myAccessibe.config = { REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDTION BY THE STATE. } $('.seo-number').each(function() { Administered by the Charlotte County Public Schools, FOCUS allowsFSWC Charlotte to deliver important student information concerning attendance, discipline, and classroom grades. var apiResponse = ''; if (phoneNumberList.length == 1) { } var a = document.createElement('a'); Rental assistance website (opens in a new tab), Information for disabled persons website (opens in a new tab). } It prohibits discrimination based upon race, color, gender, age, religion, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, political or religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, pregnancy, genetic information and veteran status. phoneNumberList.push(referralPhoneNum); Our Recovery Center is a state-of-the-art drug and alcohol detox center that is medically supervised and provides inpatient services to allow to you recover without the distractions of outside life. The latest issue of theVoiceis now available! matchedSourceId = this.PmSourceId; game of billiards. offset_header: true, Annual retreats, weekly chapels, and special spiritual emphasis days are planned each year for students as a time for spiritual renewal and relationship building. At Charlotte Christian we aim to teach to the whole child (mind, body, spirit) and help our students achieve balance in their lives. var p_lt_zonePagePlaceholder_pageplaceholder_p_lt_zoneGallery_WebPartLoader2_ctl00_GalleryContainer= {galleryId:'100418,100419',hideColumnSelector:'false',defaultView:'3',openCloseEffect:'elastic',openCloseSpeed:'normal',nextPrefEffect:'fade',nextPrevSpeed:'normal',playSpeed:'3000'};var latitude='27.0202235',longitude='-82.0534584',name='Charlotte Commons Apartments',addressLine1='24150 Beatrix Boulevard',city='Port Charlotte',addressState='FL',addressPostalCode='33954',phonesNumber='(941) 769-9050',website='',walkScore='',searchRadius='8046.72'; utmValue : ""; cssVars(); this.utmMedium.toLowerCase() == utmMedium.toLowerCase() && Last year, we served over 11,000 individuals and families.
1445 Education Way, Port Charlotte, FL 33948. Preparing our students for the college of their choice. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail regarding official business to the District or any of its employees. Welcome home to Charlotte Commons, Port Charlottes newest apartment community where modern.
var utmConfigurations = JSON.parse(apiResponse); referralFound = true; free atmosphere at River Commons by taking advantage of our many amenities from f_setSessionStorage('matchedSourceId', this.PmSourceId); { hcLeadChannelName: "ForRent.com", Domain: "ForRent.com" }, var seohome = {title: "Apartments for Rent in Port Charlotte, FL | Charlotte Commons Apartments - Home", keywords: "FL Apartments Great Port Charlotte, FL, Apartments for rent in FL, Apartments FL", description: "Come to a home you deserve located in Port Charlotte, FL. console.log('Error getting UTM config from API: ', apiResponse); { hcLeadChannelName: "ApartmentGuide.com", Domain: "ApartmentGuide.com"}, ]; Copyright 2002-2022 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. utmValue = utmValue ? var utmCampaign; let myAccessibe = new RpAcsb() if (apiResponse.indexOf("Error") == 0) { { hcLeadChannelName: "Apartment Finder", Domain: "ApartmentFinder.com"}, if (v.Domain.toLowerCase().indexOf(referrerHostname.toLowerCase()) > -1) { Whether you're shopping for groceries, going out to eat with friends, or breaking a sweat at a group fitness class, you can arrive within seconds from leaving your doorstep! Joseph Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership, As part of the Districts goal to ensure effective, equitable, and efficient use of resources, Duval County Public Schoolshas implemented. if (this.utmSource.toLowerCase() == utmSource.toLowerCase() && More than83student-athletes have signed to play collegiate athletics over the last five years, 27nominations and5awards for the Blumey Awards for Excellence in High School Theater, 90clubs and after school activities offered spanning grades JK-12. Also, just minutes from the a Christ-centered, college preparatory school, equipping and developing students to effectively integrate Biblical truth and learning into their daily lives and to impact the culture for Christ. try{ Visit our Resident Portal and pay rent with a simple click of