The Landscape Irrigator exam is an eight-hour exam that is administered on behalf of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The Public Water System Security online course provides students with a better understanding of how to recognize and assess potential security issues related to water and wastewater plants. required for an experienced professional to act as the competent Once students successfully complete the course, they may apply directly with TCEQ to take the licensing examination at either a TCEQ Regional Office or at an approved Computer Based Testing (CBT) Center. The holder of the customer service inspector license may perform a Customer Service Inspection (CSI) as outlined by the rules and regulations provided by the TCEQ. The Wastewater Collection course covers practical aspects of operating and maintaining a wastewater collection system. In addition to theinformation provided about state requirements, participants will learn about the composition and characteristics of wastewater, secondary treatment processes, disinfection of wastewater, and laboratory controls.

hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are unsanitary,

During the course, participants will be led through planning, organization, and recordkeeping practices determined critical in all areas of utility management. In addition to providing basic and advanced licensing training, TEEX also delivers federally funded Critical Infrastructure Safety technical training to plant personnel. Additionally, participants are guided through proper procedures associated with excavating and trenching, electrical safety, work site protection, safe vehicle operation, first aid safety tips, and best practices associated with a successful safety program. The coursefamiliarizes participants with standard wastewater test procedures conducted in a laboratory, such as dissolved oxygen, pH, biochemical oxygen demand,total suspended solids, ammonia nitrogen, and chlorine residuals. The Introduction to Membrane Technology course provides students with an introduction to membrane technology for the treatment of potable water and municipal or industrial wastewater treatment. The Confined Space Awareness online course provides participants with a better understanding of the hazards associated with confined space entry and the protective measures to take in a confined space situation. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to describe the responsibilities of wastewater system personnel, with emphasis on the need for regulation of wastewater discharge to protect receiving streams and public health, safety, and welfare. Attendees also receive information designed to help each have a better understanding of plant observations, a return sludge flow control strategy, sludge wasting controlsand a dissolved oxygen control strategy. Keep up-to-date with all the latest WWW training by subscribing to our email newsletter. In addition to these topics, students will discuss considerations for well location, construction issues, and factors related to spring-fed systems versus aquifers. Participants will also learn to record and report results of each analysis required by the state and federal agencies for wastewater analysis. Once registered, participants have unlimited access to the site for 90 days. The Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester16-Hour Continuing Education course utilizes the TEEX Mobile Backflow trailer to provide students with TCEQ-required hands-on training opportunities designed to help each apply test procedures specific with Backflow Prevention Assemblies for the licensed Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester. Participants will be guided through the various issues concerning preparing for, responding to, and recovering from incidents affecting water and/or wastewater facilities. This course also explains emergency planning and management and the regulatory systems, documents, and directives that guide disaster response. all-hazard awareness and preparedness for water utilities, Immediate printed test analysis feedback with email option, Ability to immediately retest (Once, if applicable). During the course, participants learn both common terminology and basic properties of chlorine, as well as its purpose, use safety, principles, and troubleshooting for multiple systems. System Op and Maint, Wastewater Operator Test Preparation (Online), Excavation Safety Awareness for Utilities (Online), Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online), Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)- Computer Based Testing (CBT), Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence), Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence), Basic Water Works Operations (Spanish Correspondence), Applied Mathematics for Water and Wastewater Professionals, Introduction to Beneficial Wastewater Reuse, For more information, download the brochure. Prior to registering for the course, the participant is solely responsible for contacting their county regulatory agency to ensure it satisfies all needed requirements. The Industrial Pretreatment course provides participants with knowledge specific to industrial wastewater pretreatment procedures. TEEXSafety teexitsi teexsafety teexreviewer Subscribe, Copyright 2022 Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service. This course includes instruction in the importance of wastewater collection. Experienced trainers guide the class through best practices and related standards utilizing classroom discussion and cover all associated laws specific to wastewater. Through highly qualified and licensed instructors, participants will expand their understanding of the chemistry involved in the disinfection of water and special treatment processes for taste and odor, water stabilization, and the associated issues related to the Surface Water Treatment Rule. Students also explore aspects surrounding the prevention of non-domestic waste from entering Publically Owned Treatment Works (POTW) systems. OSSF Installers I and II, Site Evaluators, Designated Representatives, and Maintenance Providers and Technician license holders completing this course are eligible for 8 hours of TCEQ renewal credit. Possessing good instructor skills is only one piece of the training puzzle. