely, and make this information available to RMAN. The primary use of RESTORE is to restore files from backups or image copies. PREVIEW operation again to see if RMAN selects another remote backup. Note: The database can be started, mounted, or open for this operation. If a backup piece, image copy or proxy copy is inaccessible (for instance, deleted from the device) or if a block is corrupted, then the RESTORE command automatically looks for a another usable copy of this backup piece or image copy on both the same device and other devices. For example, if you configure automatic disk and tape channels, and issue, Overrides the restartable restore feature and restores all files regardless of whether they need to be restored. Note that tag names are not case sensitive. See Also: Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration for a detailed procedure for restoring the SPFILE in a Data Guard environment. The change tracking file is re-created upon database restore and recovery, and the next incremental backup after any recovery is able to use the change-tracking file. Restores the current control file for a standby database. Allrightsreserved. If you do not manually allocate channels, then RMAN allocates all automatic channels possibly needed by the RESTORE command, subject to any restrictions imposed by the use of the DEVICE TYPE option. If TO 'filename' not used, restores to all CONTROL_FILES locations. Restores only to filename, where filename is not in CONTROL_FILES list. When you run RESTORE with a backup control file while connected to a recovery catalog, RMAN automatically updates the control file to reflect the structure of the restored database, based on the information in the recovery catalog. Backup media may be stored remotely, whether in a backup vaulting scenario where media is shipped to an off-site location, or in a tape library where media is on-site but not immediately accessible. The tag restricts the automatic selection to backup sets or file copies that were created with the specified tag. Provides a DB_NAME to be used in searching for control file autobackups. If the total number of physical and logical corruptions detected in a file is less than its MAXCORRUPT setting, the RMAN command completes and the database populates the V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION view with corrupt block ranges. Note: You must always run the RECOVER command after restoring a control file, and must also always open the database with the RESETLOGS option. If you do not run SET NEWNAME and RMAN detects that the default filename cannot be used (for example, because the filename is in use by another database that shares the storage), and if the file is an Oracle Managed File or is on an Automatic Storage Management disk group, then RMAN attempts to create a new file in the same location or disk group. The. The translates the tablespace name internally into a list of datafiles. For an overview of the encrypted backups mechanism, a guide to its use and information on choosing among the different modes of encryption, see "Encryption of Backup Sets" and the extended discussion in Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide. See Also: Table 2-27 for restrictions and usage notes.
If no autobackup is found in the current or SET UNTIL day, RMAN checks preceding days, starting with sequence 256 and counting back to 0. PREVIEW is in the same format as the output of the LIST command. If both the primary and standby databases are known to the recovery catalog, then the configuration settings for both databases are recorded in the recovery catalog. If you specify the CHECK READONLY option, then RMAN examines the headers of all read-only datafiles and restores any that need restoring.
In other words, FOREVER indicates that RMAN never intends to do anything with the skipped tablespaces again. Restores a primary or standby server parameter file to the location from which it was backed up (default), or to a different location specified by the. Tests data and index blocks that pass physical corruption checks for logical corruption, for example, corruption of a row piece or index entry.
When RMAN does not select any remote backups, you can perform your RESTORE operation. Restores from specified file (cannot restore from TAG). If no autobackup is found within MAXDAYS days, then RMAN signals an error and the command stops. Table 2-27 indicates the restrictions that apply in different situations involving the RESTORE CONTROLFILE command. See Also: "BACKUP" for a description of how a tag can be applied to an individual copy of a duplexed backup set, and for a description of the default filename format for tags. If the database is started but not mounted in NOCATALOG mode, then the RESTORE SPFILE command requires the FROM AUTOBACKUP clause. In a Data Guard environment, the primary and standby nodes may have different channel configurations for communicating with their associated SBT backup and disk devices. Use an optional SKIPTABLESPACE 'tablespace_name' argument to avoid restoring specified tablespaces, which is useful when you want to avoid restoring tablespaces containing temporary data. The default restore location is. Restores from specified file. For transparent-mode encrypted backups, the required passwords must be available in the database wallet. The DROP option indicates that RMAN does not intend to recover these files and intends to drop their tablespaces from the database after the database is opened again. In the absence of any other criteria, RMAN selects the most current file copy or backup set to restore. Specifies the case-sensitive name of a channel to use for this restore operation.
