Madge is an English pet form of Margaret meaning pearl..
My paternal grandmother was Mida Matilda!!!
However, Norma was created by Italian poet Felice Romani.
For many its a gentle biblical name, for others, it is linked to offensive racial stereotypes and slurs.
Btw her younger sisters names is Colette.
I must admit that Aggie is an adorable name!
2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Mama Natural book cover right week by week guide to pregnancy and childbirth. Emery .Graycie Brynan Braylen are some more girl names.
French names for girls.
Certainly most of those names are better than the new names that are coming out today. Actress Hattie McDaniel was the first African American to win an Oscar for her role as Mammy in Gone With The Wind.
I bet within 10-15 years they will be popular again. A lot of these names are just awful. After marrying Nicholas Snow, she had 12 children and 72 grandchildren. Lucretia is a Roman name meaning money, wealth.. I love Maggi and Maisi too.
Idella is an English elaboration of Ida, meaning work..
Francine has become a popular name for fictional people and animals.
I am expecting my fifth and am naming her Eulalie, Angelica or Angel or Angie could be old fashioned. If you love the idea of a sporty, preppy, unisex name, you'll find plenty of name ideas here.
It means given to God..
Caddie (sometimes spelled "Caddy") is an old-fashioned name meaning "clarity.".
The Roman name Drusus, from which Drusilla evolved, comes from the Greek word drosos which means dewy-eyed or fruitful. This is a terrific list of old-fashioned baby boy names, the majority of which are in style today. It was not especially unusual for girls to be given their fathers names, and in 1917, 124 US girls were named Clyde. We are trying to find a name for our second daughter, my favorites are Faron, after my uncle whos passed away, and Mavis just because I love it. Theres no telling what classic pick will catch parents eyes next!
It means "honey bee"! K. Hepburn for me, Audrey for my first daugjter after A. Hepburn and Natalie after N. Wood.
Nette is an English pet form of names with an ette sound.
Thanks to everyone for reading and commenting.
I think it's time to do some revising on this list! However, because most girls were given a handful of the top names, there were only 94 newborns given the name. Its an old Greek name, and I love it.

The story of Muriel Heslop and her quest to leave behind her boring life for the movies is as touching as it is funny. Classic, old-fashioned names like Rudy, Walt, Felix, and Silas are more popular than ever. Libby, ella, miles, audrey, and ruby. I'm in the list of noble aristocracy My daughter's name is Erina pronounced Erin-ah which I know is a very uncommon name from Ireland and thanks to your wonderful list our new whippet puppy is going to be called Blyth to go with our other dog Bronte. Madge has also been used as a diminutive of Madeline and in the British tabloid press Madge is a pet name often used when writing about Madonna.
Before the 20th-century, there was less distinction between what was considered a girls name and a boys name. It doesnt mean princess, as some claim, nor is it related to the Latin gladiolus or small sword.
While Nellie is a cute vintage girls name you do run the risk of subjecting your child to a lifetime of Smelly Nellie or Nellie the Elephant jokes.
Loads of people comment on it in a good way!
In it, she wore a nude stocking to give the impression she was naked. These old-fashioned names are timeless, classic, and cool. It was nice to read that Natalie was a Russian Princess and me and Audrey sophisticated names.
This list includes a variety of rugged, feminine, and old-fashioned names.
In France, Mary had evolved into Marie and then Marion before being used as a last name. Cornelia is from an Ancient Roman name, possibly meaning horn.. Not many people we have met like the name, but such is life.
McBirney invented a cookie-cutter known as Grammas Cutter, thats still sold today.
Effie is also an Anglicized form of the old-school Scottish girls name Oighrig.
Lavinia Fisher was a 19th-century woman who owned an inn in Charlston, South Carolina.
Katherine J Vaeyens on September 23, 2018: I went with the movie star theme. Currently I'm looking for vintage retro names and this hub is a great resource :) I love the solid and feminine sound of the names on your list. All content found on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Classic girl names arent a one size fits all deal. Sorry!
