Previous average duration was 1.35s due to weighting. Without going into specific details regarding Supers, Bungie did confirm slight changes are coming to how players can energy for it. Strikes: Fixed an issue where the catchup version of Grandmaster Hollowed Lair had different modifiers than the weekly featured version. Fixed an issue that prevented the Dead Cliffs map from loading correctly in Glory playlists. Fixed an issue where movement abilities were suppressed for 2.5s after Phoenix Diving. Kills can add single damage stacks or extend existing ones. Reduced damage vs. players (now deals 150 damage max). Once a player is hit by a Dunemarchers lightning chain, they cannot be hit again by Dunemarchers for 2s. Fixed an issue where a player could appear Offline but also showed as joinable in some cases. The pips counter displays based on the page of the socket trays last inspected. Other Exotics are getting small changes that promise to have a big impact, like the Arbalest linear fusion rifle getting an intrinsic anti-barrier perk. For years Bungie has been struggling with balancing Destiny 2 to make both PvE and PvP fans happy at the same time. dealing any damage will grant the buff). Killing three players with Stasis weapons in a single life. You can now reset a reputation with unclaimed materials if there are no unique items in the current reset's item list.
Killing a PvE combatant with a Stasis weapon. Switching grenades in the subclass screen now resets grenade energy to 0. Fixed an issue where melee cooldown time was longer when melee-energy was fully charged (all throwing knives). Trials activity node now displays potential rewards when playing on a 7-win ticket. Fixed an issue where frozen players could still interact with objects and revive players. Adjusted the music in Legend and Master Lost Sectors to scale as lives and time begin to run out. Fixed an issue where destroying projectiles would generate Super energy. Reduced ability-energy gain vs. players by 50%. Adjusted intensity/particle near fade for multiple VFX in boss fight. Fixed an issue where, in certain conditions, the relic would despawn and never respawn during the boss phase. The portal to the Ascendant Realm after Phase 1 of the boss fight should now reliably place players facing the correct direction. Reduced melee energy gain in PvP from 20% to 10%. This Lost Sector will enter active rotation again in a future season. Fixed an issue where pending invites from offline players could show a circle icon when the platform is unknown. Reduced base cooldown duration from 37s to 32s. Getting a kill with the Sidearm enables access to the special reload. Fixed an issue where a players Ghost would appear too far back in the strike upon death near the drill area. Added an energy barrier to the Scavengers Den Lost Sector on EDZ, when playing on Legend or Master difficulty, to prevent skipping most of the encounters in the Lost Sector. Fixed an issue where Vulpecula would show incorrect up/down arrows when comparing magazine perks. Reduced flinch, recoil, and bloom by 50% while Personal Assistant is active.
Fixed an issue causing the Season 14 Iron Banner pursuit to persist in the quest log after Season 15 started. newsletter, Real-world animal shelters are streaming Stray to save cats lives, Its a mix of streaming, fundraising, and outreach, Pets are freaking out over their owners playing Stray, and I love it, If all our pets had a game of the year, this would be it, The origin of Matt Berry shouting Bat! on What We Do in the Shadows, Spoiler: He cant actually remember, but a co-star does, Dungeons & Dragons movie brings owlbears, gelatinous cubes, and mimics to life in first trailer, Heists, dragons, Sophia Lillis turns into an owlbear it has it all, Grab these 15 games as part of the PlayStation Summer Sale, Grab Rachet & Clank: Rift Apart, No Mans Sky, and It Takes Two on sale, Sign up for the The Ghosts now appear at set safe locations in the drill area. Average damage output is about the same as you'd receive at 30fps. Increased proximity detonation radius vs. PvE combatants by 100%. Expanded Whisper chat settings for all platforms.
