Get the scoop on Tool Girls Garage: Customer reviews further back up the quality of their services. I posted this on my site back when you first did it
Design Matters is about building warm inviting furniture and is an extension of George Walkers column featured in Popular Woodworking Magazine. Hes got some great project articles on his site such as showing you step by step how to build a twin bed with a materials list, approximate cost, and SketchUp diagrams.
Woodworking with a mix of interesting stuff in between. For the past twenty years he has been making wooden bowls and plates to use every day. The Tall Guy Woodworking website offers a warm color palette and pictures of various woodworking projects. Check it out! They believe that each board and plank have only one ideal use. This is a personal website of a woodworker with tight connections to a non-profit organization. Muffin group.
Jay, I know you couldnt include everyone especially to keep the number a neat 50 but Id like to add Peter Galberts ChairNotes Blog as an honorable mention to your list. His work has been exhibited in premier juried artisan shows, fine galleries, and numerous national and regional publications. It never hurts to have a few more blogs to read, right?
The quality of Johns work is top notch. If you want to see a website that features a wide variety of content, Lazy Guy DIY is a great example. She lists all the necessary materials and follows with simple step-by-step instructions, as well as digital sketches and real progress photos to show you how the build should look at each point. Dyami Plotke is part of the Modern Woodworkers Association trio. The site includes a product portfolio to showcase the brand's unique woodworking projects. Prominent website features are call-to-action buttons, social media icons and a hamburger-style menu. It includes information about training, original projects, equipment and quality products. Other Woodworking Sites, Privacy Policy | the most impressive luxury websites, cafe websites and Key features include a shopping cart, customer accounts, a footer and social media icons. The clear respect for nature and care for trees reinforce the credibility of the brand. This is a pre-built website included in Be Theme, The Best Retail Websites with Good and Efficient Design, The Best Veterinarian Websites with Great Web Design, The Best Home Builders Websites Out There to Inspire You. The site features social media icons in the header and a gallery of the company's unique wood projects. Lots of inspiration and though provoking posts here. The owner explains that he donates a large part of the purchase price to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation for every item that contains purpleheart wood. Follow Donald as he learns the ins and outs of woodworking. The 1767 website includes a chat box, high-resolution pictures and customer testimonials. All Rights Reserved. The contact information includes links to social media accounts. Massachusetts Woodworks offers a minimalist design with headers and short paragraphs. Contact Us, Song of the Great Lakes This is an interesting take on the portfolio section of the website, since his experience is obvious the moment you arrive on the site. best of luck for the new year .. dan.
Key features include a fixed header, a clean design, ample white space, quick links, a footer and a contact form. Check out Lazy Guy DIY: Hes not afraid to get his hands dirty and make some sawdust. Especially those interested in learning about hand tools. If you want to learn more about a tool whether its a woodworking or carpentry tool, or a home maintenance product Tool Girls Garage is a great place to start. They also provide woodworking classes. Flexible web design allows brands to adapt the look and content to their current goals. Dominic has just started his woodworking blog and recently started his YouTube channel. Based in Chicago, IL he has been learning both modern techniques and traditional hand tool methods for building furniture and trim carpentry. This sales-oriented web design immediately draws attention to featured products. Another interesting design element on the page is the parallax effect in the philosophy section. Also, most blogs have a way to subscribe to email newsletters so you can stay current on all of their new content. If you want your company to attract new customers, you need a dynamic site that is easy to navigate. It stands out on a black background.
A good read for anyone. To visit each blog simply click on the corresponding image. He has been encouraging people for years that they can make really cool stuff out of wood with very little expense and no experience. Visitors can access a gallery to view pictures of previous projects, and the site includes a Houzz plug-in that provides real-time customer reviews. Except for the two on your list that (IMHO) over-commercialize, and the 6 or so that I was already following, I added every single one of the blogs in your list, including yours! If you want to create an internet space just to list your products, do it. Site visitors can click a tab on the navigation menu to read testimonials and reviews. Half-Inch Shy was started in 2009 after getting interested in woodworking in January of 2008. The sites navigation menu includes about, portfolio, capabilities, careers and contact tabs. If you want to see a website that is also a work of art, you need to see Jess Crows website. Copyright 2022 Bora Tool, an Affinity Tools Company. A solid online presence is an essential strategy for large and small businesses alike.