Although Etta is considered a short form of Henrietta, and subsequently, Henry, this was not the case for the most famous Etta. These Southern baby names for boys and girls will reflect your pride of living south of the Mason-Dixon line. Thanks so much for these names I found them all on here and I love them and they fit my kids very well, My oldest is Audrey Victoria (Audrey my great grandma who raised me) and then Scarlett Madeleine. My youngest son is Tradd Murray, very southern family names.
You may have a little one on the way, but with all of the planning, prepping, doctor's appointments and running to the bathroom it can be hard to find time to decide what baby name to choose. She ended up being Isabelle Mildred.
My 5 year olds name is Agatha! The name Frances comes from the Latin and carries the lovely meaning of "free one.". The comedy was a popular topical sit-com in which Maude was a forerunner of todays overly woke stereotype.
Her full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts.
We found after choosing it that it was the name of his great x3 grandmother, whose daughter was named Leona. Some historians suspect it may have arisen because of the limited literacy skills of someone recording a birth. Elizabeth both my grandmothers name and is also my name so i wanna keep it alive for awhile!!! i wanna name my child this and pair it with Elizabeth for a middle name. Minerva is possibly Latin, meaning intellect.. SmartAndFun (author) from Texas on May 19, 2013: Lucy is such sweet, classic name!
Saint Cecelia is considered the patron saint of musicians.
Until recently Myrtle had fallen off of the name radar.
I always hated my name. As well as being an English language name Ora is also a completely separate Hebrew name. In English slang, a Vera is a cigarette paper, specifically those used to roll marajuana joints.
These days, the trend of using old-fashioned names is running strong.
My daughter's name is Molli Elisabeth.
Please leave a comment below.

Drusilla comes from a Roman name meaning strong..
Hildr is the Ancient Scandinavian version of this name. Humans have so much in common with the oceansmuch more than we care to admit at times.
For example, Ariel, Leaina, and Azida are girls names meaning lion or lioness. Apollo, Leon, and Singh are masculine equivalents. The mineral Beryl is colorless when pure.
Nature names are always in style and are charming for both boys and girls. Verna is an English name meaning alder., The name Verna is the femminie form of Vernon, which is where we get the meaning alder. It is not, as some places claim, from the Latin word vernus meaning spring., Vesta is a Roman name meaning fireside, hearth..
For example, the name Neva means "snow," which in my opinion is quite beautiful.
I'm a stay-at-home mom who is fascinated by names, especially "old" names that have become new again.
French names for girls. I have a Jesse for oldest son, Ben, Daniel, Isaac and Mary, my only girl.
The original Greek spelling of this name is Eirene. Our third son is named after two great grandfathers, Newton Emmanuel.
It is the title and name of the central character of his 1831 opera.
@Fifi's Mom, congrats on your pregnancy! This modern Dutch reworking of the Ancient Hebrew name Tirzah is virtually unknown outside of the Netherlands.
Meta is a traditional Germanic seen most frequently in Sweden, Slovenia, and Germany. How could we have thought it was as homely as Beulah, Myrtle, or Gertrude?
Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on May 10, 2015: Great hub on retro names for baby girls. I never heard of anyone named Joy at that time. Some beautiful names on here - Im blessed with 4 children n their names r as follows -: Luckily they love their unique names n they all have American connections - my fav place in the world so far!!!
The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website.
My first born is Nona Frances (old family name) and my second is Piera Avery(Piera is the female version of Pierre.)
Elsie is an English name meaning God is my oath.. Looking for a list of lovely names for your baby girl? A Persian name, Mina means enamel, azure.
Maude is a Medieval English form of Matilda. On the not ready for a comeback list, I met an Edwina once and had never heard of the name. I have two daughters aged 2.5 and 15weeks.Olive & Mabel.
The Roman goddess Vesta was symbolized by an eternal fire.
Thank you for making such a great list!
