Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Save 3 Day Vacation Bible School to your collection. Suggested school supplies include: Our Fall Journey Group study, "God of Deliverance" by Jen Wilkin startsTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 - NOVEMBER 8,6:00-7:30PM in Room 103. to worship live with us as ONE Family of Faith! The School Supply Drive supporting Eustis Teachers and Students runs through JULY 31. For parents who are new to the LP Student Ministry and those of rising 6th graders. VBS Week takes place JULY 25-29 from 9:00AM-12:00PM at LifePointe Church! Give online HERE and select "School Supplies" under Fund. Students will not meet on JULY 27, since they are volunteering during VBS Week. Advanced ticket reservations are required. Cost per family unit is $99 - a $30 savings off the regular FPU price! CLICK HERE to view and see additional information communicated in our Sunday Worship Guide, including upcoming events & up-to-date weekly giving & debt cancellation. circlefacebook circletwitterbird circleinstagram circleyoutube circlevimeo circlemappin. Our next monthly gathering is JULY 26. Monetary donations are welcome - we'll do the shopping for you! Two After-VBS Camps will be offered from 12:00-3:00PM - Sports Camp and VBS +Plus Camp for a nominal fee. For questions or for meeting locations, please email Lisa at Join us each week as we take a fresh look at the 10 Commandments and how they can help us build a better relationship with God and each another. Save JBC Ministries: Glory Gathering to your collection. Save Volunteer Kick Off - Stafford Campus to your collection. Join us each week, bring a friend! In this 10-session study, Jen Wilkin shows us that Israel's story is our story, the same God who delivered Israel also delivers all those He loves from slavery to sin and pharaohs of the world. Save Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED (Blended Format) Lake Ridge Baptist Church to your collection. LifePointe Students New Parent Meet & Greet. Register for class and purchase books HERE. Dig into the book of Philippians this summer! Save American Red Cross BLS Blended - Lake Ridge Baptist Church - Woodbridge, VA to your collection. Save E2 Kids Stafford- Encouraging and Equipping Kid's Ministry Leaders to your collection. Go to our VBS 2022 page to register your child and to sign up as a Volunteer! A bi-weekly Young Adult gathering on TUESDAYS at 7:00PM in the Youth Room. S.A.L.T. Save Founder's 2nd Annual Golf Tournament to your collection. In Financial Peace University you will learn the principles to budgeting, eliminating debt, saving, planning for retirement and so much more! Our S.A.L.T. Join us each week, bring a friend! Save Fredericksburg Nationals Game Day to your collection. Get those creative juices flowing at Spark Studios where imagination is ignited and creativity is awakened. Class will be offered on Wednesdays and Thursdays in the Dining Room.
Ministry (Senior Adults Living Truth 55+), Pastor Dann will be leading a Summer Adult Bible Study. Wide-ruled notebook paper, pencils & pencil top erasers, colored pencils & markers, pink erasers, crayons, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, boxes of tissues, spiral notebooks, highlighters, 3-pronged folders, glue sticks, dry erase markers & erasers. Those interested in going can meet in the church parking lot at 8:00AM to carpool to New Missions, where the group will assist with packing boxes. page to register your child and to sign up as a Volunteer! Save Fleetwood ParaCon 2022 for VENDORS to your collection. Our Fall Precept Upon Precept Study focuses on Genesis Part 1 - The Creation (5 week study) followed by Part 2 - The Fall, The Flood & The Nations (8 week study). Are bills suffocating you? Text LPCENEWS to 22828 and then provide your email address.
