Most counties in Mississippi only require that you know the date (mm/dd/yy) and how your last marriage ended and that you sign an affidavit at the time you apply that all information you have provided is true and correct. Mississippi marriage fee is $21-24 and the license doesnt expire once it has been issued. If either party has been divorced within the last six (6) months, a copy of the divorce decree is required. On the application, you will need to provide both full names and mailing addresses, names and addresses of you and your partner's parents, age, proof of age, date of birth and county or country of birth if not the United States. The fee for a Mississippi marriage license varies by county and is required at the time of application. To obtain a marriage license, both parties must apply in person your at local county Circuit Clerks office. The only major difference is the age that you can get married, which is 21 rather than 18 under this state's marriage laws. There is no waiting period, so once you're done, you're good to go. You will also need to bring the required documents and identification. 2022 U.S.

This site is new and we are continuing to improve it. Site Design and Content Management by Core Business Technologies. To prove that your last marriage has ended legally, you must provide the divorce decree, death certificate or marriage record. Full names and addresses of both parties applying for marriage, Names and addresses of the parents of both parties applying (includes maiden name of mother), Age, date of birth, and state and country of birth, Proof of age (e.g., drivers license, birth certificate, school record), Reason previous marriage ended (e.g., death, divorce), Date last marriage ended (must bring proof of divorce if within last six months). Helena, MT 59620 The general temperature year-round is humid and warm, but rain is more prevalent in the winter months, so avoid those if you want to have an outdoor wedding. Room 200. The information on this site should not be relied upon as an official source of information and should be independently verified. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Depending on what time of the year you're trying to get married in this state, you may want to weigh the pros and cons of an indoor versus outdoor wedding venue. There is an error in the information you entered. Common law marriages are no longer recognized in Mississippi.

Try to find a place that's in a location you really love, suits your budget, and fits all of the guests you want to invite. Section 93-1-1, Mississippi Code of 1972: (2) Any marriage between persons of the same gender is prohibited and null and void from the beginning. "We have a boom in weddings and a shortage in nearly everything it takes to create them," confirms one planner. If the bride is under 21 and she or her parents live in Mississippi, the application should be filed in the county where her custodial parent resides. On the application, you will also have to state your number of previous marriages. It is important that you verify all information with your local county Circuit Clerks office before making a trip to purchase your marriage license.
How to Get a Marriage License in California, How to Apply for a Marriage License in Georgia, Marriage Certificates and Licenses: Everything to Know, Applying for a Marriage License in Arkansas, Legal Requirements and Documents Needed to Get Remarried, Applying for a Marriage License in Louisiana. Exact amount preferred as we can't always make change. In most counties, you and your partner must appear in person to the county clerk rather than applying online. The birthplace of bluegrass music and home to many iconic stars past and present, there is a little history behind every corner. Site Design and Content Copyright 2022Rankin County, MS Parental consent forms are available in the office or you can print the Out of Office Parental Consent (PDF) form. It rains quite often in the state of Mississippi, but the bright side is that even the winters are surprisingly pleasant and still warm. No. Circuit Clerk - Martin Hankins (601) 794-8504, Mailing Address P.O. A $37 cash fee is due at the time of application. Additionally, if either applicant is under the age of 21, parental consent is needed. For guidance on additional methods of payment, please call ahead. The application for a marriage license in Mississippi will ask you and your fiance to provide some basic information in order to receive your license.
Neither of you needs to be a resident of Mississippi. Both parties must present a valid Identification: Or any other official document evidencing age.
Also, if the bride or groom was previously married and the divorce was finalized within the last six months, you must also bring a copy of the final divorce decree. Additionally, Mississippi has a law, Section 93-1-3, prohibiting using the marriage laws of another state to circumvent Mississippi's laws. But there's no waiting period, blood tests are not required and there are no uncommon supporting documents required to receive your license. There is no waiting period or blood tests in Mississippi. Harrison County is a county located in the U.S. state of Mississippi. In Mississippi, you will need to show a picture ID such as a driver's license. The legal age to marry is 21, females 15 and males 17 can marry with parents petition and judicial waiver. If either applicant is younger than 21 years of age, parental consent is needed. Both Parties must be 21 years of age to get married in Mississippi. - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. Applications are accepted Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. The marriage application will be held for three days. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Parental consent is needed in Mississippi if under 21 years of age. The form must be signed in front of a Notary and a copy of the drivers license is required from the parent signing the consent form. If either party has been married, the date the last marriage ended in death or divorce. Parental consent can be given by a parent who accompanies the minor when applying for the license, or can be sent by the Clerks office via certified mail. If the divorce was within the last 6 months, we must have a copy of the divorce decree. The above information is for guidance only and should not be regarded as legal advice. - Full names and addresses of parents
The couple has been together for nearly a decade. The following information is required on the marriage application: Full names and addresses of both parties applying for marriage. The Knot Marketplace gives you great options for vendors in your wedding destination. Board of Supervisors Meeting Moved to July 28. Preferred method of payment is cash. You will also need to know your parents' addresses and your mothers' maiden name. If either applicants are under 21 years of age, he/she must have consent from parents or legal guardians giving their permission to apply for the marriage license. Fact: Melania walked down the aisle with rosary beads. You must visit the Circuit Clerks Office to get a marriage license. No appointment is needed but please arrived by 4:30 p.m. Bride and Groom must come to the Circuit Clerk's office together to apply. Here's what we know about these elusive A-list nuptials.