He has a great writing style that is perfect for woodworking articles. A unique feature is the 3D models tab of the navigation menu, which allows users to see 360-degree renderings of products. Matt is one the first (if not the first) online woodworking podcasters. No SawStop in sight. The unique shop talk tab offers users news updates about the business. Arguably one of the most inspiring personalities in recent woodworking history Steve Ramsey has been showing us all that YOU can do woodworking. Another blog from an everyday person.
The BeTheme Blog. rocking chairs, UP North Custom An engineers approach to woodworking. He also occasionally uploads unique project and tip videos.
This woodworking blog isnt about project plans but rather the thinking side of woodworking. One of the cool things about Pat Nesbitts website, Nesbuilt Design Co., is that it starts off with a slide show. Im glad I stumbled upon this list when I badly needed new blogs to check out for inspiration and guide. The high-resolution photos stand out on the black background. Ive just started watching your YouTube channel. Prospective customers can easily reach out thanks to social media icons and a contact form. This site features a minimal sticky header and an image slider at the top of the page. You are an excellent teacher and your skill with SketchUp has helped me tremendously as I initially found the program frustrating. Both his site and YouTube channel are completely ad free and are definitely worth checking out. His blog posts have a good flow with plenty of pictures. Key features include a blog, social media icons and a contact form.

You will find some brilliant home made machines as well as a lot of technical projects and experiments here.
Check it out here: Its contact page includes a helpful map and contact form. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. hi jay .. i just noticed that your post about the 50 woodworking sites is sending quality traffic to my dorset custom furniture blog. list. The web design consists of many professional photos and citations that explain its unique approach.
Great list. The NatureMade Wood Products website has a clean design that includes pictures of the companys projects. There is a lot of content to sift through on this site. Shake the stress of ongoing maintenance with plans supported by our team of WordPress experts. The main navigation menu includes links to services, the portfolio, the About section, and contact information. It introduces the brand through a well-chosen hero image of beautiful spa woodwork. Winchester Woodworks offers vivid pictures of their projects to give users an idea of what the company does. Craft Mall, Accents Woodcraft, Water FreshySites Website Design is a WordPress website design company and web development agency focused on WordPress and WooCommerce. Attractive photos double up as clean backgrounds for descriptions of the companys various services. In addition, he has a complete About section so visitors get a feel for his inspiration and motivation. It can help them to establish the credibility of the brand and market their online business. When you find an article or video that you like be sure to bookmark it and let the blog owner know by leaving a comment or two. They do a great job showing progress pictures throughout each build so that you always have a reference. An informative customer review section is included on the site in addition to helpful descriptions of services and unique selling propositions right on the homepage. Change is good and in this case its also inspirational and educational. If you want to make beautiful household pieces easily from every day materials you should check out this blog. She also offers tutorials and teaching opportunities, so if youre looking to do something similar, her site is a great example. The sticky header enables quick access to important links and easy navigation. Today it is host of Shannons Hand Tool School where you can learn how to use hand tools and to build furniture with traditional methods. The About section introduces the owner and features a picture of him. The homepages header uses a slideshow that displays different company projects. The best woodworking websites feature a photo gallery to draw attention to their services. Visit Charleston Crafted: Well be happy to add your favorites to our The banner image at the top of the homepage introduces the business and works in harmony with the web design. Customers can shop on the site for tables, cutting boards and desks. I also found it through Pinterest and woodwork is my passion.
A professional online platform will greatly enhance your business. Sure, high-quality pictures and other visuals are engaging.
