Catch your breath in the CAN Cabana! Establishes Strong Links to the School Day, Virtual Learning NYS SAC Credential Course (Live Instructor), Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Training. I learned so much tangible information in my workshops. Dont take our word on it, hear it from past attendees! Please join us as we take a deeper look at the Dimensions of Success Suite of Tools for STEM Assessment. Join us for this virtual conference to explore topics such as embedded learning, Youth Voice, innovative curriculum, and more. Afterschool and summer programming are critically important to enriching youth and communities. I wish I could attend more. The Exhibitor Expo is located inOasis 3A & 4 andCAN Erin Skene-Pratt, Executive Director Michigan Afterschool Partnership, Charlotte Steinecke, Communications Manager Afterschool Alliance. A good balance of workshops and activities. Everyone I met from tech personnel to organizers, colleagues and service workers-were so friendly, helpful and down-to-earth. This is the first of three sessions. Welcome!
Afterschool and summer programming are critically important to enriching youth and communities. new projects with CAN! Im leaving motivated and excited to bring new ideas and programs back to my students.
Join MASP as they open the toolkit to Lights On 2021. Afterschool and summer programming are critically important to enriching youth and communities. Program providers are invited to share their perspectives on supports, challenges and opportunities for strengthening OST in the UP region. NY Sea Grant | NYSG: New York's Great Lakes Ecosystem Education Exchange (Home). Activities are easily accessible to all staff, including those without extensive STEM backgrounds, and use common household items, classroom materials, and office supplies.
As the state of Michigan and the nation continue to move beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, we know our young people have a good deal of academic, social and personal ground to make up. This is by far the best conference Ive attended to date. Afterschool and summer programming are critically important to enriching youth and communities.

Join us on thesecond Monday of the monthto discuss hot topics in the field of Out-of-School Time (OST). Hey BOOSTers, are you ready for some funat the 2022 BOOST Topics for each month will be determined by the field, and we welcome suggestions. Training our staff to work with youth and challenging behaviors is always part of staff training but may need to be particularly focused this year in the new normal. We hope to see you Mondays with MASP: Mindful Me and Mindful Mechanics, Design for Change: Feel, Imagine, Do, Share as related to STEM Solutions for Climate Change Session III, Design for Change: Feel, Imagine, Do, Share as related to STEM Solutions for Climate Change Session II, Design for Change: Feel, Imagine, Do, Share as related to STEM Solutions for Climate Change, Roots & Wings: An Honest Conversation about the Needs of Women & Children, Design for Change: Feel, Imagine, Do, Share as related to STEM Solutions for Climate Change (Session I), POSTPONED: Diving Deep into Dimensions of Success, CANCELLED Family Engagement with STEM (Two-Part HANDS ON Training)PART II, CANCELLED - Family Engagement with STEM (Two-Part HANDS ON Training)PART I, MAC 2021 Shine on Summer Learning Conference, MI Summer Bootcamp Session #4: Widening Our Audience for Summer Programming during COVID Recovery, MI Summer Bootcamp Session #3: What You Need to Know About the Operational Logistics of Running Summer Programs in COVID Recovery, MI Summer Bootcamp Session #2: Living in Continual Trauma: Addressing Challenging Behavior, MI Summer Bootcamp Session #1: Summer Programming 101. is Booth #507 located in theNon-Profit Alley! Maria from Sesame StreetActress, Author, ActivistOpening Keynote, Founder & CEO at The Flying ClassroomCaptain Irvings STEM Fair, President & CEO at Leading to ChangeLeadership Institute, Founder & CEO at WRiTE BRAiN WORLDGrand Finale. Share by Email, Helping Our Children Love Their Differences | Parenting Tips & Advice. I was very impressed with the conference; especially the logistics.