Nettie McBirney was an inventor from Tulsa, Oklahoma who wrote under the pseudonym Aunt Chick. I wanted to name my daughter after her, but agonized over these two names. My full name is Hollice Virginia Wells. Like Brynan and Braylen. Eula Hall described herself as a hillbilly activist. In 1973 she founded The Mud Creek Clinic in Mud Creek, Kentucky, a non-profit healthcare facility for the uninsured. From literary heroines to Spanish princesses, this list offers plenty of inspiration to help you find a beautiful name for your daughter. Mabel is a Medieval English name meaning lovable.. Every name has its own story to tell, and classic girl names are packed with history and intrigue. Letha is an English name meaning truth..
100 Exotic Baby Girl Names (With Meanings), 100 Exotic Boy Names (For a Special & Unique Child), 100 Biblical Girl Baby Names (For a Christian Family), 100 Japanese Girl Names (That You and Your Spouse Should Love), 100 French Girl Names for Your Sophisticated Princess, 100 Korean Girl Names (From Traditional to Trendy), 100 Victorian Boy Names (For Modern or Classic Vibes), 100 Victorian Girl Names (To Bring Tradition Back), 100 Girl Names Considered Sexy, Sultry, and Seductive, 100 Cute Baby Boy Names (for the Cutest Boys Around), 100 Elegant Girl Names (That Never Go Out of Style), 100 Manga and Anime Female Names (For Your Newest Addition), 100 Fabulous Old-Fashioned Names for Boys, 100 Beautiful Mexican Girl Names (With Meanings and Fun Facts), 100 Sweet Short Girl Names (With Meanings), 100 Beautiful Irish Girl Names (with Unique Meanings).
Winifred is an English name of mixed meanings. Maybe my next child :). Nobody has ever known what happened. I really like the name if I have a girl. My husband wont agree to either, he isnt such a big fan of the old homely names as you put it lol!
I'm also totally ready for Effie to come back, I think that name is pretty stinkin' cool.
This makes it an ideal homage to a relative with the name Elizabeth, without using the actual name. It's common these days for baby girls to be given names that were once considered boys' names.
I have been stumped for days and in need of help.
marion langley from The Study on June 26, 2013: I love "Nora" and "Marion"also "Genevieve" has recently charmed my consideration.
I love vintage names.
My baby girl is due in August. A lot pf people love her name. In the Disney animated adaptation of The Little Mermaid Prince Eric tries to guess Ariels real name. Many of these names have other versions or variant spellings that you might consider instead. Nourishing, kind; soul; young woman; learned.
The surname Dahl means valley in North Germanic languages, so this could be a floral girls name and a name with the valley meaning.
Mahala is a variant spelling of the much older, Ancient Hebrew name Mahlah. As a name, Jemima has a very different impression, depending on where in the world you are, or a persons cultural heritage. Gertrude is a Germanic name meaning spear of strength.. No one should ever have to spell their name for people every time.
Seraphina is beautiful as well, I think the nicknames Sera and Fina and adorable, as well.
Thank-you for posting and encouraging those of us who are sentimental about honored traditions.
Of those Gussies, 5,023 are female, and 378 are male. Hallie is 15 and is very quite but beautiful. We called our daughter Myrtle Rose. I named my first child jayden (aboy) which i soon regretted, since that name and many like it became all the rage not long after. It was recorded in Orpington, Kent in 1554. I have an Abigail. This English evolution of Henry means home ruler..
When Henrietta Lacks underwent a tumor biopsy in 1951, some of the cells were taken without her knowledge.
It's so strong and powerful but also undeniably feminine. My daughter's name is Mavis.
What names have I left off the list?
Mercy is an English name that means reward, wages..
The adoptive mother of Superman is also called Martha.
My daughters names are old and not on the list.
There are longer names like Alexandra, Victoria, and Susannah, as well as petite picks like Mae and Rose. Please add my son's name it is pronounced A-ein.
Her older sister was Jemima which makes these a cute pairing of old-fashioned girls names. The Slavic name Zora means dawn, aurora..
