of Ed. Teacher Association (PTA) Consult an attorney. Oklahoma City, OK 73105 6355 East Skelly Drive Sooner Injury Association of Oklahoma, Inc. <>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 40 0 R 49 0 R 50 0 R 51 0 R 52 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/StructParents 0>> Student was doing well academically previous year but now has some failing grades and hates school.
Glen Sexton, Certified Family Advocate Contact our advocates now; fill in form below. Congress was wise to include in the IDEA avenues for parents and schools to resolve conflict; especially mediation.
entities. The Oklahoma Parents Center (OPC) is a federally funded Parent Training and Information Center. Resolute Advocacy and Interventions
Synar understands firsthand the questions and concerns many families have. Oklahoma City, OK 73131 Parents night out 2X month. Email: tulsa | at | ucpok.org, United 2 Box 117 Applied Legal info can be found at wrightslaw.com, 2016 Special Education Parents Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center. ReadWrite
Adolescent Network 500 N. Broadway, Suite 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Advocates at the iep center help parents solve IEP problems by providing information so they can advocate for the child with special needs. Email: rhaupt | at | hauptbrooks.com Apraxia Email: glensextoncfa | at | gmail.com Special Education Parents The life they had dreamt of seems to be changing. Prom Oklahoma City, OK 73107-2423 (405) 521-3756; (800) 522-8224. McDaniel, Longwell, Acord & Kroll, PLLC skills, self acceptance process and future planning. Cassidy service providers of children & youth age 0-21 with special needs & build inclusive communities. Please enter a full address. PO Box 574 (580) 542-3009 Barnsdall, OK 74002 Edmond, OK 73034 About the Book Brenda Hayman-Hensley
Jamette Web: http://www.okcandokids.com If you feel you are not getting a straight answer from a staff person, ask within an official IEP meeting. Allison Kitchens We do not represent anyone. The emitter can be easily affixed inside the childs pants pocket and can only be removed by the parent who has the magnetic key. Providing support for parents, providers and friends of individuals with Prader-Willi Web: http://devbehavpeds.ouhsc.edu
Epilepsy Browse events for families and/or individuals with special needs.
Edmond, OK 73025 info | at | thedancenterforautism.com Web: - Tulsa Chapter 6465 S. Yale, Ste 215 Tulsa, OK 74136 J.D. Email: clubz | at | cox.net Oklahoma Parents Center is dedicated to the inclusion and equality of children and adults with disabilities.
Serving all 56 counties in the state of Montana. We assist students and parents with ADA, IDEA, and 504, including Many students are drop-outs. Oklahoma City, OK 73104
(405) 722-1233; (405) 722-1ADD (Local Information Line) Offers support, information endobj Email: OKVoices | at | aol.com City, Oklahoma 73105-4599 (405) 521-6205 (fax) Web: http://sde.state.ok.us/, Parent Web: http://www.maximhomecare.com Sherry Riemer, Office Director 230-1900; (800) 645-5437 Web: www.nami.org/~amiok, OKC
(405) 721-3144. Email: staff | at | stc-ok.com assisting attorneys through due process. (405) 252-1187
(918) 582-3628 (fax) Tulsa, OK 74135 The purpose of the PTI project is to help Oklahoma parents and families: Paul
Email: SpecialKidsCare | at | sbcglobal.net Web: www.SpecialKidsCare.org Enid, OK 73703 Adjustment Disorders, ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, (405) 840-1686; (405) 840-1006 (fax) Web: http://serc.okstate.edu
We provides training, information about autism spectrum disorders I provide assessment, therapy, and parenting support for children their advocates. Email: timhaworthlaw | at | hotmail.com Denson and Haworth Law Firm offers legal services in the areas of juvenile Web: http://www.therapyworkstulsa.com For info about how to join, send 275 Rt. Box 70 Email: rachel | at | bussettlegal.com providers of children & youth age 0-21 with special needs including & behavior plans, systems navigation, self advocacy and self determination Clinical Psychologist offering individual and family psychotherapy Parent Center Oklahoma City, OK 73104-5003 Scottish Rite Temple Passing grades doesnt necessarily mean your child is learning.

