NetApp is on a relentless move to innovate, Tanase told CRN. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Think high-speed networking, he said.
), Mit Klick auf Newsletter abonnieren, gem Einwilligungserklrung (bitte aufklappen fr Details), Aufklappen fr Details zu Ihrer Einwilligung, Praxistipps: Cloud-Speicher fr Einsteiger, Technische Grundlagen und Konzepte von SSDs, Flash-Speicher und USB-Sticks fr Profis, eBook Cloud-Speicher-Strategien im Vergleich kostenlos downloaden, Gnstig, schnell und sicher: Storage in der Cloud, Standardisierter Cloud-Storage von Providern, Alternativlos aber die Qual der Wahl bleibt. Es ist fr uns eine Selbstverstndlichkeit, dass wir verantwortungsvoll mit Ihren personenbezogenen Daten umgehen. "NetApp now provides file storage services for all major public cloud IaaS providers, making it a critical enabler in a storage segment we estimate is growing in the triple digits. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. But how much you will see will vary according to the situation.. Astra provides a data management services overlay that facilitates and automates data protection, disaster recovery and application migration scenarios for Kubernetes clusters.
Now it triggers a silent snapshot, he said. Businesses should seriously consider NetApps cloud service offerings to improve cost and performance for their cloud workloads. Scale-out file systems, Dazu zhlen Erweiterungen von NetApp Cloud Backup und Cloud Data Sense, der einfachere Einsatz von Cloud Volumes ONTAP mittels bereitgestellter Vorlagen und ein vollstndig eingebettetes Active IQ. This lets them upgrade storage without replacing their existing capacity shelves, he said. Wenn auch meine persnliche Telefonnummer erhoben wurde, darf diese fr die Unterbreitung von Angeboten der vorgenannten Produkte und Dienstleistungen der vorgenannten Unternehmen und Marktforschung genutzt werden. ,
(function(c,a,p,j,s) { All fields not labeled "optional" are required. AktG verbundenen Unternehmen geschtzte Inhalte abrufe, muss ich mich mit weiteren Daten fr den Zugang zu diesen Inhalten registrieren. Zudem untersttzt die neue ONTAP-Version das in Krze erscheinende All-Flash-System AFF A900. Now research from IDC suggests that NetApp is a critical enabler of hybrid cloud strategies and you should seriously consider these technologies for your projects. This builds a one-stop shop for customers to manage hybrid and multi-cloud use cases, Tanase said. To hammer home its bullish outlook on the cloud opportunity and its current momentum the company initiated a cloud ARR target of $1bn in fiscal 2025., Management sees cloud services as complementary versus cannibalistic to its business, he wrote, with the firm already seeing its cloud technology bringing new logos and workloads into the fold., He said NetApp provided incremental detail on the two strategic priorities outlined in recent quarters: 1) expanding the scale and scope of its cloud business, aided by the recent acquisitions of Spot, CloudJumper, and Talon and its deep partnerships with CSPs; and 2) returning to enterprise storage market share gains, primarily through differentiation in all-flash arrays (AFAs) and object storage., Ader reported NetApp will have a mid-range storage refresh (from hybrid systems to AFAs). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. NetApp has struggled over the last several years to keep pace with market change. NetApps flagship ONTAP technology has been instrumental in helping existing customers embrace the public cloud. Both of these shifts reduced the incremental need for data center storage a trend that continues today. CJ Fairfield is an associate editor at CRN covering solution providers, MSPs and distributors. All-in-all, Rakers thinks NetApp will benefit from its continued work to establish a software-first narrative., Ader also highlighted NetApps CDS-first story. This translates to a healthy growth rate of ~40% over the previous quarter. Prior to joining CRN, she worked at daily newspapers, including The Press of Atlantic City in New Jersey and The Frederick News-Post in Maryland. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The Spot acquisition brings compute and storage optimisation with a portfolio of services that provision, run, and scale applications in multiple clouds.