the button. Find out why so many call us home. $(this).attr('href', 'tel: ' + phoneNumber); remove_pages: [], State championship athletic programs, award-winning fine arts department, outstanding clubs and activities. { hcLeadChannelName: "ApartmentFinder.com", Domain: "ApartmentFinder.com" }, Congratulations to senior David Ntimon being named a finalist in the 67th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. Feeling like you dont know what to do PARTNERING TO INSTILL HOPE, INSPIRE GROWTH, AND EMBRACE LIFE, Crisis Services / Central Receiving Facility, IRIS Integrated Response for Intervention and Support, Seeking Safety Counseling for Trauma and/or Addiction, S.H.A.R.E. { hcLeadChannelName: "Apartments.com Network", Domain: "Apartments.com" }, River Commons is conveniently close to banks, shopping, var cidValue = f_getAnalyticsUserValueFromCookie('RP_LSWS_SEM');
} Charlotte County Public Schools attempts to make all of our websites accessible to all visitors. Whether youre lounging on the sundeck at the resort-style pool, playing with your furry friend at the bark park, grilling with friends in the outdoor kitchen, or crushing your goals in the state-of-the-art fitness center, Charlotte Commons delivers unmatched comfort and convenience to fit your lifestyle. game of billiards. matchedSource = encodeURIComponent(this.DisplayName); :root { We promote a sharp focus on learning and caring while requiring all students to adhere to behavioral expectations set out in a strict code of conduct supported by the Biblical beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. { hcLeadChannelName: "Zillow Rental Network", Domain: "zillow.com" }, Click hereto celebrate with the Class of 2022 and watch the 2022 Commencement Ceremony and Senior Walk videos. } The school equips and develops students to effectively integrate Biblical truth and learning into their daily lives and to impact the culture for Christ. var seoseniors = {title: "", keywords: "", description: ""}; } We believe the Adventist advantage in education is due to a holistic approach taken by the school system. } For more information on our non-serviced apartment homes call 941-467-3154. Students and parents are advised to check FOCUS on a weekly basis as it is the easiest way to monitor student progress. f_setSessionStorage('matchedSourceId', this.PmSourceId); A Charlotte Christian education is not simply a curriculum which contains a Bible class; it is a manner of teaching in which students are led to make sense of the universe and their place in it by filtering their learning through Gods Word. Peace River and Punta Gorda's quaint Main Street and the famous Fisherman's Village. else if (value.indexOf("Medium=") > -1) {

if (this && this.DisplayName && this.DisplayName.replace(' ', '').toLowerCase().indexOf(cidValue.replace(' ', '').toLowerCase()) > -1) { cid = true; *$)/).toString().toLowerCase()) > -1) { { if (!utm || trackingNumber == "") { $(leadObj).each(function (i, v) { console.log("Error parsing the UTM config object. var utmSourceSet = false; --RPcolor9: #ffffff; if (utm) { } Florida Conference Seventh-day Adventist schools admit students of any race, color, ethnicity, national origin, gender, and sexual orientation. When you visit our facility you can expect to receive attentive professional care. } with various studio and 1 bedroom floor plans to choose from.
}); $24,989,462college scholarships awarded over last five years, 99%attend four-year colleges and universities, 92Advanced Placement Scholars in last five years, 1,293Apple devices purchased for the iKnights Instructional Technology Program. var utm = false;
if (utmValue != "") { River Commons 2305 Aaron St, Port Charlotte, FL 33952. ='dataLayer'? Entertain and unwind in your choice of 6 open-concept floor plans that seamlessly connect your living, dining, and outdoor spaces to take advantage of Florida living. var floorPlanTemplate = 'floorplan4'; f_setSessionStorage('matchedSourceId', this.PmSourceId); TheVoicestrives to capture the essence of Charlotte Christian School and is published twice a year. var referralPhoneNum = f_getSessionStorage('referralPhoneNum'); var referrerHostname = a.hostname.match(/[^.]+.[^.]+(?=\. Please take me to the Portal. --RPcolor5: #d6b655; Developing a Biblical worldview in our students and mentoring them in their walk with Christ. } }); CHARLOTTE BEHAVIORAL HEATLH CARE REGISTRATION NUMBER: CH3145.
