I don't know how that fits into the 13 types listed, but whatever.
each ID and what style lines they each wear? These are just starting out points and ideas, eventually the goal to meld your own personal style with your best style lines. This body type is predominantly classic (balanced) with some angular (dramatic) notes. We went over the five main kibbe body families above, but here is a breakdown of the other 8 kibbe body types: Soft Dramatics have an interesting combination because while they have long, narrow frames (yang) they also have prominent curves (lush yin). Kibbe has removed the pure Natural, pure Classic, and pure Gamine types because he stated that most people will not fall perfectly in the middle and will fall either towards the yang or yin side of an ID. Seasonal Color Analysis and why it matters. My face is absolutely soft yin, with everything at least moderately rounded. Otherwise, have fun exploring your shape, and let me know what kibbe body type you are! Body distortion of your natural shape could include plastic surgery or extreme physical changes due to working out. My hips and down are back to yin, fleshy, soft, feminine, and round.
David Kibbe has noted she could be a Soft Classic. They have soft flesh and a curved body shape with softer shoulders, arms, and legs. It is important to note David Kibbe feels (felt) that no piece of clothing or accessory was relegated to a specific body type. It's not about hiding your flaws, that's more traditional body typing. They have small hands and feet and delicate (sometimes appearing broad) facial features. Heres some more information on kibbe curve concepts: What should romantics wear: Romantics need to wear clothes that hug their curves and that drape snuggly around the body. As you have probably noticed, there is a lot to consider when typing yourself with the kibbe body system. I have created my answers based on pictures from when I am 120-125lbs and I am 5'6". So think blunt and broad bone structure softened by their flesh. Their yang undercurrent is usually in their slightly angular edges. Strong shoulders but not petite in frame. David Kibbe says the only two people who are allowed to type you are: yourself or him. I couldn't find it.. Hi Cory, so that's not exactly how the Kibbe system works. Have an hourglass figure, with a waspish waist and full bust and hips. This is cool, but also overwhelming to decide what shapes and designs work best for me. Which lead to a homogenization of style and fashion. Im feeling a bit confused. Which holds all the basic category typing that David Kibbe explains, modernizes it, and takes into consideration that the modern Kibbe system has become less rigid. Leslie Caron (Later on categorized as Soft Gamine).

Examples: Jennifer Lopez, Kat Dennings, Chloe Sevigny, and Betty Grable. I sort of found this quiz helpful for determining my type since different parts of my body fall very distinctly into the categories. Although I have a defined sense of personal style, I found that understanding the kind of shapes that best accentuate my figure and natural assets was very helpful and also helped to explain why certain outfits "work" and others don't. I've always struggled a bit with my body type. I recently looked at the kibbe system again and saw and understand the thing with the height but it leaves me a bit confused. Flamboyant Naturals just also have vertical, that they need to take into consideration, it doesn't mean that they are "curveless", Lame I feel like I look like a lot of them but still look like none of them. Because of their balanced proportions they can give off a lithe, svelte appearance.

Body flesh: D And is composed of all sharp yang features in body structure, flesh, and facial features. Please see it as qualities of shape/texture/detail instead. Its a community for fashion aficionados and for the newly fashion-obsessed to come together on a shared love and interest.
Heres an example of a contrasted image/body type: The Benefits and Pitfalls of the Kibbe Body Types. A lot of people misconstrue yin and yang to be feminine and masculine, respectively. 10E Examples: Dakota Johnson, Denee Benton, Marion Cotillard, Meryl Streep, Kirsten Dunst. They often have strong shoulders or backs, but because of their curves and length, they remain in the soft dramatic category (as opposed to a soft natural or flamboyant natural). David Kibbes Book Metamorphosis was published in 1987, so it makes sense that the system itself has evolved since then. They can have conventional curve (please see kibbe curve video above for what kibbe curve is) but their shoulder line will still be fairly prominent and they wont need to dress with their conventional curve in mind. So each part of your natural body has an even balance of soft and sharp features. If this body type system doesnt work for you, check out the more traditional body type system here. The Romantic body type is all about lush yin. The full Soft Natural style guide is here. They have broader shoulders that create a prominent horizontal line in their body type.
I left a similar comment under your test but for some reason it remained "pending" even after several weeks, I hope it is ok to post it here again. What about Beyonce girls, Kim Kardashian girls, Adele girls ? They are under 5 ft 5 in and have a delicate bone structure.

