Every week, faith, imagination and learning go hand-in-hand to create a new, fun and creative experience designed just for them as they grow in their walk with God. We know that learning begins at birth, so we've designed each class with age-appropriate activities that make learning about God entertaining and easy to get into!
If no tag is presented, photo id will be required. Welcome to treeKids, the Childrens Ministry of Tree of Life Church. Weve received your information. Fun weekly themes, sports activities, music, tech time, games, arts and crafts, daily Bible time, tree-covered playground areas, field trips galore, weekly Kona Ice, and much more! Summer Fun is a good way to get a feel for who we are as a school community and what we stand for. Every activity is designed to help them develop a real relationship with God while making wonderful friends. We are open from 7:30 am to 6 pm.
If they just finished Kinder they will be in the kinder group for the summer : All subject to adjustment based on enrollment. Please come to the gate to get your camper. We will be closed the week of July 4. Here you will receive name tags for campers and pick up tags for parents/caregivers. Our team provides a learning environment that is warm, loving, friendly and entertaining. Morally-appropriate use of current music, games, topics and trends enable us to communicate and apply Gods Word in everyday life.
We whole-heartedly believe that God has amazing plans for your kids, not just when they grow up, but right now. We put forth great effort to provide your child with quality care while you focus on building relationships and enjoying the service. If you have any questions, please call our elementary front office at 830-629-6222 or feel free to reach out to Cierra Vickery - our new and awesome!!! 386 N. Castell Ave. New Braunfels, Texas 78130. Monumental Music CDs are $6.50 each and previous VBS music is available for $1.00 per CD. treeKids Nursery, Preschool, and Elementary classes are great places for your child to learn, experience, and grow in Gods Word, in a kid-friendly environment. There will be Kona Ice every Friday! Its a place where our kids are taught that they can have a great big life, with a great big God. Our Hamburger and Hot Dog lunch begins at 12pm in St. Mary's Hall on Friday. Our team and 115 volunteers have been working hard the past two weeks to prepare a MONUMENTAL experience for our 420 campers! Campers are divided into two buildings. Copyright 2022 Cross Lutheran Church and School. Come and join us for the adventure of a lifetime! Plus, well help kids discover how to see evidence of God in everyday lifesomething we call God Sightings. Campers are welcome to stay until 6pm, but we will start to slow down activities by 4 pm. Get ready to hear that phrase a lot! There is no carline for drop off or pick up. Music, videos, skits, puppets, props, costumes and more to help make learning fun and meaningful. -Fr. As soon as a team member reads your message, we will get back to you as soon as possible. We will also be collecting offering to be donated to one of the LCMS mission organizations. . On the first day, parents will bring their children through the gate. We are committed to providing developmentally-appropriate environments and experiences for all ages.
This is the same parking lot for the school and Thrift Store. Our Elementary program is a cool place where foundations are built for incredible futures. Pick-up is flexible. After Mass, children will be taken directly to the school to participate in the last day of faith and fun. (Since everything is hands-on, kids might get a little messy.
Calvarys VBS is a free 6-night summer event for all the kids in the community from K4 - 6th grade. Above all, we strive to do everything, even having fun, to the glory of God - Colossians 3:23. Our PreK-3 through 1st Grade will be in one building and 2nd-5th grade will be in another. Be sure to send them in play clothes and sturdy shoes.) Come and see what NBCAis all about - having lots of fun in a Christ-centered, family-friendly environment. We ask our parents to please wait as we get the children and bring them out to you. Partnering with families to connect kids to Christ. PARTICIPANTS: Kids PK4-Entering 6th GradeVOLUNTEERS: Students Entering 7th Grade- AdultsDATES: June 13-17, 2022TIME: 9AM-12PM. A small is $4, a medium is $5, and a large is $6. It runs from July 24th - 29th (Sunday - Friday). The beauty of our Catholic faith is depicted in various ways whenentering our magnificent church, with its story-telling stained glass windows and artwork. Our passion, quite simply, is to partner with families to connect kids to Christ. Register you children here: https://cbc.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1320433.
