This evening will begin in the Main Gym at 6 PM. The first day of school for Eagan High School is Wednesday, September 1, 2021. Please remember that we only have 450 parking permits available for students during the Fall Trimester. [citation needed], In 2013, the EHS Speech team had three juniors make it to the final round in the NFL National Speech and Debate Tournament: Emerald Egwim took 3rd place in Dramatic Interpretation, Adam Strmme took 4th place in Extemporaneous Speaking, and Laurel Scott took 2nd place in Original Oratory.[18].
It is particularly noted for its fine arts programs and use of technology. Allathletes must complete the following in order to participate in tryouts or practices: 1) Have an updated physical on file in the EHS Activities Office. These core requirements leave ample room for electives and individual courses of study, and many students take advantage of Business, Technology Education, Family and Consumer Science, and other courses. The EHS Math Department recommends the TI-84 or TI-84 Plus (limited is fine for both). 9th /10th grade -10:00am 11:30am AND 3:30pm - 5:00 pm, 11th and 12th grade- 8:00am -9:30 am AND 2:00pm-3:30 pm Stadium Turf,,,,, Eagan High School currently offers twenty-seven interscholastic athletic activities and a variety of intramural sports programs, including adaptive soccer, floor hockey, and softball for special needs students. The EHS Winterguard won the 2004 Championships in the North Star Circuit[19] in the category of Scholastic A, Division II under the direction of Erin Hager and Jessica Maher. A ball crashed into our tripod during warm ups and broke it. In 2014, over 950 Advanced Placement tests were administered, the highest in recent EHS history. When the high school opened, it was built to accommodate 1200 students but was designed to be expanded to handle an additional 800 students. Buyer intent data, anonymous visitor identification, first party data integration backed by a massive contact database that will supercharge your sales team. Yearbooks are scheduled to arrive soon! National Technology Exemplar School, 1996, Joshua Evans Turner, known by his stage name, This page was last edited on 16 February 2022, at 04:34. Eagan High School's Head Dance Team Coach is Nicole Lonetree. Another expansion was completed in 2005; this most recent expansion added yet more classrooms but also included additional locker bays, circulation improvements to prevent hallway congestion, and an improved entryway for students and visitors. Our final home match of the season is tonight vs Farmington. Eagan Boys Volleyball thanks the Eagan Kick Start Rotary Club for its generous support of our program! 4185 Braddock Trail Eagan, MN 55123 The retreat is a wonderful experience, which culminates with the Wisdom Retreat during the last trimester of their senior year. EHS Debate Team Introductory Mini-Camp. Eagan AM, the school's student-run closed-circuit TV news program that airs every Wednesday. The days of posting a newsletter around the neighborhood are over. The high school is attached to Dakota Hills Middle School, and the two schools each have access to a common auditorium, a series of athletic fields, and a municipal park. Wilson and Assistant Principal David Lange sought and received permission from the Kansas State University Athletic Director (fee of $1.00) to use their Wildcat logo. To Participate: A current sports physical must be on file in the electronic system and your student must be signed up for the sport on MyPaymentsPlus. You can find the entry to MyPaymentsPlus [3] In June 1987, Thomas F. Wilson was appointed as "Principal on Special Assignment" in charge of planning a new high school and middle school on a site that had been purchased years earlier. In 2011 Eagan High School Jazz 1 received 1st place in the Eau Claire Jazz Festival. Eagan High School's phone number is +1 651-683-6900. In 2012, EHS's health department began using iPad 2s in the classroom. EHS's theatre program has received multiple awards, such as a "Starred Performance" at One-Act State competition in 2014 for their production of The Diviners.