This builds trust in the brand and serves as a great introduction to the products for sale. Our companys foundation is thoughtful and beautiful design, with fast turn-around. Note that a reCAPTCHA button is included on the site for added security. The link will take you to an interesting blog series covering the build of a simple yet interesting end table design. The navigation menu includes home, gallery, services, pricing, FAQs, blog and contact tabs. The website also offers media reviews and customer reviews from the Houzz plug-in.
The site is easy to navigate, and the web design matches the unique brand. David Harms is an application development team manager in Texas who tries to steal as many hours as possible in the workshop to teach himself woodworking. Visitors can access the companys Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter feeds right through the site.
Their products include unique fine furniture, custom cabinetry, and more. Dont miss out on Jess Crows site: Everything here is from the 19th century. Ethans website does a great job of showing not only the furniture and accessories he has available currently, but also the commissions hes custom made. The site should be captivating, informative, and functional. Brooklyn Millwork utilizes a minimalist website design.
We offer an array of WordPress web development services, below are just a few of the top services we offer: We serve all major US markets, below are just a few of the top markets we serve: We work with clients in all industries, below are just a few of the top industries we work with: When customers visit woodworking websites, they are looking for specific features. Presented in a down-to-earth manner from one woodworker to another, this site started as a way to get some of Stus trial and error experiences and answers out for everyone to learn from. S&S Woodworkings website delivers a simplified user experience.
You may also enjoy my traditional woodworking blog if you have not already seen it: It also explains the environmentally-conscious ethos of the brand.
Diary and thoughts on setting up and using a small shed as a workshop. Its static navigation menu includes welcome, about us, contact us and office furniture tabs. I recently just had to un-follow my first blog because of his over-commercialization, and so Ive had a rather big hole that needed filling. If youre looking to sell more handmade pieces or get your woodworking opinion out into the world, it might be time to set up your own website to show your listings and create a bigger brand presence, especially if youre hoping to one day become a full-time woodworker. It gives visitors a glimpse of what their dream house could look like. Im not sure if anyone reading this hasnt found Marcs website but for those who havent here is a great site full of useful woodworking education with a touch of personal humor. Youve certainly smoothed the learning curve for me and after two days of intense viewing I am using SketchUp to draw my projects. John Heisz started his ibuildit website in 2011 and has been posting quality projects, videos, plans, and articles since.
The logo, the fonts, and the color palette perfectly match the brand.
As the title describes, this is all about Matts woodworking in his basement workshop. I got into the whole online woodworking thing from YouTube. Doug has been pursuing his passion for woodworking since 2010.
A stylish photo of hand-tool woodworking introduces Darren Taylor's personal website. Its a reminder that everything can be done with a bit of though. This is the personal website of a talented woodworker. Wood | Customers can shop on the site for rustic coolers, bars/patio sets, frames, trash cans and accessories. The New York Woodwork website offers a bright color design with plenty of resources for site visitors. The web design skillfully uses the parallax effect and animation. Its navigation menu includes about, work, contact and press/testimonial tabs.
Chad Stanton is the host of Wood Choppin Time, owner of Stanton Fine Furniture, a Licensed Contractor, and a contributing editor for the American Woodworker Magazine. Kits & Plans | His Store section shows a variety of commissioned pieces hes made, and he has several places where people can request custom orders. This page belongs on the list of our favorite woodworking websites for many reasons.
Not only does Scott teach classes on how to make a wood body plane but he also sells them already made. Short paragraphs go with the high-quality pictures of fine woodworking projects. It gives me additional reference material when I am in doubt or simply in need of new inspiration. The team combines the latest technology with traditional methods. Some of the features used on the site include the parallax effect and hover effect. Visitors can easily navigate through the platform thanks to the sticky header. Here are 10 awesome woodworker websites to inspire you to create your own. The target audience will also appreciate the practical woodworking education in the blog. Its navigation menu includes home, collection, contact and about tabs. Table Legs by Osborne Wood Chad takes a new approach to his woodworking videos believing people learn better when they are having fun. Through the years he has built a nifty, tool dense shop. Supplies & Materials | A customer portal is also included on the site. The color scheme is eye-grabbing, the About section sounds like a human being, and there are several different tabs where you can see her work. This web design uses high-quality pictures to showcase the woodworking skills of their carpenters. The site run by Kevin Shimkus is very straightforward and easy to navigate, which is very important when you consider that most people visiting his site are on their phones.