EXL/OSTfriends in PERSON. few weeks in Palm Springs fromApril 26- April 29. Learn tips and tricks that will make your summer program engaging, supportive and fun! The luxury hotel marks the center point of business, entertainment, and family fun. But dont just take our word for itCLICK HERE to visit the conference website and read all about it! third BOOST workshop strand! It will offer tips for helping youth navigate the internet safely and for protecting our information online. Science areas covered include precipitation, wetlands, clouds, and birds. Erin Skene-Pratt, Interim Network Lead, MASP, Tabitha Zimny, Partner, Karoub Associates, Eric Peterson, Senior VP of Policy, Afterschool Alliance. Program providers are invited to share their perspectives on supports, challenges and opportunities for strengthening OST in the Midland region. Paving the Way: Pathways for EXL Educators into Teaching, How to Start an Out-of-School Time Program. I have been in education for 37 years. How can you create a safety bubble? Limited CAN swag and prizes will also be Activities demonstrated are most relevant to students in grades 4-8, but can be easily modified for somewhat older or younger students. Our partners from The Forum for Youth Investment's Weikart Center will join us as we review changes to the MOST standards and crosswalk with their Program Quality Assessment (PQA) tools. Happy National Ice Cream Day! PSAYDN at Center for Schools and Communities, Republic, Pennsylvania, 11 a.m. 1 p.m. Join leaders from the field to discuss effective practices & tactics that youth development staff can deploy this summer to promote youth mental health. In this current state of great unknown, our youth and even our staff may present behaviors that may require more than usual response. Resource: Early chapter books about sports, Great Lakes Ecosystem Education Exchange workshops,,,, The MAC 2021 Shine On Summer Learning Conference is a unique professional development opportunity focused on supporting summer programs in Michigan. There are so many intricacies involved in the safe operation of summer programs in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Click to learn more and register for the upcoming MAC Leadership Summit October 8, 2021! Like the moving staircases at Hogwarts, it seemingly changes daily and you may not be sure which protocol should be in place. This was a wonderful conference. Let's excite, engage our field, and bring back summer fun! available. Lunch is included. So many direct, hands-on programming ideas to take someone who works for the state it would be a better experience for systemwide workshops and resources. Brodrick ClarkeNational Summer Learning Association.

Sign up today and book your travel before its too late! What's your favorite emoji to use when you think of Summer? WE ARE! Michigan After School Partnership330 Marshall Street, Suite 211 | Lansing, MI 48912, Lights On 2022! Participants will assemble activity kits for use during the workshop that can be used following the workshop. During this session, we will explore potential funding for your programs and how you can help us advocate to make this funding a reality. Topics will include: cyberbullying, sexting, cyber crime laws, online predators, digital reputation and privacy and security. They were very interactive! Dancing Rice Experiment: Can you make rice dance? Join us to learn more about continuous quality improvement, program quality, and the recently updated Michigan Out-of-School-Time Standards. Activities demonstrated are most relevant to students in grades 4-8, but can be easily modified for somewhat older or younger students. Lunch is included.

This is a make and take workshop; materials list will be provided in advance of the workshop. You are invited to join a webinar: Using Federal Funds for Summer Learning and Afterschool: A New Guide for Providers, School Districts, and Intermediaries. So many fabulous session options. Children, Youth, Families, & Communities. Join us for this Mondays with MASP that will unpack the dynamics of effective school-afterschool partnerships and provide some real world examples and tools you can use. In addition everyone will try a collection of family-friendly activities that will get students and families excited about STEM. Many of us work until close to dinnertime, and those hours at the end of the day are stressful if were worried about what our children are doing.
Come prepared to try activities and bring your co-workers! Conference! Ken Anthony, Ed.D. SpeakerRobin BattenProgram Manager, Cyber Safety/Wellness & ResilienceWashtenaw Area Council for Children. Share on Facebook
Design for Change Virtual Professional Development, Feel, Imagine, Do, Share as related to STEM Solutions for Climate Change. Right now, summer learning is more important than ever. The conference was very well organized. Lunch is included. Activities are designed to be easily accessible to everyone including those without extensive STEM backgrounds, and use common household items, classroom materials, and office supplies. I enjoyed the ambiance, the speakers, the breakout sessions and even the food. Thank you for checking out the Schools Out, Make it Count! This interactive session will address the opportunities that we as youth professionals have to engage new audiences and re-engage with those who have dropped out of sight. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. For many of us, it means long, warm days filled with sunshine and fun. Afterschool and summer programming are critically important to enriching youth and communities.