Varsity will be livestreamed on YouTube, It's senior night! For example, the enrollment and staff characteristics for schools that opened in the 2021-2022 school year will not be available until the full 2021-2022 file is released. Students may request changes to their schedules using the form at the Counseling Office. Like Link, PAWS groups also engage in a variety of activities to promote school spirit and connectivity with other classes. - deposit money into your students lunch account using PayPams, - pay for the Freshmen Tailgate Party- $5 for food and game ticket. Unfortunately, no live streaming will be available (tripod was hit by a ball Wednesda In 2005, the school was given the Bruno E. Jacob National Team Award. Class schedules will include the student locker location and combination for grades 9 and 10. The school competes under the Minnesota State High School League and is a member of the [[South The National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences recognized Eagan for its vocal and instrumental music programs by naming it a GRAMMY Signature School in 2001. 2) Register on MyPaymentsPlusprior to your sport start date or tryout start date. 55123-1575, 2100 Freeway Boulevard, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430-1735, 19942022 Come out and support the team, We are at Prior Lake tonight. PAWS teachers will distribute printed schedules on Wednesday, September 1st to all students. Upgrades made in 2014 have further impacted the studio: now Eagan AM has upgraded all of their computers to 2013-model Mac Pros, and has added the "Catcopter", a flying HD quadrocopter camera used to capture sports from a birds-eye view. Further information is updates are on the website each week. You need to attend the tryout., Wildcats wrap up the 2022 season at Burnsville tonight. As of the 20192020 school year, EHS had 2,015 students.[1]. All incoming freshmen to EHS are assigned to a Link Leader, with approximately one dozen students per leader. The school stages regular plays and musicals. The school puts significant focus on its Special Education program which has caused the school's special education demographic to swell to 11%.
Parking permits for Fall Trimester 2021 will be distributed on Wednesday September 1, 2021 before school in the lower east entrance of EHS as well as during all lunches in Spirit Hall. The EHS Winter Drumline has enjoyed tremendous success in marching percussion. [2] The $33 million building was designed by Hammel, Green and Abrahamson (HGA). Departmental fundraising allowed for the construction of a fully operational television studio within the school. Classes are organized into a trimester system and the school day is divided into seven periods. Some sports need to make team decisions and have a tryout time period. The first principal was Thomas F. Wilson, who had previously been principal at Rosemount High School within the District. Parents and guardians can pay the Parking Tag fee ($80) from the convenience of your computer, via MyPaymentsPlus. High School Address: 4185 Braddock Trail Eagan, MN 55123, High School Principal: Dr. Polly Reikowski, Congratulations to senior MB Alex Rodman on his All-Conference Honorable Mention award! Senior Spotlight - Asher Mitchell (Setter). Both of these high schools were greatly over capacity. These issues and the delay to scale down the building were documented in a number of contemporary news articles about the school. Ninth grade students will find their locker and use the combination during the building tour with LINK leaders on September 1st. Explore the Institute of Education Sciences, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS), National Household Education Survey (NHES), Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE), National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES), Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program - (SLDS), National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC), NAEP State Profiles (, Public School District Finance Peer Search, * denotes a column with data from 2020-2021. Because of the positive feedback District 196 has received from its students about Google Apps, it plans to keep using it as an educational tool.
The iPad minis were used to allow students to work together, take online notes, turn in assignments online, and even take online quizzes and tests. Where are Eagan High School's Headquarters? The Link Crew Leaders are mentors and a source of assistance to freshmen. [6] Stewart nonetheless began as principal, but early-on was involuntarily transferred to a position in the district officespawning a lawsuit for employment discrimination. Termed PAWS (People Achieving Wildcat Spirit), it is a 15-minute homeroom between the second and third periods of the day. Park in the student lot and enter through the East Entrance. Freshmen students will have the opportunity to spend one day of school with fellow freshmen on Tuesday, December 14th to participate in the Respect Retreat organized by Eagan High School and Youth Frontiers, a nonprofit organization that partners with schools to create more positive school communities. Out of those 20 medalists, 4 were state champions. Please follow this link: JV 6:30, Varsity approx 7:30. Senior Spotlight - Alex Rodman (Middle). Most teachers ask students to bring a notebook and folder for each class. The school has experienced success academically. External battery backup is recommended for iPad use. We require EHS Student Planners/Assignment books for all 9th graders, and recommend them for all grades. Eagan Independent, EHS's monthly newspaper. Parents/Guardians will receive a copy of 9th grade schedules on Monday, August 30th at the evening program. [10] Every room was equipped with a television, which received satellite broadcasts as well as programs from the school's television studio. All freshmen will begin the day with a large assembly, followed by students working together in small groups with student LINK Crew Leaders. Science Olympiad, in which students compete in various competitions that involve the application of science. Paulette is using Smore newsletters
Paulette is using Smore newsletters If you are enrolled in theEducational Benefits program(formerly free/reduced lunch) when registering your student in MyPaymentsPlusfor activities or athletics and your fees will be automatically adjusted. The main purpose of the studio was the ability to loan out the equipment for student or community projects, but the construction of the studio also allowed the school to create a weekly television series called Eagan AM. We rely on the assistance of many volunteers throughout the year at Eagan High School, and it is greatly appreciated. In 2017, EHS seniors, and juniors were given full-sized iPads, while all the other students were given iPad minis. Ideally composed of 5 students of each class (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior), PAWS is a time for announcements to be read and forms handed out. Parking permits are awarded on a first come first serve basis. The directory information on school name, address, and phone number are preliminary data from initial submissions of school level data for 2021-2022. Who is Eagan High School's Technical Director? This completed the district-wide one-to-one initiative so that every student in the building would have access to the internet from their own personal iPads. Individual student tickets are $5 for that event. No school for students on Friday, September 3. Musicals are also recognized by the Spotlight program each year and have received Outstanding Production and Performance awards yearly since their first involvement in the program. As we do every year, we will be resetting all Campus parent accounts. In 2015, voters in district 196 approved a bond referendum that designated $5 million per year for ten years to improve technology in the school; one part of this plan was to provide an iPad mini to every student in fourth through 12th grade. MN Boys High School Volleyball Association, COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for Eagan High School, Spectator and Streaming Protocol for Eagan High School, Eagan High School High School INFORMATION, This website is powered by SportsEngine's. This expansion was necessary almost immediately and was completed within a few years of the opening.