While Gussie is usually a nickname, a total of 5,401 people in the US have this shorter version as their name.
There are two standard English language pronunciations of Hephzibah.
Mabel evolved from Amabilis, an Ancient Roman boys name which makes it a relative of Anabel, Annabella, Arabella, and Maybelline. Much lovelier than Madison and McKenzie, in my humble opinion. Second, the Anglicized spelling was changed to resemble Winfred which means friend of peace., An Ancient Hebrew name, Zilah means shade.. We do.
As long as parents have been naming their children, they have been drawn to names inspired by colors.
American actress Adah Isaacs Menken was famous for the stunt she performed in a stage show, Mazzepa. Alice, Bernadette, Eleanor, Violet and Marigold are favorites of mine. What about the name Macy, its unique, French and means weapon, so hopefully a feisty young girl would love the name. I remember when I was a teenager, many, many years ago, I had a friend whose mother's name was Emma. She helped establish several national archeological associations and was instrumental in creating several federal laws that protect archaeological sites.
Many people dont realize that Emerald is a form of Beryl, so names such as Esmerelda can be considered parallel alternatives. The meaning of Oighrig is new speckled one.
The Ancient Hebrew name Hephzibah means my delight is in her..
From Valentine's Day to Black History Month, February is packed with symbolism to get your creative juices flowing! They stand great on their own and have no need for nicknames, which is huge for me as I am not a fan of nicknames. Myrtle is an English moniker from the plant of the same name. Her sisters were Wilma Jesse, Dorothy Anise, and Mable Ethel.
Ernestine Eppenger was active in the gay and lesbian rights movement of the 1960s and the Black feminist movement of the 1970s. Discover some classic, old-fashioned girls' names with a fun retro feelfrom Agatha to Zelda and everything in between! Lavinia is a Roman name of unknown meaning.
BTW, Im brand new here and having fun reading different Hubs.
My husband and I are expecting a girl in February and we both love the name Seraphina Leona (Middle). I would sure appreciate it if anyone reading this would check out my Hubs (just 2 atm) and hopefully decide to follow me :-), My name is Graldine (I'm 15)in my opinion it's a really old name and very difficult to pronounce if you don't live in France.
Keziah is an Ancient Hebrew name that means cinnamon, cassia.. From the Aramaic word marta, Martha means lady, mistress..
I have one daughter named Lorna-Jane, and the other is Elizabeth. My favorite boy names are Emmett, Quintinn, Ira, Lloyd, Oliver, Henry, Augustus, and Nathaniel. I've always been proud of the names my high school sweetheart and precious husband and I picked out for them and now they are really coming into fashion so I guess we were ahead of our time. Constance is Late Latin and means steadfast, constant..
There is speculation that when she was 16 and he was 26 they became lovers.
Sarah Carlsley from Minnesota on September 11, 2013: Love the list of names you're not ready for. What names have you given your children?
Our seventh son is named after two great great grandfathers, Benton Achilles. Her home became a civil rights meeting place, and she is responsible for preserving many national monuments.
I love to hear girls with mens names, especially if it's their father or grandfathers name. Thanks so much! Grandchildren are Ella Rhoads, Harper Jane, Fiona Emily and Cameron Gregory. I love the Shakespeare connection!
The pearl, a diminutive form of Margaret, which see. SmartAndFun (author) from Texas on October 20, 2013: vibesites from United States on October 11, 2013: Hey, Mabel is cool my co-worker is called like that, shortened for her more old-fashioned real name Maria Belen.
Impurities create colors including red, green, blue, and green. His name is, The Islamic meaning is fountain, spring and eye, Ayn, Ain, Aan, Aen, Aein, Aaen, Aayn, Aain, ayen, aien, etc.
A variant-diminutive of Elizabeth, to the Lord I consecrate thee..
As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Tamar is the self-titled debut album of R&B singer Tamar Braxton. These vintage baby girl names go way back.