In order to understand the basics of yin and yang lets go over some physical attributes associated with each. A lot of women dont want this image ID because of the association with masculine features. Its important to realize this difference. They have a balanced feeling between their bust and hips but tend to be more straight. If they have curves, they dont disrupt the overall shape of their body in any distinct way. 2D When you look at more than just your bust, hip, and waist measurements, you can start to hone your personal style more effectively and realize why certain styles look off. What's your height? Be over 5 feet 5 inches (and is usually even more petite). Sharp Yang: Characterized by verticality, sharp lines and edges, elongated bodies, and very little definition along the waist. This would look something like round full eyes (yin), a sharp nose (yang), and a strong jawbone (yang), with widow brows (yin). Theoretically, he was an early adopter of the body-positivity movement. Examples: Olivia Munn, Jackie O, Jackie Kennedy, Courtney Cox, Maggie Siff, Heres the ultimate guide to the Dramatic Classic Style and Body Type. Their facial features are usually angular and symmetrical. Kibbe himself still overs in-person typing in New York City, and you can find information on that here (but fair warning, it is not inexpensive). Check out my article, here.
YIN (soft/round): The concept of yin refers to soft edges, rounded shapes, hourglass figures, smooth lines, and flowing silhouettes. Her features are delicate, but her waist is only subtlety defined. Grace Kelley is a great example of a blended body type, classified as classic (and sometimes soft classic). 4B Their yin undercurrent is due to their compact curves. Any assistance would be much appreciated. In order to understand the Kibbe body types, you first need to understand the balance of yin and yang. Each one of the three categories bone structure, body flesh, and facial features (bone and flesh) has an individual dominant yin OR dominant yang. Be symmetrical in body type or facial features. It is a journey to even determine your kibbe type and best done with the help of other knowledgeable kibbe fans, or on your own. My advice. David Kibbe believed the traditional body typing system was flawed and created a dumb-downed explanation of style and shape. 5C Dramatic classic body types have balanced bodies, and there is an even-ness that they exude. David Kibbe created the Kibbe Body types in 1987 with his book Metamorphosis: Discover Your Image Identity and Dazzle As Only You Can. They lean more towards fleshiness and have curves along their bust and hips, with moderate waist definition. ALSO, when Kibbe refers to fleshiness he does not mean your BMI or your actual weight. However, as womens style has evolved we find the classifications are not one size fits all. They are usually muscular but lean and toned. This is seen in an openness in the upper back, shoulder, and torso area. Etc. The kibbe system does not work for everyone. According to Kibbe, your body features are more critical than your facial features when classifying yourself under each of his 13 types. Examples: Mila Kunis, Vivien Leigh, Selma Hayak, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Selena Gomez. They are usually 5 ft 5 in and under. Okay, so clear categories.
A blended body type or image is one that is a mix of both yin and yang (within one physical attribute), with no prominence toward either category. But, it shouldnt be taken as a science and you shouldnt overly stress if you cant figure out your own type. All three of those categories: bone/skeletal structure, body/flesh, and facial features (both bones and flesh) can have a different yin and yang spread.
I'm guessing I may be a dramatic classic, but I feel that my body may not be curvy enough for romantic and my face may be too curvy for classic. I identify with the mix of blunt bones and muscles with fleshy softness.
WOW, Im sure youre overwhelmed by all the information thrown at you. They can be moderate to tall but they wont appear taller than they are because their more prominent features are wide instead of vertical. IT's actually about matching the silhouette of your clothing to your body. Want to learn exactly what to wear as a Soft Natural? The goal of the kibbe body system is to help you narrow down your unique silhouette and to dress accordingly. But it created a foundation for an evolved version of the kibbe body types. Their limbs can be long, but they dont appear overly vertical because they have their shoulders and hips balancing that out. Hi! Some people may find great clarity using the system while others will feel more lost. The benefits of the Kibbe body system are that it teaches you to embrace your body and find style lines that are in tune with your body.
For instance, a gamine is not usually over 5 ft 6 in. Want some visual examples of why being plus-size does not automatically make you a romantic ID? Hello and thank you so much for writing all this out! They have soft edges and their shoulders are usually slightly sloped. My neck to hips are super yang, angular, naturally muscular, and blunt. Features: The dramatic frame is tall and narrow with little to no definition in their waist to hip ratio. (see chart), Petite Yin: Characterized by delicate bone structure and small features (nose, hands, feet, stature), Lush Yin: Characterized by fuller lips, large eyes, hourglass curves, and a more sexual essence, Soft Yang: Characterized by blunt edges, broad/horizontal features, and a slightly broad physical body shape that still has verticality. A video going through Megan Thee Stallions Id here: Lets find strength through style, together! There are lots of curvy Flamboyant Naturals- Jennifer Lawrence, Tracy Ellis Ross. I have slightly downturned, slightly hooded eyes which are in the norm as far as how far apart they are). The soft gamine body type, like the flamboyant gamine, has a petite stature (yin) with a narrow frame (yang) with potentially angular shoulders (yang). They are often small with a curvier silhouette. Examples: Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Drew Barrymore, Christina Ricci. Youll notice there are fewer examples of the main kibbe families (dramatic, natural, classic, gamine, and romantic) because they require more extreme typing.