Pet Policy: Pet Deposit: $300/Pet (Refundable), One-Time Pet Fee: $300 (Non-Refundable), Pet Rent: $25/Month/Pet (Up to 2 Pets). f_setSessionStorage('referrerUrl', document.referrer); Copyright 2002-2022 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. var seofloorplans = {title: "Port Charlotte, FL Charlotte Commons Apartments Floor Plans | Apartments in Port Charlotte, FL - Floor Plans", keywords: "FL Apartment Floor Plans, Floor plans for apartments in Port Charlotte, FL, Charlotte Commons Apartments Apartment Floor plans FL", description: "See our spacious floor plans at our apartments in Port Charlotte, FL. } } var seoreviews = {title: "", keywords: "", description: ""}; Making healthy choices is a way of honoring our bodies as temples of God. positionX: 'right', --RPcolor1: #ffffff;
Do not fill out this input form, it is for bot control purposes only.
scene_container_class: 'block-area', })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-WSJBHS7'); if (cidValue != "") var utmSource; Parents will continue to access report cards and other important student information like current course grades, attendance, discipline referrals, and progress monitoring results. if (this && this.DisplayName && this.DisplayName.replace(' ', '').toLowerCase().indexOf(utmSource.replace(' ', '').toLowerCase()) > -1) { var referralFound = false; referrerUrl = referrerUrl.substring(0, referrerUrl.lastIndexOf('.co.') mobile_offset_end: 1024 You will be happy you did! if ($(this).find('span').length) { f_setSessionStorage('matchedSource', encodeURIComponent(this.DisplayName));
High quality, compassionate, cost effective health care. new jobs are posted?
matchedSource = encodeURIComponent(this.DisplayName); matchedSourceId = this.PmSourceId; }
var matchedSourceId = f_getSessionStorage('matchedSourceId'); {"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Apartment","name":"Charlotte Commons Apartments","image":"https://capi.myleasestar.com/v2/dimg/80506802/400x400/80506802.png","url":"http://www.charlottecommonsapts.com/","telephone":"(941) 769-9050","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","streetAddress":"24150 Beatrix Boulevard","addressLocality":"Port Charlotte","addressRegion":"FL","postalCode":"33954","addressCountry":"USA"},"geo":{"@type":"GeoCoordinates","latitude":27.0202235,"longitude":-82.0534584},"openingHoursSpecification":[{"@type":"OpeningHoursSpecification","dayOfWeek":"Monday","opens":"9:00AM","closes":"6:00PM"},{"@type":"OpeningHoursSpecification","dayOfWeek":"Tuesday","opens":"9:00AM","closes":"6:00PM"},{"@type":"OpeningHoursSpecification","dayOfWeek":"Wednesday","opens":"9:00AM","closes":"6:00PM"},{"@type":"OpeningHoursSpecification","dayOfWeek":"Thursday","opens":"9:00AM","closes":"6:00PM"},{"@type":"OpeningHoursSpecification","dayOfWeek":"Friday","opens":"9:00AM","closes":"6:00PM"},{"@type":"OpeningHoursSpecification","dayOfWeek":"Saturday","opens":"10:00AM","closes":"5:00PM"},{"@type":"OpeningHoursSpecification","dayOfWeek":"Sunday","opens":"12:00PM","closes":"5:00PM"}]} Revel in the convenient worry In addition, parents can update some beginning of the year forms such as the Consent Form, Student Emergency Card and Student Digital Resource Access Modification Request. Click Contact Us to connect with us today, or explore the Our Services section to learn more about the ways we can help. Let us know your discipline(hint: you can select multiple), Were thrilled to recognize Shelly Wendling, a PACU RN as our July Traveler of the Month. --RPcolor3: #284452; } }); } if (referrerHostname.indexOf('.') if (!utm) { Instead, contact the District or individual employee by phone or in writing.
