1 Peter (The Church: The Challenge From Without). This is a great way to meet people and ask questions. God has created you to make a difference. For every way that someone can be lost, we want to provide a practical way for them to be found in the very place that they have ended up. --Miles McPherson. Together With One Accord In One Place Part 2.
Were committed to using our God-given gifts and talents to minister to others. The link has been copied to your clipboard; paste it anywhere you would like to share it. A dancer looks right past the extraordinary blessing standing in front of her, A married couple learns an important lesson on finances: money is a prison. We frequently see Him manifest through healings, prophetic words of encouragement, and spontaneous worship. Come and witness how active we are in each others lives and our community.
Pastor Jim continues the vision series for 2018. Ramsey+ is free for our church & our gift to you because we believe having financial peace & living a lifestyle of generosity is always possible.
You don't need to dress up (unless that is your desire) and when you walk in, you'll be met by one of our Greeters, so feel free to introduce yourself and exchange smiles! Connect with others for friendship and accountability so you will grow together in their spiritual walk. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/. Were here to help you Do Something about it.
Pastor Jim starts a new series out of the book of 1 Peter. Whether you grew up in church, think of yourself as a returner, or find yourself seeking God for the first timejoin us, because youll fit right in. on Sunday, July 17. Wed love to get to know you and be a part of your spiritual journey! The first 100 registrations get a free Men's Weekend t-shirt. Sunday and Wednesday Sermons from House on the Rock Family Church in Wind Gap, PA. Mens Weekend will be September 24-26 at Camp Spofford in New Hampshire. Pastor Jim continues the Vision Series for 2018 with part 3. We'll share more about our church and a number of ways you can get plugged in. Discover in 4 classes how much God loves you and has wired you in special ways to be used for His purposes.
This is exactly what you need, so get away and experience God through community and great teaching. If you have children youre dropping off at Childrens Church or if you would like prayer with someone from the Prayer Ministry Team, youll want to arrive a few minutes early. Come as you are! If youre new, join us at our next Open House! Pastor Jim finishes up the series "Knowing the Mind & Will of God.". Make A Difference is focused on finding practical ways that we can serve the world with the same radical generosity that Jesus demonstrated. Scripture though calls us to hold onto His Word and release our hold on our time and finances. Many times we conclude our service by breaking off into groups to pray for one anothers needs, and individual prayer is also available at the altar after church. Pastor Jim gives the vision message for 2018. God has given Rock Church an extraordinary vision to see his kingdom come in San Diego and beyond, and we want to DO SOMETHING about it! God offers a life-giving relationship with Him through Jesus. We cant wait to meet you. Hover or tap on cards below for more details. Stay informed about the latest news and happenings at Black Rock, and sign up for upcoming events! Why does God challenge us to hold onto His Word and release everything else? During each service, we have a time of teaching, worship, and communion, while being sensitive to the Holy Spirit to lead us at all times. Pastor Jim continues the series of 1 Peter with part 2. For one salesman, being unemployed no longer means coming undone. Jesus-focused | Multiethnic | Modern | Multigenerational | Family-friendly. Create an account, access the resources, attend FPU, & more!
Make a decision today to follow Christ and begin your new life in hope and truth. The Rock Church is a diverse congregation of people who love Jesus. Copyright 2022 Apple Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati. Our human desire is to hold onto something that will give us the security and comfort we need. Its my joy to introduce Black Rock to you! 4135 Centennial Blvd Colorado Springs, CO 80907, 719-362-6022 | riverrockchurch.net@gmail.com | Service Times: Sundays 8:30 am & 11:00 am. Together With One Accord In One Place Part 3. Every first Sunday we have food and fellowship before the first service and after the second service. Step into financial freedom! One church, many locations. Were excited about experiencing together, more and more of what that means. I hope youll join us in the adventure! at Camp Spofford in New Hampshire. The first 100 registrations get a free Men's Weekend t-shirt. Service times are 8:30 am and 11:00 am and typically last between 90 and 120 minutes. For many of us our team or finances are the things we hold onto with the tightest grip. This is exactly what you need, so get away and experience God through community and great teaching. Enjoy the latest message recorded live at Rock Church Point Loma Our passion is to be a place where you can meet friends to do life with, find exciting opportunities to serve others, and discover Gods great plan for your life.