It may be in Junk/SPAM, so check there just in case! She and her brother also made their mascots! Mrs. Campbell, grade 2 teacher, reading and reading: Weve been reading lots of books! Mrs. Soterion, grade 1 teacher, puts her granddaughter to work: Payton and I practicing math facts. Miss. Thefirst dayforkindergartenstudents is onSeptember 8th. It looks so pretty! District Report Cards, DESEAnd Title 1 Information, schoolbrains@haverhill.materiellcloud.com, portalsupport@haverhill.materiellcloud.com, katie.jalbert@haverhill.materiellcloud.com. Theres an indoor and an outdoor graphic. I hope you all go outside and enjoy some fresh air! Florida Union Free School District. I have been challenging myself to not to turn on the TV. I cant wait to see you all soon! Patricia. I know theres so much stuff out there academically and I thought this was easy and creative! Russell, grade 3 teacher, created a video of herself reading the book Wonder to her class: So here I am trying google meet and attempting to read Wonder We had started it in class. Golden Hill Elementary is the 1,798th largest public school in New York and the 33,823rd largest nationally. Just a Grammy keeping the kids busy. We love all the information we are getting. She read them her favorite book, Green Eggs and Ham! Miss. In addition to working through his school packet and enjoying all the educational apps available, he has been hard at work innovating. If you did not receive an automated email, simply contact Portal Support by emailingportalsupport@haverhill.materiellcloud.comfrom the email address you have on file with the school. Mrs. Plourde. Ricciardi, Grade 3 and K teacher wrote: Today I spent some time drawing with Mo Willems! Mrs. Pstragowskis son, grade 4 teacher, is loving the son: Mrs. Peabody, reading teacher, puts her mind to work with a puzzle: Hope you are all doing well and keeping yourselves busy. She has also been creative and done art, reading and some plays. Mr. Michitson said he would get a mohawk, and visit some of our essential workers with a Golden Hill Tootle! Emma B, previous grade 4 student, sends along this message: Matty C, grade 4 student, sends us his skills in baseball: The Bilo family, grade 1 and 4 students, are enjoying the nice weather today: We took a walk to Nettle and back home to pick up lunch and wound up with a team effort to haul home a weekends worth of meals.

Lets call it a delayed start for school today. Latch, reading specialist,shared a read aloud with you: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gJO7w19xNNXHbOU8jGZ-_G1OUzitNIuj/view?usp=sharing. Mrs. Bouchard, reading coach, getting her mind ready for the day: My daughter, Jayleigh and I do yoga every morning after breakfast to keep our bodies and minds healthy. All Rights Reserved. Golden Hill Elementary is a public elementary school located in Florida, NY in the Florida Union Free School District. Your childs homeroom teacher will be shared with you via the parent/student portal on or before August 27. Check out the video! Kwasi, a kindergarten student, putting his PAX skills to the test: Kwasi from Mrs. Ps class working through his packet! Haverhill, MA 01830, ESP Clerk: Katie Jalbertkatie.jalbert@haverhill.materiellcloud.com. They incorporated their initials within the mosaic design also (totally their idea!). We forgot counters so we used our Cheerios. I found some virtual field trips that may be fun to explore, so check them out if you can! It enrolls 383 students in grades 1st through 12th. Well, the kids worked hard and stuck with it. Trenton and Tressa Cannata are starting their day with morning announcements and then having art class drawing their pets! Mrs. Pronovost, K teacher,shared one of her students learning at home: The district shared a fun project to do for grades 2-4: Mrs. Families with incomes between 130% Dylan misses her Golden Hill friends. Weve been taking a lot of walks and keeping up on our reading! Step 2 Check Your EmailYou may already have a message from the SchoolBrains Portal Support with the link and initial login information in your email. And when we got home, she motivated her little sister, Wilder, to help her clean and organize the entry-way closet! A big thank you to all staff at Golden Hill for putting together and distributing the homework packets yesterday. Logan got to get outside and do his favorite thing.. build a snowman! Trenton and Tressa C, grade 4 and grade K students: Yay for Christmas presents being tucked away in a closet for a rainy day!!