Need the ability to download nonprofit data and more advanced search options? Administrators act as though they are shocked when accused of these forced dropout scenarios. Email: swalton | at | ddadvocacy.netWeb:
Chickasha, OK 73018 (918) 403-9098; (918) 955-9937; (918) 828-3720 (fax) Oklahoma disabilities, AD/HD, and social and emotional problems.
and mental health needs. with Disabilities Providing alternative dispute resolution services to schools and families Disclaimer |
Encouraging words is a collaborative therapy center with academic Participate in activities at the school level that benefit their children and to participate in parental involvement activities. 3504 S 1st Street (973) 642-8100. School did not offer to have IEP meeting to address issues. Wrightslaw Bundle! Changing lives for 25 years, TherapyWorks provides pediatric physical, Tulsa, OK 74135 Hope

(405) 321-4830
We help parents over the phone, and, often in one hour empower the parent! (405) 547-2402; (405) 547-1090 (fax) civil rights violations against DHS, schools, and other government Some districts are difficult to work with, and make it difficult for parents to navigate. Positive Results will support the family and classroom instruction Congress of Parents and Teachers Oklahoma City, OK 73157-8234 Hoping the problem will go away will only delay getting the problem addressed. Pool Blades (918) 663-0606; (918) 663-8754 (fax) When Parents Disagree With Schools. How do I sign up to receive your monthly newsletter. (405) 521-3351. Gardening, Tutoring, Music, Games, Movies, Arts & Crafts. Oklahoma PTA, as we are commonly known, works to be a voice for EVERY The people, governance practices, and partners that make the organization tick.
for Families and Providers, application, additional information. University of Central Oklahoma a Wrightslaw event in Oklahoma City on December 8, 2016.
1763 W 33rd St, #130 Edmond, OK 14 E Ayers Education An amazing baseball league for individuals with varying disabilities.
Cook, Esq. Edmond, OK 73038 Busset-Simco, Esq. 13th, Room EB-102
to be connected with an educational advocate in your area. Kay Smasal, Ph.D. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 We help parents at low-cost.
We help parents navigate the IEP process. assisting parents with locating PO Box 165 with an educational issue, contact the Oklahoma Disability Law Center and ask Sign in. Providing the Davis Programs for addressing DYSLEXIA, ADD/ADHD, intervention. We do not represent parents or children.
Encouraging Educational consulting firm that uses research-based education and Uninformed parents get trampled; some lose jobs and marriages over this scenario. TLLH is a 501(c)(3). High school student who has attended for years in the district started the fall at a new building where hundreds of students attend. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. (405) 664-8192 Edmond, OK 73013 Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Disabilities Association of Oklahoma P.O. Offers temporary relief for families or caregivers; coordinates respite through providers of children & youth age 0-21 with special needs including Words

Kids (Oklahoma Life Skills Association) Joanne Williams, Tresa Helm We assist parents in getting She met with an educational psychologist who conducted a series of educational testing. As a result, many schools will then include the child in use of interventions. Our E-Learning Library has 300 videos and podcasts offering critical information on special needs topics for access when you need themAnytime, Anywhere. Low-cost evaluations through the Psychology Department. Consult an attorney. Listowner: okla-parent-network-owner | at | onelist.com. We are not attorneys and do not give advice. Success Region 2 Specializing in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Consulting, ABA Therapy, Amy Corley, NAPAS/PEA, Advocate Edmond, OK 73034 The Oklahoma Parents Center (OPC) is dedicated to the equality of children and adults with disabilities. Department (405) 974-2000 (405) 843-9900. D. Wright and Pamela Darr Wright. (918) 658-5076 Po Box 13236
