The Austro Hungarian Empire completely ceased to exist as the War ended in the defeat of the Central Powers. The Arabic lands were divided among the British and the French and the Ottoman Empire was left to almost a fifth of the size of modern day Turkey. The Romanov family was massacred in the process. The Weimar Republic was the first democratic government Germany had experienced, and from the beginning it struggled to establish democratic norms amid the postwar upheaval, political violence, and economic disruptions of the period. They were namely the Hohenzollern, the Habsburg, the Romanov and the Ottoman. Within six weeks of the assassination, Europe was at war. Prior to WWI, most of the medicine practiced around the world was fairly archaic, said Carl Chudnofsky, chair and professor of clinical emergency medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. Between 8 to 10 million died while fighting, one among eight combatants. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The First World War was a pivotal moment in the impact of womens role in society. Some women publicly embraced this new access to traditionally male occupations and were determined not to relinquish them when the war was over. Research in chemistry led to the discovery of the infamous poison gases and other means for chemical warfare. However, the German policy of unrestricted submarine warfare targeting all ships, whether passenger or military, neutral or combatant resulted in the deaths of American citizens. After Tsar Nicholas II personally took over command of the Russian Army in September 1915, the military suffered heavy losses while the home front struggled with hunger and labor unrest. Austria-Hungary was split into Austria and Hungary and other independent states emerged from its territory, like Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. 1917: The Russian February RevolutionRussias problems at home reached the breaking point in 1917. France essentially took control of Syria and Britain took control over the remaining three mandates. The Great War and particularly the year 1917, marked a turning point in world politics, which would come a full circle in the coming decades and in the aftermath of the Second World War. More American soldiers died from the flu than from combat in World War I. November 11, 1918: ArmisticeBy 1918, the Central Powers began to collapse. Civil war between the Bolshevik Reds and their loosely allied opponents, the Whites, would rage from 1917 to 1922. The book has been translated into 45 languages and millions of copies have been sold. The Hohenzollern dynasty, which had been the ruling house of Prussia since 1415 AD and that of Imperial Germany since 1871, lost both their sovereignty in 1918. However, the instability of the Weimar Republic ultimately contributed to Adolf Hitlers rise to power. The best physicians and researchers were in the military so that led to great discoveries that made a huge difference for public health. Many died from starvation, disease, mass deportations, and genocide. This led to a national revolt under Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, against both Ottoman Empire and the Allies. From the communal baths of Rome to the Great Stink of London and the fortuitously named sanitary engineer Thomas Crapper, USC scholars tell the history of plumbing through the ages. And although World War I was called the war to end all wars, the U.S. has been at war somewhere around the world almost ever since. In the waters, the war saw the deployment of submarines, aircraft carriers, hydrophones and depth charges while aviation received enormous attention and growth. World War I led to the deaths of millions of soldiers and civilians. Then there was the Irish War of Independence in 1919-20, the Hungarian Revolution in 1918-1920, the Egyptian Revolution in 1919, the Biennio Rosso in Italy and many other movements including colonial revolts in the Middle East and in Southeast Asia. As war broke out in 1914 and prolonged, it began severely disrupting the European economies, allowing the United States to become the worlds leading creditor and industrial power. World War I is an amazingly important and underappreciated moment in history, said Nicholas J. Cull, historian in the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. The battle became a symbol of senseless death and the futility of war. Although the German Army was the first to use chemicals, all nations were soon using chemical weapons. Radio enabled air-to-air and air-to-ground communication for the first time. On his return to Istanbul, Ottoman General Enver Pasha publicly blamed his defeat on Armenians, who were supposedly collaborating with the enemy. The first day was the deadliest day of fighting in British history, as the British lost 20,000 troops (with another 37,000 wounded). World War I was a catastrophic event in terms of lives lost in the history of the world. Medical advances included screening for tuberculosis, treatment for tetanus, vaccines for typhoid, prevention of venereal disease and disinfection for surgery. January 8, 1918: Wilsons Fourteen PointsAmerican President Woodrow Wilson issued a set of principles to guide the postwar peace negotiations. It was signed on 28 June 1919 in Versailles, Paris, five years to date of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. The war ended when people were able to articulate a vision of the future, an optimism about how things were going to be better with nations working together.. October 29, 1929: Stock Market Crash and the Great DepressionIn October 1929, the American stock market crashed, setting off a global financial crisis known as the Great Depression. After World War I, people realized that many