Reduced cooldown duration from 96s to 15s. Adjusted the scope settings for D.A.R.C.I.s Mind Of Its Own ornament so that its flinch and recoil behavior match that of D.A.R.C.I. Reduced shatter-pulse damage vs enemy Supers. Players will now see a No Revives Remaining warning when out of revives in Legend and Master Lost Sectors, or in Grandmaster Nightfalls. While Bleak Watcher is equipped, all Stasis grenades charge at Glacier Grenade rate. Increased fragment slot allowance from one to three. Reduced direct impact damage from 170 to 120. Reduced delay on activating Whispered Breathing from the catalyst from 2.1s to 1.2s. Weve got major changes to Exotic weapons, a complete ability overhaul, and a bevy of new content. Must now generally freeze and shatter all Supers twice to eliminate. Mexican Spanish Xr voice talent has been recast. Fixed an issue where the Uzume RR4 Sniper Rifle scope would flash white when firing. Now suppresses victims melee lunge for 1s on hit. Was: +100 handling, 0.9 ready/stow/aim down sights time for 0.4s after running out of ammo. By clicking 'Accept', you agree to the updated policies documented at, Our policies have recently changed. Reload will still be slow if you miss, but if you land any damage Fighting Lion will reload faster than it did before the nerf. This Lost Sector will enter active rotation again in a future season. Sprint activation time reduced from 1.5s to 1.25s. Fixed an issue where a wall of Taken miasma could appear in a doorway in Rheasilvia during Freeroam, when it shouldnt be there. Fixed a cosmetic issue where the relic spawners during the boss phase would spin before the relic was spawned. In PvP game modes, reduced class-ability energy gain by 50%. Once the charged shot is fired, the weapon reverts to standard Sidearm fire. We strongly encourage you to take a look at the entire explanations for all these changes over at TWAB. Reduced ability-energy gain vs. players by 50%. This will be the fourth dungeon (mini-raids with only three players) weve seen in Destiny 2 with Shattered Throne, Pit of Heresy, and Prophecy coming before. Stasis overshield can now be cancelled by pressing the class-ability input again. This change also applies to the Swap Mag perk, as they use the same perk behind the scenes. Contextual purchases can be completed from the item details screen, Collections, and Transmog. Dual Speed Receiver mode now grants the following in addition to its current effects: +30 range, +3 zoom.. Kills can add single damage stacks or extend existing ones. Removed the multi-hit requirement (i.e. Detonations from Solar ability kills and burn kills now chain more consistently. In PvP game modes, reduced energy-regeneration boost duration from 7s to 4s. White Nail magazine refill changed, was three from inventory now pulls two from inventory, one from thin air. Also part of the Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack (and how players will supposedly unlock the Gjallarhorn) is the new dungeon, Grasp of Avarice. In general, increased damage to PVE combatants. Reload will still be slow if you miss, but if you land any damage Fighting Lion will reload faster than it did before the nerf. In PvP game modes, reduced energy gain by ~45%. Increased crystal detonation damage vs. PvE combatants by ~60%. In PvP game modes, reduced class-ability-energy gain by 50%. Reduced damage per tick vs. players from 33%. VFX performance and photosensitivity tweaks - Hallowed Lair Boss Fight. Getting a kill with the Sidearm enables access to the special reload. Increased proximity detonation radius vs. PvE combatants by 100%. Fixed an issue that was preventing use of Korean IME input on Windows. Extended freeze-cone length to compensate for crystals no longer freezing on creation. In general, increased cooldown based on power output. Reduced direct impact damage from 170 to 120. Using abilities more consistently now stacks the empowerment buff. Super-energy gain now drops to minimum amount after four kills instead of seven kills in PvP game modes. Much less lethal vs players due to Stasis crystal changes. Killing three players with Stasis weapons without dying. Increased crystal detonation radius from 6m to 8m. Increased Sidearm projectile speed from 999 to 9999 (which makes them hitscan regardless of framerate). Added increased granularity to filter who may send you Whisper chat messages. Melee lunge range and melee damage bonus now deactivate after a melee kill. Reduced ability energy gain by ~50% in PvP game modes. This is unlocked by default for all players. The pips counter displays based on the page of the socket trays last inspected. In PvP game modes, reduced grenade-energy gain by 50%. Get it on Google play. Increased damage vs Champions and Bosses by 30%. In PvP game modes, reduced super-energy gain by ~45%. Increased base cooldown duration from 37s to 40s. Reduced base cooldown duration from 96s to 15s. Updated the Settings screen to allow new players on Windows Store to set text chat preferences to match those available to new players on Steam. Performance and near fades updated on spawn. Tier 10 Mobility cooldown increased from 11s to 14s. Increased cooldown duration from 82s to 90s. Changed health threshold from 90% health, any shield to any health, 30% shield. Improved consistency in hip fire with the catalyst: increased reticle friction falloff distance, less recoil, improved accuracy. Restored missing flavor text to reissued Dungeon weapons.
