For offline, some1 could prolly make a mod to bring back old system if some1 would wish to stay with classic. So if you compare the BiS, end-game wind druid (https: // d2.maxroll.gg/ d2planner-ptr/6d01063b) and the hammerdin (https: // d2.maxroll.gg/ d2planner/5t01064j#1), the comparison in DPS between the two classes looks like: I think if you compare these classes, there is quite an obvious disconnect here? but around 8-9k with the same necessary skill investment. The Best Skills to use with Blessed Hammer are Vigor, Blessed Aim, Holy Bolt, which provide Damage Bonus & Effects Per Level. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies. The Undead take additional damage. Diablo 2 Resurrected Blessed Hammer is a Paladin Magic Skill and requires level 18 to use. Still 8-10k max damage blessed hammer is still plenty. the paladin would actually have to make decisions again with switching his auras. + (2.5 Per Character Level) 2-247 % Extra Gold From Monsters (Based On Character Level), + (1 Per Character Level) 1-99 % Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level), 15-30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items, 10% Chance To Cast Level 16 Lightning On Striking, 10-20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items, 10% Chance To Cast Level 15 Confuse When Struck, 15% Chance To Cast Level 5 Life Tap On Striking, + (1.5 Per Character Level) 1-148 % Damage To Demons (Based On Character Level), 100% Chance To Cast Level 5 Holy Bolt On Striking, Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective companies, publisher and its licensors. lets say we keep the damage at 8-9k, but with concentration, which would buff the damage for a factor of 1.9x. The confusion comes from the fact that it works at 50% of it's effectiveness with blessed hammer, yet that is not indicated anywhere. I remember from somewhere hammers benefit from consecration. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, World of Warcraft Arena World Championship, Tornado: 15.5k DPS (6.9k per cast, 2.27 casts per second), Blessed Hammer: 36.4k DPS (14.6k per cast, 2.5 casts per second), Tornado: 23.3k DPS (10.3k per cast, 2.27 casts per second). It also meant more to delete a character after 1.10 because 98 to 99 went from maybe a day to potentially months. The points you put into them give you increased hammer damage by 14%, think of it like a passive. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Bolt of energy that damages undead, or heals friendly units. *shrug* Who knows. the system we have now kinda does that. It doesn't mean that now because of skill/stat resets, but at the point where synergies became part of D2, those resets didn't exist. So far the most dmg I've been able to get is low 16k. It's that simple. ;). 12-13k is more than enough. Even at 3-4k on solo hell playthrough you wont meet any serious problems even on p3. Is that cheating? Is the stance from the D2R not to fix this because it was originally a bug? A summoned Hammer spirals outward, damaging enemies.
and the lowering his damage from 15 to 8-9k is not a penalty in that sense. EDIT: I forgot the fact that amp damage/decrepify can boost tornado damage, whereas there is nothing (other than concentration) that can boost hammer damage further.
No bug anywhere there. -- Voltaire, Your idea of putting only one point in concentration sounds really new to me. We may use cookies to personalize content, ads, and analyze our site traffic. The spirits of the Light are ever vigilant, and in times of great need, have been known to aid their loyal disciples in subtle ways. If so why not at least update the tooltip so new players know, if D2 original devs left it in, then it was eventually intentional, I feel like its important to note somehow. But that's with 2x Paladin's. Hammer ignores undead/demon immunities, yes? right now it applies 50% of the +dmg% to hammers (14.5k dmg). otherwise every hammerdin would have that on switch. but with your synergy he would just always have it on when he has other players in the group. :rolleyes: That there might be a bug or a loophole in re the Act II mercs. i think getting rid of concentration completely AND buff Hammer base damage is a bad idea. he will also deal less damage. We consider Griswold's Redemption as one of the Best Weapons to use with the Blessed Hammer Skill. if you get rid of conc completely and boost the hammer base damage, you dont have that damage penalty for using a different aura than conc. conc would make up for a factor of 2.5x or 2.2x instead of 4x, which would be enough to have an impact, but not enough that you might not switch it for another aura at a cost of damage. the problem i see is that you also freed up is aura slot, which is a factor you underestimate. letting every hammerdin have that at will without penalty would make group play really easy, especially since the hammerdin would not suffer a damage penalty. The tooltip in D2R hasnt been updated and just shows benefits from blessed aim and vigor. If we want to nerf the dmg of blessed hammer, we have remove a necessity of Concentration aura for dps. good comparison. Learn more at. Just wondering couldn't you have just simplified the damage formula into: Does a Merc's Blessed Aim boost BH damage? why