Follow along for essential oil education, DIY recipes, and natural living tips. Author: Jennifer Lane, LovingEssentialOils.com See full disclaimer. I enjoy using aromatherapy and essential oils every day to keep my family and myself healthy and happy. (If you are making this for a child under the age of 12, dilute further and cut the number of essential oils in half. Eating a clean diet rich in healthy fats, organic proteins, and lots of fruit and veggies is key. Add 1-2 drops of essential oil to your hands, rub together, cuff over the nose, and inhale. Orange provides courage when overwhelmed. It works for my mental fatigue throughout the day as an adult too. Young Living Introduces New Haven Starter Bundle As A Limited Time Enrollment Kit In March! If you just add water and essential oils to your spray bottle, the essential oils will float to the top. Here's some of the benefits your Young Living Wholesale membership gives you: Enjoy your oily day!Lisa and Rich Jelinek, Young Living ID 1795137EssentialOils4Sale.com. It is known to improve concentration and memory. In this Ultimate DIY Recipes Guide you will learn simple ways to make homemade recipe with essential oils. You can also easily turn this recipe into a spray. This is something I am fine with doing with my children, but not everyone agrees with this, and thats okay. 40 page Diffuser Guide Includes: Well, guess what? Essential Oil Education, DIY recipes, natural remedies, natural home, roller bottle blends, diffuser blends. How amazing and calming would that be?!). Today Ill show you how to make a simple DIY Think and Focus essential oil blend thats perfect for kids. Guide will be delivered by email. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) has a sweet, floral aroma that is soothing and refreshing. My boys didnt want lockets they said it was too girly, and I dont blame them. As a final step before posting your comment, enter the letters and numbers you see in the image below. 2% dilution. It is recognized for its healing properties as it enables you to heal from sluggish feelings and it also helps improve your focus throughout the day. Erika Bragdon is a Certified Essential Oil Coach from the Essential Oil Institute. CBD from one of the first hemp farms in the US to hold both USDA Organic Certification and USDA Organic Handler's Certification. DIY Recipes and Blends Additionally, I would also recommend using this Listening essential oil spray in combination with this Overwhelm roller ball blend to help calm anxiety and help kids pay attention. Pick up a Basic Starter Bundle and transform your life today! Lavender oil has been in use for thousands of years and is usually sought out for its calming effects.
Many of us associate lemon and other citrus with energy, though that's true, Lemon also carries a bonus quality being a stress-reliever. How To Make An Essential Oil Diffuser Necklace For Kids (Perfect For Boys Too! Simple, easy, and natural ways to care for your family. Read on to learn more! Vetiver essential oil has a calming and stabilizing effect that accompanies its heavy, sedimentary fragrance. Author: Jennifer Lane, LovingEssentialOils.com How can I put this on a necklace or something for my 6 yo child to help focus. Peppermint essential oil is also proven to be effective in enhancing focus and concentration levels.
You can choose from the list of effective essential oils and get relief from stress and improve mental clarity and focus. I am using rosemary, peppermint, wild orange, and frankincense for this roller bottle because they are very stimulating oils.
Or maybe its over their head.
Hi there!
Directions: Add drops of oil to cotton wick of the inhaler. Fresh air and exercise can do a body (and brain) good! Benefits of Essential Oils These essential oils have worked really well for my children as they started back to school this fall. He always reports that hes had a good day and hasnt gotten in trouble on the days I put this focus essential oil blend on him compared to the days I forget. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Together they can reduce nervous tension, fatigue and maintain concentration.