We use family members as middle names, my eldest is Mollie Joan, my son is George David and Im pregnant with a girl. Mary was the #1 name for all three decades. We have stuck to traditional names. We all have names that you would never think of on your own, but once you hear them, your like "Oh yeah. Delia is also an English girls name that began as a short form of both Adelia, which means noble, or Bedelia, a diminutive of the Irish girls name Bridget which means exalted one.
Especially for you, here are 100 spectacular old-fashioned girls names that are ripe for revival. The first name he suggests is Mildred.
Erma is an English name meaning universal, whole.. Eugenia is an Ancient Greek name meaning well-born..
The downside of choosing this retro girls name is that you will probably become fed up with people pronouncing it the way you do not. The album features guest appearances by Amil and Missy Elliot. yeet im in skl, We have Kit (age 7) and Colette (age 2). You can try out a royal feel with Elizabeth, Diana, and Catherine, or explore Anna, Julia, and Frances for First Lady vibes.
She, along with her husband were found guilty of highway robbery and executed.
Nickname lovers will rejoice with classic girl names, as theyre full of possibilities. Unsubscribe at any time. A variant form, through the French, of Mary. Martha is a good choice for comic book or science fiction fans as this is the name of the tenth Doctors companion in Dr. Who and the name of Batmans mother.
Below are 180 lovely girls' names that feel more classic than modern. This mural was nicknamed Tillie. McDaniel was not allowed to attend the movie premiere as it was in a whites-only theatre.
I am surprised to see that Mary isn't on your list it might not yet be quite ready for a comeback in America but long overdue a comeback in the uk,I was born in the sixties and it was out of fashion then but years later like a lot of old names it stays stubbornly on the outer fringes of popularity. My mothers given name was Virgie Augusta Bruce (exCrept or baptismal certificates said Augustas).
With classic girl names, you have plenty of options.
Very interesting and cool website. It is an especially meaningful old-fashioned girls name if you have Dutch heritage. I am totally in love with names.
Euphemia is an Ancient Greek name meaning to speak well, positively.. An Ancient Roman name, Aurelia, means gilded, golden.. My name means star in Latin.
Biblical names have such wonderful meaning and symbolism, they really never do go out of style. Thank you, I enjoyed reading your artical.
I like the personal comments you added too.
Check out last year's list of names of girls, which recently came out. Oh, the bun in the oven is a boy, but the name likely wouldn't have changed either way. The English name Florence means flourishing, prosperous..
Charlee is 13 and very very good at basketball. She was a lovely woman and has put great meaning behind it for me!
I'm 15 and I have four younger siblings.
Here's a list of retro names for boys. If you would like to find out the meaning or origin any of the names, you can simply search over the internet.
First, Winifred is the Anglicized form of the Welsh name Gwenfrewi meaning blessed, white, fair, and peace. I used to live in the French dialect speaking area of Italy.
Ernestine is a Germanic name that means serious.. Gussie is an English shortening of Augusta, meaning to increase.. Lucy and Lily are twins they are 12, they are very athletic and so sweet.
You had many names that had not occurred to me or been listed on any other site. Her 100m and 200m World Records still stand, making her the fastest woman ever. American archeologist Hester A. Davis was the first official state archeologist for Arkansas.
What sounded awkward and ugly back in the 1980s has become a beautiful, feminine, and extremely popular name twenty-odd years later. In Greek mythology, Doris was a sea goddess of the rich fishing grounds to be found where the mouth of a river meets the sea and the fresh water mixed with the saline seawater. Doris is an English name meaning Dorian woman.. Thanks for posting this! John was a great grand father.
Check out some of our favorites and fall in love all over again!
During the 1970s Bea Arthur starred as the protagonist of CBS sitcom Maude.
As well as being the Anglicized form of the Irish name Eithne, Edna is also an entirely separate Ancient Hebrew name which means pleasure. From A to Z, one of these timeless names may be just right for your baby girl.