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to define and describe the concepts of water storage, pumping, and distribution. Upon completion of the course, participants will have a good foundation of this knowledge, to include: overview of the water cycle responsibilities of water system personnel water utility industry regulations, and Texas rules and regulations. During the course, students are led through the basic steps required to determine these calculations and apply each to an overall system protocol linked to best practices reporting. Participants will learn modern methods for effectively training adults and techniques for creating a productive and thriving learning environment. The review covers a large variety of sample questions designed to help students assess areas of weakness where additional study may be needed. During the course, students will review several case studies surrounding confined space regulations specific to the water and wastewater industry. This course is designed to introduce participants to topics vital to curriculum development and the components of the curriculum development process. After August 1, 2020, the Installer I exam will be available through CBT see WWW901 for more details. Additionally, subject matter experts will provide instruction on the installation pumps, pump and motor types, lubricants, and related pump and motor safety practices. The Stormwater Qualified Person course provides personnel responsible for stormwater compliance inspections with hands-on field activities linked to Multi-Sector General Permit requirements, technical skills needed to perform such activities, and the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to make decisions surrounding the effectiveness of the stormwater control measures described in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The Effective Instructional Techniques course prepares experienced instructors to deliver training to adult learners utilizing a variety of teaching methods. The Work Zone Safety for Utilities online course provides awareness-level training for basic work zone safety principles and for understanding hazards associated with working on near roads in a work zone. Upon completion of this online awareness-level course, participants will understand these hazards and how to best protect themselves, others, and the environment. Information provided during course covers case studies, video presentations, and practical exercises addressing nine important safety areas. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify general hazards, demonstrate safety practices, explain basic water chemistry, and utilize mathematics as applied to chemical feeding and other operational problems. As problems are reviewed, operators develop a general understanding of overall issues associated with water wastewater chemistry, plant design, and operation. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Students who wish to take the Landscape Irrigation Inspector exam must be approved by TCEQ and meet licensing requirements. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Case studies on a variety of disaster incidents, as well as hypothetical situations for water and wastewater incidents are examined. The Disaster Management for Public Services course provides real world training to public service professionals helping to provide both the knowledge and skills necessary to protect their communities and infrastructure from potential or actual threats. The Water Utilities Safety course provides students with important information specific to confined spaces, proper personal protective equipment, and biological and chemical safety issues. All scenarios are designed to help participants better determine higher-level organisms and how each affects the biological treatment process. The Operation of Activated Sludge Plants course covers the fundamentals of biological treatments, the suspended growth process, and activated sludge processes. The Wastewater Laboratory course provides participants with crucial information specific to the production of reliable data linked to the validity of analytical laboratory and field information gathered during departmental wastewater pollution control activities.

The Instructional Design and Evaluation course is designed to expand the knowledge of experienced trainers, introducing them to various aspects of Instructional Design utilizing practical applications to include methods and skills needed to design, develop, modify, and evaluate curriculum. Your email address will not be published. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify general hazards, demonstrate safety practices, explain basic water chemistry, and utilize mathematics as applied to chemical feeding and other operational problems.
