Check the SCN Number of Database. drop table hr.test; Drop the test table. id Let us start. DB will be created as per the given time which is just before the tablespace was dropped. 4. Once the export is done, it will start to import the tablespace into the production DB. using channel ORA_DISK_1 Now you can check whether you are able to query from the emp table as tbtest user. The auxiliary destination is the location where RMAN will automatically create the destination for the clone instance. All the activity will be taken care by rman. It will put it back to the original location and then RMAN will clean this auxiliary destination also. Version Change). But depending on the database size, it could cost a lot of time, and as nobody knew when the delete action happened, it was more practical to use the rman recover table command in order to have multiple versions of the table content. If you already know about database point in time recovery, the issue with the database point in time recovery (DBPITR) is that the database is not accessible to users. It will create a database. Version If you connect to tbtest user and query emp table, you will get below error, Let us try to restore the tablespace using RMAN. Let us say somebody dropped the entire tablespace and then you try to issue the command restore tablespace from RMAN. Even though you have the backup, still you will not be able to restore as it is cleared from your control file. In TBPITR, we take the tablespace back in time or before the wrong transactions are issued. Then it will start the export of the tablespace. The auxiliary instance will be created in the /u01/aux location and the table will be exported and imported .Finally the auxiliary instance will be dropped. Then export the tablespace from the cloned instance. Check the original database if the tablespace restore is done or not, Once tablespace restore is done, it will be in offline mode. In this activity, we will be doing the tablespace point in time recovery. The recover was quite fast, so I had the possibility to run multiple recover at different times allowing me to understand at which time the delete command happened: I already tested this recover feature on my own virtual machine on a test database. On the same server you need another Mount point where a database of the same size will be cloned. Commit complete. Check the database size and make sure you have a destination with same or more free space. RECOVER TABLE HR.TEST of pluggable database PDB3 UNTIL SCN 1936644 AUXILIARY DESTINATION d:\restore; So the tablespace will be there inside the DB. RECOVER TABLE 'HR'. Worked as a Development and Database Administrator. Tablespace UNDOTBS1 _system_trig_enabled=FALSE RMAN-05026: warning: presuming following set of tablespaces applies to specified point-in-time, List of tablespaces expected to have UNDO segments Now connect sqlplus with tbtest user and create a new emp table by selecting scott.emp table, Take RMAN backup for the activity. select timestamp_to_scn(to_timestamp(05-09-2018 12:46:21,dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss)) scn from dual; select scn_to_timestamp(1601485) from dual; 2.Make a update to emp table and note the SCN, 3.Make a delete to emp table and note the SCN. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. GET_SYSTEM_CHANGE_NUMBER db_unique_name=udFa_pitr_PDB3_XE 'TEST' of pluggable database PDB3 UNTIL SCN 1936644 AUXILIARY DESTINATION d:\restore' ; Starting recover at 12-MAR-19 To perform RMAN TSPITR, you need following, Timestamp or SCN when tablespace was dropped You can get this information form alert log, A location with same space as your database size. Now we will restore this tablespace till this time. 3. SQL> COMMIT; sqlplus hr@pdb3 1 row created. Once the DB clone is done. Table created. I am taking database backup in a specific location. There are three methods which you can use to recover dropped tablespace: Create DB clone with PITR before tablespace drop, export tablespace from clone DB and import into original database, Perform entire database Point In Time recovery. Book a mock interview and get instant feedback - Learn More. Then it will restore all the data files. When you fire the above command,RMAN will automatically decide one dummy instance name and start that instance. (LogOut/ SQL> alter session set container=PDB3 In this way, only the affected tablespace will not be available for the users. We can remap the table, remap the tablespace if needed during recover. Following are the steps show the example of recovering the table of Pluggable database with RMAN Point in time recovery methodL, 1. And all the steps are automatically done by RMAN. SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Mar 12 14:16:42 2019 In my activity, the timestamp isMon Jan 16 11:01:542017. sga_target=1536M Open the alert log and check the time when the tablespace was dropped. So rather than performing the entire database point in time recovery, We can perform single tablespace point in time recovery just before the transactions were issued. 1.If you are recovering table without remaping make sure the table not exist. In which schema do temporary tables go in PostgreSQL? Once tablespace is dropped, you cannot restore at via RMAN as details of the tablespace are removed from the control file. ----------

All rights reserved. UNTIL TIME TO_DATE(02-JUN-2020 01:00, DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI), RMAN> RECOVER TABLE SCOTT.EMP OF PLUGGABLE DATABASE pdb1,, Know how Oracle Database Consultancy Services can help your Business, Oracle Launches Dedicated OCI Regions in India, Switch to Oracle Gen-2 Cloud Infrastructure for elevated business growth | Tips for CIOs. Reason behind the above error is that you control file is already been updated that this tablespace does not belong. Oracle Database 18c Express Edition Release - Production 2. Then it will export the tablespace and put it into the production database. Please contact us at, RECOVER TABLE 'HR'. SQL> select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual; SQL> CREATE TABLE test (id NUMBER); db_create_file_dest=d:\restore