I'll have to keep them in mind in the future.
RainTree is a bigger nursery, but sent me good stuff and they honor their 'it died' policy. Very sweet, virtually seedless fruit. Unsplit ripe fruit stores in cool, dry place for two months or more.
For seasoned fruit growers it came off as silly and way over the top in terms of expressing just how superior their varieties are to any other fruit on planet Earth.
Self-fruitful. Self-fruitful. The most healthy and sturdy fruit trees I bought were from Just fruit and exotic. Conversely, a plant with just one viable bud supported by plenty of undamaged roots--its survival is a sure 100%. Rollingriver sells only potted, and can be very limited in root stock choices. I am planning my first batch of trees (fig, peach, plum and persimmon) and can't decide between the three growers above. Unfortunately this is my last order for the season so I'm going back to pruning tomorrow. as cocktails and wine. 100 hours.
If a potted tree has spent little time in any given pot and moved to larger containers before roots circle around in the pot it can be planted any time and will probably do great, but this is not the real world in the nursery business. Soil is warmer in fall and even a "dormant" tree continues to grow some root. I would only look there if your orchard is full of varieties known to do well in your area and now you are now experimenting. Container grown trees generally (depending on species) benefit a great deal with fall planting according to several controlled experiments performed by Carl Whitcomb. Our spring can be hotter than their summers and dryer than anything they have ever experienced.
Ripens around September. I must say that I have frequently planted bearing age bare root trees of considerable size in the fall, especially peach trees, and gotten very impressive results (compared to expectations). The experiments that indicated the specific advantage to fall planting of most species grown in containers was done in Oklahoma so the results don't necesarily speak for areas with warmer winters.
150 hours. to get them all it looks like I will be shopping at four on-line and two local nursery this year.
That's unfortunate, because I now grow Flavor Grenade pluot and a couple of their nectarines.
Cold hardy to zone 8. Pat. They are usually small and weak. Their web page shows the retail nurseries that sell their trees. I find this a bit troublingbut, I totally understand why they do it.
Once I moved a fall planted apricot the following spring. I was all set to order a bunch of trees from a well respected tree nursery until I called and asked when they start shipping. That is why planting of bare-rooted stock at the end of winter or in early spring is done in the first place.
I bought gooseberry bushes from them several years ago and the plants were four times the size of the same bush that I bought from Raintree Nursery at same time. Favorable temps often start here while those in the northern part of the country are still in a frozen tundra.
Self-fruitful. Harvestman if memory serves Rolling River states there trees average two to four foot tall. Slow growth, and one tree died as a result of a borer, which was hidden in the root stem below the pot (It would not have been shipped if it had been bare root.). 150 to 200 chill hours. Fruit is a darker color and less tart.
pylot: There is one big difference between these nurseries from what I know. Self-fruitful. Thanks to this forum I now know of Rolling River; unfortunately they are sold out of most things on my shopping list. Small tree grows to twelve feet and is very suitable for espaliering and container growing. There are many varieties grown in the world with Wonderfulbeing the prominent variety for California growers, butwe havemanyvarietiesfrom which to choosefor your home orchard. I didn't think they made it through the winter so I ordered two more this spring from Rolling River. Rolling River is great to deal with. As a matter of fact, they are rated as a "Top 5" in the "Fruits & Berries" and the "Hardy Fruit Trees" classifications. Sometime later this month or in early January my trees will lose their leaves and go dormant. I do not understand how a container growing nursery (Rolling River) can ever offer the same value as nurserys that sell bare root stock with species that transplant well bare root. You should also be aware that there are middlemen type nurseries and small producing nurseries. Fall planted trees do tend to plug in faster than trees planted in the following spring here. Fantastically huge fruits, up to three times the size of Wonderful. Northern Hemisphere from September to February, and in the Southern Hemisphere from March to May. Dave Wilson Nursery FORUMS - Fruit, Nut and Ornamental Trees. Thanks for pointing out Rolling River. Self-fruitful. Location: Sterling Heights and Russell Island MI. The very best bare root suppliers I have dealt with are Van Well and C&O. 5418. Many of our trees were from Dave Wilson when we first bought our place because my Mom worked for a commercial nursery and we got them at cost. Thats why I prefer to plant now. Pylot,Do yourself a favor and look any potential nurseries up on Dave's Garden Watchdog. Ripens late September to mid October. My trees still have not gone dormant. Another problem with potted trees, is that, depending on where they were purchased, they can be somewhat root bound. Semi-sour. I'm more concerned with health and size of the roots and placement of the branches. They live at one end of the extreme and I live at the other; I understand that.What I don't understand is why someone from the north would think I should wait until their Spring comes before I should plant my trees. 200 hours.