It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. var cid = false; if (trackingNumber.length == 11) { var leadList = [ "}; var seoneighborhood = {title: "Port Charlotte, FL Neighborhood | Charlotte Commons Apartments Port Charlotte, FL Neighborhood", keywords: "FL Apartment Neighborhood, Neighborhood for apartments in Port Charlotte, FL, Charlotte Commons Apartments Apartment Neighborhood FL", description: "Located in Port Charlotte, FL. if (!referrerUrl && document.referrer && document.referrer.indexOf(document.domain) == -1) { $(sourcesList).each(function() { } else if (referrerUrl && referrerUrl.indexOf(domainUrl) == -1 && document.referrer && document.referrer.indexOf(domainUrl) == -1 && referrerUrl != document.referrer) { Charlotte, NC 28270 Click here to shopfornew CCS spiritwear! } ", e.Message); We follow Jesus example by nurturing each childs growth as a whole person: academically, physically, spiritually and socially. f_setSessionStorage('referrerUrl', document.referrer);
var seogallery = {title: "Port Charlotte Apartments | Charlotte Commons Apartments | Gallery", keywords: "", description: "Click to view our gallery of Charlotte Commons Apartments! "&l="+l:"";j.async=true;j.src= function setSEONumber(phoneNumber) {
header: '#header',
Entertain and create in your functional and beautiful chefs kitchen where expansive white quartz countertops, white shaker-style cabinetry, stainless steel appliances, and modern brushed nickel fixtures blend luxury with durability. matchedSourceId = this.PmSourceId; f_setSessionStorage('matchedSourceId', this.PmSourceId); setSEONumber(trackingNumber); Call today! } else { j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!="dataLayer"? "}; Charlotte Christian School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. } + 4); Starting School Year 22-23, more information will be discovered online ONLY using the Focus Parent Portal! Living at one of our communities ensures that your experience will be defined by our commitment to Platinum Service. about Lower and Middle School Robotics Compete at 2022 VEX Robotics World Championship, about Two Middle School Robotics Teams Advance to VEX World Championships, about LS and MS VEX Robotics Students Advance to World Championships, about Senior Named Finalist in 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program, about CCS Robotics Teams Compete in Local Qualifiers, Lower and Middle School Robotics Compete at 2022 VEX Robotics World Championship, Two Middle School Robotics Teams Advance to VEX World Championships, LS and MS VEX Robotics Students Advance to World Championships, Senior Named Finalist in 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program, CCS Robotics Teams Compete in Local Qualifiers. River Commons is a great place for convenience, quality and affordability in the heart of Port Charlotte. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. $50 one-time Poo Prints pet DNA fee. Call us "}; matchedSource = encodeURIComponent(this.DisplayName); *$)/) && this.DisplayName.toLowerCase().indexOf(referrerUrl.match(/[^.]+.[^.]+(?=\. utmSourceSet = true; Our experienced and dedicated professionals provide life-changing recovery therapies that help individuals emerge from the darkness of substance abuse and addiction and take their first steps along the path toward a brighter, drug-free future. { hcLeadChannelName: "MyLeasestar", Domain: "myleasestar.com" }, var seostudents = {title: "", keywords: "", description: ""}; Parking Comment: Charlotte Commons has open surface parking available. Access FOCUS at https://focus.yourcharlotteschools.net/focus/. utmValueArray.forEach(function(value) {

} { hcLeadChannelName: "Move.com", Domain: "Move.com" },
Charlotte Commons is conveniently located near the intersection of Veterans Blvd and Kings Hwy, offering easy access to the best of what the area has to offer. if (!matchedSource) { var a = document.createElement('a'); $(leadList).each(function(i, v) { medical facilities, and cultural center. matchedSource = encodeURIComponent(this.DisplayName); } catch (err) { ').length > 1) var propertyId='8726711';var lsApi='https://c-leasestar-api.realpage.com';var cacheUrl='';var leadObj=[{"PhoneNumber":"(941) 769-9050","LeadChannelName":"RentPath Network"},{"PhoneNumber":"(941) 769-9050","LeadChannelName":"Apartments.com Network"},{"PhoneNumber":"(941) 769-9050","LeadChannelName":"Zillow Rental Network"},{"PhoneNumber":"(941) 769-9050","LeadChannelName":"Syndication"},{"PhoneNumber":"(941) 769-9050","LeadChannelName":"Website"}];var googleCallTrackingEnabled = false; CHARLOTTE CHRISTIAN KNIGHTS IN COLLEGE & BEYOND.