Please email your suggestions and updates to: And if youre interested in advertising Key website features include high-resolution pictures, a contact form and a photo gallery.
Since 1983 Tico Vogt has made custom furniture and cabinetry for private homes, museums, corporate art collections and executive offices. Brian from Garage Woodworks has been putting out woodworking videos for several years. It stands out in a minimal web design. The photos of its wood products stand out on the white background.
The sites clickable social media icons give users instant access to the companys social media pages. Visit Archer Woodworking:
A portfolio displays photos of the companys projects. Each of our favorite woodworking websites is unique. | *Free shipping offer applies to contiguous United States and does not include Alaska or Hawaii. Visitors can watch a video interview with the owner, which builds trust in the business. Stores & Catalogs | Classical Woodcarving, New Zealand Vintage Tool Collectors (Configurable products cannot be added here). It also includes a CTA button with contact information. Remember that liking and sharing website articles is the best way to show your support for their content without spending a dime. Stop by and give him some encouragement to continue if you like his content. Do you have an RSS feed so I can direct your blog to my blog reader of choice?
This website offers another example of effective minimal design.
He has plenty of in-depth videos for you to learn from. Something went haywire a while ago and I havent been able to get it working since. Furniture making is about precision. You might just want to dance after checking this site out. Posted in News and Innovation Workshop. The cool thing about Steves projects is that he makes sure that everything he does is simply FUN. Woodworkers Association. These include a user-friendly design, a gallery of projects and contact information. I have found many sources of inspiration sifting through his work.
I just wanted to also add Frank Howarth (YouTube) to your list of woodworkers. WoodTreks are video journeys for woodworkers, wood artists, and collectors of fine wood crafts, art, and furniture. Its simple to find the businesss available services, gallery, FAQ and more. This woodworking website stands out. Visitors can review pictures of the companys projects on the site or check out the updated blog, which enhances the websites SEO quality. Steve Carmichael has been uploading woodworking videos to YouTube for quite some time and started his blog back in 2013. See Heath Street Woodworkings site here: I absolutely agree to this list you have here! As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. And here lately I have also been leaning more toward woodworking blogs instead of video. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The Custom Woodwork NYC website offers a pleasant user experience. This blog chronicles his project progress. The Dovetail Wood Arts website offers a minimalist design with large, detailed pictures of the companys wood arts projects. It pictures hand-tool woodworking. From simple tips and tricks to room renovations, they tackle a wide array of subjects. Key website features include a blog, map and newsletter sign-up form. After 30 years of making custom, one of a kind pieces John retired in 2008 and has turned his blog into his full time endeavor. Noteworthy website features include a chat box, videos and social media icons. So without further adieu here is a list of 50 woodworking blogs and websites that you may not know about. My apologies though. Did get some photos of the woodstore I fixed In fact, go ahead and do more research! the best looking tourism websites,
The New York Heartwoods website has a simple and elegant design. Club, Northwest Indiana Covenant Woodworks focuses on converting visits into sales.
hotel website design, This is another blog that I am enjoying reading through all of the previous content. The founders of Lost Art Press, Christopher Schwarz and John Hoffman, are trying to restore the balance between hand and machine work by unearthing the so-called lost arts of hand skills and explaining how they can be integrated with the machinery in the modern shop to help produce furniture that is crisp, well-proportioned, stout, and quickly made. CTA buttons invite visitors to browse the online store or initiate a custom order.
Tool Makers | Key features include a hamburger-style menu and the companys story. You will find a lot of gorgeous work here.
During that time hes learned a lot and tried to share what he knows with other woodworkers. Clubs & Schools | This husband and wife team blogs about different home improvement projects, including free project plan downloads in their posts. The site is well-organized and clean. Brian makes some really unique and beautiful furniture.