He cant turn to some other guy and ast him if he sees it too. Sometimes he gets thinkin, an he got nothing to tell him whats so an what aint so. After the mens game of horseshoes, Carlson complains about how good Crooks plays. George tells Lennie not to speak to the boss. Candy tells George how Crooks was allowed to enter the bunkhouse at Christmas time when the boss bought a gallon of whiskey for the men. This highlights the lack of understanding people had for those with a mentality disability like Lennie. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 2. A colored man got to have some rights even if he dont like em. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 3. Curley treats his wife like a possession. We might, he said. Seems like Curley is cockiern ever since he got married. George grunted. Like most of the ranch hands Curleys wife has dreams. Crooks on a black mans loneliness with nobody to talk to because he is so secluded from the social circle. He lives all by himself with very little human contact and he does not like it at all. Now, look Ill give him the work tickets, but you aint gonna say a word. Where we goin, George? The little man jerked down the brim of his hat and scowled over at Lennie. People discriminate against him because he is black. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. George says with disdain after first meeting Curley?s wife, the newly married young woman living on the ranch. Curleys still mad about his hand. Check out the study guide for Of Mice and Men, "I could get you strung up on a tree so fast it ain't even funny", "I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her", Prejudice against Lennie (Mentally unstable people), "They'll take ya to the booby hatch. theys gonna be a bad mess about her. The guys said on account of the n*****s got a crooked back, Smitty cant use his feet. He paused in relish of the memory. Ranch with a bunch of guys aint no place for a girl, specially like her. (Steinbeck 51). Satiday night. She is never referred to by name, but merely as Curleys wife. Another example that shows how she was affected is, You know what I think? In addition, he doesnt get to talk to the other boys often, leaving him feeling isolated. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. This passage highlights the need for companionship and the oppressive nature of society for Crooks, who faces both loneliness and discrimination. Slim appears to be encouraging George to carry out a mercy killing of Lennie. The boss makes Crooks the whipping boy of the ranch and lashes out at him whenever he is angry. But Slim understands Lennies fate and that there will be no trial or mercy or for Lennie. I tell ya I could of went with shows. Yes, maam. Well, you keep your place then, N*****.

Of Mice and Men, Chapter 2. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 2, Candy and George. Without getting to know her personally, the men automatically judge her. photosynthesis takes place in cells with chloroplasts (true or false). But the stable buck dont give a damn about that.. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 2. I dont know if I was asleep. An spose they lock him up an strap him down and put him in a cage. Lennie doesnt understand racial prejudice and why Crooks is not allowed into the bunk house because of segregation. Everbody out doin sompin. I aint sure I want you in here no more. I aint wanted in the bunkhouse, and you aint wanted in my room. (Steinbeck 68).
Theys gonna be a bad mess about her. They let the n***** come in that night. Pura is purely hated by his mother, but that did not stop Rafa from marrying Pura. He says the following, You God damn tramp.
Sure, she seeks attention from the men, but she only wants someone to talk to: What kind of harm am I doin to you? Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. Whatta I care? This quote means that all the guys think that a girl doesnt belong at the ranch and especially a girl who is very flirtatious. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. He feels like what he says does not mean anything to anyone since he is black. Ranch with a bunch of guys on it aint no place for a girl, specially like her. (Steinbeck 23) Not only has George told the men she was jail bait he also told them the ranch was no place for a female., The reason the men don 't talk to her is because her husband threatens anyone that talks to her and because all the men think of her as a tramp. Dont make no difference who the guy is, longs hes with you. ., The other men on the ranch comment about Curley's married a tart" (Steinbeck 31), shows the disrespect Curleys wife is given. This shows that Curleys wife does get discriminated against and that discrimination affects her life because she can 't talk to anyone making her, Crooks is saying that when he talks, nobody really listens. So it dont mean nothing, see?, Spose you didnt have nobody.
I aint wanted in the bunk house, and you aint wanted in my room. Why aint you wanted? Lennie asked. Everyone just assumes that she is a slut and nobody, even Curley, really knows who she is.