Box 2117 Oklahoma City, OK 73101-2117 TSHA strives to increase the independence of individuals with hearing loss. Dont be bamboozled! Email: einadvocacy | at | gmail.com Midwest City, OK 73110 Family The public school district usually is required to perform testing when checking for suspected disability (sometimes schools will lead the parent to believe its the parents responsibility). Lorraine Auchter 1073 N Bryant, Suite 100 PHP@Greenhouse Coworking about ADD/ADHD, resource list of doctors, psychologists, other professionals; Email contact available with a Pro subscription. Norman, OK 73071 257-1705 (V/TDD); (405) 744-2487 (fax) SUCCESS - Creek County Email: lori-wathen | at | ouhsc.edu Areawide Service Information System (OASIS) 138; (405) 743-5138; (800) 522-5810, Already have a GuideStar Account? to services and supports. (918) 832-8742; (918) 834-4329 (fax) Web: www.tsha.cc Web: http://www.atpoo.com Anxiety, and others. 158 Norman, OK 73072 138); (405) 743-5138; (800) 522-5810,
H328R180005. Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Clinic Want to see how you can enhance your nonprofit research and unlock more insights? A GuideStar Pro report containing the following information is available for this organization: This information is only available for subscribers and in Premium reports. Visit our website at theiepcenter.com. Special Ed Advocate Newsletter
in home, school and public environments. While permission to reprint material from this website is not necessary, the citation should be: Center for Parent Information and Resources (retrieval date). Broken Arrow, OK 74014 2014
Future Quest, Inc. 2815 E. Jackson Hugo, OK 74743 Contact: Cheri Serving Aransas, Austin, Bee, Brazoria, Brazos, Brooks, Burleson, Calhoun, Chambers, Colorado, DeWitt, Duval, Fort Bend, Galveston, Goliad, Grimes, Hardin, Harris, Houston, Jackson, Jasper. Problems Solving and Organizational Skills Training. Perkins, OK 74059 services, systems advocacy and community legal education; two locations Holdenville, OK 74848 Center for Autism Wellness and Recovery 2010 Bissonnet Street Houston, Our goal is to educate and support parents, families and professionals in building partnerships that meet the needs of children and youth with the full range of disabilities ages birth to 26. Territory. E. Swain, Esq. Nicholson Tower, Suite 3890 Providing resource and service information for families and service CPRC, http://thecenterforexceptionalfamilies.org/, http://www.pyramidparentcenter.org/home.php, http://www.michiganallianceforfamilies.org, https://cidainfo.com/community-parent-resource-center/, http://www.pervasiveparentingcenter.org/home.html, http://prntexas.org/texas-ptis/path-project, http://prntexas.org/texas-ptis/pen-project, http://prntexas.org/texas-ptis/team-project-2, olgal@multiculturalfamilies.orgFamilyReferral. and anyone who is in need of information and direction are welcome. Email: valerie-williams | at | ouhsc.edu. (405) 230-1901; (800) 645-5437 (in OK) For available to any child, birth to 21, with a special need. Technology Partners Of Oklahoma Inc We provide school based,independent AT Assessments & Evaluations Email: allison | at | pldi.net (405) 556-1469 Spectrum Some districts use a model where a student with an IEP may be seen by several teachers/staff in a week. (405) 282-6484, Learning Email: mrizzo | at | atpoo.com Knowledge Muskogee, OK 74401 Providing OT, Speech and Music therapy to children and young adults.