It is your responsibility to do your own research, consult with your doctor, and make safe decisions for yourself and your family. If you have ever been around anyone who loves using essential oils, chances are you have heard all the wonderful health and wellness benefits they have experienced from using them. If you suffer from ADHD or have a difficult time managing multiple tasks, you will find lavender helpful. Apply often, and you can reapply as needed. Lavenders aroma is great for relaxing and winding down before bedtime; add to bath or diffuse to create a calming and comforting environment. Your students are lucky to have you. Thank you for your post. Read this post for more info onhow to choose essential oilsthat work for you and your family (beyond the brand.). In todays world of distraction and multi-tasking people are always on the go. Essential Oils Head to Toes my tips to get your picky eaters to eat healthier. I love having them around since they have so many benefits like clearing the air of bad odors and improving moods by releasing calming scents in your home or office! Rosemary oil is often used for aromatherapy and if diffused before studying or working, it adds pleasant energy to the environment. Lemon essential oil ought to be used with care and less often on children aged two and under as it can cause photosensitivity. Enroller/Sponsor ID 1795137, Non-Toxic Easter Egg Dye And Coloring - Safe For Your Kids. We are frequently asked what essential oil brand we like, here are some of our favorites: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No refunds available on digital downloads. Instant digital download delivered to your email inbox This prevents automated programs from posting comments.
Rosemary is a very stimulating oil and can promote proper brain function. Mothers Day Gift Ideas | 5 Essential Oil Roller Bottles for Mom, 5 Must-Have Essential Oil Roller Bottle Blends, My Favorite Essential Oil Blends using DoTERRAs Top Ten Oils | Best Roller Bottle Recipes, How to Make All Natural Shampoo | Simple Recipe using Essential Oils, The Easiest Homemade Lotion Bars with Essential Oils. Author: Jennifer Lane, LovingEssentialOils.com It will calm the nerves and help to regain composure. 4 Blends for Sore Feet Hi Marissa, you would add the essential oils to the roller bottle first, then fill the rest of the bottle with a carrier oil. I have one child, in particular, that is prone to interrupting in class and not listening to his teacher. You can apply this every 2-4 hours, depending on behavior. *This is a digital download, nothing will be shipped.
Top 10 Essential Oils
Please try again. Frankincense is exceptionally effective and may be applied nearly anywhere on the body. This oil features a very strong and earthy scent and may be utilized in a sort of way. Author: Jennifer Lane, LovingEssentialOils.com There are several different ways you can use this focus essential oil blend. Format: PDF download Diffuser Safety Guidelines The natural, soothing aroma of lavender and stimulating effect of eucalyptus will give your concentration a boost so you can get things done. Staying away from sugary foods and food dyes can definitely help the brain to function better. Do you ever wonder why our emotions often dictate how we feel physically? Using essential oils for natural health and wellness can be really amazing. I use this scent myself when Im feeling distracted and find it works wonderfully for adding a boost to my mood and productivity. Common Essential Oil Uses No refunds available on digital downloads. Pine Oil blends well with Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, and Rosemary. If you have ever been around anyone who loves using essential oils, chances are you have heard this world before. If you are a homeschooling mom, this is excellent to have on hand during tough lessons, homework, or test time where students need to focus on their auditory listening skills and not just visual or tactile distractions. *This is a digital download, nothing will be shipped.
These essential oils for focus may help improve memory retention and mental clarity. Common Essential Oil Tools and DIY Ingredients Oils for Headaches Exerting some energy before having to sit down and focus on specific tasks can do the trick. And Im glad these recipes are helpful for you and your kids! The chosen oils on the checklists will help guide your path.
No refunds available on digital downloads. However, our schools will not let us diffuse them throughout the classroom because some kids can have adverse reactions to certain oils. We all know that when we need to focus and concentrate on a task, getting the right environment and tools is key. Easy Inhaler Blends
Thanks for sharing! Directions: Add drops of essential oils to roller bottle, fill rest of the bottle with jojoba oil. Thank you! ClarityClarity is an essential oil blend (basil, roman chamomile, cardamom, geranium, bergamot, rosemary, lemon, ylang ylang, peppermint, jasmine, palmarosa and coriander). Apply one of the oils above to a diffuser necklace, Place a few drops on a tissue and inhaler, Diffuse essential oils that promote concentration, Take an aromatherapy bath with focus essential oils. It contains stimulating oils such as peppermint and rosemary to promote a clear mind and alertness.
She lives in the beautiful hills of New Hampshire on a small farm and loves writing, baking, nature, and sharing flower essences and more natural solutions with moms. When essential oils are inhaled, they hit the part of the brain known as the limbic system. Get a diffuser necklace or you can make one, I have a recipe on the blog!
