H\j0~ Explain how the staff overcame obstacles (weather events, computer crashes, etc.) 617 0 obj <>stream We will forever appreciate your cookies even though we hadnt shipped anything by the time you came up to the lab! Remember, it is not a place to vent; it is a vehicle to explain the evolution of the book. 0000072248 00000 n
0000072811 00000 n You pick up a yearbook, see a cover design you really love, or flip through and eye a font you like, then flip to the back looking for the colophon to read the specs and nothing. Reported resources will be reviewed by our team. Do you do a colophon in your yearbook? 0000009679 00000 n
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 0000005480 00000 n 0000014602 00000 n 2021 Commemorative Brands, Inc. Balfour is a Registered Trademark of Commemorative Brands, Inc. Colophon (klfn,-fn) Still cant pronounce it? Your submission has been received!
This reminds viewers that any photography scenes that do not meet current health and safety practices was likely shot under different circumstances and guidelines.
C.&rX;[m&_AS=f}pK\"8 8oM~[2]K v.J v_~_SCmGfbv`sKM736:\H&L(hAr77j!^W)NlT8Sf0hW"VQM;>d)&`. 0000004407 00000 n 0000032940 00000 n Lessen the stress of yearbook by getting everything you need to prepare for it right here. 0000003577 00000 n #I=Cs)\!++KLY'%\y?2O9]b~m&?~Lp b If you need help with the technical stuff, especially the materials and processes used to create your cover, email Kara or Pam. c Thank you for making my year whole.
Tesserae Vol. 0000065556 00000 n trailer 0000001443 00000 n 0000038089 00000 n %%EOF 0000012368 00000 n As with Vol.
Photo by:Hinsdale Central High School yearbook staff, Photo by: Hinsdale Central High School yearbook staff. The bound book was printed by Herff Jones in Kansas City, located at 6015 Travis Lane, Mission, KS, 66202, and the sports supplement was printed by the Corning-Painted Post School District print shop on 80# paper.
0000003119 00000 n The front of the handouts gives specific tips on laying out each topic. The theme art is [theme name from Treering] and [name] designed the cover.
Youd be surprised how often it happens.
Resources section of www.theyearbookladies.com, Wed love to hear from you! What do you always make sure to include? 0000024795 00000 n We will be in contact shortly. 0000006156 00000 n 0000011749 00000 n hbbbg`b``3 1x0@ L A 0000002151 00000 n

One yearbook staffsubdividedtheir colophoninto four segments: yerd stuff (complete production details); techie stuff (cameras, computers, scanner, printer); artsy stuff (fonts, color palettes & graphics) and sentimental stuff (acknowledgments). startxref Thank you to Mia, Liz, and Kristin for believing in me from the start and teaching me everything there is to know about dzine and leadership. 0000006643 00000 n Yearbook Hero Kirsten Megaro Tells a Complete Story, Yearbook Hero Grace Montemar's Show-Stopping Design, Winners of the 2022 #TreeringMemoryMaker Parent Contest. So its a step that gets skipped. Along with the assignment sheet, the staff will get two handouts on incorporating the table of contents into one and the colophon on the other. You spent hours and hours of valuable time on your yearbook.
Staffs often use these pages for staff listings/pictures and editors notes.
If your yearbook was entered in state, regional or national competitions, the colophon is the place to record those accolades.
startxref Although it may not happen as a recurring theme, every advisor goes through it at some point: youve handed out all the copies of your yearbook, and the calls (and texts, and emails) start coming in. First things first, a colophon typically goes in the back of your yearbook, most often either right before or right after the index. If the last three years I have spent on Tesserae have taught me anything, it is that the people around you can get you through anything. Both of these colophons leverage their themes (Stay Gold and Speak Life, respectively) with the headlines as well as the graphics. It is impossible to express how grateful I am to this program for not only what I have learned but the experiences I have gotten to have and the people I have met that have truly changed my life over the past 3 years and 6 months.
0000043799 00000 n

Required fields are marked *.
From checking over spreads with me every single day (Meno or Degular? 0
Sports are included in the Sports Supplement, tipped into the book at pg. A is for Academics 5 Tips to make the most of your Academics Section, C is for Coverage Use this Formula to Ensure Proper Coverage in your Book, C is for Color Maximize the use of Color in your book (without blinding your readers), C is for Captions 3 Steps to Writing Clear, Captivating, and Complete Captions, D is for Dividers 4 Reasons to Include them in Your Book. Last April, Alivia, Charlie, and I started this crazy journey, and Im so thankful we finished it together. Although the publication is thoroughly proofread and edited, we sincerely apologize for any omissions, misspellings, misattributes or other mistakes that occurred during this educational editorial process. 0000001364 00000 n
We used the Treering app for the layouts; [if applicable, list software used to make photo illustrations]. None of this would be possible without Mrs. PH and Mr. Simons. b Publishers include this vital piece to record production notes and sometimes acknowledgments. 0000015443 00000 n 0000007672 00000 n Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. If you are one of those advisers who might not know exactly all of the elements that should be in your colophon, weve compiled a list to help out!
%%EOF 0000008454 00000 n What is a colophon anyway? Our staff did the very best work they could under incredibly challenging circumstances. Body copy is [font and size]. and being patient with all of my weird questions and stories (aka glorified rants). Its also nice to use it as a place for a shout out to your rep (hint, hint), to Paul Ender, to your instructor at YearbookNV and to your adviser.