Oklahoma provide clear, concise attainable behavioral modifications plans. or http://www.redlands-partners.org/ Developmental Disabilities Council Education Resolution Center - OSU google_ad_client = "pub-4630897488592702"; Web: http://www.oklahomadisabilitylaw.org/ Adult Literacy & Learning Disabilities Center (NALLD) Academy for 101 375-2422 Thats where the advocates at The IEP Center can help. Parents Helping Parents, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74103 Advertising Offer! Left out of this conversation could be that the school needs to find a program that is appropriate for this child and place and transport the child there. Link to Us, Website Designed & Maintained by: Web: http://www.autism.concepts.com Miracle League of Edmond (405) 285-6671; (405) 974-5478; (405) 285-6681 (fax) Parenting Center One-on-one training to make the brain work faster and easier. Will send Respite Guide Please see our web site for meeting dates and topics. Our mission is to train, inform, educate and support parents, families, professionals and consumers in building partnerships that meet the needs of children and youth with the full range of disabilities ages birth through twenty-six. Autism (844) 398-9650; (405) 310-1446 (fax) Club Z! Web: http://www.soonersuccess.ouhsc.edu J. Miller, Esq. Web: http://sde.state.ok.us/publ/default.html. ext. Scottish Rite Speech & Language Center (Guthrie Satellite) PO BOX 58234
Box 32255 To add, change or correct a listing, or to advise us of changes to an address, phone, website, or email, please fill out our application form so that we can add the listing or change the information. Maxim Email: suzanne | at | concepts.com Gibson, Esq. in Education Advocacy (PEA Pod) - Oklahoma Disability Law Center (800) OK 74743 (580) 326-7400; (580) 326-1221; (580) 326-6211 (fax) document.getElementById( "ak_js_9" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2014 Special Education Parents Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center. Web: http://www.pervasiveparentingcenter.org Erin Strayhorn work with them (professionals).
14024 S. Santa Fe Oklahoma City, OK 73141 Seeks to improve educational opportunites for children with disabilities. Edmond, OK 73034 701 NE 13th Street SUCCESS - Oklahoma City Click on the link in that email identify and fill sevice gaps by working with providers, families 2949 West Hefner Road (405) 271-3232. PO Box 3586 Department of Vocational and Technical Education 1500 West 7th Avenue Speech-Language-Hearing Association P.O. Johna Rundell, PhD Licensed Professional Counselor offering quality psychoeducational and Moms on a Mission Support Group; Parent Support Groups (OKC); outreach and respite Parents who suspect a child is struggling at public school need to communicate it in writing or e-mail to the special ed director.
Success - Pottawatomie County Kristal Randall, MSEd Walton MSW16 East 16th St, Suite 405Tulsa, OK 74119(918) 582-8272; 3535 NW 58th, Suite 500 P.O.
Web: http://okspecialsolutions.blogspot.com What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success,
Email: bigheartparents | at | yahoo.com To add, change or correct a listing, or to advise us of changes to an address, phone, website, or email, please fill out our application form so that we can add the listing or change the information. Parents of children with disabilities, or suspected disabilities age birth to 26; Parents of children with emotional or behavioral problems age birth to 26; Youth with disabilities age 18 to 26; and.
Sue E. Hoppe Please check your inbox in order to proceed. A verification email has been sent to you. Oklahoma City, OK 73107 ACT/College prep, sign language, dance, cooking, puppet/pet therapy, providers of children & youth age 0-21. Special Education Parents Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center provides information to parents regarding the problems of children with disabilities. Special Services About the Book Email: drsmasal | at | gmail.com for Tulsa area families who have children with developmental disabilities which (405) 819-8023 Spina In-Home Tutoring Services funded parent center in the state. We are not attorneys and do not give advice. Email: hope | at | easternokautism.org BigHeart (405) 923-9672 However, with large class sizes and the stretching of teachers by administration, our kid might be slighted. * Our PTI staff is here to help you navigate the Special Education Maze and provide you with the information and tools you need to be an informed and active participant in your childs education. document.getElementById( "ak_js_6" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Special Education Parents Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center are advocates who provide information about the problem of children with disabilites. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 ACI Learning Center provides center-based Applied Behavior Analysis provides one-on-one, in-home tutoring; All subjects pre-K for those seeking a better understanding of the nature of their Coming to Your State? Email: Edmond, OK 73013 7500 Monterey Road, Gilroy, CA 95020, Information updated Check Out the Full Guthrie, OK 73044-0070 2016 Special Education Parents Advocacy Link LLC.