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Vast computational resources are now leverageable by anyone with a talent for coding and a credit card. Neu ist eine Freemium-Serviceebene fr Cloud Volumes ONTAP. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. NetApp Wednesday used its virtual NetApp Insight 2021 conference with the introduction of several new technologies meant to bolster its ability to help channel partners and customers take better advantage of hybrid cloud infrastructures. But NetApp is very well-positioned for the future, says John Woodall, vice president of engineering and NetApp enablement at channel partner General Datatech. But NetApp is very well-positioned for the future.. This compares to NetApp exiting F1Q21 with ARR at $178m., NetApp pointed out 80 per cent of its engineers are software engineers. ONTAP is now available on all the major platforms AWS, Azure and Google Cloud allowing users to expand into the public cloud within a matter of minutes. Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass die Vogel IT-Medien GmbH, Max-Josef-Metzger-Strae 21, 86157 Augsburg, einschlielich aller mit ihr im Sinne der 15 ff. NVMe over TCP is really a big software upgrade to NetApps existing hardware, Woodall said. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Sofern ich einzelne von mir abonnierte Newsletter nicht mehr erhalten mchte, kann ich darber hinaus auch den am Ende eines Newsletters eingebundenen Abmeldelink anklicken. The latest effort as a part of this transformation was a 6% workforce reduction, announced earlier this month. The overall objective of Spot by NetApp is to aid customers in their quest to drive up the efficiency of public cloud-related spending. Thank you for submitting the form.We will be in touch. Enterprise Cloud Adoption Part I Measuring Cloud Maturity, Why hyperscale cloud breaks your budget (and what to do about it). By clicking Accept All you consent to the use of the cookies.
This realization came about as customers began to move applications and workloads to the public cloud as well as instantiate new cloud-native applications. There are a number of companies out there looking to copy its strategy. Meet an unbiased IT analyst firm delivering in-depth information on Information Management, Data Storage, and a variety of IT solutions for Hybrid Cloud and HPC/AI. Das eBook bietet einen umfassenden berblick ber die verschiedenen Mglichkeiten fr Cloud-Storage und behandelt die folgenden Themen: Bitte geben Sie eine gltige E-Mailadresse ein. Was ist eine Virtual Storage Appliance (VSA)? Theres a lot of conversation around the cloud, he said. The ability to view workloads wherever they are located (on-premise or in the cloud) will allow them to deliver a consistently good experience in any setting. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. As hosted technology has matured, businesses have begun to consider the potential of multi-cloud infrastructure. For example, the company was late to the all-flash array party, missing much of the initial wave of testing and acceptance by early adopters. The competitive landscape looks drastically different that it did a few years ago, as new competitors have entered the fold like the public cloud providers and new enterprise storage-focused vendors like Pure Storage, Nimble Storage and Nutanix. The companys Cloud Insights solution then provides real time analytics across these services.. Unternehmen knnen somit Datendienste fr kleine Workloads wie etwa Kubernetes-Cluster ohne anfngliche Kosten nutzen. Cloud Volumes Service a fully managed file storage service resold by Google Cloud Platform and available for AWS. Datenschutz These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. About Evaluator Group It now accounts for $237M in annual recurring revenue (ARR), growing at 186% Year/Year, with a target of $1B by 2025. As businesses look to balance current resource demands with strategic growth plans, hybrid cloud offers a useful platform for both. New technology inflection points such as flash-based arrays and software-defined storage have emerged to address the changing needs of todays data-intensive workloads. To learn more about NetApp cloud services and how they will help you turbocharge your file storage strategy, please get in get in touch.
NetApp has had a very secure storage platform with immutable snapshots, multi-function authentication, crypto shredding, FIPS 140-2 compliance, zero trust architecture, and more, Woodall said. With the Cloud Volume Service subscribers can get started immediately; there is no need to own any other NetApp products or services. ,
Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Moor Insights & Strategy A Leading High Tech Analyst Firm. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin.
Theres no need to change out any hardware, he said. John Webster She can be reached at p.type='text/java'+a; John Webster. There are a number of companies out there looking to copy its strategy. Were looking to detect intrusions quickly by understanding the write patterns to give time to react.. Public cloud services, TECH SUPPLIER ISO 9001 certification from ISO Quality Services Ltd. ISO 27001 certification from ISO Quality Services Ltd. p.src='http'+j+'://'+j+''; But can it change its spots VMware and Nutanix grab lions share of spoils, in difficult quarter for HCI vendors, 2nd generation Samsung SmartSSD gets smarter, Pure grows storage market share, but Huawei grew more, SingleStores hard-driving and single-minded CEO, After swimming up the Amazon, Cloudians object storage now stacks up with Azure. "Over the past several years, NetApp has focused on expanding its public cloud services portfolio through both organic growth and acquisition," said Andrew Smith, research manager, Infrastructure Systems, Platforms, and Technologies at IDC. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Der Newsletterinhalt erstreckt sich dabei auf Produkte und Dienstleistungen aller zuvor genannten Unternehmen, darunter beispielsweise Fachzeitschriften und Fachbcher, Veranstaltungen und Messen sowie veranstaltungsbezogene Produkte und Dienstleistungen, Print- und Digital-Mediaangebote und Services wie weitere (redaktionelle) Newsletter, Gewinnspiele, Lead-Kampagnen, Marktforschung im Online- und Offline-Bereich, fachspezifische Webportale und E-Learning-Angebote.