Nice fella tooThe boss gives him hell when hes mad. They'll tie ya up with a collar, like a dog". Along with judging her they also label her. Give the stable buck hell? he asked. This is shown through the Of Mice and Men, Chapter 2, George and Candy talk about Crooks. He cant tell. An what am I doin? So you forgot that awready, did you? The words used to describe her are sexists and ruthless., This relationship between a mother and son is not an ideal relationship. Were gonna go in an see the boss. I never knew till long later why he didnt like that. A guy needs somebody to be near him. This is another quote from Crooks and he is saying that he is not as important as a white man and the fact that he has a broken back makes him even more less important or like nobody cares. Curleys Wife is affected by being given a bad reputation because it makes her feel, Discrimination In Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men. But I know now. He hesitated, and when he spoke again his voice was softer. Standin here talkin to a bunch of bindle stiffs a n***** an a dum-dum and a lousy ol sheep an likin it because they aint nobody else., Candys face had grown redder and redder, but before she was done speaking, he had control of himself. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. Crooks to Lennie. The only person she could only talk to is her husband, but in the book she admits that she does not like him. Curleys wife only wants to talk to Lennie, but he is more afraid of George getting upset with him., Collective fear stimulates herd of instinct, and tends to produce ferocity to those who are not regarded as members of the herd, (Goodreads). In this novella, Crooks is the symbol of 1930s racism and prejudice. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 5. We created a page to help you study this book! The reason Steinbeck did not give her a name is because he wanted to symbolize her as isolation, not having a name takes away the identity and significance of a person. Couldn we maybe bring him in an theyll lock him up? Consequently, the normalization of violence against women in our society exposes our misogyny as it proves that we do not value women as much. This makes her feel like she is unwanted and it makes her miss her dreams as a little girl of being an actor. This quote shows that Crooks has his own room or living arrangements because of him being African American. I dont care what she says and what she does. For he knows that if the boss learns of Lennies disability, neither of them will get jobs. Maybe you just better go along an roll your hoop. Everyone is upset about this for different reasons, but Candy is upset that they can no longer get their dream farm. He feels he can tell her what to do. He never done this to be mean. Slim nodded. Her death and subsequently Lennies were viewed as events that would inevitably occur, and they are under-reacted to. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. Done pretty good, too. Ranch with a bunch of guys on it aint no place for a girl, specially like her., You go on get outta my room. Candy to Curleys wife, who enters the stable bucks room looking for Curley. Curley is a small man who constantly tries to show off and act tough. Maybe if he sees somethin, he dont know whether its right or not. You couldnt remember it anyways (Steinbeck 71). You jus stand there and dont say nothing.

George speaks in a sexist way about Curleys wife, saying she has no place on the ranch which should be for men only. Cause Im black., I was born right here in Southern California. You go on and get outta my room. Listen, N*****, she said. Ya see the stable bucks a n****r. N****r, huh? Yeah. Sure. quote Shes gonna make a mess. The kind of mental problems Lennie had were not understood at that time. George is wondering what he should do about Lennie after Curleys wifes body is discovered. Hes nuts, Slim. An a guy tol me he could put me in pitchers She was breathless with indignation. You know what I could do? Crooks seemed to grow smaller, and he pressed himself against the wall. I gotta tell you again, do I? Since he is separated from all the other men and not allowed into the bunkhouse, he does not want people in his room because he thinks it is only fair. He got nothing to measure by. So it dont mean nothing, see? Howd you like that? Thiss the first time I ever been in his room. Crooks said darkly, Guys dont come into a colored mans room very much., Awright, she said contemptuously. If we could keep Curley in, we might, But Curleys gonna want to shoot im. Shes a jail bait all set on the trigger. He was the master of the situation. Maybe you guys better go. Right from the beginning it was clear that Mami did not like this girl(Diaz, 104)., Her own husband reacts with only rage, which may speak to how toxic masculinity has affected him, or to how unimportant to him his wife is. We know what we got, and we dont care whether you know it or not., She turned on him in scorn. Yes sir. Another example that shows how Crooks is affected by being separated is, This is just a nigger talkin, an a busted-back nigger. You bindle bums think youre so damn good. The social gap between blacks and white is still very apparent. Little skinner name of Smitty took after the n*****. This affects him because it makes him feel like he is a nobody. And now there aint a colored man on this ranch an theres jus one family in Soledad., Want me to tell ya whatll happen? Theys gonna be a bad mess about her. If reduction in program participation is considered the standard of success, then welfare program reforms enacted since the 1990s have largely been successful. This backfires on her when her neck is snapped by Lennie. Shes a jail bait all set on the trigger. She closed on him. That ranch were goin to is right down there about a quarter mile.
Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. Seems like aint none of them cares how I gotta live (88). A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody. Curleys wife viciously attacks Crooks and threatens to have him hung, after he tells her she does not belong in his bunk and should leave. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. Sure you could play horseshoes till it got dark, but then you got to read books. If he finds out what a crazy bastard you are, we wont get no job, but if he sees ya work before he hears ya talk, were set., George patted a wrinkle out of his bed, and sat down. Even when the others are out at a whorehouse, shes the tramp. Crooks suggests to Lennie that if George doesnt come back from town life would be catastrophic for Lennie. He didnt know why then, but now he does. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 3. This kind of relationship also the one which can be broken with the slightest push, and the push is when Rafa married Pura. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it aint even funny.. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4.