Afterschool and summer programming are critically important to enriching youth and communities. Lunch is included. ET, Somerset, Pennsylvania, 10 a.m. 12 p.m. ET, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana and Virtual, Serving Ourselves and Each Other Compassion and Adult Social and Emotional Learning with Project Wayfinder, Data Symposium: Putting Data to Work for Young People, Getting Serious: Apprenticeship Equity Solutions for Employers and Sponsors, Rural Lunch and Learn: Paving the Way for Agricultural Education, What Can We Learn From Mister Rogers Blueprints, Language Educator Symposium 2022: Collaborations for Change, Wonder with Us: Science, Skills and More with Sylvia Acevedo and Jorge Cham, The Wonder Workshop: How to Cultivate Curiosity and Creativity in the Classroom, International Conference on Global Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education, Library Learning Celebration in Stackhouse, 2022 National Social and Emotional Learning Conference: Awareness and Action, Career Readiness Summit: Making Career Readiness for ALL the First Priority of American Education, Making Engagement Easy: The 5 Ingredients with Chad Littlefield, International Conference on Transformative Education for Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development 2022, Agency by Design Pittsburgh: Institute for Teaching and Learning, Wonder with Us: Drawing, Design and More with Illustrator and Designer Casey Robin, How to Humanize: The Questions You Should Be Asking Before You Tell Other Peoples Stories with author Jessica Goudeau, Demystifying Systemic Social and Emotional Learning: 10-Part Series, STEMATHON 2022: A Celebration of STEM in Pennsylvania, National Career Academy Coalition Conference 2022. Beyond School Hours was a great conference for front line staff working with youth.
Co-hosted by Grow & Lead: Community and Youth Development. The workshop will cover the risks and challenges that youth face as they use technology and the internet. Met so many wonderful people! Fridays, May 27, June 24, July 29, Aug. 26, Sept. 23, Nov. 18 and Dec. 16, 2022. Lunch is included. She shares tips and helpful resources to help children embrace what makes them different and celebrate others differences as well.
Below are some of the engagement opportunities for you to partake Science areas covered include engineering, healthy living, and environmentalism. ET, Loretto, Pennsylvania, 11 a.m. 5 p.m. amazing sponsorsof the BOOST Conference coming up in just a
We cant wait to hang out with all of our This will be a virtual event. $30 for two days - Registration, Payment and Continuing Education Credits will be through MiRegistry.
This is a make and take workshop; materials list will be provided in advance of the workshop. I have been to several national conferences but nothing like this one. Come prepared to try activities and bring your co-workers! Conference?! Co-hosted by The Capital Region Community Foundation., Pennsylvania and national experts will present the latest research and trends in OST programming, STEAM, barriers to entry for marginalized groups, advocacy, mental health and much more. Read the full article from PBS here: Congratulations to New York Program for Winning 2022 Lights On Afterschool Poster Contest, Using Federal Funds for Summer Learning and Afterschool. Join us at the MAC Annual Conference where we bring together youth programs, schools, and community partners to connect, explore new ideas, access valuable resources, and transform learning beyond the school day for Michigans youth. But for a lot of Michigan children and youth, its a time when much-needed opportunities for learning, adult connection and daily structure are lost. Join us for an interactive panel to hear lessons learned from a variety of providers with experience in marketing and attracting students, shifting gears from school year to summer, supporting staff and achieving student outcomes with impact.
This role has been evident during COVID and will continue to be in the future, especially this summer as many youth re-engage with in-person activities. Join MASP as they unpack this year's state budget for OST, offering insights into the provisions and looking closely at what's next with respect to state and federal appropriation issues. I especially liked the hands-on components woven into workshops and speaker addresses.
in! Come get your publications and hear about the upcoming events and Youth development staff are the caring adults that help youth heal from trauma, and we are also their advocates when we notice youth who are in distress. Share on Linked In
Helping Our Children Love Their Differences an article by Shauna Tominey about helping children understand and love their difference and what makes them unique. I absolutely LOVED the conference and have never attended a more valuable conference in my entire life! 2021 Conference Agenda. What else do you need to consider in addition to social distancing, sanitizing, handwashing, masking and other safety protocol? The California AfterSchool Network (CAN) is excited to host our
Program providers are invited to share their perspectives on supports, challenges and opportunities for strengthening OST in the Flint region. In this lively hands-on workshop series, we will explore topics in family engagement, including what families need to know, barrier issues, and steps to encouragement.