Volume, expertise and efficient large scale production have its rewards. Cold hardy to zone 8. This is my first look at what they have. Nurseries that produce their own stock may be more consistant in the quality of stock and reliability of labeling although Raintree does a good job in general of quality control (especially compared to an outfit like Millers). Cold Hardy Seed Selection Texas Pomegranate Growers Cooperative Inc. (DPUN0151)Texas Pomegranate Growers Cooperative Inc. (DPUN0075) Texas Pomegranate Growers Cooperative Inc. (DPUN062) Texas Pomegranate Growers Cooperative Inc. Texas Pomegranate Growers Cooperative Inc. bboy I live in a warm winter area like roughly 100,000,000 other Americans. The fruit is a high source of fiber without cholesterol. Both are excellent however I like the prices and selection better with Rolling River.
Trunk caliper large so no fruit bushing few viable eyes down low. Burnt Ridge seems to have the best price, but I'm not sure how soon their trees are going to fruit. I agree w/ cousinfloyd.
Eat fresh, juice or use in salads. Researchers have a tendency, in my opinion, to exagerate the implications of their own work (don't we all tend to exagerate the importance of our contributions?). All in all I have 22 trees on my shopping list this year. Desertnyi translates to English as "dessert" and it is a real dessert treat.

Fruit has a sweet but tart juice. I have ordered trees from Rolling Ridge, Burnt Ridge and DWN/Bay Laurel, Trees of Antiquity, Sanhedrin, Raintree, Stark, Grandpa, Just Fruits and Nuts, and Willis. For my own grafts, when I transplant peaches, I don't dig up much root at all and the peaches do fine. I have repeatedly had very mixed results with Raintree. I've ordered from burnt ridge, my experience has been a 60% survival rate with their plants.
The juice is proven to inhibit the bodys uptake of LDL (bad) cholesterol. They are also less prone to vole damage as rodents love that soft potting mix.
Also Lucille sells them to me wholesale so they cost half as much. Sweet-tart with great flavor.
I assume that if one is transplanting a potted plant in the heat of summer, one shouldn't bareroot it, correct? The one that I got from Raintree did not make it through the winter. >With bare roots you get bigger trees for less money and the roots start out in the soil they need to grow in and therefore require less frequent watering and other care to plug in. The dormant season here often only lasts 4-6 weeks.In a typical year my peach and nectarine trees will come out of dormancy in mid to late February and start leafing out and bud swell will start again. I leaned toward potted plants for a while -- even potting up bare root trees for a year before setting out -- but I'm leaning in the opposite direction now, even toward growing rootstocks in place from seed.
Bud mutation of Wonderful which it resembles, but with deeper red blossoms and ripens one month earlier. Also try Raintree, I've had great luck with their plants. Dave Wilson suppliers are where to go for Zaiger trees or some heirloom types difficult to get elsewhere- mainly peaches. Out here in coastal San Diego county, the cultivar "Eversweet" is an excellent performer. As Desertnyi matures, an almost orange juice flavor is evident and it never loses its great firm texture with very soft edible seeds.