If no suitable backups are available in the current incarnation of the database, then you can force RMAN to use backups from a previous incarnation. Some media managers provide status information to RMAN about which backups are vaulted, that is, stored in a remote location such as a secure storage facility, and which therefore cannot be used without retrieving media. PREVIEW. Note: These parameters override the parameters with the same name at the RESTORE command level. Run LIST RECOVERABLE to see valid parent incarnations. If the database is started but not mounted, then it is recommended that you only restore the control file, if necessary (refer to "Restrictions and Usage Notes for RESTORE CONTROLFILE"). RMAN records messages about failover due to block corruption in the alert log and trace files.
Only use with catalog for testing purposes. After you restore a backup control file, you must run RECOVER DATABASE and then open the database with the RESETLOGS option. For example, the following command is illegal because datafile 1 is both specified explicitly and implied by the SYSTEM tablespace: You must have already configured a device type by using CONFIGURE (except for DISK, which is preconfigured) before specifying the DEVICE TYPE option. Note: Using RESTORE SPFILE when the DB_NAME is not unique in the recovery catalog produces an RMAN-6758 error. PREVIEW initiates a request for the retrieval of backup media needed for the specified restore operation from remote storage.
Therefore, RMAN cannot choose the correct channel configurations to use when restoring the SPFILE from backup at the target node. For password-mode encrypted backups, the required passwords must be provided using SET DECRYPTION. Restoring a Tablespace: ExampleThis example takes a tablespace offline, restores it, then performs media recovery: Restoring the Control File When Using a Recovery Catalog: ExampleThis example restores the control file to its default location, replicates it automatically to all CONTROL_FILES locations, and mounts the database: Restoring the Control File with a Tag: ExampleThis NOCATALOG example restores the control file specified by a tag, and then mounts the database: Restoring the Database with a Backup Control File: ExampleThis example restores the control file to a temporary location, replicates it to all control file locations specified in the CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter, and then restores and recovers the database: Restoring Archived Redo Logs to a New Location: ExampleThis example restores all archived redo logs to the /oracle/temp_restore directory: Restoring a Control File Autobackup to a Nondefault Location: ExampleThis example restores the latest control file autobackup made on or before June 23, 2000 with a nondefault format of PROD_CF_AUTOBACKUP_%F. See Also: "LIST", and specifically the BACKUPS and SUMMARY options. If TO 'filename' not used, restores to all CONTROL_FILES locations. If you use the FROM DATAFILECOPY option, then the allocated channels must be of DEVICE TYPE DISK. First run SET DBID. Because the RECOVER command automatically restores archived logs as needed, you should seldom need to restore logs manually. If you restore to a new location, then issue SET NEWNAME commands to rename the files and issue a SWITCH command to make the restored files current. PREVIEW identifies the backups which RMAN will use to perform any RESTORE operation. If you do not use SWITCH, then the repository lists restored datafiles as datafile copies. On the first day searched, the search begins with sequence number 256 (or the sequence number specified by MAXSEQ, if provided) and counts back to sequence 0. For example, assume you configure 3 separate sbt channels (each with different PARMS) and then configure parallelism for DISK and sbt as follows: If you run RESTORE in this configuration, then RMAN allocates three sbt channels and the two preconfigured DISK channels. If RMAN attempts to use a remotely stored backup in a RESTORE operation, the RESTORE operation fails. PREVIEW with the RECALL option. See the reference entries for those commands for more details. It can, however, re-create locally managed temporary tablespaces after a database restore. Typically, you restore when a media failure has damaged a current datafile, control file, or archived log or prior to performing a point-in-time recovery. If there are no backups available for a lost datafile, RMAN will create an empty datafile with the checkpoint change as creation SCN. RMAN detects that the tablespace has changed its name and updates the recovery catalog on the next resynchronization. No SET DECRYPTION command is required. How RMAN handles