Our station helpers and leaders will be using the assigned pick up tags to collect the kids and bring them to the Check In area each day. Only those adults listed on the registration paperwork will be allowed to pick up the campers. Our computerized check-in system ensures that only you can sign-in and sign-out your child. Copyright 2022 New Braunfels Christian Academy. VBS is full so we are unable to accept any more campers.
Every day of VBS, your camper will be introduced to a Bible Buddy, Bible verse and Bible point. Monumental is filled with awesome Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, and touch! You can drop off any time before 8:30 when the morning meeting begins. I am blessed to have been a part of this special community since 2016 and hope that you will come and check us out for a week or maybe even the entire summer! You can take comfort in knowing that all of our care providers have received a thorough background check and have been trained to minister to your child. Check-in is the fenced in area between the school office and gym. NBCA has been educating students in the New Braunfels area for 40 years. Dates and cost have been updated below. Everyone is invited to join us for 8:00am Mass on Friday, June 24. Welcome to our faith community! Imaginative crafts, team-building games, unforgettable Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. Your children are a masterpiece and at Tree of Life Church we treat them that way. We offer a nursing mothers' room and a parent/child room to help families feel right at home. NBCA Secondary Campus:220 FM 1863, New Braunfels, TX 78132830-629-1821, NBCA Elementary Campus:995 Mission Hills Dr., New Braunfels, TX 78130830-629-6222, Show submenu for ADMINISTRATION AND STAFF, 995 Mission Hills Dr., New Braunfels, TX 78130. Each night, your kids will have a blast as they enjoy exciting competitions, epic games, incredible prizes, practical Bible lessons, fun mystery stories, beautiful award ribbons, and so much more!!! Throughout the years, this amazing parish has experienced exceptional growth. Only the 2nd-5th grade group will be attending off-campus field trips. You can make a MONUMENTAL impact on the youth of Cross Lutheran and New Braunfels by volunteering to help with VBS this summer. At Monumental VBS, kids celebrate Gods greatness! If you didn't order lunch, please feel free to bring your own and enjoy the community and all the fun pictures from our week. The prices have changed this year. Our staff and volunteers want kids to be a force for God and godliness in your home, in their schools and everywhere they go. Click the link below to begin the registration process. Here's a few things to help get you started tomorrow.
Thanks for reaching out to us! Our heart is to provide infant care that is second to none. Steven Gamez. T-Shirtsand Music CDs are available after check-in for your campers. Program Director at cvickery@nbcatx.org. You will receive an email sharing this information. Early registration for participants is now closed. Click here to download the parent cue app. . We look forward to partnering with you and serving your children! We would still love to see you at VBS so you can register in person on Monday, June 13 at 8:45AM. Our preschoolers learn relevant, life-giving Bible truths in an age-appropriate environment through games, snacks, music, learning centers and exciting Bible lessons. We have had our Summer Fun program running since Bob Gerhardt and Marcia Wall started the program in 1988, now in its 35th year. Below are the calendars and themes for the 2022 Summer Fun Program! Each day at 8:10am children may be dropped off at the gate and taken to their groups. Computerized check-in and background checks on all volunteers help us ensure a physically and emotionally safe place for kids. We hope you find this useful to talk more about what they learned at home and to spark conversations about God! I encourage you to explore our campus and visit our Adoration Chapel, peaceful grotto, excellent school, and ourThrift Store. Everything that we do is designed to develop in kids a desire to have a personal relationship with God. We know that you take safety seriously and so do we. We We can't wait to get started tomorrow with our awesome VBS! All rights reserved. We are tentatively planning for between 60 and 100 students. Here are the respective groups for incoming campers.
Please note that classrooms open 15 minutes before each service. We hope your kids will be able to join us this summer for an experience like no other! Only campers and approved volunteers are allowed inside the building. Pick Up Reminder Pick up tag(s) must be presented in order to release the child to your care. Space is limited so please register soon. We take great care to present a life of authentic worship in a way that is fun and relevant for kids -including energetic music, movement and heart-felt prayer.