Vice President Delaware Bolivia France Bosnia and Herzegovina Onboarding and orientation modules are completed in the myClinicalExchange platform. Greenland Chief Compliance Officer The University of Arizona College of Nursing. Instructions for initial account activation can be found in your myClinicalExchange account. endstream endobj 196 0 obj <>/Metadata 18 0 R/Pages 193 0 R/StructTreeRoot 38 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 197 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 193 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 198 0 obj <>stream In this episode of the Lets Talk Interop Podcast, our panel discusses the current and future state of consent and data segmentation. <>
Guatemala Compliance Officers at Complio verify at Complio verify compliance documentation necessary for students to attend their clinical learning experience. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer, INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center Portland Avenue, INTEGRIS Community Hospital at Council Crossing. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 18 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
San Marino Grenada Palestinian Territory, Occupied Morocco Billing/Coding New Zealand Thanks for your interest in completing a student clinical experience at HonorHealth. ibo. Nebraska Christmas Island
Idaho Integrated rules help ensure order accuracy, resulting in clean orders the first time. For general questions, please contact us via email. Vendor Relationships Y5"y
Pharmacy Please be aware that observation opportunities are limited. %PDF-1.6
Discover eight best practices that will help your organization optimally apply clinical informatics to your most difficult HEDIS-related challenges. Belarus Contact information for instructors in the Clinical Exchange must contain the. Welcome to the Clinical and Simulation Compliance webpage that serves a guide to help detail for students: Complio is a cloud-based document management service provided through American Data Bank. Prince Edward Island Trust Contact the dept director/manager for orientation to the nursing unit.
Canada Ireland Georgia Per contractual guidelines, all requirements must be met regardless of employment status. Missouri Military Europe/ME/Canada Bhutan Macedonia Haiti Chief Technology Officer Armenia Bahamas West Virginia Peru Minnesota Information Systems/Technology Panama When connected, students should ask the compliance officer: Students will not be allowed to attend clinical/simulation rotations without all documents uploaded and accepted into the Complio system. HonorHealth reviews requests for new and renewal affiliation agreements based on strategic initiatives and business need. Provide current and future due dates for compliance to be met in order to attend clinical and/or simulation rotations. Norway Find More Contacts for myClinicalExchange, Edit Lists Featuring This Company Section, Computer Companies With Fewer Than 10 Employees (Top 10K). General Management Active, Closed, Whether an Organization is for profit or non-profit, General contact email for the organization. New Jersey St. Vincent and Grenadines Solomon Islands Complio is a HIPAA secured website.
Please note the following submission deadlines: Please fill out the affiliation agreement request. Ensure students do not perform any skills/actions that are restricted by the facility. Mozambique Uganda
Sudan Spain
Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Observation hours must be a requirement of your school program.
Japan Saint Kitts and Nevis Kyrgyzstan Military Americas
Congo, The Dem. There is no recent news or activity for this profile. Chief Operating Officer Process and bill orders immediatelyupon receipt with streamlined processes. Switzerland You will be assigned to the rotation in myClinicalExchange once you have activated your account. ">I v,X Lc$e`bd`v!# 0q A connectivity solution for healthcare systems that want to speed workflow with efficient, electronic order generation and results delivery between laboratories, hospitals, and physician practices. HonorHealth tries to support various learning opportunities, but space is limited and based on staff availability. Mayotte Interoperability: Consent and Data Segmentation, HEDIS Success: Why Clinical Informatics Matter, Lets Talk Interop: Straight Talk on TEFCA. hbbd```b``:"kd2d1\@H Tc$cA"V{@"M@1C&9A qn* 1 Belize St. Pierre and Miquelon Senegal Tokelau If you're enrolled in a program with an HonorHealth academic affiliate, you may participate in a clinical experience at HonorHealth. Chile The center is committed to supporting student learning opportunities by providing hands-on clinical experiences in collaboration with academic partners and programs. Nova Scotia Alabama Documentation of current negative TB screen. Turkey US Minor Outlying Is. Samoa Nursing students: Complete the E-Learning ClinDoc training at least three weeks prior to the start of your rotation. Government Agency Please verify that there is an active affiliation agreement between your academic institution and HonorHealth. American Samoa Eritrea Complete the quick form to the right, and someone will reach out to you soon. -- Please Select -- Yes, flash player will be used to create an account, place an order and watch training videos. 2 0 obj
South Carolina Get help with our portals that support the products you need assistance with. Patient Access Emergency Medicine
Singapore Central African Republic
Monaco Engineering/Technical Staff -- Please Select -- --------------
Chief Executive Officer Kansas Liberia
Benin Ethiopia * Lesotho Uzbekistan You must have an active myClinicalExchange account to complete this process. Guyana Rwanda Tunisia French Guiana Albania endstream endobj 270 0 obj <. Montana Be eligible for rehire if previously employed at HonorHealth. South Dakota When a document is rejected by Complio, a notification is emailed to the student detailing what was rejected and the reasons why the document was rejected.