Heavy-slam radius reduced from 8m to 6m (bottom-tree only). Sending a fireteam Invite then setting Social Preferences to Closed will result in no error message pop-up when a player accepts the fireteam invite. Reduced ability energy gain by ~50% in PvP game modes. Contextual purchases can be completed from the item details screen, Collections, and Transmog. Reduced on/off flashing of Arc screen shaders. Increased damage vs. frozen PvE combatants by 100%. However, Bungie did tell us that it will be the Gjallarhorn that players remember, and the perfect easy-to-use Exotic for new players. Increased tolerance for traveling over uneven ground. Reduced suppression time after melee (can now melee back-to-back at the same speed as Hunter and Titan). Reduced the bonus to ability damage when Roaring Flames and Wormgod Caress Exotic perk are active. Players on Xbox, PlayStation, and Stadia platforms can now opt into seeing text chat messages within various chat channels. We reworked this a bit so Rail Cannon projectiles will no longer deal flyby damage (the offending damage that was framerate dependent). and its other ornaments. The Darkness Zone tendrils and sound will now play when players run out of revives in Legend and Master Lost Sectors, and in Grandmaster Nightfalls. Tier 10 Mobility cooldown increased from 11s to 18s. In PvP game modes, reduced melee-energy gain by 50%. Super energy gain from Fist of Havoc light attack decays to minimum increase over three PvP kills (down from seven). Fixed an issue on PC platforms where players could experience FPS drops in various situations where the Roster was updating more often than intended. Chromatic Fire now works with Stasis subclasses as intended. VFX performance and photosensitivity tweaks - Screen Explosions. Added Third Person Camera Restricted tooltip and load screen hint to Trials, Elimination, and Showdown. Scaled energy gains by tier of the hit target. They still freeze PvE combatants while forming. They will now only apply damage on direct hits but will hit you a bit more often. But these changes will have major implications before that. Reduced Super gain on kills, assists, and objective captures. Arc object effect debuff have reduced intensity when in close proximity/first person. Adjusted shader and lights on finisher to not bloom. Increased crystal detonation radius from 6m to 8m. Reduced grenade energy gain per chain by 50% in PvP game modes. Reduced on/off flashing of Arc screen shaders. Dual Speed Receiver mode now grants the following in addition to its current effects: +30 range, +3 zoom.. While forming, Stasis crystals now slow nearby players instead of freezing them. Reduced damage vs. players (no longer guaranteed one-shot kill). Reduced the amount of Super energy provided by Ward of Dawn Orbs of Power. Fixed an issue where a Taken Acolyte would spawn within the floating platform area before the boss fight, and immediately fall to its death before ever really getting to live. Heavy slam radius reduced from 8m to 6m (bottom-tree only). Fixed an issue where melee cooldown time was longer when melee-energy was fully charged (all throwing knives). Reduced Heavy attack ammo cost from 8 to 5. Fixed an issue where blocked players did not consistently appear with a blocked icon on Roster screens. This does NOT cost your entire magazine.. Charged shot now deals an AOE which freezes AI and slows players (direct hits still freeze).. Reduced Heavy attack ammo cost from 8 to 5. Now grants 15% melee energy, 10% grenade energy, 10% class-ability energy for killing a player. Intensity of spawn/object effects reduced. Increased fragment slot allowance from one to three.