I put it in a spot where it would only get morning sun for 3-4 days in a 15 gallon pot.Then I moved it to a place where it would only get sun half the day and screened it with 50% shade cloth to protect it. But if you spare the branches and leaves, and instead destroy the roots , one could cut just 50% or maybe even less, the tree would be a goner. Peach trees hardly seem to suffer much at all from severely pruning the roots back. Presumably the same issues with heavily amended planting holes would also apply to the potting soil of potted trees? Bay Laurel's latest shipping is early March. I had already had some negative experience with a few of their pluots and low acid peaches (that to me, are insipid) so this probably held me off from experimenting with anything else for several years.
Fruit has a dark red exterior and dark seeds, the color of crushed red velvet. I've received nothing but great, though smallish, plants from them- check out their loquats. I've heard some things about Burnt Ridge that aren't flattering.Jake. I can't believe some of the really sorry grapes and filberts they have shipped. Because of where I liveI am quite aware of one practice that bugs me.
Fireduck, it's funny, but my first introduction to Dave Wilson corporate style was a presentation two of their public relations guys (salesmen, basically) gave at a combined NAFEX, Rare Fruit Growers annual meeting held in Santa Cruz over a decade ago. Edible Landscaping has cool stuff that grows around my east coast area. Bareroots are cheaper and with a DWN SOFT order through a cooperating nursery I can get most on the rootstock I want at half the price of a container tree. It was introduced into Spanish America in the late 16th century and into California by Spanish settlers in 1769.The fruit is typically in season in the Ripens in September.
Cold hardy to zone 8. Their "chill hours required" numbers are often deflated to attract more "low chill business". Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Referring to Fruithacks message, I agree with him completely that given a choice you will usually get better tree value from nurserys that sell wholesale, propigate their own trees and provide them by the hundreds of thousands to the commercial fruit growing industry. 150 Chill hours.
I don't know if there is actual research available comparing fall and spring planted bare root trees. 31401 Farm to Market Rd 1301, West Columbia, TX 77486, Large pale pink fruit. Ruby red seeds, 150-200 Chill hours. Raintree is the former and Trees of Antiquity the latter. Considered one of the highest quality pomegranates and a favorite at Dave Wilson Nursery. I order some pomegranates from rolling river and they arrived nice and healthy and pretty tall as well. I think all have very good trees, so it all boils down to price vs size.
Ripens in October.
Whitcombs experiments and observations certainly don't prove that fall planted BR trees don't come out of dormancy quicker and end up growing more than spring planted trees. Thanks Hermitian! Some pomegranates have been given "Trade Names" as a way for the nurseries to prevent competition. Self-fruitful. I ordered 10 trees from them that I am told should all ship the 18th of December.
150-200 Chill hours.
Ripens September to October. Their natural growth pattern is shrub-like. I got two beautiful but cheap Balaton cherries from Van Well last year. There is also some advantage for more northern growers go order trees from nurseries that supply trees during their actual planting season.
They are also less prone to vole damage as rodents love that soft potting mixYou should remove potting soil at planting time anyway. I like to plant until the ground freezes-I mulch them so they won't be heaved out from good soil contact with the roots. Order from both burnt ridge and rolling river nursery. Medium sized pomegrantes.
Photo courtesy of Dave Wilson Nursery. I'm not recommending it, but that's what I do and they still put on lots of growth. Use this small Deciduous shrub with bright orange-red in summer. 150-200 hours. For trees I have found nothing beats Dave Wilson. The seeds, which are surrounded by a fleshy pulp, are delicious added to salads, soups, poultry stuffing or scattered over a fruit compote.

TIM, the lack of fall shipping of most nurseries is a shame. Below is a cross-reference of these trade names with the original names so these varieties can be included in the genetic history of the original. Having live feeder roots undamaged are more critical to a plant's survival. Don't forget about this two nurseries. Climate is bound to have a huge affect on optimum planting times. Bay Laurel nursery has the largest lineup of Zaiger/Wilson varieties I know of. I would be very surprised if roots were not growing throughout our winter months.I can't say that I have planted them and dug them up again before they leaf out in mid-February.