Cardiology To ensure patient safety, HonorHealth has specific health and safety requirements for each student coming onsite for a clinical rotation.
220 0 obj <>stream Hungary Micronesia Comoros Lebanon Honduras India Netherlands Antilles Students' information in Complio is only shared between the student, American DataBank, Platt College, and any associated agencies Platt College and the student wish to share the information with such asMy Clinical Exchange. Senior Vice President India Turks/Caicos Isls. Marshall Islands Marianas
Uruguay Antigua and Barbuda Wallis/Futuna Isls. All information stored in Complio are securely protect.
French Polynesia Micronesia Member Engagement Maldives View contacts for myClinicalExchange to access new leads and connect with decision-makers. Gibraltar United Kingdom Michigan Lithuania Svalbard/Jan Mayen Isls. The steps to purchasing a drug screen are easy to complete in Complio. Please note, this process can take up to 90 days to establish a fully executed affiliation agreement. Utah -- Please Select -- Increase office efficiencyby electronically placing orders within your existing system and workflow. Mali Malawi Austria Azerbaijan Bermuda What documents are needed for compliance. Kentucky 195 0 obj <> endobj Hospital/Health System Republic Of If HonorHealth decides to enter into an affiliation agreement, the academic contact will complete an affiliation agreement process template.
296 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[269 44]/Info 268 0 R/Length 122/Prev 238432/Root 270 0 R/Size 313/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Sweden Operations
Saudi Arabia Afghanistan Niger Brunei Darussalam
Board Member/Director/Trustee Mexico Chad Congo Mauritania Palau Physician Mauritius Vermont HonorHealth will notify the academic contact listed on the request form with the decision. Germany Pennsylvania Portugal Students are required to apply to the Transition to Practice program per the academic institution's instructions. Imaging Center Cape Verde Streamline workflowby connecting laboratories and ancillary services to the provider offices they serve. Finance/Accounting France myClinicalExchange is a web-based application that assists in the request, approval, scheduling. Syria 1 0 obj Heard/McDonald Isls. Other, Country Cocos (Keeling) Islands Pitcairn Track orders by status. Paraguay hb```jB ce`ad~ARN (t12jNFs'V^TJ2@ w0l&30W@, e`engI)I)I)k:C5F'2x07`8u s D\@Zff`;_y=T"@ 3 Iowa
Malta St. Helena Be enrolled in your final semester, graduating at the end of the requested semester. Requests are reviewed on a quarterly basis. Adhere to all facility policies including dress code and confidentiality requirements. Speak with Customer Support. Barbados Turkmenistan Kenya Independent Practice Affiliated with Hospital The affiliation agreements between academic institutions and HonorHealth are all held to the same standards and requirements. Platt College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services in educational and employment opportunities, and is committed to the education of a non-racially identifiable student body. Dominican Republic Dentistry Other, Job Level Students need to go directly to the American Heart Association to get their CPR/BLS for health care provider. Bouvet Island If you need to verify if there is an active affiliation agreement, please. Poland If you're a student requesting an affiliation agreement on behalf of your academic institution, please complete a student affiliation agreement request. Bangladesh Maryland The Center for Clinical Excellence oversees student placement at HonorHealth. Newfoundland and Labrador Military Pacific vcaHe@"8B9!{t;q 7(QgQ&El5ZqBCi,RP2b1%-sz=>P}zVfoUuw}Y{,n7Q59NNf0>qT>p}#ke08h$ ^Wfp5q}{L{kJ~Lo=Q2Ny+15i'Or\.[? 5?New;,khta-G.EG!_*. Laboratory test results can be automatically routed to your electronic health record, sent to patients and providers via secure online messaging, or automatically printed. Complete all required onboarding items to be considered "in compliance." Iran Papua New Guinea 3 0 obj If you wish to renew an affiliation agreement, please fill out the affiliation agreement request at least four months prior to the current affiliation agreement expiration date. Massachusetts
Adhere to the clinical dates, locations and number of students in The Clinical Hub. Tanzania Faroe Islands 0 Egypt Chief Information Officer
Serbia and Montenegro Platt College will incur the cost of the drug screen for current students. Suriname Training/Education Colombia Iraq Provide a current BLS record, background check, record of required immunizations, negative PPD and negative drug screen. Physician Practice Management Approved compliance documentation is housed in Complio. %PDF-1.7 Laboratory Consulting Taiwan HonorHealth offers observation opportunities to students enrolled or enrolling in a program that requires observation hours. Reunion Manitoba If you have any questions or need further assistance, the Complio support team is available. Virgin Islands Yemen Nurse/Nursing Executive To gain approval, the affiliation must fulfill business needs that are not being met by current affiliations.