would you want to make him even more tanky, when he is already s tier? Here you can find Damage, Mana Cost Per Level Stats, and Synergy Bonus from Vigor, Blessed Aim, Holy Bolt Skills. dmg, 50%=+300% ed, 25%=+150% ed, 20%=+120%ed). Hmm, not a bad idea to be fair 9k max but with concentration. Concentration aura unintentionally buffs blessed hammers. at level 77 you chose if you want to go for max resistances, holy shield, or an additional skill/aura. It didnt work. Strength: 174, Dexterity: 151, Vitality: 521, Energy: 56. Yeah, the hammerdin is powerful. I got to L30 yesterday and decided it was time to start experimenting with it (I've been using a Hellplague sword on players 8 so far and it's been really good to start off with -- I don't have access to the best of the best equipment). To mix things up, id make Concentrations chance of being uninterupted scaleable 1% per soft point. Agreed, either tone down blessed hammer, its synergies or concentration aura effectivenes. Thanks for doin the math. my suggestion is to simply change the efficancy value of concentration. every hammerdin would have that damage. Set blessed hammer on left-click, and your aura on right-click. Blessed Hammer Per Level provides the following bonuses to other Paladin skills. I've tried testing with a scepter setup and vmagi but it only yielded 700 more damage than a normal hoto setup. he would literally be at 100% of the normal hammerdin damage if you gave him holy shield as synergy. We consider Herald Of Zakarum as one of the Best Armor to use with the Blessed Hammer Skill. RankedBoost is not affiliated with the game companies, publisher and its licensors.
THEN, maybe we start to see some diversity again. he wants to activate vigor in a playthrough to be faster? Although he isn't as powerful as a fully-twinked poison necro or some other ridiculously overpowered build, he is very powerful as a first charcter, since he doesn't require any powerful uniques/runewords (Good luck finding Bramble legit). Something that Sanctuary Aura buffs the Magic Damage or so. You must log in or register to reply here. Blessed aim and vigor are just synergies for blessed hammer. Yep, either tone down blessed hammer, its synergies or concentration aura effectiveness. :scratch: So you said you are playing online? Whether you need help or you're just looking to chat - come join us! JavaScript is disabled. i do get what you are saying. In my post, I suggested them to bind Blessed Hammer with Sanctuary Aura with some Tweaks. We consider Principle as one of the Best Runewords to use with the Blessed Hammer Skill. yes, javazon and sorc deserve it too. In case not, it might be interesting to get an idea of how it works in patch 1.10beta. Not all bnet people are bad, but alot seem to be fairly young with the aol mentality. No problem, I didn't really feel insulted, just wanted to let it known I have an excuse to be dumb. I boosts Merc's damage considerably, and as it goes up in level, its radius goes up, unlike Fanaticism's.

Possible? my suggestion is simply lower the impact concentration has sothat people might consider switching auras, but it still has a drawback. Well Max you can get is like 22-23k. We updated our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy pages. Which would make a 70lvl pala with starter gear around 2.5 -3k with concentration. But TBH I have no idea the logic why Concentration buffs the Hammer (Magic) damage XD, This would make sense You compare Hammerdin to a Wind Druid Both are kind of similar classes in the sense they can provide buffs to the party. building in a penalty for holy shield would be that he would have to sacrifice some of his damage for getting points in that. So in case you click 10 times on Blessed Aim, it will bring you a maximum damage bonus of 0.15*10=1.5 to your blessed hammer. ;), Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum, (This post was last modified: 08-18-2003, 05:36 PM by, (This post was last modified: 08-21-2003, 04:03 AM by, "It is better to live in the corner of a roof, (This post was last modified: 08-22-2003, 11:30 PM by, http://stud4.tuwien.ac.at/~e9325732/skillcalc.html. but this topic is about the hammerdin. I update the calculated damage for wind druid with Decrepify active as follows: Does narrow the gap between the two a bit Obviously not very helpful for PvP (I dont PvP). It is **alot** of fun. This way you might still want to rock Concentration if not for damage, then for this 40ish% of non interruptable attacks to soften the damage nerf of hammers, or use any other aura of your choice. Yes it is possible, but that would be extreme luck. Probably because most people just used Fanaticism and there wasnt really any reason to use concentration aura. Id put it on Holy Shield since its technically a put leftovers there skill. he makes himself vulnerable for a bit by lowering his damage. I think that part of what set D2 aside from other games is that the developers understood that once you release the game, taking stuff away from players is bullcrap. there should at least be some form of penalty to using conviction, be it losing out on 90% ed, 120% ed or 150% ed from concentration. Feel free to ask if you are wrongly understood. Quote (thestrayboys @ May 8 2011 06:50am).
