In any case, other Oath Keepers rhetoric was as apocalyptic as Caldwellsat least when it came to the prospect of a Biden Presidency. to be a lead speaker the next day, on Jan. 6, at a rally just northeast of the Capitol.

The remaining defendants, who have all pleaded not guilty, are set to go to trial on April 19. On Dec. 19, Trump issued perhaps the most momentous dog whistle of his career: Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election, he tweeted. These enemies were not only going to try to seize Americans gunsthough that was certainly the primary fearbut also to throw them into concentration camps. It is CRITICAL that all patriots who can be in DC get to DC to stand tall in support of President Trumps fight to defeat the enemies foreign and domestic who are attempting a coup, through the massive vote fraud and related attacks on our Republic. Keem em coming. . Do NOT concede, and do NOT wait until January 20, 2021. Idiot! Another man then commented, Dont yell it.
In addition, at least a dozen more Proud Boys or associates have been charged with serious felonies stemming from the attackincluding assaulting police officersalthough not with, The groups leadersOath Keeper founder Rhodes and Proud Boy chairman Tarriohave not been charged, though each is alluded to in an indictment as an unindicted co-conspirator. His attorney, Lucas Dansie, declined to comment. A 24-year-old Colorado man affiliated with the Three Percenters, Gieswein would later be charged with assaulting police officers with a baseball bat, a chemical irritant aerosol and a bike-rack barrier. Then, for maybe a half hour, a police line held the rioters at an impasse at the base of the Capitol. Still, prosecutors argue that Caldwell is dangerous. Chairman Tarrios Jan. 4 arrest appears to have momentarily thrown the Proud Boys plans into disarray.
Its better to wage it with you as Commander-in-Chief than to have you comply with a fraudulent election, leave office, and leave the White House in the hands of illegitimate usurpers and Chinese puppets. . Ive been on the air for 27 years and Ive never reported on anything that comes as close to being this huge. The New MOSD participants included Nordean, Biggs, Rehl and Charles Donohoe, the head of a Proud Boys chapter in North Carolina.
Samsel and the second man, Grant James, confronted the officers belligerently, with Samsel removing his jacket and turning his red baseball cap backwards. We dare not fail!
Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Proud Boy Ethan Nordeanan alleged member of the Proud Boys governing elders chapter and a sergeant-at-arms of its Seattle chapterissued the following post later that month, according to his indictment: [W]e tried playing nice and by the rules, now you will deal with the monster you created. On Nov.10, 2020, Rhodes posted a Call to Action! on the Oath Keeper web site, which was further entitled: March on DC, Stop the Steal, Defend the President, & Defeat the Deep State. It said in part: This election was stolen and this is a communist/Deep State coup, every bit as corrupt and illegitimate as what is done in third world banana republics. in advance to commit crimes on that date. Since his post-riot arrest, Caldwells attorney has suggested in court filings that his client has a fertile imagination and likes to bluster, having once tried his hand at writing military-themed screenplays. This kettle is set to boil.In late December 2020, Kelly Meggs, to having struck some sort of alliance with the Proud Boys.
So we can plan accordingly for tonight and tomorrows plan. Later, he reiterated, We have a plan.. I think that God was giving me a signal.. If I lose Florida, we will know that theres voter fraud. We are gonna March with them for a while then fall back to the back of the crowd and turn off. against him. We all know that. One user commented there, If youve been waiting for a signal, THATS IT, according to the, later filed for Capitol Police Office Conrad Smith. So mace and gas masks, some batons. He allegedly pushed two officers backwards, up the steps, and then pulled one of them into the crowd.
If you dont fight like hell, youre not going to have a country anymore, he told the crowd. Ill keep working on overall contact between Natl/congress team and stop the steal team for scheduling etc., Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs wrote, for instance, in an encrypted Oath Keeper chat channel on Signal on Jan. 4. subsequently brought by federal prosecutors. For months, the Oath Keepers had been coordinating with one another by holding virtual chat sessions over the GoToMeeting app. After a rioter forced open the adjacent door from the inside, many more rioters poured in. (Geoff Livingston,; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, In July he, to having burned a Black Lives Matter banner vandalized from a historically Black church and to a misdemeanor charge relating to the magazines. She was, then speaking to her reports over a walkie-talkie-style phone app called Zello, according to the government. (Despite the incognito order, some were wearing matching orange ski hats at that point.).
His TextMe account was, in turn, registered to his encrypted Protonmail email address, which was listed under a false name, John Willow. Watkins, then 38, ran a bar called The Jolly Roger in Woodstock, Ohio. Meggss references were vague, and seemed more targeted toward beating up Antifa in West Side Story-style rumbles than toward coordinating an attack on the Capitol. (The, are a far-right militia group premised on the false belief that only three percent of American colonists actually fought against the British during the Revolutionary War.) (One of these defendants has pleaded guilty.) ), Later that same day, Rhodes appeared on Alex Joness show again, where he mixed apocalyptic predictions about bloodshed to come with QAnon-like tirades about the need to expose deep-state pedophiles, including Chief Justice John Roberts, Jr.: Its either President Trump is encouraged, and bolstered, [and] strengthened to do what he must do, Rhodes said, or we wind up in a bloody fight. .
Like rugby. (Portions of the breachamid blaring alarm bells and chants of treason, treasonwere captured on, , surveillance video and, allegedly, by a three-minute-plus video taken by Oath Keeper Harrelson himself. It is based largely on the allegations of indictments, charging instruments and other government filings in the Proud Boys and Oath Keeper cases, but is supplemented with other publicly available source materials and media analysis. These two groups appear to have played an outsized role in the events of that day, and their cases should hold particular interest for those trying to understand the causes of the insurrection. . (Just one among the 21 accused Oath Keeper conspirators has been charged with assaulting a police officer, for instance, while many of the Proud Boys have been. We are going to walk down Pennsylvania AvenueI love Pennsylvania Avenueand we are going to the Capitol., At this time, Oath Keepers began to depart the Ellipse area in tactical gear, news media analyses have shown.