LINK Crew is a national program designed to provide freshmen students with junior and senior mentors to help them successfully navigate through their first year of school. We do not have a "Supply List" at EHS, however, we do advise students to stock up on pocket folders, spiral notebooks, pens and #2 pencils during "Back to School" sales. Every school Mac is also equipped with the full Adobe Publishing and Creative suites, the Microsoft Office 2008 or 2011 suite, and the Apple iWork suite. On April 21, 2007, the Eagan High School speech team set a new Class AA state record[citation needed] by claiming 20 medalists at the state tournament. Through the school's history, more than 125 of its musicians have qualified for All-State Choir, Band, Jazz Band, and Orchestra.
Most teachers at EHS currently use this platform to grade student assignments and monitor student collaboration activities. Algebra 1, Geometry and Honors Geometry students are NOT required to have a graphing calculator. Look ahead to Parent/Guardian and Teacher Conference dates and times. The Music Department at Eagan High School enrolls nearly 700 students in one of its five curricular bands or six curricular choirs. In the 201314 school year, freshman history classes tested the use of Chromebooks in the classroom. School begins at 7:40 a.m. for freshmen, on September 1st, who will report to the Student Commons (cafeteria). Eagan is the first high school in District 196 to implement the iPad in the classroom. The class of 2005 had an average SAT score of 1258 and an average ACT score of 23.8. Students at Eagan High School receive a liberal arts education, rather than specializing in one area of study. The school has many extracurricular activities with over seventy percent of its faculty coaching or advising some sort of after-school program. Eagan High School's Technical Director is John Ratzlaff. [5] The high school first opened in the fall of 1989-90, operating on the west side of the building (Dakota Hills Middle School) with 350 ninth-grade students. When the school opened, it became the first fully networked high school in the nation. Freshmen and LINK Crew members will enjoy fun and informative activities throughout the building including a tour and classroom visits. Please encourage your students to attend these events and become involved at EHS. Senior night! Smore empowers educators to connect with their community, streamline school communications, and increase engagement. NFL National Speech and Debate Tournament, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, Minnesota State High School Mathematics League, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Eagan High is going to be extra special, page 1", "Bids on School Project Stun District 196", "Cost Overruns Delay Eagan School Debut New Bids, Scaling Back Due", "New School to Open--Minus Kitchen, Track", "School Board Makes Architectural Switch", "Eagan High Students Shape School's Identity", "Turmoil over new principal roils school", "Teachers get principal they wanted all along", "The symbiotic relationship of schools and businesses", "This Minnesota high school gives fingerprint scanning a whorl", "Minnesota high school pilots online registration", "District 196 to issue iPads to 1,600 students", "ISD 196 students get iPads for start of school year",,, Educational institutions established in 1989, Articles with dead external links from October 2010, Articles with dead external links from September 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2009, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2011, Articles needing additional references from December 2019, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Information will be on the EHS Athletic Team Pages for each sport. Although they share a common building, the two schools are completely separated and there is almost no incidental interaction between the middle school and high school students. Calculators are needed for some Mathematics classes (see below). Social studies and English are required each year, and students must choose from a sampling of physical education, fine arts, math, science, and foreign language classes before graduation. Citing her "paucity of qualifications" and upset at her quick appointment, the entire faculty walked out of their first meeting with her. Application and payment for juniors begins on Monday August 23, 