Cold hardy to zone 8. Large seeds, sweet tart juice. The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub in the family Lythraceae, subfamily Punicoideae, that grows between 5 and 10 m (16 and 33 ft) tall. If existing root tips are intact at planting and there is still time they may extend into the soil after planting, conferring an advantage. Such trees, when spring planted, will generally come out of dormancy much later than trees already planted and grow significantly less the first season.
Actually, some research I just found supports BBoy on this subject. Ok, it's a shrub that some folks prune as a tree.
I use the spring to renew nursery stock in addition to spraying, grafting and finishing up the pruning that always seems to overwhelm my schedule. I've also introduced DPUN 0139 from the Wolfskill collection and it is amazing. i brought from Brunt Ridge their plants were outstanding all of them came in good shape i would and will buy from them again. Plus I like their website.
Self fruitful.
Photo courtesy of Dave Wilson Nursery. and has been cultivated since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean region. It is also possible to train the plant into a standard tree form. El (eat-it.com) also very high on the list. Cost of shipping high.
I've never been able to tell the difference b/t fall planted trees vs. spring planted, in terms of vigor. Grows eight to ten feet as an arching shrub or can be trained as tree or espalier. Many apologies to Burnt Ridge. Self Fruitful. Ripens mid to late October. Photo courtesy of Dave Wilson Nursery. But won't expect that on persimmons, maybe so. Wish I had orders for about 50 more trees. A couple years ago I planted an Holiday Avocado tree in the Spring. With a light orange rind and dark red arils, the contrasted look is like very few other varieties.
100 to 200 chill hours.
Medium to large fruit has red skin, dark red arils and very soft seeds. I'd be interested to see the research if you are aware of it. Should have tried them years earlier, they really are very good and perform reasonably well here. I may even gamble a little and order three trees from Willis Orchard because they have a few in larger sizes I can't find anywhere else. I meant Autumn Ridge Nursery. Pale pink skin, sweet-tart juice, similar to Wonderful. I told this before but I think it started when the only thing we could get away with stealing from my best friends Grandfather's garden was rhubarb. Great source of antioxidants. Self-fruitful. I purchased a Peregrine peach from Trees of Antiquity last year and was very satisfied with the size and health of the tree it bloomed thatyear but we had a late frost and it did not set any fruit. Pomegranates are quite drought resistant, but produce best with regular irrigation. Dave Wilson has many varieties that the other two don't offer, I think, because they propagate Zaiger's varieties.
I plan on ordering from Trees of Antiquity and a local Citrus Nursery too. Some types of trees suffer more than others, but the advantages of bare root still outweigh the disadvantages in my opinion. I never dealt with the wholesale nurseries like Dave Wilson (other than they supply some of the nurseries I order from).I've ordered from alot of the well-rated nurseries Burnt Ridge, One Green World, Rolling River, RainTree, Edible Landscaping, Bay Laurel, Cliff England Nursery, (and a couple specialized nurseries like Nolin River (pawpaws), Green Sea Farms (pomegranates)).
Red Silk sets large crops of medium to large size fruit with a brilliant red silky exterior. This is more trees than I have every purchased before in a single year.
Fall planted trees are supposedly not as winter hardy, which can be a consideration in colder zones. I've had little experience with potted (non tree) plants, so they may well do better than non-potted ones.
It's true trees suffer from cutting the roots back to make them bare root. I've also order from Burnt Ridge and had good results, although i had one dead tree (but i was credited).
And the replacements they sent were even worse.
However I can say I have planted trees under the exact same conditions as in same pots and same soil in both Fall and Spring with very different outcomes.The trees I plant in the winter live and thrive in the Summer heat. Cold hardy to zone 8. Our February here is like April is in zones 5-7. There are still two trees I can only find at the original nursery I was planning on ordering from and will do so.
Bay Laurel Nursery BBOY, I plant so so many trees and read the same research you have available. Atascadero CA 93422 I was taken aback when they arrived! Large, orange-red, summer blooms are followed by large, red fruit. Order early with both (September) to insure availability.
And I feel like I've gotten better growth from bare root.
Here is the straight scoop on them. We sincerely appreciate each and every one of you, and look forward to serving you again in September 2022.
