Join us every Sunday for Church Services via Livestream (10AM USA EDT). Copyright 2022, Community Christian Church. Please make sure children are symptom-free for at least 24 hours before bringing them to their class. Worshiping with us online this weekend? But the SDK of your phone is 27. Google playstore has forced us to update the SDK of android version to 29. Security cameras are also located throughout the Kids Ministry building. Upon checking in, a security sticker with the childs name, classroom assignment, and a four-digit code is printed and secured on the childs clothing. Youre welcomed to join us in fellowship with the Lord. We exist to preach the gospel message and lead people to become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ. When you arrive at Community Christian Church, you will be welcomed by one of our greeting team members. Check-in opens for all Inside Out Kids programs 20 minutes prior to the start of each service. Your childs safety is ensured through a secure check-in system and dependable volunteers. Leaders challenge kids to own their faith and to live it from the inside out with a Kingdom purpose. Through interactive adventures and beautiful animations, kids explore the big stories of the Bible. When kids truly experience the gospel, their hearts are transformed. The app will work. All volunteers serving in our ministry have submitted a volunteer application and passed a background check before serving. The young school-aged children need a special formula of fun and foundation to engage them in the basics of the Christian faith! Morning Prayer Throughout the year at 5:30AM. This ministry begins utilizing teaching, songs, and crafts as an avenue for investing into toddlers and young childrens lives about God and His kingdom. As a ministry, one of our core values is to partner with families to help foster spiritual growth in your children. This version gives you acces to Bible Lessons irrespectivve of your internet conditions. To do this we curated this resource hub full of videos, apps, podcasts, and blogs all intended to equip and inspire you as the amazing parent you are! They will direct you to our Welcome Point Deskwhere our team will get your children registered for class and give you a tour of our childrens wing., The Holy Bible App and Bible Resource Company. Service times, directions, and what to expect upon your first visit to CCC. MX TakaTak Short Video App | Made in India for You, Quikr Search Jobs, Mobiles, Cars, Home Services, Moj - Snack on Indian Short Videos | Made in India, Bible Study With Me // Chill Sessions // Joshua (1-5), Celestial Church of Christ Sanctum Parish, Vlad and Niki - new Funny stories about Toys for children, The Apostle Peter - General Bible Study (January 27, 2022), Jesus Christ To God Be The Glory Church Int'l Main, Copyright 2015-2021 All rights reserved. This is a place for workers to lead pre-teens into a deeper understanding of Biblical truths. We also collect parents' phone numbers in case we need to reach you during the worship experience. Our incredible teachers have years of experience teaching this curriculum and all come from an education and ministry background. This information is entered into our database to help maintain our secure check-in system. Caring for and loving our little babies is a powerful way to minister into their lives! Version 1 of the CCC bible lesson App lite version with Yoruba bible version. This application contains the celestial church of CHRIST bible lesson for the current year. is a delight-filled experience designed to encourage kids to return again and again. Kids will discover how the gospel unfolds from Genesis through Revelation. Its the beginning of a lifelong love of Gods Word. Halleluyah Brethen, CCC bible lesson has been updated with complete 2022 bible lesson details. | Sponsored by MakeItNigeria | Apartment and Car Rentals in Nigeria Designed by WPlook Studio, Special Service | Prophets / Prophetesses | 12:00PM, Sponsored by MakeItNigeria | Apartment and Car Rentals in Nigeria. It is vitally important for our kids to know all the classic Bible stories, as well as understand that God knows and loves them deeply. These powerful lessonsare delivered in a relevant and engaging way that your kids will carry forever. This also means you may not need to update your app at the end of the year again to have access to the future Bible lessons. Kindly give a feedback. Welcome to our Inside Out Kids Resource Hub! 42400 Ryan Road Its the beginning of a lifelong love of Gods Word. Fill out a form for your family by clicking the card below. Stay up to date with Inside Out Kids Ministry with all of our resources, events, and ministry updates. We are not just baby sitters on the contrary, we want to apply specific teaching elements to help them grow in their spiritual walk. Please update your android version on your phone. Through interactive adventures and beautiful animations, kids explore the big stories of the Bible. Sterling Heights, MI 48314. Let them know you are new and have children who will be checking into our Kids Ministry classes. On your first visit, we need the following personal information: parent/legal guardian names, childrens names and birth dates, address, phone number, and any special instructions such as allergies or other special needs for each child. The Bible App for Kids is a delight-filled experience designed to encourage kids to return again and again. Our lessons include worship songs, interactive games, and an engaging & inspiring lesson designed for kids of all ages. To ensure a safe and healthy environment for every child, we request that parents take responsibility for making sure their children are well before coming to church. Check-out closes 10 minutes after the service dismisses.
This application consist of Celestial Church Of Christ Bible Lesson for the Year 2021. Check it out! Service for the Needy & Barren Women | 9:00AM, Special Service | Prophets / Prophetesses, Dreamers and Visioners at the Mercy Land | 12:00PM, Copyright Celestial Church of Christ 1997 - 2022. The Gospel Project takes kids on a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture. Developers can show information here about how their app collects and uses your data. We ask that all children are securely checked in by an adult at one of our welcome centers. Ever since I updated this app it"s not been opening. Understanding God is a curriculum designed to guide students through the Bible and deep dive into what it means to have a thriving and personal walk with God. All Rights Reserved. Thank you. I've uninstalled it and reinstalled it twice and cleared cache too but still the same thing it's not opening, Dear shawn, We are sorry for the issue . This team can answer all of your questions about the ministry and will walk you through our child safety measures as well as our secure check-in/check-out process.

This is designed to make reading the Bible and studying CCC bible lesson easier, also for easy accessibility of the lessons anywhere everywhere in the globe . Students will learn and experience foundational concepts of faith including God, the Bible, the Holy Spirit, the Church, salvation, water baptism, and more. However, this version of app is a lite version, not weighty and requires users to internet connectivity to use the app. Please the app have not been working for sometimes now not showing the content of the bible lessons. We would love to help your visit be easy and enjoyable! Parents receive a matching security tag that must be shown when picking up children. Your child is important to us. All Rights reserved. Inside Out Preschool (3 years - kindergarten). Inside Out Kids Ministry lesson videos are available so that you can enjoy with the entire family. Explore the ministry opportunities for your children at CCC.