You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. It is also important to mention here that Frankincense essential oil is considered safe for children as young as two years of age.
At the end of an overwhelmingly busy day, you presumably may not have enough leisure to sit by a diffuser for aromatherapy, so you can always benefit from it through a quick lavender massage on neck, wrists, feet, and shoulders. Peppermint has been used for hundreds of years to treat a variety of ailments, especially those related to bowel, nausea, headaches, and to get relief from muscle pain and itching. Avoid the overwhelm and learn exactly what you need to know in this guide that is chock-full of information perfect for beginning essential oil users. Lemon also keeps you alert throughout the day. Pages: 40+ (see photo below) Elderly or stay at home people can also benefit by inhaling from a mix of lemon and rosemary, to boost their memory and improve retention of information. When using this oil to combat exhaustion and stress related to illness or inflammation, apply it on the feet, ankles, and to the swollen joints. Another good option for school is an inhaler tube. It is deodorizing, antibacterial, and makes an effective insect repellent as well. Thats wonderful, Julia. Diffusing Essential Oils Learn how to live a healthier lifestyle and save money using essential oils. Printable Cleaning Label sheets A favorite is diffusing orange and peppermint for focus and to boost brain power during study time.
I will share my favorite roller bottle recipe and essential oil diffuser blend to help you or your child to focus and concentrate. Pages: 40 (see photo below)
All you need to do is add a drop of cedarwood, lavender, vetiver, and frankincense easy and effective. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Hyperactivity, or ADHD, can be linked to leaky gut syndrome and digestive issues. Essential Oil Cleaning Guide Includes: Get my full disclosureHERE. *This is a digital download, nothing will be shipped. Why Use Essential Oils for Emotions Format: PDF download How to Diffuse Essential Oils Total being %total%. 200+ Diffuser Blend Recipes It is always best to consult a doctor before trying something new, but it is worth looking into if you struggle with concentrating.
Welcome to our oily house, I am so glad you are here! Apply 1-2 drops of frankincense essential oil to the back of your neck and your templesfor better focus. There are essential oil blends you can make at home that can help you get focused.
Log in, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
This oil generates positive energy and may instantly brighten up your mood which can inspire you to be discerning and creative. Peppermint is a refreshing smell that almost everybody is familiar with and this oil is actually a mix of sweet mint and spearmint. Because it is the most versatile of all essential oils, no home should be without it. (Name is required. autism back to school featured essential oilsThis post contains affiliate links. You'll see Enroller/Sponsor ID 1795137 and that's us!
(e.g., your child isnt getting the results you had hoped for, etc.). Regardless, there are some great essential oils that can help kids focus and pay more attention.
Place the cap on. Bring the inhaler under your nose and breathe in. Various studies have shown that peppermint helps you focus while taking a test or other activities requiring concentration. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Im late to the game but just started using oils. Frankincense helps to relieve stress and anxious feelings. Oils for Allergies Clear your mind and mood with this tranquil blend before setting your sights on your top goal to accomplish. This spray recipe uses the same essential oils as the roller blend above: I used a glass spray bottle with this, but you could also use a plastic spray bottle from the dollar store. Its one of my favorite diffuser blends during the day! Brighten Your Skin's Appearance And Add Natural Radiance With The Bloom Brightening Skin Care Collection! Essential Oils and Emotions Guide Jennifer Lane - Certified Aromatherapist on. So, even if you shake well before you use your Listening DIY Essential Oil Spray, you will get an uneven concentration of essential oils in each spray. You mention the blend recipe, but without the carrier oil. You can find them on Etsy or Amazon here.
For the best results, you will want to choose a high-quality essential oil brand that is 100% pure and offers third-party testing for quality control.
Thats 20 drops total. Essential Oil Safety Precautions
Lemongrass can lessen feelings of stress when inhaled.
How Can I Mix My Own Diffuser Blends? You will get immediate relief from stress as soon as you apply and you will also notice a significant increase in your concentration levels. Watch for our welcome and invites to our exclusive online communities.
Skin Patch Testing Peace and Calming. My hope with this recipe guide is to help you do the same for yourself and your family and friends.