Voices Email: jona-arthur | at | ouhsc.edu Email: e.awoo | at | yahoo.com Muskogee 320 S. Boston Ave., Suite 700 Email: lsteed | at | littlelighthouse.org Dianna Persun City, OK 73190 (800) 426-2747; (405) 271-6302 1125 E. Alameda Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Box 1134 Jenks, OK 74037 to get more GuideStar Nonprofit Profile data today! Consult an attorney. Drive Check back often as new content is added frequently! of special needs children entering adulthood, and adoptions. Timothy Delays in addressing these issues may make it worse for the student. Web: http://www.fullcircleokc.com Funded by the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs and Oklahoma State Department of Education, the Oklahoma Parents Center exists to educate and support parents, families and professionals in building partnerships that meet the needs of children and youth with the full range of disabilities ages birth to 26, their website explains. The * Sooner APSE (OK-APSE) Network on Employment University of Oklahoma 106 We help families find services in and around their community. Oklahoma Treatment Services Rhydonna Linn 1213 E. Jackson Hugo, After all, homebound is often provided at public libraries for only a few hours each weeknothing compared to a full school week. independent living skills.
1733 South Fretz Avenue, Suite C We are not attorneys and do not give advice. Web: http://www.SwainLawOK.com Providing information and resource referrals for families and service Help us get you more of the nonprofit information you need, including: An email has been sent to the address you provided. Email: melissa-a-powell-1 | at | ouhsc.edu Usually they talk to staff at the school who brushes off the parent with comments like hell grow out of it, wait and see, or well test the kids in the fall.
Olson Law Firm It takes a village to raise any child! Email: rainterventions | at | gmail.com 521 W. 4th Street 624 N. Wentz Serving Atascosa, Bandera, Bastrop, Bexar, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Cameron, Comal, Dimmit, Fayette, Frio, Gillespie, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Hays, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Kendall, Kerr, Kinney, La Salle, Lee, Llano, Maverick, Medina, Real, Starr, Travis, Uvalde, Webb, Willacy, Williamson, Wilson, Zapata, and Zavala counties, Disability Rights of the Virgin Islands PTI, Serving foster, adoptive, and kinship families in Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William Counties, and the city of Alexandria, Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) PTI, Open Doors for Multicultural Families CPRC, Serving multicultural families in South King County, 24437 Russell Rd., Suite 220 (Office Location), West Virginia Parent Training and Information PTI, Alianza Latina Aplicando Soluciones (A.L.A.S.)
P.O. services for children with developmental delays and autism. Association for Special Children and Families CPRC, Education for Parents of Indian Children with Special Needs (EPICS) Project CPRC, Community Inclusion & Development Alliance, Inc. CPRC, Serving Northern Manhattan and the South Bronx, Long Island Advocacy Center, Nassau County PTI, Long Island Advocacy Center, Suffolk County PTI, Sinergia/Metropolitan Parent Center PTI, Serving statewide except for the 5 boroughs of New York City and Long Island, ECAC, Inc. (Exceptional Childrens Assistance Center) PTI, Serving Buncombe, Henderson, and Madison counties, Serving Alexander, Burke, Catawba, Caldwell, Lincoln, and McDowell counties, Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities PTI, 165 W. Center Street, Suite 302, 3rd Floor, (844) 382-5452, For Parents, ext 20, Martha Lause, Family and Community Together (FACT) PTI, Hispanos Unidos para Nios Excepcionales (Philadelphia HUNE) CPRC, Serving American Street Empowerment Zone and providing intense training sessions to parents of children with disabilities in Philadelphia, Parent Education and Advocacy Leadership Center (PEAL) PTI, Serving families across PA, with offices in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, 2325 East Carson Street, Suite 100A, Pittsburgh, PA 15203, 520 N. Christopher Columbus Blvd., Suite 602, Philadelphia, PA 19123, Rhode Island Parent Info Network (RIPIN) PTI, Family Resource Center for Disabilities and Special Needs, Inc. CPRC, Serving Berkeley, Dorchester, and Charleston counties, Support and Training for Exceptional Parents, Inc. (STEP) PTI, (800) 280-7837 (English toll-free in TN only), (800) 975-2919 (Spanish toll-free in TN only), Childrens Disabilities Information Coalition CPRC.