However, they have a softness in some of their features ( especially in their face). The only thing I understand is hide your flaws and accentuate your assets. Hello! The soft natural body type has prominent curves and width, however, this comes from their skeletal structure and not their flesh (like with romantics). Welcome! It was touted as the style bible in the 80s. Features: Romantics have short or smaller bones and limbs. I would probably say you are just a curvier Flamboyant Natural. She has a yang body type (similar to Tilda Swinton, very up and down). Rather than focusing on trends and copying the latest style icons outfit of the day, Kibbe aimed for a focus on harmonious looks and individual style cultivated from your uniqueness. For the ultimate style guide for soft-dramatics, including outfit ideas, check out my soft dramatic guide, here. B or C (really struggled for the eyes. The way your bones are structured and where or how your flesh lays on top is much more important than your actual bust, hip, and waist measurements. E https://www.tiktok.com/@gabriellearrudadesign/video/7055842038901886255?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en C Their facial features usually consisted of larger eyes (yin), moderately full lips, and defined noses and jawlines (yang). And to expand your base understanding of why you gravitate towards certain styles, or why certain clothes just dont seem to fit you. 3A This produces an even, refined look that feels balanced. 12E For instance, everyone wants to see feminine features in themselves if they identify as or were born female. This is what Kibbe disapproves of, as those changes distort the natural shape and inherited features that he believes should be embraced. As we discussed previously, yin and yang really dont have to do with masculine versus feminine but rather a duality of soft versus hard, or angular versus curved. And within that scale becomes 13 more specified body types, which examine how much contrast/blending there are of each main family. Your classification or image ID is not a piecemeal assessment. D The question is, how do I dress for that? This tends to shade our opinions and have us innately pick more feminine answers (when taking the test) if we identify or were born female. Examples: Grace Kelly, Ginger Rogers, Zhang Ziyi. Examples: Audrey Hepburn, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Penelope Cruz, Liza Minelli, (SG): Mixture of Yin and Yang with an undercurrent of yin. You body, face, and look is composed of a combination of attributes that can either be classified as yin (soft) or yang (structured). They are petite (under 5 ft 5 inches typically) with a narrow frame that leans towards yang because of the lack of waist emphasis and curves. Examples: Angelina Jolie, Liv Tyler, Ali McGraw. The gamine body type is also an even mix of yin and yang, however, the key difference is that each feature is not an individual blend of yin AND yang, but is rather yin OR yang. Because the kibbe body system was developed in the 1980s, it can have slightly outdated results. As well as your facial features (flesh and skeletal). Check out my article, here.
So think tall but not necessarily narrow. We will go over each Kibbe type in depth, shortly. YANG (sharp/vertical): The concept of yang refers to angular structures, harsh lines, elongated silhouettes, geometric shapes like rectangles and triangles, and verticality. They have angular features with blunt edges. Her skeletal shape is symmetrical but she has soft, rounded edges. There has been some recent debate on whether Grace Kelly is still classified as a classic. Like, nothing about their face seems bad- in fact, from a societal perspective, they seem to check all the boxes for beauty But, somehow, their face just doesnt work? The Kibbe body type system involves 5 base categories and then specifies into 13 image-based body types. This prevents innate bias and the impact of body dysmorphia. Kim K- Soft Natural. That is because is a (50/50 approximately) mix of both yin and yang. My takeaway: The Kibbe body type system is extremely helpful if youre looking to hone your style or dress better. Non-binary people are included and respected in the system now. Officially, the face is no longer considered when being typed and a stronger emphasis on how fabric drapes over your body is promoted. Thanks for the quiz; it was interesting. Ultimately naturals accommodate kibbe width, so you'll just want to honor that first and foremost and then tweak your silhouettes of your clothes to your body. ), Which season are you? Barbie Ferreira's Here: They are not narrow like the pure dramatics and they have the signature Kibbe width trait. Do you have sharp bones with soft flesh over them? The dramatic body type is tall, vertical, and angular. They have a moderate height (up to 5 ft 7) and proportionate bust, waist, and hip ratios. It covers your entire appearance including style/clothing, hair, face shape, and makeup which in turn creates a more in-depth way to examine your body type. The flamboyant natural body type has a vertical skeletal structure with long limbs, but what sets them apart is their blunt edges and width in their upper shoulders and back. His philosophy includes an appreciation for the natural body and general disapproval of body distortion. They all look like everyonee young body. Features: The classic kibbe body type has moderate height, usually between 5 ft 4 in and 5 ft 7 in. 11E
Furthermore, there is a lot of misinformation out there and a lot of changes have been made to the system over the years. Yang is long, angular, and sharp, and yin is soft, rounded, and delicate. The kibbe body type system focuses on an axis of yin (curved, soft) versus yang (angular, structured). Adele- Soft Dramatic. You have automatic yang because of your height. So arms: C or B and thighs D or E), face: Features: The natural body type is moderate to tall. D, So looking at this I thought I would be a soft natural maybe but, the height thing and especially because of my wider shoulders I think my head looks moderate or even slightly small in comparison so if I understand right, that doesnt fit in with soft naturals (?).