Directions: Fill diffuser with recommended amount of water, then add drops of essential oils to diffuser. Fill the rest of the bottle to the top with water, and your Listening DIY essential oil spray is done! Do you ever have issues with staying focused or have a child who cant seem to concentrate? When the kids get home from school, let them run around and play outside before sitting them down for homework. I also have found it works to improve concentration, alertness, and focus while also decreasing anxious feelings and irritability. Peppermint oil should be applied sparingly to young children and is usually not recommended for youngsters under five years of age. You can also spritz it on the back of your childs neck. There is a private Facebook group exclusively for my wholesale members for more education. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Plus, essential oil blends to aid memory, stimulate the brain and help you to stay on task.
Beginner Diffuser Blends Frankincense may help improve focus and reduce feeling down. I have personally found Frankincense to be extremely calming for my son, who has autism, and my other kids as well. It doesnt hurt to ask if kids are allowed to use their own blends in school. This custom blend can help lift brain fog and boost productivity! Make a mist to spray into the air by adding 5-10 drops of essential oil to a 2-ounce. Diffusing essential oils aromatically is a great way to use them for brain function, stimulating, focus, and concentration. Author: Jennifer Lane, LovingEssentialOils.com Studies have shown that processed foods containing high amounts of sugar and food dyes can cause hyperactivity in children. 30+ page Beginner's Guide Includes:
Oils for Stress This weblog only allows comments from registered users. Here are the probiotics I use and the ones my kids use. Struggling mama of a 8 year old who has ADHD. Young Living's July 2022 Gifts With Purchase, Young Living's June 2022 Gifts With Purchase, 2022 Young Living New Convention Products, Young Living Subscribe To Save Now Called Loyalty Orders. Aromatherapy Checklists Includes: Check out my tips to get your picky eaters to eat healthier. Oils for Bad Odors We havent tried them yet (I JUST ordered them), but Ill update this post later to let you know what I think. I love making DIY products to replace store bought items and strive for a chemical and toxin free home. How Long Should I Run My Diffuser? It is also used to strengthen the circulation of blood, stimulate hair growth, and avoid dandruff in hair and beard. Phototoxic Essential Oils Enroller/Sponsor ID 1795137. I also like to spray some of it in the air if I feel an afternoon slump where my energy levels plummet.
One thing that can be helpful is using essential oils. You may have heard them talk about diffusing their favorite essential oils, or the new diffuser that they just bought. Wild orange can help you to stay awake and focused on a task. Any other natural remedies? Try going on a walk before going into work or school. 20 Must Have Essential Oils checklist These essential oils can aid in memory retention and help to clear the head. Clarity Essential Oil promotes a clear mind and alertness.
Guide teaches: Or simply breathe some in straight from the bottle. This is a great option when you want aromatic benefits and youre not at home with a diffuser. Both the witch hazel and the coconut oil help the essential oils to disperse more evenly in the water. Please read my Essential Oil Common Sense Safety page before using this essential oil recipe. I am a teacher and I LOVE essential oils.
Get my latest blog post, video tutorials, natural DIYs, and healthy recipes delivered to your inbox! 5 Summer Roll Ons Comments are moderated, and will not appear until the author has approved them. Enroller/Sponsor ID 1795137, Unlock Your 24% Discount With A Premium Starter Bundle! Your email address will not be published. By adding the witch hazel and fractionated coconut oil, everything will spread more evenly, resulting in a more consistent spray. Looking for a safe and easy way to clean your home?Learn how to naturally clean your home with essential oils! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Brain Power clarifies thought and develops focus with essential oils that are high in sesquiterpenes.6. This essential oil usually rejuvenates your mind by reducing stress and augmenting attentiveness. I hope this DIY Focus essential oil blend works as well for your children as it does for mine! *This is a digital download, nothing will be shipped. Having trouble reading this image? Get the essential oils to make this roller bottle HERE. Have you ever used essential oils to help you while you study for a big test or to help you get a job done at work? List of Emotions that Essential Oils Promote and Address Best Essential Oils for Cleaning You can use it in a roller, a diffuser, or as a spray. Of course, when your child heads off to school, you cant drop in and apply more of this focus essential oil blend every 2-4 hours. Essential Oil Crash Course | Essential Oil 101 Class. After inhaling them in for a few seconds, rub the oils on the back of the neck.