Super-energy gain now drops to minimum amount after four kills instead of seven kills in PvP game modes. Increased targeting range from 5.5m to 6.8m. Stasis overshield can now be cancelled by pressing the class-ability input again. Tier 10 Mobility cooldown increased from 11s to 14s. Adjusted shader and lights on finisher to not bloom. Now 10% on Heavy weapons, 15% on Special, 20% on Primary, whereas it used to be 15% across the board. Added the option to remap the Show / Hide Text Chat button on PC. Now pushes targets away from the Warlock on detonation. The most famous weapon in the series, the Gjallarhorn rocket launcher was left behind in the original Destiny when players transitioned to the sequel in 2017. Note: Is much less lethal vs. players due to Stasis crystal changes. Reduced buff duration by 50% in PvP game modes. Melee lunge range and melee damage bonus now deactivate after a melee kill. We strongly encourage you to take a look at the entire explanations for all these changes over at. Fixed an issue where max-length Bungie Names could wrap onto a second line and obscure other UI elements in some Roster tooltips. Increased melee cooldown from 82s to 90s. Increased damage vs. Increased number of stacks needed to hit maximum damage from five to ten. Ability-regeneration boost now always lasts for 1.75s.
Champions and bosses by 30%. Cloud brightness animation frequencies slowed down. The Empty Tank Lost Sector on Tangled Shore now rewards the correct Exotics gear, in line with the other Lost Sectors reward rotation. Reduced the amount of Super energy provided by Ward of Dawn Orbs of Power. If a fireteam hard wipes during the final phase of the boss fight in the Ascendant Realm, when they respawn, the portal to the Ascendant Realm will take them straight to Phase 2, instead of making them replay the platforming section between Phase 1 and Phase 2. Added an energy barrier to the Scavenger's Den Lost Sector on EDZ, when playing on Legend or Master difficulty, to prevent skipping most of the encounters in the Lost Sector. To this end, weve made ability cooldown times longer on average than they were before. Reduced direct impact damage from 170 to 120.
Reduced shatter-pulse damage vs. enemy Supers. Reduced melee range from 5.5m to 4.5m (now matches Hunter and Titan). Improved consistency in hip fire with the catalyst: increased reticle friction falloff distance, less recoil, improved accuracy. Increased the buff to the reload stat from +50 to +70. Increased base cooldown from 82s to 106s.
Removed the multi-hit requirement (i.e. Can now be applied instantaneously with a button press. Reduced max damage vs. players from 29 to 8. Lightning Strike particles and light intensity reduced. Increased fragment slots from two to three. Fixed an issue where the crystal to continue the strike would be permanently invincible if players got to the wizard at the first stop of the elevator and killed it before the crystal could spawn. Increased Kinetic-weapon damage vs. Stasis crystals by 100%. Increased slow/freeze radius while forming from 1.75m to 2.6m. Fixed an issue where players may not receive an error notification if they accept a fireteam invite but fail to join successfully. The above breakdown is just a fraction of the changes in this patch.
In PvP game modes, reduced energy-regeneration boost duration from 7s to 4s. This should make grenades feel like bigger power moments than they do in todays game," game designer Eric Smith wrote during the latest This Week at Bungie.Bungie is gearing up for the biggest sandbox changes in Destiny 2 history. Champions and bosses by 30%. (Picture: Bungie). Sending a fireteam Invite then setting Social Preferences to Closed will result in no error message pop-up when a player accepts the fireteam invite. This is the last we will be hearing about Telesto for sure. Reduced suppression time after melee (can now melee back-to-back at the same speed as Hunter and Titan). Lightning Strike particles and light intensity reduced. With the upcoming 30th Anniversary event, the developers have confirmed complete rework of ability subclasses, particularly around cooldowns, using the term "Variable Ability Cooldowns system" for this new direction.
When a fireteam arrives at the platforming area before the boss fight in The Adytum, any fireteam members or Ghosts left behind in earlier parts of the strike will now be teleported forward to join their fireteam. Fixed an issue where Telestos bolts would sometimes persist after detonating, allowing them to detonate again. Download on the AppStore Fixed an issue where the Colossuss Rail Cannon could deal more damage at higher framerates. Intensity of spawn/object effects reduced. Toxic muzzle flash, projectile, performance, and intensity tweaks. Reduced Slug Shotgun PvE damage bonus from 30% to 20%.