(Marc even sent me an Autumn Olive I wanted that wasn't listed yet).
Wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong but I'd be quite surprised this time.
Dave Wilson is wholesale so you have to buy their trees from a retail nursery unless you can qualify as a commercial grower. Container soil is often not good planting soil, plus you can inspect, spread out and prune the roots if needed. My son said he may be moving so I figured I had better get all the trees I have been wanting while he is still around to do all the lifting and planting.lol. Considered one of the best "Old World" varieties. Too bad it's not a Parfianka. You're bound to get very good information from this person. Luckily last year I was able to plant it in late February. Most of the trees I plant are $ 20-30.00 trees but this tree was nearly $ 65.00 and I wanted it to live. It still lost its leaves and died when it got hot a week later.
This upright growing plant sets huge crops of highly ornamental fruit and can be kept any height with summer pruning.
The pomegranate originated in the region extending from Iran to northern India,
One of them was two feet tall and the other about 18"!
Even Whitcomb's research outcomes vary with species, none of which are prunus, mallus or species we are talking about here. Following his lead would have been a huge economic set-back for me as fall is the time with the largest window for installing orchards and when there is little else I need to do. I don't know why he only put container trees to actual scientific scrutiny. Burnt Ridge is more value oriented, but very good overall. Because of the profusion of seeds, ancient people connected it with rites of procreation and abundance. With a small producer of trees like Cummins and Trees of Antiquity you often can communicate with the owner, grafter and major worker in a conversation with one person.
I am glad that I began my hort career without formal training so that by the time I was exposed to the logical but often mistaken leaps drawn from specific research I had a lot of experience that contradicted things my teachers taught as absolute science based gospel. 2500 El Camino Real Self-fruitful. One of my biggest gripes is "Spring Shipping". The only time I order from Burnt Ridge is if they are the only ones to supply a variety, and then, when i receive the plant, I need to raise it in a pot for another year to get it healthy enough to plant out. Imported from Dr. Gregory Levin from the Garrigala agriculture station in Turkmenistan. The name comes from the Latin meaning "apple of many seeds".
Otherwise there are many better sources both in price and in getting trees with ample root.
Roots of bare-rooted stock (in the usual condition, without most fine roots still present and functioning) will not begin to recover until dormant buds open in spring, send a chemical signal to the root tips to start making new roots. Self-fruitful. Pom Deciduous fruiting shrub or small tree has large displays of orange-red blooms in summer, and large, red, tangy fruit in early fall.
Typically available fromfall to spring. Just for clarification, I often read that potted plants can be transplanted year round, and I also read that it is best to bareroot a potted plant while transplanting. 200 Chill Hours. Self-fruitful.
Very vigorous tree that appreciates Winter and Summer pruning. Ripens in August. Bare roots need to be planted when dormant. I wish I could grow them, and yeah the more tart the better. Ripens August through October. Their "wow- gee wiz-that is so amazing" presentation seemed geared to a gig at some small town fair.
Heavy bearer 150-200 chill hours, self fruitful. Copyright 2022 Green Acres Nursery & Supply. Old peach literature actually recommends that farmers remove all the feeder roots, leaving only a "carrot" looking root stem to plant. Be warned the nurseries well out of your area may not carry cultivars that will do well in your area or on a good rootstock for your area. 150 hours. Rolling Ridge quality is great, but they sell out early and ship early if you live in colder country. Bare root trees are not all the same. Sweeter fruit than Wonderful, more widely adapted (better quality in cool summer climates).
As to preferenceI don't care much. 150 hours.
150 hours. harvestman even if Carl Whitcomb is correct it makes my case even stronger here in the Desert SW.I'm still pinching off buds as they swell on my peach and nectarine trees and cutting off flowers on my plum trees as well. Gaudy red-orange bloom, ornamental foliage. Eat fresh or use in cooking.
The ones that come from nurseries are out of cold storage and often take over 2 weeks to come out of dormancy. The plants make good container subjects and can then be more easily protected from harsh winter weather in cold climates.