encrypted backup sets during restore operations depends upon the encryption mode with which the backup was created. This means that the same wallet that was used when creating the backup must be open, and available, when restoring it. Then run STARTUP FORCE to restart the database with the restored server parameter file. RMAN cannot determine the DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter for the target database if the SPFILE of the target database is not available, as is the case when restoring the SPFILE from backup. If you do not specify a channel, then, Restores a control file autobackup. Do not specify a datafile more than once in a restore job. Because the two databases have the same DB_NAME, the records in the recovery catalog can only be distinguished using the value of the DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter for the primary and standby databases. You can only specify this option on the, Specifies the name of the control file copy or backup piece containing a control file. Specifies the highest sequence number for the control file autobackup search. PREVIEW again, periodically, to monitor whether the needed backups are stored locally again. Specifies path to flash recovery area to search for autobackups. Copyright1996, 2005,Oracle. If no usable copies are available, then RMAN searches for prior backups. If any of these conditions is not met, then RMAN restores the fileswhether or not they are read-only. Restores all datafiles in the database except those that are offline or read-only. RMAN does not support backup and recovery of the change tracking file. If you restore to the default location (that is, you do not run SET NEWNAME), then RMAN overwrites files with the same filenames. Parameters that control the search for a control file autobackup. There are other uses of RESTORE that do not actually restore files from backup: RESTORE VALIDATE causes RMAN to select existing backups that it would use to perform a RESTORE operation, and scan them all to ensure that they are present and free of corruption. You cannot manually allocate channels and then run RESTORE DEVICE TYPE. In such a circumstance, RMAN returns an RMAN-6758 error. Restoring Files in a Real Application Cluster Configuration. Run STARTUP FORCE NOMOUNT before running RESTORE SPFILE (with FROM AUTOBACKUP if in NOCATALOG mode). Must use TO 'filename', where filename is not in CONTROL_FILES list. By default, RMAN does not restore read-only files when you issue the, Allocates automatic channels for the specified device type only. The, Restores the specified range of archived redo logs. First run SET DBID. If MAXCORRUPT is exceeded, the command terminates without populating the views. See Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide for details on restore failover. Use, Specifies the objects to be restored. The output of RESTORE identifies such backups, if the media manager provides the necessary information. The RMAN CONFIGURE, SET and SHOW commands are used to manage the RMAN backup encryption settings for your database. If a link file is lost and you RESTORE a datafile without re-creating the symbolic link, then RMAN restores the datafile to the location of the link file rather than to the location pointed to by the link. During recovery, all archived logs back to the creation of the datafile will be restored, and all changes during the history of the datafile will be re-applied to re-create its contents. RMAN can back up and restore dictionary-managed temporary tablespaces, but it cannot back up locally managed temporary tablespaces. UNAVAILABLE command, you can make all backups since the RESETLOGS that ended the incarnation unavailable. (Note that in this output, one of the archivelog backups is stored remotely.). Backups stored remotely are marked as AVAILABLE in the RMAN repository, even though the media must be retrieved from storage before the backup can be restored. Restores the datafiles specified by filename or absolute datafile number.
The FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME clause of the RESTORE command is used to specify the DB_UNIQUE_NAME in this situation. Restores to CONTROL_FILES locations. Note: The MAXCORRUPT setting represents the total number of physical and logical corruptions permitted on a file. Restore failover also occurs when restoring archivelogs for use in RECOVER, BLOCKRECOVER and FLASHBACK operations. With the DB_UNIQUE_NAME , RMAN is able to locate the correct configuration settings for the node on which the SPFILE is being restored, and can use them to access backup devices. Limits the search for a control file autobackup to within the specified number of days in the past.