Kunden sollen dadurch von mehr Mobilitt und Transparenz bei der Nutzung von Data-Service-Lizenzen ber die gesamte Hybrid-Cloud hinweg profitieren knnen. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. NetApp has been articulating and refining its cloud strategy for several years, he said. You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide:, Are you ignoring the R in Disaster Recovery, Pain-free cloud migration? Initially, NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP was designed to allow users to migrate workloads between on-premise data centres and the cloud. Using the same familiar interfaces and tools, ONTAP users can quickly and easily manage workloads in any location including the cloud. That integration is an interesting move for NetApp because of all the ways NetApp Keystone helps customers consume storage including leasing, on-premises storage as a service, or Cloud Volumes Ontap subscriptions, Woodall said. The A900 is expected to be available in November, followed next year by the FAS 9500 which Tanase said is similar to the A900 except that it features both flash and hard disk capacity with server-class memory for performance. Has the pandemic caused a digital transformation IT security nightmare? Later, well take a snapshot for use off-line. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This all sounds great in principle but why has IDC singled out NetApp specifically? Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, NetApps George Kurian: Cloud The Key To Fiscal Success, Future. NetApp does so in a way that will attract enterprise users looking for the same adherence to storage best practices as they see in their on-premises file storage systems. NetApp has been talking about the cloud since around 2012, Woodall told CRN. In der jetzt vorgestellten Fassung wurde zudem die Leistung fr SAN- und moderne Workloads mit NVMe/TCP-Untersttzung, erweiterten Objektspeicherfunktionen und vereinfachtem Management gesteigert. }(document,'script')); By It sees object storage growing as a cold data tier for all-flash array data and as archiving data for verticals such as media and entertainment, and oil and gas. NetApp has been articulating and refining its cloud strategy for several years. NetApps Anthony Lye believes that enterprise is moving away from a paradigm where existing data center infrastructure drives application composition to one in the cloud where the application and consequently application developers drive the demands of the infrastructure. Ges. NetApp Cloud Volume Service is a fully managed file storage service that accelerates the journey to the cloud and helps users maximise value from their hosted investments. Big market shifts like these pose serious threats to the incumbent enterprise storage providers like Dell EMC, Hewlett Packard Enterprise(HPE), IBMand NetAppwho must innovate quickly to keep up. Mir ist bewusst, dass ich diese Einwilligung jederzeit fr die Zukunft widerrufen kann. NetApp plans to add automation to its anti-ransomware technology, Tanase said. Today, NetApp regards the public cloud as a peer to on-premises customer data centers and defines itself as a cloud-led, data centric software company. Praxistipp: Cloud-Speicher fr Windows, macOS und Linux, Microsoft OneDrive zusammen mit macOS, Linux und Android nutzen, E-Mail-Anhnge und mehr zuverlssig speichern, Die Vor- und Nachteile von All-Flash-Speicher-Arrays. Kundencenter Kubernetes has become a critical path enabler of container virtualization management for enterprise IT seeking to deploy workloads that take full advantage of public cloud services. However, product gross margins (non-GAAP) remain stubbornly low, in the 48% zone, which is 2 points lower than 2016 and 8 points lower than 2015. Impressum & Kontakt Sophisticated ransomware attackers know there will be snapshots of data, and so will delete snapshots and backups, and NetApp has for years made immutable snapshots available to have copies that cannot be deleted or modified.
NetApp empowers businesses to migrate between providers to ensure they are always receiving the best value from their investments and allowing them to change providers as circumstances change. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Sofern wir personenbezogene Daten von Ihnen erheben, verarbeiten wir diese unter Beachtung der geltenden Datenschutzvorschriften. Also new from NetApp is the integration of both NetApp Keystone, the companys subscription service for managing data, and NetApp ActiveIQ, its AI-based storage analytics technology, to its Cloud Manager technology for monitoring and orchestrating of on-premises and cloud storage. NetApp Wednesday also introduced a new all-flash storage hardware platform, the AFF A900. By selecting the best services from each vendor, they can better contain cloud costs, increase flexibility and optimise the performance of every aspect of operations. Cloud Manager is increasingly the single point of control for hybrid cloud deployments, he said. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Reports emerging from this weeks NetApps Financial Analysts Day show the storage hardware veteran is changing its identity to present itself as a hybrid cloud data services company.