Ministry (Senior Adults Living Truth 55+) is planning a Day Trip to New Missions on SATURDAY, JULY 23. Deadline for book order is AUGUST 7. We'll stop for lunch before returning to the church at 3:00PM. CLICK HERE for more information and registration. SUNDAY, JULY 31 from 12:00-1:00PM in the Dining Room. Items can be brought to the foyers on Sundays or weekdays during business hours to the Church Office. This is more than a Bible study or worship service. Only show events from organizers I follow. This study on Exodus 1-18 explores the exodus of the Israelites--the Hebrew people being delivered from bondage to freedom so they could worship the one true God. Children's programs are available on Wednesday nights; childcare is available on Thursdays by reservation only. from 12:00-3:00PM - Sports Camp and VBS +Plus Camp for a nominal fee. Grow Personally, Professionally & Spiritually ~ A Monthly Marketplace Ministry of LifePointe Church! We'll have color wars, pizzaa fun night for the kids as they kick off the new school year! Now is the time to take advantage of the sales in the stores! Save the date for our LPKids Ministry Back To School Bash for Preschool & Elementary Kids! Connect with us and join us for some of the exciting things coming up below at LifePointe! Don't miss our weekly High School Service! WEDNESDAYS starting AUGUST 17 through OCTOBER 12. Go to our Abide Women's page for additional ministry information. Save Back-to-School Family Bingo Night to your collection. Save PMN Church Multiplication Vision Casting Meeting to your collection. Light refreshments will be provided. Help foster kids start off the school year with success! Questions? It's a place where young adults can connect with each other, with God, and gear up to be Jesus in their schools and workplaces! to your collection. Save Zoom Comedy Presents L.O.L to your collection. Contact Pastor Kegan Shoemaker at Save Lifepointe Bible Church's simulcast of the 2022 Perseverance Conference. Go to our Worship page HERE to worship live with us as ONE Family of Faith! If you would like to participate in this Mission Day Trip, email Bill Vaughn at Join us for our Fall 2022 Power Lunch Series on, Part 2 - The Fall, The Flood & The Nations, hildcare is available on Thursdays by reservation only, S.A.L.T. Lifepointe Bible Church Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED (Blended Format) Lake Ridge Baptist Church, Lake Ridge Baptist Church - Woodbridge Woodbridge, VA, American Red Cross BLS Blended - Lake Ridge Baptist Church - Woodbridge, VA, Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED (Blended) r.21 - Lake Ridge Baptist Church, VIRGINIA: Church Security Pistol Essentials and BEYOND, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Woodbridge, VA, Goshen Baptist Church Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA, Historic Fleetwood Church Brandy Station, VA, Bethlehem Baptist Church Community Health and Wellness Fair, Bethlehem Baptist Church Alexandria, VA, E2 Kids Stafford- Encouraging and Equipping Kid's Ministry Leaders, The Revival Center: UPC Fredericksburg, VA, PMN Church Multiplication Vision Casting Meeting, Fredericksburg Nationals Fredericksburg, VA, Your version of Internet Explorer is not longer supported. Are bills suffocating you? Find freedom, hope and peace in a safe place to share your cancer journey. Ministry Day Trip to New Missions. Join us for our Fall 2022 Power Lunch Series on SEPTEMBER 13, OCTOBER 11 & NOVEMBER 8! WEDNESDAYS starting AUGUST 17 through OCTOBER 12 - Has debt robbed your freedom and stolen your joy? Save Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED (Blended) r.21 - Lake Ridge Baptist Church to your collection. Save July Summer Book Groups to your collection. Save the date for our LPKids Ministry Back To School Bash for Preschool & Elementary Kids! Our LP Students continue their Gatherings through the summer on WEDNESDAYS from 6:00-7:30PM in the Youth Room. Get up-to-date information in our LifePointe ENEWS - SIGN UP HERE or. Book fee is $16.00 - a limited number of books available for purchase from the church office. We encourage you to come, meet our volunteers, and learn more about our ministry! Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Please. Students will not meet on JULY 27, since they are volunteering during VBS Week. This group is led by Lisa Menditto. Save VIRGINIA: Church Security Pistol Essentials and BEYOND to your collection. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3 from 6:00-7:30PM on the SHRP Grounds at LifePointe. Has debt robbed your freedom and stolen your joy? Save Scott Family Reunion 2022 to your collection. Grow Personally, Professionally & Spiritually ~ A Monthly Marketplace Ministry of LifePointe Church! CLICK HERE to learn more and to register for our upcoming session. of the exciting things coming up below at LifePointe! Book fee is $27, includes both Part 1 & 2 books. Lifepointe Bible Church's simulcast of the 2022 Perseverance Conference. Save Bethlehem Baptist Church Community Health and Wellness Fair to your collection. Save 40th Anniversary Celebration Service to your collection. Our AVIA Journey Group for College & Career Young Women meets on MONDAYS starting AUGUST 15 at 6:00PM in Room 104 and occasionally off-campus.
Save Fleetwood ParaCon 2022 -- The Return to your collection.
#Relationships: 10 Values That Build Strong Relationships - Pastor Dann will be leading a Summer Adult Bible Study WEDNESDAYS through AUGUST 10 at 6:00PM in the Dining Room. Improve your writing skills in our six-week course! Find help and support for hurts, habits and hangups, LifePoint Church|Resources|Worship Guide, 1701 Emory Road, Reisterstown, MD 21136 410-239-4700 //, 1701 Emory Road Reisterstown, MD 21136 410-239-4700 Register for class and purchase book HERE.