Edited by Lydia E. Kavraki, David Hsu, and Jonas Buchli
January M. Carroll, D. Hadfield-Menell, S. Russell, and A.D. Dragan. IJRR Special Issue 30(7), 2011, Robotics: Science and Systems V Springer K. Lee, L. Smith, A.D. Dragan, and P. Abbeel. IJRR Special Issue 31(7), 2012, Robotics: Science and Systems VI Krasheninnikov, J. Alexander, P. Abbeel, and A.D. Dragan. ISBN-13: 978-0-262-51779-9 Dogar, A.D. Dragan, R.A. Knepper, T. Niemueller, K. Strabala, M. Vande Weghe, and J. Ziegler. D. A. Z. Javed, D.S. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2007 I can see that the lab is working also in implementing classical locomotion techniques for comparison and benchmarking. However, I did not see any comparison in Erwins (and co-authors) papers against these techniques (especially their last work on Learning to Walk via Deep RL that did not even compare against the previous work of the authors). During the last three days of the conference, the wifi was awfully bad. Elsevier RSS this year was in Freiburg, Germany during June 2226th. ISBN-13: 978-0-262-70114-3, The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) of the Robotics: Science and Systems Proceedings is ISSN: 2330-765X. June 28 - July 1, 2009 A. Bobu, A. Bajcsy, J. Fisac, and A.D.Dragan. Modeling and Control of Soft Robots Using the Koopman Operator and Model Predictive Control., Karkus, Peter, et al. Despite not being listed as a trending keyword, some researchers claimed that soft robotics is the current second biggest trend in robotics after deep learning. From what I understood, the letters of invitation were late. M. Zucker, N. Ratliff, A.D. Dragan, M. Pivtoraiko, M. Klingensmith, C. Dellin, J. Bagnell, and S.S. Srinivasa. Shell, "Coordinated multi-robot planning while preserving individual privacy", L. Bobadilla, D. A. August 16-19, 2006 MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2008 Lee, and S.S. Srinivasa. ISBN-10: 0-262-51463-X "Quantifying Uncertainty in Networked Robotic Systems", "Self-organized Clustering of Square Objects by Multiple Robots", Proceedings of the International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), "Examining the Information Requirements for Flocking Motion", Proceedings of the International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB), "Cost, Precision, and Task Structure in Aggression-Based Arbitration for Minimalist Robot Cooperation". Shell, "Oblivious Sensor Fusion via Secure Multi-Party Combinatorial Filter Evaluation", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), H. Rahmani, D. A. R. Leontie, E. Drumwright, D. A. Sadigh, S. Sastry, and A.D. Dragan.

Shell, and J. M. O'Kane, "Toward a language-theoretic foundation Autonomous Robots Special Issue 31(2-3), 2011 July 12 - July 16, 2017 MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2013 Computer Networks & Wireless Communication, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, The International Journal of Robotics Research, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. Apart from the technical details, I really enjoyed all of the presentations. ISSN 2330-765X Vol.9 No. How it is calculated? Where do you think you're going? ISBN 978-0-9923747-4-7, Robotics: Science and System XIII They were exceptionally smooth with a great transition between speakers.
on or before the submission deadline. A.D. Dragan, K. Muellin, J.A. MITPress, Source Code Beautifier/Highlighter | Syntax Highlighter. Lastly, I really hoped the organizers would have gathered some statistics about gender ratio, ethnicity ratio, etc. K. Strabala, M.K. Jeans presentation was not mainly about sim2real but about online adaptation strategies for learning locomotion. G. Swamy, S. Reddy, S. Levine, and A.D. Dragan. The workshop was focusing on Sim2Real transfer approaches in robotics (both manipulation and locomotion). Wiley Shell, "Distributed Multi-Robot Area Patrolling in Adversarial Environments", the International Workshop on Robotic Sensor Networks (RSN), "From Selfish Auctioning to Incentivized Marketing", "Associating Nearby Robots to their Voices", Proceedings of International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALife), "Fully Decentralized Task Swaps with Optimized Local Searching", "Distributed Robotic Sampling of Non-Homogeneous Spatio-Temporal Fields Via Recursive Geometric Sub-Division", "Assignment Algorithms for Modeling Resource Contention and Interference in Multi-Robot Task-Allocation", "Computing Cell-Based Decompositions Dynamically for Planning Motions of Tethered Robots", "Physically Routing Robots through a Multi-robot Network: Flexibility through a Three Dimensional Matching Graph", "An Anytime Assignment Algorithm: From Local Task Swapping to Global Optimality", "Unifying Microscopic Flocking Motion Models for Virtual, Robotic, and Biological Flock Members", "Optimal Market-based Multi-Robot Task Allocation via Strategic Pricing", "Finding concise plans: Hardness and algorithms", "Improving the performance of self-organized robotic clustering: modeling and planning sequential changes to the division of labor", "Eliciting Collective Behaviors through Automatically Generated Environments", "Covering space with simple robots: from chains to random trees", "Automatic Reduction of Combinatorial Filters", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), "Large-Scale Multi-Robot Task Allocation via Dynamic Partitioning and Distribution", "Extensive analysis of Linear Complementarity Problem (LCP) solver performance on randomly generated rigid body contact problems". However, very few exceptional papers caught my interest. Universidad de Zaragoza Moritz Diehl) are finally getting interested in state-dependent switching dynamic systems (such as legged robots).
