If you can, you should always call your GP first. Oslo Norway, DENTISTS(for emergency treatment) Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. In Bergen, there is the Volvat Medisinske Senter-Bergen at Laguneveien 9 (tel: 55 11 20 00). You can also ask the front desk staff at your hotel to recommend doctors in the area. PHARMACIES/CHEMISTS Oslo University Hospital inhabits the western wing of the building and Oslo municipality will be housed in the eastern wing. In Oslo, there is the Norsk Legesenter (Norwegian Medical Center) at Pilestredet Park 7 (tel: 22 98 05 00) or the Volvat Medisinske Senter at Borgenveien 2A (tel: 22 95 75 00). The new emergency ward for Oslo is scheduled to open in 2023. Oslo: Tannlegen p Akerbrygge, The hospital has a total budget of NOK 22 billion (2017). Oslo University Hospital was established on 1 January 2009 by the merger of three state-owned university hospitals in Oslo, all of which were affiliated with the University of Oslo: Rigshospitalet (the pre-1907 spelling) was established as Norway's national teaching hospital affiliated with the university in 1826, mainly on the basis on the Military Hospital that had been established during the Napoleonic Wars in 1807. The Norwegian Directorate of Health, Last updated Thursday, September 19, 2019, What the out-of-hours medical service can do for you. The emergency medical unit will be built in the area next to Aker Hospital. Oslo University Hospital (Norwegian: Oslo universitetssykehus; OUS) is a university hospital in Oslo, Norway. [6], The hospital is Norway's national reference hospital, responsible for introducing and developing new medical examination methods, treatment methods and follow-ups. Det har de gjort i to uker", Morgendagens sykehus morgendagens lsninger, "Nkkelopplysninger fra Enhetsregisteret - Brnnysundregistrene", "Utvalgt arbeidssted:Oslo universitetssykehus HF", "Bjrn Atle Bjrnbeth blir administrerende direktr ved OUS", Directorate for Health and Social Affairs, Studies of the Holocaust and Religious Minorities, International Climate and Environmental Research, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Oslo_University_Hospital&oldid=1081004231, Health facilities that treated Ebola patients, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Norwegian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2020, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 4 April 2022, at 18:31. Good advice over the telephone can often be sufficient. In the late 19th century the Norwegian Parliament decided to develop Rigshospitalet as a "model hospital" that would be comparable to the world's then-leading hospitals, such as Germany's Charit. Parallelvej 2 If you have to wait, it will be because other people need help more urgently. The hospital consists of fourteen medical divisions in addition to a central management unit, the director's office, and a division that provides non-medical services to the rest of the hospital. 2800 Kongens Lyngby Aker Hospital was established in 1895 and became a teaching hospital affiliated with the university in 1948. Call 113 for an ambulance. ***From the 155 transfers between the outpatient clinic and the hospitals, 19 went to hospitals outside Oslo, two had missing identity, 38 were not included in the study at the hospitals for various reasons and 96 were included in the study at the receiving hospital. Ullevl and Aker were transferred from the Oslo city government to the national government in 2002.Oslo University Hospital's predecessor institutions also include several specialized hospitals, such as the psychiatric hospital Gaustad Hospital (founded 1855), which was merged into Aker Hospital in 1996, and the Crown Princess Mrtha Institute, Sophies Minde, the Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, the Hospital for Epilepsy, the Hospital for Rehabilitation, Oslo Heart Centre and the Norwegian Radium Hospital, all of which were merged into Rikshospitalet.University of Oslo currently has two university hospitals, Oslo University Hospital and Akershus University Hospital. Privacy Policy In most places in the country, you will be expected to call the out-of-hours medical service for an assessment before you decide whether or not you need to go to the centre. You should always contact your GP regarding sick-leave, prescription renewals and chronic and known complaints which are not deteriorating rapidly. Connecting the two is a reception area at ground level and bridges on the levels above. Tel: +47 55 90 12 14 Tel: +47-22 83 82 00, Bergen:Tannlege Kjell (Dr. Erik S. Nilsen) It is also open 24/7. How to contact the out-of-hours medical service, Your GP will also be able to provide you with assistance quickly, Unresponsive or exhausted children or adults, Your General Practitioner (GP) during opening hours, Your local out-of-hours medical centre on 116 117 when your GP is unavailable and you are unable to wait, Onset of facial paralysis difficulty smiling, laughing or showing teeth, Onset of arm paralysis difficulty raising both arms, Onset of language disorders, inability to find words or slurred speech, Chest pains lasting more than five minutes, When taking the heart medicine nitroglycerine has less effect than usual, Unexpected discomfort in the chest area, general malaise and nausea. [1] It is affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Oslo and is one of the largest medical research institutions in Europe. Call the six-digit number 116 117 or your local out-of-hours medical centre number. When you call the six-digit number 116 117, you will get through to the out-of-hours medical centre in your local area. View Map, Emergency Services: Omsorgsbygg (which owns public buildings in Oslo) and the City of Oslo have a clear green profile, and the aim is to build the emergency medical unit in a way that gives the lowest possible energy consumption throughout the life of the building.

Chief Project Manager When I need medical assistance: Who should I call? statement and In order to provide the best possible care, the out-of-hours medical service will need information such as personal details, address, why you are contacting them, previous illnesses and any medicines you are taking. The various out-of-hours medical centres across Norway are organised in different ways. Oslo University Hospital is the largest teaching hospital in Norway and has a major role in the education of a large variety of health care personnel. The positioning of the emergency ward is carefully considered to make sure the new buildings are well integrated with the existing at Aker hospital, and that the main entrance connects with the central park area. [citation needed], Oslo University Hospital has 1,870 beds as of 2018, which is set to increase to 2,300 by 2028. HEALTH INSURANCE If you have any of the following symptoms, you should always call the emergency medical dispatch centre 113: Content provided by These are called Apotek in Norway. Privacy The complex will have a gross floor area of around 21,000 m plus some 5,000 m for covered parking, and is due for completion in 2023. 2013-2017, Hospital and health care planning and design, Pl Laurantzon, Senior Architect MNAL, Design Director. Springer Nature.
110 - Fire By using this website, you agree to our Examples of circumstances where it may be appropriate to contact the out-of-hours medical service: Your GP or your GP's surgery is your main point of contact within the health service. We urge all customers to purchase comprehensive travel insurance. Oslo University Hospital is an emergency hospital for East and Southern Norway and has national emergency cover. URGENT CARE(for minor, non-life threatening injuries and illnesses) The hospital is furthermore responsible for ambulance services, the 113 emergency calls service (equivalent to 112, 999 or 911), air ambulance and patient transportation in Oslo and the County of Akershus. So it aims to be BREEAM-certified as Very good and is expected to be built as a plus building. Tel: +45 56 40 00 00. 2022 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Sustainable emergency medical unit for the people of Oslo, COWI and Nordic in the frontline with innovative BIM, Organisation, ownership and investor relations, Impact analysis plus outline and pre-project together with Nordic Office of Architecture. When you arrive at the medical centre, you must always contact the staff so that they can make a quick assessment of the urgency of your situation.