It takes strength to stay diplomatic and level-headed. And everyone knows it, whether they know you well or not. This is the life you are living, and it will be transferred down to your children's children. Strong personalities do the most good and the most harm in organizations. Help them see frustration and resistance as an opportunity to fulfill their passion. It doesnt win you any friend of the month awards, but you are being true to yourself and doing humanity a favor. Ive always favored strong personalities and their passion perhaps because I am one. And what if the SP is the Leader, where attempts to manage up fail? Thanks Akshay. Successful leaders maximize the potential of strong personalities. i would argue that most of top executives actually are SPs (except in corporations so big they are really political entiities), but it is also true that many other SPs do get sidetracked if they wind up in a culture that would rather sweep issues under the rug than deal with them. Lachlan Brown Human beings thrive on attention, so much so that any attention good or bad will sometimes do. Im sure we have somehow faced this situation in middle management levels - a lot. If you have this type of character, you may wish to learn about the 12 pitfalls below so that you can avoid them at all costs. SPs get frustrated with incompetence and laziness in their leaders or teammates. He was loud and boisterous. It is generally a good idea to remain humble despite any success so that those around you dont feel intimidated or alienated. You are too busy living your life in your own vision, and that is enough for you. I fell once when i try to learn to canter (trainers always say: everybody falls when they learn cantering). 8 Reasons Why You Feel Anxious When You Should Feel Happy (+ How To Cope), I Want Everyone To Like Me Why You Think This Way And How To Stop, Copyright A Conscious Rethink. You listened but cautioned yourself not to fall for any of it. One of the major pitfalls that people have is they let their emotions run their lives. Despite how hard some people might try to get you to bend to their will, you are not having any of it. Maybe every coin has two sides and its really hard form me to judge whether SP contributes or discourages a good leader. If you act on every whim, maybe its time to take a deep breath before diving in head first. Allow others to step back to make space for them to step in. It is worth remembering that you cant take anything with you beyond the grave, and that the best friends youll ever have will be the ones who love you regardless of your physical abilities, mental aptitude, or material wealth. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, encompass way more than those bullet points. But you dont just talk the talk; you walk the walk. Dont dampen it. Hhmm Probably in line with Cheryls comment May I ask how you are defining SP? Not you. You are seen as threat rather than an asset. I myself faced the battering & scarring too many times and here's what I found after years of soul-searching and research about human psychology and organizational behavior. You don't really care if you are promoted or even assigned to most remote place in attempt to demote you. I've heard people describe -- if not outright excuse -- other people's aggressive or manipulative behavior, stating, "They have a strong personality." Because you are a strong-willed person and know what you want in life, small talk makes you want to jump off a bridge. 3. You are well known for being someone who is outspoken. One of the best things that can happen for an SP who is on his or her leadership journey is to find a leader(s) committed to helping them grow and mature into a well-rounded, healthy leader without squashing the passion that drives them because we need SP leaders! This seems like a battle of wills and a huge energy drain. Pushing SPs to fit-in dampens passion. They will come up with Plan C, D up to Z or beyond the alphabet. Its disappointing seeing talent wasted/misplaced when leadership is not able to properly manage or channel it for good. You don't mind drawing up the maps to show them how to untangle themselves from their difficult situation, coz you understand & have tasted the bitterness of failures more than anyone. Instead of letting things get you down, you get right back up and keep on trucking. I feel hard to dealing with those people. Willing to throw his weight around and call people names.
You say what is in your mind, with utter surety. December 20, 2017, 6:47 am. Click here to find out more about Life Journal, 17 reasons why you miss someone youve never met, Top 25 things you can say to a man when he comes back after disappearing, 14 signs youre a zeta male (and why thats a great thing), The brutal truth about being single at 40 and female, 15 ways to make someone think of you 24/7.
Theres no excuse for ignorance or insensitivity these days unless you are an actual asshole, and you know that people know better, so you dont let them get away with their off-side remarks or ignorant comments. Essentially if a person FEELS bullied, that makes the other a bully until the opposite is proved. 8. As far as I have observed, theres no doubt that SPs are deterministic and talented. You can tell excuses the moment they are told. If the culture of the organization is not one that is not conducive to supporting the SPs wanting to do the most good, the middle is left in limbo. Youve walked away from more than one boring conversation, and it makes people pretty uncomfortable to see you take such action. A lot of people think you are stupid for being a people's person. Reading this blog I felt unusually jarred. What makes you unique and exceptional? I receive a commission if you choose to purchase anything after clicking on them. Whats more, slowing down just a little bit can often lead to great results at the end. But dont change a thing. I've heard people excuse their own behavior, citing the same. You hate excuses and can spot liars immediately. Sothink back to that important goal I asked about at the start of this message. After a while, the middle sees the frustration and relentless struggle of the SPs swimming against the current trying to change for the good and decide they would much rather just go with the flow. Leadership Freak by Dan Rockwell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.Based on a work at Now I can ride a real horse, and who can say otherwise? To finally start that side-hustle thatll hopefully help you quit your 9-5 one day? Whatever it is, youre not going to get there, unless youve got a plan. It takes a strong personality to take a deep breath before saying something cruel. Talking to people for the sake of talking is a waste of your time.
QUIZ: Whats your hidden superpower? Having a strong personality is a blessing, as this guides you through life challenges. Like a German Shepherd. There are too many people with fragile egos and fragile self-esteems who are far too quick to fortify themselves with whatever is available to them. 7. July 16, 2022, 5:34 am, by But you don't normally humiliate the person. This page contains affiliate links. You always listen more than you speak. All rights reserved. A team of focused SPs who pull together goes further, faster. These tips are very practical. A strong personality is going to have conviction -- but blind conviction only creates friction and tension and strife.
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