Last updated 1 month ago on May 31, 2022 by RankedBoost. But the DPS will be nerfed overall, so even with full skiller inventory you wont get anything near 15 k u get with concentration, but around 8-9k with the same necessary skill investment. Hammerdins get tankiness from holy shield, and wind druids get tankiness from bear and/or oak sage. Maybe it was a bug. the hammerdin is already very tanky, more than any other caster type. Will push, but not melt, I totally agree that those two skills need to be unbound (if a magic damage were to bound with concentration, so are Teeth, Bonespirit & Spear or Holybolt got to be bound). i think the sweet pot for hammer damage would be around 7-9k. "A witty saying proves nothing." Unbind this aura from skill, then buff the hammers by their own, but not to 15k endgame gear, but like 10k ut so is a Javazon (especially with Infy), or others. conviction is really strong. :). Source: D2R 1.12 PC PTR(Public Test Realm). Hehe ;). at the moment the hammerdin is finished at level 77. without concentration he is at 57. this would lead to every hammerdin also having a lvl 20 conviction without any penalty (since base hammer damage was upped hed have 100% hammerdin damage) AND another lvl 20 aura. group got cursed by baal and he wants to get rid of it with cleansing? "Concentration increases the damage for Blessed Hammer at 50% efficiency. if you want more defense before lvl 77, you have to sacrifice points from your synergy (so dmg) for it. Click/Tap to view other Class Guides below. Fair. The devs decided to not nerf this for reasons. Doedres Damning POE Build Guide & Price Paua Ring, Crushing Force Magnifier Two Handed Maces Experimented Base Types PoE, Geomancers Incubator PoE 6-Linked Armour Item, Defeat a Map Boss while under the effects of a Divine Shrine, The Fox Divination Card PoE Farming Level 20 Gem, Defiance [12], Vigor [31], Redemption [12], Might [12], Blessed Aim [31], Concentration [31], Fanaticism [31], Smite [22], Charge [22], Holy Shield [22]. every hamerdin would have lvl 20 (lvl 37 with gear) conviction on switch when he plays with other people. As you mentioned, synergies works only on "skill tab clicked skill points". more tanky at the cost of damage? When this aura is enabled, these spirits work to guide the hand of the Paladin and his companions, striking true where blows would normally miss. The Passive Bonus is 5% Attack Rating bonus per hard point invested while the aura is not active. Ahh, ok. you can easily tone it down to 25% (9k dmg) or 20% (8k dmg); (lvl37 conc has a bonus of +600% enh. he would think twice before switching to conviction, because he does half of the damage then. That's why .08 items stayed in D2, whereas OP items in D3 were explicitly nerfed (weapon speed). also, this does not solve the problem that every hammerdin would become a lvl 37 conviction torch, all while having 100% hammerdin damage. that is not a good way to go. With a Merc, I'd recommend the Concentration be maxed. This post was edited by uptoolayte on May 8 2011 07:52am, This post was edited by EnviousPvP on May 8 2011 08:09am, This post was edited by sastachi on May 8 2011 09:03am, This post was edited by Molek on May 8 2011 08:53am. it would not make players reconsider if he wants to skill/switch to conviction, because there is no penalty for that. Aren't there some Greater Mummies that can also be immune to hammers? ", http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/skills/paladin-offense.shtml#concentration. I'm pretty sure the hammerdin wasn't at all envisioned when they made 1.10, nor was the fact that it always pierced through undead magic immunities, making it the de-facto Baal magicfinder (that part was nerfed, but not enough to change its role). This way you still have to spend the same amount of points to get max damage, and an ability to use any other aura then. Magically enhances shield to give defense bonuses. i want to drop hammerdins damage by disabling dmg boost from concentration. Tornado and hammers both pierce the target and linger on screen for a few seconds before dissipating. It's not a bug nor is it a synergy. yea, like I said in your other thread, best off checking the Single Player Forum, or the Stat forum if you want detailed information on drops that nobody really understands, I don't know if this will help but I always use F5-F8 as my main auras and F1-F4 as my main attacks--F1 is almost always set to normal attack in case I need to quickly turn something 'off'. If you want to have attacks and use an aura at the same time you have to place your attacks on the left klick and the aura on the right klick. I have a level 18 Trapsin I made. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Maybe it was meant to be an easter egg, but regardless, changing it now will definitely affect the essence of D2. The effects of an active consecration lead to a buffed blessed hammer. They nerfed the absolute dog fuck out of Corpse Explosion Necs in like patch .02. As Aeudayan said, he has BH on his right mouse click and then finds difficulties using it with an aura. I wrote a little java application to help me figure out how to put skill points with my hammerdin.