2021 at 5 PM. Fees will be automatically waived for foreign exchange students and students qualifying for Educational Benefits. Assistant Principal Polly Reikowski and Speech Program Director Joni Anker developed the words for the School Song, sung to the tune of the Notre Dame Fight Song. Eagan High School stresses technology in education, a commitment set down by former principal Wilson and shown in the school's motto: "Technology-enhanced education with a human touch." This fall, Alex will attend the Unive, We play at Eastview tonight! Students in grades 10, 11 and 12 who are NEW to EHS will also be welcomed to EHS by our counselors and Student Ambassadors during the morning of September 1st. All parents/guardians will be required to go through the annual review process of verifying their emergency contact and health information as they access their Campus Portal account. Now, EHS has replaced those televisions with LAN projectors that any teacher can connect to wirelessly while connected to the school's network. So proud of these Wildcats! If your student is taking a Phy Ed class, they will need a combination padlock for their locker. PAWS groups are permanent throughout a student's high school career, with the same teacher and students for all four years. To increase school spirit and soften the transition from middle school to high school, EHS began facilitating the Link Program in the 06-07 school year. In 1999, the school helped test the use of fingerprint scans for checking out books in the librarymaking it one of the first schools in the nation to use biometric data for school services. Tel: 651-683-6900 Fax: 651-683-6910, This website is powered by SportsEngine's. Attention all incoming freshmen interested in exploring being a member of our nationally award-winning interscholastic debate team. Free student parking is available in the Northview Park lots. Bus transportation will be provided for grades 10, 11 and 12 to arrive for the 11 a.m. start. Headquarters: 4185 Braddock Trail , Eagan, Minnesota, United States. At the end of the 05-06 school year, around 300 sophomores and juniors were nominated by staff to serve on the Link Crew the following year., $149 - All 9th grade athletes and all middle school participants. If you'd like to learn more about the Volunteer program, contact Ms. Sue McNamara, our Volunteer Coordinator at,, Building Tours led by our student volunteers, Schoology set up and help for parents/guardians, The link for parents can also be found on the. The school also has a Student Congress team which competes within the state. Before Minnesota's star rating system for academic achievement was discontinued in 2006, Eagan High School was a one star school in reading and a four star school in math out of a possible five stars.[16]. If a student quits an activity withinseven calendardays, the fee will be refunded. In 2010, under the direction of coaches Joni Anker and Christopher McDonald, Eagan High School was the only school in the country to win all three trophies distributed at the NFL National Tournament: School of Excellence in Speech, School of Excellence in Debate, and School of Excellence in Speech and Debate. Eagan, .getTime()); Powerful Sales
The date of your sports physical on file can be found in your Campus Parent Portal under Athletics. ), Eagan High School - An independent, third party anonymous hotline service.
The mobile labs consist of 30-40 MacBooks each and can be wheeled around from classroom to classroom on carts. Although Eagan AM only uses and has one studio, they still announce that they are broadcasting from "Studio 1A", like the NBC news show Today. To save costs, the two schools were designed to share some facilities.
Become a sponsor for MN Boys High School Volleyball Association and support youth in your area. ALL students will follow a modified schedule for the remainder of the day that will allow everyone to eat lunch and meet all their teachers, following their daily schedule, in assigned classes. The NFL has also given its "School of Excellence" Award to Eagan every year since 1999 and named it one of the top five schools in the nation. Eagan High School's official website is, How many employees are working in Eagan High School. [2] During those years, high school students from Eagan who lived within the District 196 boundaries attended nearby Rosemount High School and Apple Valley High School.