of the stories had been greatly exaggerated and sometimes fabricated, which sparked scepticism about later atrocity stories. The armistice was signed on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, at eleven minutes past the eleventh hour, bringing to an end the devastating fighting. There were many artistic responses to the horrors of war. The first day was the deadliest day of fighting in British history, as the British lost 20,000 troops (with another 37,000 wounded). The mass death and sense of loss caused by the war left an important and lasting cultural legacy in Europe and the United States. By mid-1915, European combatants sought to produce a new generation of superior warplanes every year. The Germans developed countermeasures in time to blunt the first use of massed armor by the French in April 1917. August 2630, 1914: The Battle of Tannenberg. April 25, 1919: Release of Abel Gances Film JAccuseThe profound devastation of World War I inspired many artistic responses focused on the futility of war and senselessness of death. Main telephone: 202.488.0400 After almost 100 years of relative peace, the major European nations went into a war that left millions dead, empires toppled, and a continent devastated. Though ethnic nationalism was on a rise for decades before WW1, the powerful and age old empires had the strength and resources to keep it in check. German forces were subsequently diverted from Verdun when the British launched the Battle of the Somme, and the Battle of Verdun ended in December when the French recaptured initial German gains. Written from the perspective of the men who died at Ypres, the poem helped turn the poppy, which was one of the few flowers that grew in the devastated soil on the Belgian battlefield, into a commemorative symbol of World War I. The Treaty of Versailles was the peace treaty which effectively ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers after WW1. With death count at somewhere between 20 and 40 million people, it has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in recorded world history. Members of a Serbian nationalist group carried out the assassination. A German delegation negotiated an armistice with the Allies, sparking the stab-in-the-back myth. What was left of the Ottoman Empire became Turkey after the Turkish War of Independence. Armored vehicles remain a central part of the Army today. However Europe and its colonial empires had been for a few centuries the nerve center in the world. The American pilots faced experienced opponents that were equipped with the most capable combat aircraft at that time -- underscoring the necessity for the American forces to develop capable air resources of their own. The problem would in fact lead to the assassination of AustroHungarian heir apparent Franz Ferdinand by a Bosnian Serb, an event that caused Austria Hungary to start the First World War. This was mostly viewed as a temporary situation and women were frequently forced out of jobs as the soldiers returned. The Army War College became the home for this photographic archive in 1919. War weary Russia saw the February Revolution in 1917 which toppled the monarchy and forced the Tsar to abdicate. Americans generally favored the Allied cause but did not want to become involved in the war. April 6, 1917:United States Entry into World War IThe United States had remained neutral when World War I began. Extensive chemical operations had been in place on the Western Front since April 1915, using phosgene, chlorine, and mustard gas. According to this interpretation, Germany lost not due to military defeat, but because the country had been betrayed by the republican leaders on the home front who agreed to the armistice. Many Armenian children were forcibly removed from their families and converted to Islam. Without American participation, the power and prestige of the League of Nations were greatly reduced. Moreover, it led to millions of women entering the work force changing the pre-war gender-equation. Russia and Germany gave land to Poland among other countries. As Allied blockades suffocated its enemies another 200,000 deaths occurred in the Great Famine of Mount Lebanon (1915-1918) and 750,000 German civilians died from starvation. In May, American soldiers deployed to Europe and carried the flu virus overseas. The treaty was designed to ensure that Germany would never again pose a military threat to Britain or France. Russias poor performance in the Great War acted as a catalyst in quickly deteriorating the situation.

The horses were soon found to be ineffective and tanks entered service in 1916. USC Marshall School of Business alumnus Kevin Gonzalez 93 became familiar with World War II hero Gregory Pappy Boyington and his legendary fighter pilot exploits through the 1970s TV series Baa Baa Black Sheep. The major European armies possessed airplanes prior to August 1914, but no one believed they would play a major role during World War I. With Russia out of the war, Germany no longer had to fight a two-front war and also gained a number of territorial concessions. Nearly ten million soldiers died in the fighting, far exceeding military deaths in all the wars of the previous 100 years combined. As the world went through a difficult time, many other day to day inventions were born out of necessity like the wristwatch, sanitary pads, stainless steel, tea bags, paper napkins, zips, drone and industrial fertilizer. American President Woodrow Wilson had ensured that U.S. stayed neutral in the war; and his policy was partly responsible for his reelection in 1916. With the death of Sultan Mehmed V in 1918, Sultan Mehmed VI presided over the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire under the Severes Treaty.