The information provided here is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease, nor is it a substitute for medical advice. I use 3 (or often 4) common essential oils for this think and focus blend: Lavender may help with stress and anxiety and is calming.Cedarwood may help improve focus and concentration while calming and reducing anxiety. 5 Peppermint Air Fresheners
And most teachers/nurses arent sure enough about it to do it themselves. By the time you are done reading this guide, you will be able to confidently add essential oils to your daily routine.
Author: Jennifer Lane, LovingEssentialOils.com Inhale essential oil straight out of the bottle. Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) essential oils woodsy, warm, balsamic aroma can be added to your favorite skin care products and applied topically. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Have you ever heard the phrase, I have an oil for that? Well, that is exactly how I feel! By the time you are done reading this, you'll be a pro at diffusing essential oils. Pages: 17 But I do allow my students to have their own personal roller bottle and use it when they need it as long as they do not allow other students to use it. Be well equipped and confident in your essential oil choices with these easy to read Aromatherapy Checklists! Use this essential oil diffuser blend when studying and to help with memory retention. Format: PDF download If you and your family are feeling especially distracted this year, I highly encourage you to try these essential oils for focus.
}, The Very Best Homemade Strawberry Rhubarb Pie, Kid-Friendly Easy Homemade Mac and Cheese Recipe, 1-2 drops frankincense or rosemary (optional). Become A Brand Partner And Unclock A 24% Discount! PLUS MANY MORE RECIPES! 7 Oily Blends for Mom
Blank Essential Oil Recipe Cards Template
Diffuse this crisp and fresh essential oil blend to excite your senses and sharpen your focus.
Brain PowerBrain Power is an oil blend (sandalwood, cedarwood, melissa, frankincense, blue cypress, lavender and helichrysum). My sons school also does the same, but they have to keep it in the office and go there to use it. This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. 150+ Easy &Effective Essential Oil Blends Ultimate Guide Includes: Lavender is the best for people who are experiencing an incredibly hectic day that involves high-stress situations. If you arent a fan of frankincense or want to try something different, I recommend rosemary essential oil for its uplifting aroma.
(Wouldnt it be awesome, though, if teachers would diffuse some of these oils in their classrooms?
How to Clean a Diffuser There are plenty of supportive essential oils waiting to assist you in your daily life for common issues that come up. Learn how to make the best essential oil roller bottle for roller bottle for focus and concentration. How to Make EssentialOil Recipes Your comment has not yet been posted. If you use it regularly with your child, you will probably notice that its effectiveness lasts longer as time goes on, and youll need to use it less frequently. People with epilepsy, those undergoing pregnancy and kids less than six years of age ought to avoid topical use of Rosemary essential oil. Email address will not be displayed with the comment.). Camphor oil is extracted from the wood of camphor trees and it is best used topically to get relief from irritation and itching. You can do your own research and decide if you want to put a drop of undiluted vetiver in your childs hand or not. Your email address will not be published. I prefer glass because some essential oils (especially anything citrus) can corrode plastic. My favorite essential oil company isRocky Mountain Oils, followed byEdens Garden andAncient Apothecary by Dr. Axe. Then, I added 1 teaspoon of fractionated coconut oil. To make the blend into a roller bottle, youll need a 10ml glass roller bottle, a carrier oil (I use fractionated coconut oil), along with these essential oils: For younger children, youll want to use fewer essential oils, so the blend is more diluted. Add the desired amount of essential oils to your roller bottle and fill with your carrier oil. In the guide we are going to be talking about everything essential oils - what they are, how they can help you, ways to use them, PLUS essential oil blend recipes. Dont forget to label! A study was done with college students, and test results were higher in the room that had rosemary essential oil diffusing.
My daughter loves it when I put lavender and vetiver in her special necklace to help her stay calm and focus. No refunds available on digital downloads.