According to the Social Security Administration, these were some of the most popular female names in the United States in the 1930s, '40s, and '50s.
Honora is a Norman French name meaning honor.. 100 Nerdy and Geeky Baby Names (Boys & Girls), 100 Strong Baby Boy Names That Show Power, 100 Strong Baby Girl Names for Your Little Warrior, 100 Baby Names That Mean Wind, Sky, or Storm (Boys & Girls), 100 Fantasy and Sci-Fi Baby Names for Boys and Girls.
One is the tale of Queen Phyllis who ends her own life in the mistaken belief her husband loves another.
Docia evolved from the Greek name Theodosios. Delia is a Greek name that means from Delos..
Our 4 year old daughter is Mabel Rose, now trying to think of names for her little sister who's due in January :).
Vera is an English name. An English and Swedish name, Nellie is short for names with a nel sound.
In the Bible Keziah was one of Jobs three daughters.
In turn, Elisabet is the Greek form of the Hebrew girls name or Elisheva. Although this old-fashioned girls name appears tricky to pronounce at first glance, it is surprisingly easy.
This site was very helpful. always thought it was pretty unique.
Meanwhile, its been used as the Welsh form of Claudia, which means lame. Names meaning lion are found in many religions, cultures, and societies.
Parents are using "old lady" names more and morenot out of obligation but because many formerly out-of-date names, like Emma, are coming back around and sounding fresh and pretty to today's young parents.
We won't send you spam. Theres something adorable about a tiny bundle of potential with an old ladys name.
Our two girls are named Gloria Juliana Magdalena and Lauren Olivia Cerise. Eula is an English name that means sweetly speaking..
Henrietta is a Latin feminine form of Henry. Several people have told me they love the name Agnes, and I know two little girls named Esther.
Ethel comes from the Old English name element el. Thought to be a short form of Aletha, Letha is a Marvel character, and part of the Grapplers, a team of female supervillains.
These timeless beauties have steered clear of the trendy trap and are here to stay. My daughter's name is Lola Estelle. Henry held 49 patents, including one for a multicopy attachment for typewriters and a vacuum ice-cream machine. The Palace Amusements building in Asbury Park, New Jersey featured the mural of two grinning faces.
Lula is an English name evolved from names with a lou sound. Bertha is an Ancient Germanic name meaning famous, bright..
At the age of 14, Constance Hopkins, along with her father, brother, stepmother, half-sister, and two servants, traveled to the New World on the Mayflower. To Marion Langley, Liz Baranski, Babynology and Ibicecream, sorry I'm just now replying, it seems I have comments I wasn't quite aware of.
I love the combination of including both grandfathers whom I loved dearly and respected as well as my wonderful brother. Here is a comprehensive list of traditional French names as well as the most popular names for girls in France and Canada today.
Names of people we know really do make a difference on whether we like that name or not, don't they!
I am looking to write a book but have no names to use. Yolande was the name of a real-life princess of France.
Edith was a popular name among Anglo-Saxon royalty during the medieval period.
Lillian is an English name, possibly from the Latin Lilium, meaning lily.. Id love to use it as it belonged to my great great grandmother.
She is named after a dear friend. Agatha is a 1979 movie about the famous 11-day disappearance of British crime writer Agatha Christie. This was a fun article. Eugenia Smetisko was born in Austria-Hungary and became a naturalized US citizen in 1929. (Understandably, you'll notice a lot of overlap with the list of common old lady names!) So for the rest of my babies i was really drawn to older more unique names. All beautiful, talented and famous.
my daughters are named Phae (Fay) Louise and Emma Hope. Mandilyn Shay. It became a popular motif on coins, vases and other decorative items.
Some of the top baby girl names of today are classics like Olivia, Charlotte, and Evelyn.
I am jus a sucker for beautiful vintage, feminine names, as I love Cora, Nona, Piera, Elizabeth, Marion and Genevieve!
Bertha began as a diminutive for girls with names such as Alberta, Ethelbert, and Roberta.