Reduced the bonus to ability damage when Roaring Flames and Wormgod Caress Exotic perk are active. VFX performance and photosensitivity tweaks - Taken projectiles and Muzzle flashes. Fixed an issue where pending invites from offline players could show a circle icon when the platform is unknown. In PvP game modes, reduced melee-energy gain by ~45%. Reduced class-ability recharge bonus by 50% in PvP game modes. Performance and near fades updated on spawn. Psions should now spread out a little bit more on that right platform. Fixed an issue where max-length Bungie Names could wrap onto a second line and obscure other UI elements in some Roster tooltips. In general, increased damage to PVE combatants. Scaled energy gains by tier of the hit target. For example, weve increased all grenade damage vs. PvE combatants by 15% or more. Increased Kinetic-weapon damage vs. Stasis crystals by 100%. Fixed an issue where, after using their Super, a player could keep using Agers Scepters special reload indefinitely. Reduced melee range from 5.5m to 4.5m (now matches Hunter and Titan). Players will no longer see "Revives: +0" when defeating Champions after the time limits have passed in Legend and Master Lost Sectors, or in Grandmaster Nightfalls. Killing PvE combatants with Stasis Weapons. There's plenty to dig into, so let's get started. Players will be able to navigate to a targeted Director tab from a relevant message, allowing them to effortlessly take action after reading a Director dialog. Reduced Super gain on kills, assists, and objective captures. In PvP game modes, reduced melee-energy gain by 50%. Melee lunge range and melee damage bonus now deactivate after a melee kill. Increased tolerance for traveling over uneven ground. Expanded Whisper chat settings for all platforms. With the famous Gjallarhorn returning to Destiny, a new dungeon, and a host of special crossover weapons from Bungies past, theres a lot to go over before you dive into Tuesdays update. In PvP game modes, reduced class-ability energy gain by 50%. Now takes 50% less damage from Stormtrance Landfall. The catalyst now grants the Archer's Tempo perk in addition to its other effects. Dunemarchers lightning now only chains on targets that are alive. "One of our design goals this year was to reduce the amount of ability spam in the Crucible and put the focus back on gunplay. By continuing to use this site, you agree to the updated policies documented at, {{client.users[message.memberFromId].displayName}}.
These are: Now, for the list of changes per class, check them out down below. Increased the buff to the reload stat from +50 to +70. VFX performance and photosensitivity tweaks - Finisher Intensity. This is partially here to improve the state of abilities before Bungie starts transferring the Light subclasses to the Stasis system in The Witch Queen. Reduced Slug Shotgun PvE damage bonus from 30% to 20%. Removed all Glimmer costs for socketing armor mods. Increased damage vs. PVE combatants by 25%. Players on Xbox, PlayStation, and Stadia platforms can now opt into seeing text chat messages within various chat channels. Fixed an issue where a players Ghost would appear too far back in the strike upon death near the drill area. Super energy regen amount varies based on target type and damage source. Fixed an issue where rank reset dialogs could appear during activities. The Bungie 30th Anniversary Event isnt just about new content, its also about celebrating Bungies legacy outside of Destiny. Increased magazine size from 3 to 4, increased PvE damage by 6%. Fixed an issue in the Last Wish raid that for some fireteams caused the final encounter to not start properly, causing unavoidable failure. Added Third Person Camera Restricted tooltip and load screen hint to Trials, Elimination, and Showdown. Trials passages now display a warning message if the player account owns a seven-win ticket. Arc Rifle, Taken Slug Rifle, necromancer VFX reduced intensity and normalized lights. Increased damage reduction vs. PvE combatants from 25% to 40%. VFX performance and photosensitivity tweaks - Hive Headshot and Darkness Blast. Updated the icon for Social Preferences set to "Public" to distinguish the setting from the "Joinable Fireteam" icon to avoid confusion.