This course includes instruction in the importance of wastewater collection. The participant will also learn the proper installation and application of Backflow Prevention Assemblies. RELLIS Campus Building 80003100 SH 47Bryan, TX 77807. The Groundwater Production course introduces participants to the origins and sources of groundwater, its physical and chemical characteristics as well as treatment protocols. After September 1, 2020 the Designated Representative exam will be available through CBT see WWW901 for more details. person or one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable During the course, participants are provided best practices surrounding the quality control of raw water for lab technicians and plant operators. The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an introduction to source, characteristics, production, treatment, disinfection, storage,and distribution of potable water. The OSSF Homeowner Aerobic Treatment and Surface Application System Operation and Maintenance course provides participants with an understanding of the Texas On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF) regulations for aerobic/surface application systems covering proper operation, maintenance, testing, and reporting requirements necessary for system compliance. Special Note: Beginning August 12, 2020, TEEX will no longer administer the OSSF Installer I paper-based exam. **PLEASE NOTE** Before registering for this test, you must provide prerequisite information (to include your TCEQ Authorization Letter), complete all required documentation, and upload it to the TEEX Student Portal. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Advanced Instructor Course #1017. The Lockout/Tagout for Utilities online course provides students with critical information surrounding the unexpected energizing or startup of machines or equipment as well as the release of stored energy that could result in the severe injury or death of an employee. Because of our industry expertise, many courses conducted at the Texas A&M University RELLIS campus and those hosted throughout Texas have been approved for credit and licensing by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The Landscape Irrigator Inspector exam is a three-hour exam that is administered on behalf of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The participant will also learn ways to identify water piping, solder, and flux that exceed the allowable lead (Pb) limits, as set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the TCEQ. Students also learn about the construction of a collection system, the use of lift stations, basic maintenance and operational procedures, industrial waste monitoring, collection system management and solving problems utilizing wastewater collection calculations. From the Studio of Farmhouse Creative. The OSSF Installer I course not only prepares students to sit for the On-Site Sewage Facilities Installer I license exam, it provides participants with the fundamentals surrounding proper installation, design, and operation of residential and commercial Installer I level on-site sewage facilities (OSSF). This hands-on course is designed to advance instructor knowledge and understanding of student motivations and generational values as well as advanced the development of instructor skills in preparation, presentation, and overall competency in training. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The OSSF Designated Representative course not only prepares local government personnel to enforce TCEQ OSSF rules and regulations in coordination with the commission, participants also receive information specific to the proper design, construction, and operation of multiple on-site sewage disposal systems along with best practices linked to the proper response to complaint calls. The Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester course provides participants with an interest in cross-connection controls and proper maintenance of water quality standards with guidelines used for acceptable practices of testing backflow prevention devices. The Wastewater Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The Pump and Motor Maintenance course utilizes the TEEX Mobile Pump and Motor Maintenance trailer to provide students with hands-on training opportunities designed to help each learn more about planning, schedulingand budgeting maintenance for pump and motor equipment. The Water Utilities Calculations course provides participants with fundamentals surrounding the determination of flow level formulas, area and volume calculations, as well as water and wastewater treatment plant calculations. The Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester 24-Hour Continuing Education course utilizes the TEEX Mobile Backflow trailer to provide students with TCEQ-required hands-on training opportunities designed to help each apply test procedures specific with Backflow Prevention Assemblies for the licensed Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester. The Identification of Microorganisms course provides students with information specific to the proper collection of samples. An emphasis is placed on the importance of students applying the knowledge they receive to individual utility work sites. During this course, participants work together in multidisciplinary teams to apply the course information with their professional experience in a variety of hands-on, small group activities, and disaster scenarios. The course introduces the various natural and man-made (accidental or intentional) hazards to which water and wastewater systems may be vulnerable and the potential effects the hazards may induce. During the course, students are introduced to procedures designed to control, reduce, and prevent potentially harmful pollutants from entering both wastewater and stormwater collection systems. Participants will also be able to describe Texas rules and regulations for licensing of wastewater system operators. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 Wastewater 101 LLC., All rights reserved. You will learn new skills through instructor-led discussions, participant activities, and task-oriented practical applications. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. The Surface Water Production I course utilizes industry professionals to provide information specific to water treatment for public consumption approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). In addition to these areas of instruction, students are provided the latest cross-connection control and backflow prevention updates as well as practical skill-level testing and advanced troubleshooting and repair techniques. Participants also receive information necessary to become familiar with filtration principles, to include filter types, media, operation, and maintenance. The course provides current trainers with various resources necessary to deliver quality instruction as well as media options designed to work well in a classroom environment. TEEX offers Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)- Computer Based Testing (CBT) at our RELLIS Campus in Bryan, Texas for testers pre-approved by TCEQ to take a computer based Occupational Licensing Exam. The Excavation Safety course focuses on the OSHA Standard for total suspended solids, ammonia nitrogen, and chlorine residuals. The self-paced course covers information specific to wastewater dischargers and state rules and regulations surrounding the certification of wastewater system operators. Participants will also learn to record and report results of each analysis required by the state and federal agencies for wastewater analysis. The Landscape Irrigation Technician exam is a three-hour exam that is administered on behalf of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). This hands-on, professional development experience for new instructors will improve skills for effective instruction and enhance presentation techniques. Training specialty areas covered by the TEEX Water and Wastewater Program include: In addition to a traditional classroom training environment, TEEX also provides industry professionals with online training options, correspondence courses, and online licensing exam prep training. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. operations. The OSSF Installer II course not only prepares students to sit for the On-Site Sewage Facilities Installer II license exam, it provides participants with the requirements necessary to treat and dispose of sewage on the same property that produces wastewater.