To find more information about a business license in your state choose the state below. Your legal guardians will need to fill out a consent form and also provide a valid ID to the County Court.
No blood test or residency requirements. The following x errors were detected in the information you entered. Be sure to contact your local county Circuit Clerks office well in advance of the wedding to find out on what days and during what hours the clerk will be in the office. - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. No. Understanding the Difference Between Mrs. vs Ms. A Detailed Wedding Planning Checklist from Start to Finish, Real Wedding Website Examples to Inspire Your Own Story, Social Pressure Shouldn't Dictate Your Wedding Plans, Here's How to Not Go Broke as a Bridesmaid, 6 Genius Trader Joe's Wedding Hacks to Know. From the pages of history books, scripts, celebrity gossip columns and more, we've rounded up the memorable matchups whose love makes us swoon. As of 2010, the total Lamar county population is 55,658, which has grown 42.46% since 2000. more 403 Main Street P.O. This includes:
You will be able to leave the Circuit Clerks Office with your marriage license in hand, but you will not be officially married until you hold a ceremony overseen by an officiant. Study up on the basics of wedding day wheels.
No. Once a license is issued, it does not expire. Copy and paste this code into your website. Proof of age must be provided in the form of Driver's License, Birth Certificate or other legal document which contains name and date of birth. The Circuit Clerk shall not issue a marriage license to any male applicant under seventeen (17) years of age, or any female applicant under fifteen (15) years of age, without a court order from a Circuit, County or Chancery Judge. Note: We are not attorneys and the articles on the site are not to be construed as legal advice. As a matter of Mississippi Law, NO marriage license may be issued unless the male applicant is at least 17 years of age, and the female applicant is at least 15 years of age. Age, date of birth must be in English, and state of birth (or foreign country). There is no blood work or waiting period required and the license does not expire once it has been issued. Once your marriage license has been issued, the license is valid indefinitely in Mississippi. Sign up on The Knot to reach more couples and book more weddings! As long as it will take you and your partner to fill out the necessary paperwork. Mississippi is a great state for a destination wedding! Some venues are facing literal Champagne problems. When in doubt, seek legal counsel. Marriage licenses within Harrison County are the responsibility of the Harrison County Circuit Clerk's office. Putting yourself first doesn't mean you're a bad friend. Marriage licenses cannot be issued unless the male applicant is at least 17 years of age, and the female applicant is at least 15 years of age. One (1) form of identification, i.e., drivers license, certified birth certificate. There is no time limit to when you can opt for a name change, but it's good to know what you want to do in advance either way. Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 87 years of expert advice and inspiration, for every couple. Mississippi does not have a residency requirement for marriage licenses. If you are under 21 years old, you may get married with written parental consent. There is no waiting period to get married in Mississippi once you have been issued your marriage license. Mississippi Vital RecordsP.O. Parental Consent is required for any applicants under the age of 21. Order birth, death or marriage certificates. Otherwise the application can be filed in any county in the state and will be good throughout Mississippi. Marriage License Laws.
- Full names and addresses
Names and addresses of the parents of both parties applying (maiden name of mother). Ask a Lawyer Online Now! In Mississippi, you must be 21 years of age to apply for a marriage license, which is typically older than most states that require you to be 18 or older. On July 1, 2012, Senate Bill 2851 became law that removed the three-day waiting period in Mississippi. Yes, Mississippi requires that both you and fiance obtain blood tests to test for syphilis before you can apply for your license. 111 N. Sanders, Room 205 Submit one form to top-rated marriage officiants in your locality. The 9 Best Wedding Guest List Tips, From Influencers, Why Couples Should Offer Non-Alcoholic Wedding Drinks, The One Thing Bravo Teaches Us About Prenups. You and your spouse-to-be will need to appear together at a County Circuit Clerks office to file your application for a marriage license. As of the 2020 census, the population was 204,502 making it the second-most populous county in Mississippi. Having your Social Security card and birth certificate may also be helpful. This gorgeous Hollywood couple finally made it official in a private wedding ceremony at their Bel Air home. The application fee for a marriage license in Mississippi is between $20 to 23, depending on the county in which you procure the license. Share this page on your favorite Social network, 2022 Harrison County Board of Supervisors. Both parties must have a valid identification (birth certificate or driver's license , date of birth must be in English), If under 21, a parent(s) must sign or a court order may be required (parents must have a valid identification), $37 for filing fee paid to the Circuit Clerk, Confirmation of finalization of any recent divorce. The Harrison County website states that if your divorce was within the last six months, you will need to bring proof of the divorce that can be left with the Clerk. By agreeing to use our site, you are agreeing to our cookie policy.. How to Report a Mapping Problem Affecting GPS Devices, Apps, and Maps. The County elected officials are elected by the tax paying residents of Harrison County to perform specific functions within the County. Don't let the marriage license laws of Mississippi put a dent in your wedding plans. ), Date last marriage ended (bring proof of divorce if it was within the last six months.). Please correct these errors and try again. Use the clerk list to locate your Circuit Clerk. You choose the best Wedding Officiant. You'll need to contact the Mississippi State Department of Health to receive a certified copy of your marriage license; you can request a copy either by phone, mail or online. Hurricanes are also extremely prevalent and often dangerous in the state because of the proximity to the Gulf, so avoid weddings from June to November if you want to steer clear of hurricane season.
Marriage licenses are issued by each county's Circuit Clerk. The fee for a Mississippi marriage license varies by county and is required at the time of application.