Edited by Yoky Matsuoka, Hugh Durrant-Whyte and Jos Neira And in that perspective, sim2real becomes essential. ", Y.-H. Kim, S.-W. Lee, H. Yang, and D. A. Shell, All rights reserved. conference web site (local mirror) Data Source: Scopus, Explore, visually communicate and make sense of data with our, Metrics based on Scopus data as of April 2022. RSS was for five days, two days for the workshops and three days for the main (single track) conference. Edited by Kris Hauser, Dylan Shell, and Shoudong Huang P. Knott, M. Carroll, S. Devlin, K. Ciosek, K. Hofmann, A.D. Dragan, R. Shah. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2009 MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2012 Shell, and J. M. O'Kane, "Sensor Selection for Detecting Deviations from a Planned Itinerary", Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), D. Chaudhuri, H. Rahmani, D. A. Now I am curious if it was the same researcher:). Each spotlight had roughly 5 presentations from the authors of the accepted papers followed by 10 minute Q&As. However, most of the of deep learning approaches (especially in legged locomotion) rely heavily on simulation (that are not even perfected yet). Shell, L. Huang, A. Becker, and J. M. O'Kane, "Planning Coordinated Event Observation for Structured Narratives", L. Li, A. Bayuelo, L. Bobadilla, T. Alam, and D. A. July 12 - July 16, 2021 Seattle, USA I just hoped that speakers would have had a bit more time in presenting their work. ISBN 978-0-9923747-3-0, Robotics: Science and Systems XI Most importantly, he mentioned multiple engineering topics that his lab is working on. ISBN-10: 0-262-52484-8 Shell, A. Becker, and J. M. O'Kane, "Conditioning Style on Substance: Plans for Narrative Observation", "Lattices of sensors reconsidered when less information is preferred", IEEE ICRA Workshop on Compositional Robotics: Mathematics and Tools, A. Tamjidi, R. Oftadeh, S. Chakravorty, and D. A. I. Schuele, A.D. Dragan, A. Radev, M. Schroeder, and K.H. conference web site In a sense that we should make a controller that makes the robot behave like in simulation rather than perfecting a simulator. [we often misspecify cost functions, but the cost we do specify is a useful observation about the underlying true cost the robot should optimize; what makes the cost misspecified? h5-median for a publication is the median number of citations for the articles that make up its h5-index. publisher's web site June 27 - July 01, 2022 publisher's web site Preferences Implicit in the State of the World. conference web site (local mirror) conference web site (local mirror)
Z. Marinho, B. June 27 - June 30, 2011 D. Sadigh, B. Landolfi, S. Sastry, S. Seshia, and A.D. Dragan. Inferring beliefs about dynamics from behavior. June 27-30, 2007 "Distribute the Task Swapping Assignment Method under Communication Constraints". Shell, A. Hopper, "A Midsummer Night's Dream; Social proof in HRI". J. Lin, D. Fried, D. Klein, and A.D. Dragan. University of Washington Y.-H. Kim, D. A. Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany October ISBN 978-0-9923747-8-5, Robotics: Science and System XVII For example, he mentioned the robots that they are using. Systems. A. Zhou, D. Hadfield-Menell andA.
Dates and citation counts are estimated and are determined automatically by a computer program. Some papers you might want to take a look at: You can still go see the the paper presentations and keynotes via this link.