For public schools this is the 2015-2016 school year. Riley misses his friends, but has been keeping himself busy. One LAST THING.. For private schools this is the 2015-2016 school year. Thanks GH! The kids wanted me to send you a fun chalk art project we did outback on our fence. Mrs. Noonan, GH staff, sends us her humor: My at home stuff. Mrs. Bradley, one of our Golden Hill parents, sends along the following: Here are some pictures of the kids doing their mascot kits at home. I would love to see them. Mrs. Wishing you all a safe and healthy adventure, The Danos family. Mr. Bruce Michitson Principal. So, Mr. Michitson visited Market Basket, The Haverhill Fire Department, The Holy Family Hospital, Haverhill Police, and Trinity Ambulance. Dylan M, grade 2 student, wanted to share what she has been up to: Hi Mrs. Rodriguez and Mrs. Windle, I have added it in Google Classroom for the kids to watch. The puzzle is 1000 pieces and a bit challenging. Here is a note from her to the school! Without this, you will not be able to receive a Portal Account. Melina B, a grade 4 student, sent the following message: Hello Melina has been working hard trying to do her packet. Mrs. St. Hilaire, one of our wonderful parents, suggested the below: I found these pictures online and thought maybe this would be a good activity for you to share on the website/GH FB page or via email if you would like Rebecca T, grade 2 student, getting an early jump on todays homework! The form below lets you find Golden Hill Elementary alumni info and Golden Hill Elementary students. I had to give out detentions today I caught my twins cheating on envisions math! For 2014, a family of two needs to make an annual income below $20,449 to be eligible for free meals or below $29,100 for reduced price meals.
Rebecca enjoyed some outdoor time with her cat, Twilight, on this March Snow Day! Out of 2,554 ranked schools in New York, Golden Hill Elementary is ranked 1,983rd for total students on lunch assistance. Students at a participating school may purchase a meal through the National School Lunch Program. , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjaYnyCJDdU. Love, Miss Borzi . Ms. Meinhardt, PAL staff, is enjoying outside today: Address Miss Borzi, grade 3 teacher, gets in touch with nature: I hope you are doing well and staying happy and healthy!
Its been a whirlwind of a day here! He is keeping busy not only studying but also planting our vegetables for the summer and working on his puzzles. Molly J, grade 4 student, being a PAX leader: My girls and I went to our elementary school this morning to start a community piece of art and I shared it on a few Facebook pages encouraging my community to come together, safely of course, to create a piece of art as a community. I miss seeing all of you and I hope to see your smiling faces on the website. Grades Kindergarten to Grades 2 will be from 4:00-4:45, Grades 3 to Grades 4 will be from 4:45-5:30. He writes the elephant and piggie books that so many of us love! 2022 ElementarySchools.org, Download a complete list of Elementary Schools, Download this data as an Excel or CSV Spreadsheet, All Female Elementary Schools in New York, Public School Enrollment Rankings for New York, Student/Teacher Ratio Rankings in New York, Free Lunch Assistance Rankings in New York, Private School Enrollment Rankings in New York, Private School Student/Teacher Ratio Rankings in New York, Private School Full Time Teacher Rankings in New York. 140 Boardman Street Below this video, there are also written instructions! I miss you so much!
Riley D, grade 2 student. This afternoon Antonio P from Mrs. Curtins class colored. Shes already planning to do another session featuring artwork. Students from families with incomes at or below 130% of the federal poverty level are eligible for free meals. Todays masterpiece was a mini-foosball table. I miss you all so much! Latch, reading teacher, sends the following message: I hope youre keeping busy, spending time with your families, and finding time to read every day! When we had to run an errand, Hula packed up her backpack so she could do some work on the road. Super easy- we just made a design with painters tape, colored in with chalk and then peeled off tape! Thank you, Hula, a kindergarten student, impresses us with her leadership skills: Hula was such a good girl today, already starting her kindergarten work packet while we were still finishing up breakfast. I miss you and cant wait to see you again! Step 1 Contact Your SchoolContact your child(ren)s schools and make sure your email address and other relevant contact information is up to date. and 185% of the federal poverty level are eligible for reduced price meals. This may indicate that the area has a lower level of poverty than the state average. Larry says hello and wants to give all his friends tootles for doing their school work from home!! School District AnthonyD, a grade 4 student, is doing some great things: Hi Mrs. Rodriguez, The percentage of Golden Hill Elementary students on free and reduced lunch assistance (26.4%) is lower than the state average of 53.2%. If you are unsure how to access the portal, I have included a link with instructions. Once you receive the homeroom teachers name, the teacher will reach out with any supplies that might be needed. Instead, I have been doing small projects around my house, like cleaning out messy closets. Well share some things weve been working on at home in the coming weeks hopefully. Golden Hill School