The Italian Greyhound will eat between and 1 cup of food every day, whereas the Whippet will eat slightly more at 1 to 1 cups of food a day. I'm sorry to hear you are having difficulties with your pup. Im somewhat of a whippet nut, and have been for most of my life. Some believe these pint-sized dogs reached Rome around the fifth century.
Their expressions are both keen. He always looked very pleased with himself..
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We are midlands / Staffordshire They are a great choice for a first-time pup parent and homes with kids and other dogs, but cats are on their "always chase" list. The Italian Greyhound and the Whippet share some health issues, and they also have their separate health issues. Studio picture against a dark background. Both the Italian Greyhound and the Whippet are very similar in their temperament, in that they are gentle dogs with a calm demeanor. I often feel that Romi has a certain expectation of luxury I have to meet, Mrs Moseley admits. Looking for the perfect cat name for your new kitty? WhippetCentral was created with whippet owners in mind, to help you learn how to care for, train, and love your whippet the right way! Here at CKC, they both fall under the Sighthound Breed Group. The Italian Greyhound National Breed Club suggest that he undergoes an Ophthalmologist Evaluation similar to the Whippet, as well as the following issues: Hip Dysplasia this is an abnormal formation of the hip joint which can cause painful arthritis. They are both fantastically fun with their 5 minutes zoomies, but calm and gentle for the rest of the day, and they both make equally great family pets! It is their size difference that is often the deciding factor for prospective owners, as their temperaments are almost identical too. They are also sometimes bred together, resulting in a popular Whippet mix. Commonly referred to as whippigs, whippet Italian greyhound mixes are dogs created by interbreeding purebred whippets and Italian greyhounds. Short and fun training sessions are advised, and even if you feel that you arent progressing with your pup, strive on and be consistent. The perfect little hound.. These pups are affectionate with loved ones and even a little mischievous (Oh, you dont want me to grab these socks you just folded and run around the house with them in my mouth? Some experts believe todays whippet is likely from miniature greyhounds bred in England to catch rats and hunt rabbits.
However, its popularity as a loyal companion dog to the prominent and privileged throughout history has also played a large part in securing its spot on canvas. These thin dogs have fragile bodies, and if given the choice between playing tea party or playing soccer, theyre probably going to choose going for a walk instead. Despite their laziness, they are known for having short outbursts of energy, and they are known in the canine kingdom, and the zoomies. Upon closer inspection, though, the whippet is nearly double the weight of an Italian greyhound.
Your whippig requires adequate food, training, exercise, grooming, sleep, and timely healthcare to be comfortable, happy, and healthy.
Some Italian Greyhounds may need to be reminded that cats are friends, not food. Whippets and IGs are also susceptible to different health issues. Pet concept. The Italian Greyhounds temperament is surprisingly varied. Germany, Italian Greyhound Puppy dog standing on grass looking at camera, the little greyhound from his bed observes the world around him and wonders, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY - 21 february 2016: a stamp printed in Togo shows Italian Greyhound, circa 1999, portrait of a black puppy purebred italian greyhound, Italian Greyhound Chasing a Lure during Lure Coursing.
We found the IG's to be much more difficult to potty train. The combination of agility, curiosity and a headstrong nature makes these dogs a mischievous and high-maintenance breed.
Since both of these pups have faster metabolisms, you can free-feed them but youll still want to keep an eye on their food habits. They are relatively sensitive dogs that need constant love and proper care.
Puppy piccolo Italian greyhound nicely sitting on a sofa, Italian Greyhound.

Big dogs, small dogs, long-haired, short-haired, the list goes on and on; just like in the last.
All dogs need proper and early training to be disciplined and obedient little fellas. Scottish Deerhound vs. Irish Wolfhound: Whats The Difference? Ophthalmologist Evaluation he should be screened for several eye conditions, such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy. Bonnie is my latest girl; she is currently eight years old and keeps me very busy! Of course, if you are seeking puppies from a particular champion bloodline then you can expect to pay much more than this, heading into the region of a few thousand dollars.
Studio picture against a dark background.
This includes links to Amazon. For pet parents living in a multi-dog household, Italian Greyhounds are best suited with other small dogs to prevent injuries they could sustain if playing with a large dog. The Italian Greyhound is the smallest of the sighthounds, but he is still mighty quick and powerful.

Three puppies (6 weeks old) standing on a pet bed.
With proper grooming, feeding, training, exercising, and care, whippigs are one of the best dogs for most homes, especially those with children.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'whippetcentral_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',112,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-whippetcentral_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0')}; Hello. However, dont be fooled these are no lapdogs. Christine Chau with her dogs (Photo Grzegorz Gebik), At the time, I was working in the City and had Charley and Anna, she recalls.