They are instructed by five full-time teachers. Six hundred computers were sold at a discount by Apple Computer, which publicized EHS worldwide as a "demonstration school". [15] In the first phase of the district-wide one-to-one initiative in 2016, every EHS 9th grader was given an iPad mini. Use this to plan ahead for the school year calendar including ending of trimesters (final exams) and no school days. A Federal District Court dismissed most of Stewart's claims as being without legal merit, and the Court of Appeals affirmed. We will begin with a large group informational meeting. Please click-on this link for more information and registration form. Data provided on student membership and staffing are from the official school level data for 2020-2021. What is Eagan High School's official website? By the opening of the 1990-1991 school year, students in grades nine through twelve completed the full opening of Eagan High School. The final cost of the building came in at $72.54 per square foot. Many students there now prefer using Google Docs as an alternative to Microsoft Word or Pages, as they can work with other students more easily online. [ ] indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards. Registration is now open for all Fall Sports! A $385 cap for participation fees (Fine Arts and Athletics) is set per individual student per school year. Eagan High School's Headquarters are in 4185 Braddock Trail ,Eagan,Minnesota,United States. Park in the East (lower) parking lot for easy entry. 2007). The Eagan Bowling team is looking for bowlers, There is no experience necessary. Building maps will be available at the main office. 10th,11th and 12th grade boys: 7:00AM-8:30AM AND 7:00PM-8:30PM Stadium Turf. Students in 11th and 12th grade may request a locker using the form at the Attendance Office window anytime during the school year. Students will receive their Fall Trimester Class Schedule and locker assignment in CAMPUS. The stationary labs consist of 40 iMacs each, allowing students to get online and collaborate on projects. The LINK Crew will sponsor several events throughout the school year including the Freshmen Tailgate Party on September 10th, Powder Puff Football, Dodgeball Tournament during Homecoming week, Ice Cream Social, an 'Amazing Race' and other events designed to promote successful outcomes for our freshmen. Students who ordered one last year will be able to pick up their yearbook on Monday, August 16th between 4:15 - 7:15 PM in the Student Commons at EHS. They have also upgraded their software to Final Cut Pro X, a new industry-leading video production program, to allow students to have a professional video editing experience. Earbuds/headphones and a stylus are also advised, as students are all using iPads. The inclusion or exclusion of a school in this locator does NOT constitute an endorsement of the school and should NOT be used in any way to infer the accreditation status of the school.
The school has a number of other activities, including: The racial and ethnic composition (as of the 20192020 school year) was as follows:[1], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}444825N 930804W / 44.806912N 93.134428W / 44.806912; -93.134428, Public high school in Eagan, Minnesota, United States. Wilson, Superintendent Red Rehwalt and Assistant Superintendent John Hanson spent several months working with HGA officials to trim elements of phase four to get its costs in line with the bond revenues available from the public approval process. It is aired every Thursday morning during PAWS, a homeroom-like activity that takes place each morning, and can be viewed online at CatCast,[11] the school's video-sharing platform. [ ] indicates that the data are not applicable. Interested in becoming a sponsor ofEagan High School? [citation needed] Through its speech and debate teams, it has won numerous awards including state and national titles in many categories. Construction of the roads and roundabouts is expected to be completed before September 1st. Its Wind Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble have both performed for the MN Music Educators Association mid-winter convention on multiple occasions. The building has wireless Internet access throughout the school for student, faculty, and guest use. Stewart v. I.S.D. Intelligence, Privacy [17] The Special Education program is very successful at sports as well, with many of the students contributing to the Dakota Hawks' annual success at softball and hockey. MN The school has experienced occasional problems as well. [12] They have since discontinued this method of checkout and now use student and faculty ID cards instead. On the first day of school, freshmen participate with their leader in a welcoming program, consisting of various team-building activities. Eventually, the school board adopted a different construction firm (Wold Association-Architects) and this caused a delay in the construction time line and time, and spawned a lawsuit.[4]. The building will be open for self-guided tours from 11 AM - 4 PM on August 31st. There are two different kinds of labs the school utilizes: stationary and mobile computer labs. @Genius2374 Sorry about that! Congratulations to Alex, Asher, Julio, Matt and Lily as they graduate, Eagan finishes the season with a 3-0 win over Burnsville. A variety of options are offered for high-achieving students, including a decent amount of Advanced Placement courses in the areas of art, literature, writing, history, math, and science.
(Check or cash), - purchase copies of the EHS 2021-2022 Handbook Calendar for $5 (Check or cash). This academic success is also reflected in the school's consistently solid number of National Merit Scholars and Commended Scholars, as well as the number of academic awards it has earned. Additionally, seniors may earn credit for Language and English at the University of Minnesota through its "College in the Schools" (CIS) program or take classes at local universities and colleges through the state-sponsored Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program. About 110 were selected to be Link Crew Leaders and participated in several dozen hours of training in August 2006. Several Special Education teachers will also be available to help.