Your email address will not be published.
Furthermore, I want to thank Alivia for being the most important member of my moral support team / emotional support task force. Typefaces are Degular and Meno Banner, and photographs were taken using a suite of Canon DSLRs and Canon and Sigma lenses. This lesson pack provides examples and resources to help your staff design endsheets specific to their theme and yearbook. 0000004225 00000 n Examples include things & stuff (p. 112), big honkin picture (p. 72), whole bunch of people (p. 26), timeline (p. 24), gallery (p. 118) and more. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Books include these for reference purposes only. CSPA?
H\n0Fy T%[4 l j20 &@lfcsgX1 00arf.Lx_c!0)JO \\;``@c 40TL O : C
Jim, you have been crucial throughout this crazy journey, and being able to send you designs and photos has been crucial to finishing this book the best we can. xref endstream endobj 595 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[16 525]/Length 41/Size 541/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream
0000006902 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %
0000002787 00000 n Please note: Tesserae Vol.
541 56 The programs digital content can be found at tesseraeybk.com, youtube.com/tesseraeybk and instagram.com/tesseraeybk. Co-Editors-in-Chief Kaitlin Chung, Charles Marshall and Alivia Jiang attended the virtual Yearbooks at the Beach camp in July, knowing that the school year would likely be unprecedented as half of the student body attended school from home on any given day. As restrictions fluctuate according to risk factors and regional health concerns, the photography at the beginning of the school year may look very different to the photos you take in April. My child is missing from the football page, You used the original portrait when we had retakes done. The individual profiles feature people whose experiences have set them apart, while the group profiles highlight clubs and groups whose shared experiences brought them together during an unprecedented year. I also want to thank my other co-EiC Kaitlin Chung for always staying solid on copy and making the whole lab crack up when loud music comes on.
Content from the SCHOOL/ASSOCIATION NAME community was submitted via email, shareable drive or image sharing app; although all community members are encouraged to follow health and safety guidelines at the time of capture, some images may contain individuals without masks or less than recommended social distancing. Thank you V7; I miss you all already. Thats optional. 0000003798 00000 n Lesson plan (each lesson plan includes a big idea, essential questions, objectives, art standards, writing and literacy standards, supply list, vocabulary list, and a step by step breakdown on how to present this assignment for all three assignments.). 0000003272 00000 n What were the specifications or materials used on the cover and endsheets?
Yearbook Journalism Curriculum for Every Day: Template Examples, Deadlines, More, This yearbook journalism curriculum includes everything you need to teach every single day of the year, no experience needed. 0000008249 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %
c [Photographer] took the school portraits and [parents, coaches, non-yearbook students] contributed [team, event, and/or candid] photos.
The cost of the book and ads plus sales statistics may also be included. 0000004260 00000 n
0000004521 00000 n
0000005221 00000 n I couldnt do it without you. 0000027825 00000 n Any special books specs UV coating? It has truly been a wild ride from my start on video team to becoming an editor-in-chief, and I want to thank all of those who brought me to this place and saw me through. Content gathered by Staff was done while adhering to the health and safety guidelines outlined by both SCHOOL NAME and SCHOOL DISTRICT NAME at the time of capture.
In addition to that stuff, many books include policies regarding book sales, portraits, ads, group shots, sensitive issues (death), etc. trailer To Simons, thank you for checking in with me all the time about my sleep schedule and mental health and being the best advisor ever.
0000001557 00000 n
Its important to include a colophon in your yearbook as a resource for future staffs.
0000005402 00000 n Citation giving credit to any stock photos used or purchased, or materials from people outside the classroom, such as local photographers or writers, Type of computers that were used to create the book, Software program that was used to design and build the book, Offering thanks to the publishing company sales rep, customer service rep or any teachers who provided support to the yearbook program, Listing of any awards the yearbook program earned during the year, or accolades for the previous edition of the book handed out during the year. 0000009252 00000 n Pictures, interviews, quotes, and statistical data were gathered by the Staff and submitted by the SCHOOL/ASSOCIATION NAME community over the course of the YEAR school year before, during and after school hours. xref
Required fields are marked *. To Mrs. PH, your leadership with Cooper on the business team this year was beyond amazing. The cover is a custom-designed four-color litho with suede lamination and raised UV gloss, and the endsheets are Carrara white CL-1 stock. In fact, it can be a great place to thank the people who helped you produce your book all year long. Dont forget to add a colophon to one of your final pages. endstream endobj 594 0 obj <>stream
But it doesnt have to be boring! 0000072522 00000 n
He's been a writer, editor and web content specialist for Walsworth Yearbooks for the past 15+ years, and is the author of the Yearbook Suite's "The Art of the Interview" unit. It lists all the technical details that went into the printing of your book: the location of the plant, the weight of the paper, how the cover was made, the types of computers used, how much books sold for, etc.
Pre-made digital activities. To Charlie, thank you for arguing with me about Jay-Z and Beyonce during worknight, taking all the pretty pictures to make my designs work, and indulging me when I threaten to fight you on a daily basis (we all know Id win.) 0000002631 00000 n We regret spelling errors, omissions, and mistakes in the content of our publication.
To Alex & Molly, I am in awe of your abilities to step up this year and join me on this three person design team its been difficult, but it wouldnt have been possible without your hard work.