The pros and cons oflabradors, spaniels, terriers and more. For this reason, they only suit households that do not have other small pets such as rabbits or guinea pigs, because it is in their D.N.A to chase them. Good luck! He now has two, Serge and Coco, from the same litter. The Italian Greyhound measures 13 to 15 inches in height, from paw to shoulder, whereas the Whippet measures 18 to 22 inches in height. Italian Greyhounds are best for active households where there's enough room to run sprints and jump around, and for pet parents who also love a good snuggle session. Proof of these little dogs can be found from Egypt to Rome. But on the other hand, the Italian Greyhound breed also enjoys quality time snoozing on the couch. At a glance, these look a lot alike. Our content is for educational purposes only. Below is a detailed guide on how to care for your whippet italian greyhound mix: Due to their short, smooth coats, whippigs are generally easy and fats to groom. Therefore, your whippig can measure around 15-20 inches with a weight of 7-40 pounds when fully grown.
This dog has the speed, sweet nature, and unique personalities of its sighthound parents. A black Italian greyhound puppy sitting in a pink heart scene symbol for love. Hi, Im Luke, and above is Bonnie. Huh OK, then!). Italian greyhounds' height ranges from 12-15 inches in both males and females. With their humans, though, Italian Greyhounds are affectionate, sweet and gentle, and ready at any time to accompany you on your next adventure, whether its a stroll down the street or a siesta in the afternoon. The coat types also differ. Click here for the Italian Greyhound full breed standard. Irresponsible breeding can result in health problems such as poor bone density, which causes leg breaks, warns Mrs Amsel, pointing out that advice can be found on the rescue website and Facebook page. Adorable Italian greyhound puppy is playing with plush toys. Egyptian artifacts dating back 2,000 years have depictions of pint-sized sighthounds. These two breeds look very similar at first glance, but once you get to know them, youll see the differences. Hi Adele! Because they are both skinny with thin skin, they are prone to frostbite and hypothermia, so for this reason, in the winter you must invest in a doggy coat to avoid this. Their shared timidness means that it is really important for them to be socialized from a young age so that they grow up being comfortable with all humans and animals alike, and in unfamiliar situations. The texture is also firm-to-harsh and glossy with no undercoat. Among the most loved dogs are whippets and Italian greyhounds.
So either they are more stubborn or probably just not quite as smart as the Whippet. These guys are medium-energy dogs who would enjoy two brisk walks a day. We used to have a clothes-drying rack in the house and every time we had a dinner party, Serge would make a point of going off and returning with a pair of pants to show everyone. Click here for the Whippets full breed standard.
The Italian Greyhound and the Whippet are often difficult to train, as they are independent and often stubborn. or product manual for professional advice.
Either way, you should ensure you give your dog a balanced diet and the correct amount of food.
I have 2 Italian Greyhounds and they are exactly how you described them on this web page. The Whippet National Breed Club suggest that he is tested for the following: Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response Test also known as BAER, this test is to establish a normal level of hearing in both of his ears. Whippigs are also very predacious since their parents are both sighthounds. The most obvious difference is their size, with the Italian Greyhound being a small toy breed, and the Whippet being a medium-sized pooch. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'whippetcentral_com-box-4','ezslot_3',103,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-whippetcentral_com-box-4-0')};This article covers all the essential details you should know about this whippet mix, including its origin, personality, and needs. My one now at 1 year still chews everything, she has lots of bones but l just dont know what to do she is very affectionate, but I need help with getting her to stop chewing. Theyre real sighthounds.
Hence, they may not be the right choice for homes with small pets like rabbits and guinea fowls.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'whippetcentral_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',105,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-whippetcentral_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')}; As a relatively new breed, less is known about the whippigs. They are pack dogs and prefer companionship(especially of a similar breed). The coat is longer on the neck, ears, and rear of forelimbs and hindlimbs.
The first time I set eyes on an Italian greyhound was when I opened my history textbook in school and there was a painting of Catherine the Great with one at her feet, explains Christine Chau, co-founder of luxury dog-bed company Charley Chau. Italian greyhounds were tamed for two main tasks; hunting and providing company to people, which is more sensible considering their predacious yet sweet nature.var asau='3475898046';var cid='2854633511';var pid='ca-pub-7896920432596358';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-whippetcentral_com-leader-1-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1037%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);'100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;if(typeof window.adsenseNoUnit=='undefined'){ins.dataset.adSlot=asau;} And because these gentle dogs love people and theyre smaller in size, they make excellent therapy dogs for nursing homes and hospitals. They make for one of the best snuggle buddies, in that they will happily laze on the sofa all day long if youd allow them to.